Cat breeds
Description of the Selkirk Rex breed Popularity 17th place among 86 cat breeds Life expectancy: 15-17 years
History of origin Somali cats are a young breed, but extremely popular. And no wonder: quite simple
The appearance of a Scottish kitten in a family is a joy for everyone, but also a great responsibility. Need to
Pets are not toys, but full-fledged members of the family. When choosing a pet, it is important to consider
The cat family has a huge number of representatives. It has three main subfamilies - small cats, large cats
The Whiskas color does not exist in nature, but it was this color that suddenly became viral and beat
Maine Coons differ from many purebred cats in their greater weight and size, so to maintain health
Proper care and feeding Chinese Li Huas love free space, so they are preferable
Albino animals often attract human attention. Their snow-white coat makes them stand out from others.
Chausie are domesticated descendants of predatory inhabitants of swamps, rivers, and lakes. These proud creatures are the embodiment