Cat show titles. Procedure for awarding titles

Pet, breeding, show - what class of Maine Coon kitten should I buy?

Brief overview: SHOW (show) class kittens BREED (breeding) class kittens PET (pet) class kittens
If you want to buy a Maine Coon kitten, but don’t know what class, then this article is for you. We will help you understand this issue, because... For many, the words “Pet”, “Breed”, “Show” are unclear terms. But the Maine Coon price is determined precisely by the class (quality) of the kitten and the purpose of its acquisition. This issue deserves worthy attention, because... Having figured out this issue, you can buy a Maine Coon kitten at an affordable price, if you are taking a pet only for home, as a family friend.

Exhibition categories:

Shorthair 1, Short hair group 1:

Oriental Shorthair Siamese Peterbald Thai Tonkinese
Shorthair 1, Short hair group 2:
Abyssinian American Curl American Shorthair American Wirehair Anatolian Asian Tabby Bengal Bombay Brazilian Shorthair British Shorthair Burmese Burmilla Devon Rex Don Sphynx Egyptian Mau Kanaani Canadian Sphynx Celtic (European Shorthair) Cornish Rex Kurilian Bobtail Korat Manx German Rex Ocicat Russian Blue Scottish Fold Selkirk Rex Singapore Ceylon Chartreuse Exotic Shorthair Japanese Bobtail
Semi-Longhair, Semi-Longhair Group
American Curl Balinese Cymrik Kuril Bobtail Maine Coon Nebelung Neva Masquerade Norwegian Forest Oriental Semi-longhair Ragdoll Sacred Burma Selkirk Rex Siberian Somalia Turkish Angora Turkish Van Highland fold Japanese Bobtail
Longhair, Longhair group

Kittens SHOW (show) class

The word "show" is from English. – a spectacle. Show class kittens are intended for exhibition career and breeding. These are the most prestigious Maine Coon kittens. They fully comply with the breed standard. They are admired by visitors and judges at exhibitions, and are awarded high titles and first places in the rings. Accordingly, such cats are expensive. Show quality kittens can be male or female.

Often in a contract for the purchase of a kitten, the class of such a kitten can be designated as: “breed, with show potential.” The fact is that a kitten’s body is fully formed by 10-12 months, and often already at shows, in an open class (class of adult cats), the judge can determine whether the show is a kitten or not. Therefore, do not worry if there is such a mark in the contract. This is fine.

Buyers of such kittens may be owners who plan to register a Maine Coon cattery and engage in breeding, attend exhibitions and produce pedigree kittens. And also, these can be ordinary owners who love holidays, show spectacles at cat shows, exhibiting their make-coon in the rings and being proud of it. Maine Coon price of show-class kittens is, on average, 50-70 thousand rubles. and higher.

Matings of golden cats

Dear members, dear judges, constantly golden and silver cats are seen on WCF shows with severe color defaults, mainly at the British Shorthair in golden. In the meantime, serious color faults such as no nose or eye surroundings or wrong colors on the paws were also found in silver cats. The WCF Board has therefore decided the following: To protect breeders and cats, matings between golden and silver cats are forbidden from April 1st, 2022 until further genetic research have been carried out to determine which gene it is and ensure that this gene, in addition to the color faults, cannot cause any other genetic defects in offspring. Offsprings with the characteristics described above, which have fallen in these matings, can only receive a RIEX pedigree with the EMS color code “x” due to this non-recognized color. The pedigree must also be marked with “Not for breeding”, so please inform your breeders and your trainee clubs that these cats may not be sold for breeding before the genetic tests have been completed. Cats with the above-mentioned color fault may only be exhibited with EMS colorcode “x” in the show class 24 – unrecognized colors / breeds – and may therefore not receive a title or participate in the Best in Show. If these cats are registered in the wrong color and presented to the judge for assessment, they have to be rewritten by the judge to class 24. Likewise, no title may be awarded. Cats with these color faults can only participate in the Variety Ring.

The Board

BREED class kittens.

From English the words "breed" - breed. A breed class cat is a healthy Maine Coon with an excellent pedigree, high breed characteristics, a good reproductive system, intended for breeding work. This class of kittens includes mainly cats, their main task is to produce healthy pedigree kittens.

At exhibitions it is enough for them to receive the title of Champion (or Inter Champion). Such cats, with a competent approach to breeding, do an excellent job, just like show class cats - to give birth to champions and grand champions!

Breed class cats are more likely to be classified as third class-pet. Because For them, competition at exhibitions is tougher. There is a greater demand for them, they are the face of the breed, the face of the kennel.

Breed class cats are bought for breeding mainly by breeders or owners who want to open their own Maine Coon cattery. Maine Coon price of breed class kittens for breeding is 40 thousand rubles and above.

If you are buying a kitten of the breed class (males, cats) not for breeding, then the price can be from 20 thousand rubles - cats, from 30 thousand rubles. – Maine Coon cats. In the contract, as a rule, they are awarded the classification of pet. But this, as you see, is only a documentary formality.

Changes for WCF judges and student judges

It was acknowledged that the WCF is almost the only WCC organization that allows double listings of judges. A board decision was made and is valid until the General Assembly that forbids WCF judges to be listed on the judges lists of other organizations. This includes WCC organizations. The only exception is the LOOF because of the agreements made in the contract. Please find here the exact wording of the board decision: 1. WCF eV doesn`t accept applications anymore from judges who are already in the judges list of other organizations, including WCC members. 2. Judges should decide on which organizations judges list they want to be listed – WCF judges list or another organization. If they will choose another organization, it is possible to keep the judges in the guest judges list, if the relevant judge is in the list of a non WCC organization. This Board decision with character of a rule comes into force with publication and will be placed for voting on the next General Assembly. The judges of the actual WCF judges list should decide until December 31st, 2022, on which judges list they want to be listed. They must inform the Judges Commission (Jürgen Trautmann and Cornelia Hungerecker) about their decision. Afterwards all judges who decide against WCF will be deleted from the judges list immediately.

The Board

PET class kittens.

From English The word "pet" means home. Kittens in this category can be both male and female. Most often, these are kittens that have defects in the breed, and they may be disqualified at exhibitions. They are sold with the obligatory condition of castration/sterilization.

But this does not mean at all that these are animals of inferior quality. It’s just that the kitten may have shortcomings in the breed data, for example: a discrepancy in color, insufficient size for a Maine Coon, irregularly shaped ears, a crease in the tail, cryptorchidism, etc.

Do you agree that all these points do not mean at all that this is a mongrel kitten?! Against! These are Maine Coon kittens that can become the most beloved pet in your home, a family friend, a friend of your child, and arouse the admiration of guests at home. But there is an advantage! You can buy a Maine Coon kitten, pet class, at an inexpensive price of 10-20 thousand rubles.

Remember also about breed class kittens, which are also formalized in the contract as a pet class - in the sense that they are sold without the right to breed, and their price is slightly higher than real pets.

I think now you definitely understand the classes of kittens, and understand how the class of a kitten affects the price of a Maine Coon. And perhaps now you can quickly decide on the choice of a pet and buy a Maine Coon kitten - the best friend in the world, regardless of its class, right?!

If you still need help choosing, don’t hesitate to ask, and we will definitely help you choose a big-eared, big-faced baby for you)))

© Mariana Badalyan, felinologist instructor, breeder of the Mister Kun nursery +7

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In what format are exhibitions held?

Exhibitions at which titles are awarded, which are considered by responsible professionals, must be official and take place under the auspices of one of the world's recognized felinological systems. There are several large systems in the world, but they all hold exhibitions in one of two generally accepted formats: European or American.

European standard.

Provides “on the table” judging, where the owner or breeder presenting his cat communicates directly with the judge and immediately receives a description of his pet from him.

American standard.

In the USA, a ring system has been adopted, in which the expert silently evaluates the animal and gives points, which are announced at the time of summing up the results.

According to European rules, exhibitions are held by such systems as WOC, WCF, FIFe, FARUS. According to the American ones - TICA, CFA and other large systems.

In Russia, the European format is more popular: many consider it more transparent, since exhibition participants receive animal ratings directly from an expert, and these ratings immediately count towards a possible title.

Breeders' advice

Many breeders claim that ragdolls are quite playful animals. Therefore, they should be given enough attention from an early age, replenishing their arsenal of toys in a timely manner. You should also not forget that your pet should have some freedom, time and place for spending time alone. The Ragdoll may suddenly change his mood: now he is cheerful and playful, but after a while he needs peace and quiet.

Another feature of ragdolls (“rag dolls”) is that they are able to take the most bizarre and relaxed poses in the arms of their owners. This habit can play a bad joke on them - after all, in the event of a sudden fall, the animal cannot always group itself in time to land correctly on its paws. For the same reason, this nature is not recommended for families with a small child. Since the animal has a fairly low pain threshold, during active games with children there is a high probability of seriously injuring it.

Feeding recommendations

Caring for British kittens necessarily involves feeding them. Some people believe that babies can be given whatever is in the refrigerator. In fact, such a diet is harmful to health, because spices, salt, fatty foods, and sweets destroy the digestive system. Some people prefer cheap dry food, but this is also not the best choice. If you want to feed ready-made food for cats, then it is better to choose a premium class.

Natural nutrition is often the most correct solution. In this case, the kitten will receive all the necessary vitamins, and the person will know exactly what the Briton is eating. You can give lean poultry, vegetables, fish, and rabbit meat. If we talk about porridges, it is better to prefer buckwheat and rice.

Cow's milk is not recommended; you should stick to sour cream or cream. In addition, goat milk will be useful, but it is not always available. Some cats love cottage cheese, and you should definitely buy it for their growing bodies.

You should not give anything from the table if you do not want problems with the digestive system. Purebred pets are especially sensitive to such products, so you need to carefully select ingredients.

What is the rank of cats?

WCF (World Cat Federation) experts have formed exhibition classes presented in the table:

1World class champions claiming "Breed Winner"
2World premier cats, i.e. neutered, who are aimed at awards from the first class
3Medal competition: “World Champion”, “Best in Show”
4Includes Grand European Premiers who compete for the title of "World Premier"
5Leaders from Europe compete for "Grand Champion of Europe"
6European premiers competing for awards from the fifth class
7International Leaders among the “Big Ones” strive for “European Champion”
8Neutered cat breeds from the “Great International” claim the title of “Premier of the World”
9World Champions competing for the "International Grand Champion"
10World winners among sterilized people, vying for the award from the ninth grade
11Winners who compete for "International Champion"
12Cats fighting for the "International Premier"
13Pets from 10 months of age who have received identification passports compete in the “Champion” category.
14Sterilized representatives applying for "Premier"
15Cat 6-10 months, participation for “Breed Winner among Young Animals”
16Representatives 3-6 months, competition for “Best in Show among kittens”
17Up to 3 months - “Best litter”
18Babies up to six months old, classification as a breed
193 month old kittens - determination of color characteristics
20Determining the winners among neutered domestic cats

CFA titles

The right to receive the prestigious Champion CFA title gives a cat participation in six rings, staffed by at least four experts; however, none of them should disqualify her. If a cat is awarded such a title, it will receive a ribbon - an award ribbon, which can be of different colors - depending on the category in which the pet is awarded, as well as grand points - points scored according to an established scheme. The most important title in the system, Grand Champion CFA, requires a certain number of such points. The number of points depends on the region in which the exhibition is held. (2)

Breeders' advice

Breeders who value their reputation, love their work and their British cats are not indifferent to the future fate of the graduates of their catteries.

Therefore, breeders are always ready to help new kitten owners with advice and action.

The first days in a new home are the most difficult for a baby.

In order for him to get used to it faster and not experience much discomfort, you need to give him maximum attention: talk to him more often, play with him, just be near him. As a rule, British kittens have already mastered the litter tray perfectly by the time they are released. The owner’s task is to show the baby where this important item is and ensure its constant cleanliness: fresh litter of the usual brand or a tray that is always washed after each visit if an adsorbent is not used. Even before the kitten arrives, you need to decide on its nutrition system, whether it will be ready-made or natural food.

To avoid problems with your pet’s digestion, you should always adhere to the chosen type of feeding. The recommended commercial food for British kittens should be at least premium. Although the British have excellent self-grooming skills, we should not forget about such hygienic activities as cleaning ears, teeth, trimming nails, and bathing. Timely vaccinations and preventive veterinary examinations are required throughout the animal’s life. Changes in well-being and behavior - refusal to eat, lethargy, apathy, dull eyes - are a reason for an unscheduled visit to the veterinarian. Attempting to treat a sick pet on your own can cost him his life.

And no less important than all these manifestations of care are the relationships with the pet, which need to be built from the moment it appears in the owner’s life. British cats are noble, self-respecting animals that do not tolerate indifference or rudeness. But they will return a hundredfold to a person’s sincere affection and love.

WFA titles

The future “Champion” of the WFA system is required to receive three CAC ratings from different experts, and they can be obtained in the same region. “Regional Champion” is more difficult to win: RCAC ratings are needed, and there must be at least five judges in one region, or at least three, but in two regions.

It will not be possible to obtain the title of “Grand Regional Champion” without GRCAC assessments, which will be given to the cat by at least three different experts in two different regions. Second condition: a Nom BIS mark or five GRCAC assessments from different experts plus a Nom BIS in one region is required.

The title “International Champion” is, as the name implies, an international level, and you will have to go to another country to get it. At least one, since in this case the CACIB assessment of the cat must be given by three specialists in two different countries. You can try to take this peak in one region, but then five CACIB assessments are needed - again, from three experts. There is an even more prestigious inter-title, it is called “Grand International Champion”. Here the conditions are almost similar, but CAGCIB scores alone are not enough; Nom BIS in two different countries is also needed. However, it is possible to obtain Nom BIS in one region, but then the minimum number of CAGCIB assessments must be five.

The most prestigious title in the system is called “Supreme Champion”. It is especially difficult to obtain, which is why it is the most prestigious. The cat must have SCAC scores from at least three judges and be Best in Show in its category. (6)

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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