Why is my cat acting so strange? - reasons and what to do

There are many things cats do that we consider rare. They are part of normal cat behavior that guardian cats eventually adapt to. Some of them are characteristic of cats as a species, others are characteristic of an individual cat. This does not mean that they are not necessarily healthy or that they indicate a problem in your well-being. The type of behavior we define as odd in this HowMeow article is common in a healthy cat. Such strange or abnormal behavior could highlight a physical or psychological problem that needs to be addressed.

If you love yourself, “ Why is my cat acting strange?? ”, It can be very difficult to determine the root cause. However, it is necessary, which means taking our veterinarian with you.

The cat is stealing

A cat can steal both food from the table and things.
If your purr is carrying treats, it may be lacking in vitamins and minerals. Change the food, give your pet treats more often, and the cat will stop pulling sausage from the table. When a furry fidget pulls things, such as hair ties or socks, it is most often a game. Buy your cat a couple of new entertaining toys. Let it be not just balls and squeakers, but toys with a “secret” where you can hide a treat. While the cat is trying to get it, he will satisfy all his instincts.

It happens that a cat steals food and hides it in hard-to-reach places: under the bed or under the chest of drawers. This is how the predator instinct manifests itself. It happens that cats who are taken into the house from the street or from a large cat pack behave this way. They are afraid that the food will run out quickly, so they put aside pieces for a “rainy day.”

It's difficult to deal with this. For the first time, cover all places where your pet can hide food. Over time, this habit will disappear on its own. The cat will make sure that there is always food in the bowl and will stop hiding pieces in secluded places.

Why does a cat fuss, run, often meow nervously, and run away from the house?

A week ago my parents arrived from Moscow; before that, the cat and I were left alone on the farm. Periodically, the cat was locked at night when it was necessary to go to work. The cat was released in the morning, the cat felt well, and no changes in behavior were observed. But after 3 days something happened to the cat.

Some strange things began to happen in his behavior:

  • often meows nervously and protractedly for no reason, looking at one point, standing still;
  • as soon as he comes home, he grabs a piece of food without chewing and rushes back to the door, asking to go outside;
  • does not respond to calls “kitty-kitty, let’s go home”, but begins to meow frequently;
  • in the evenings he looks for distant dark corners (in the closet, on the desk among folders), where he had not been lying before;
  • runs around the apartment in small dashes, fussing;
  • the eyes are crazy, as if frightened by something;
  • outwardly it seems that he has lost a little weight.

Tell me, please, what could be the reasons for this cat’s lifestyle? I really need your help and advice.

Such a story happened to my cat (a long time ago) and for a long time I also could not understand the reason for his hysterical behavior, although the cat had been neutered since adolescence and for about 7 years behaved as a eunuch should - quietly and peacefully.

Then it turned out that large beetles had flown into the house (it was in the spring) and hid under the furniture, and at dusk they crawled out, scaring our Chernysh, who did not know where to go. During the day he tried to crawl through the bars on the windows, although he had never done this before - he was afraid of the street, because our nursery is German and they scared him once when he was little, since then he sat only on the threshold of the house, and then his nose didn't stick out. We thought that he had lost his mind, we took him to the veterinary clinic and there they told us that the cat was stressed and was very frightened by something.

The truth was revealed three days later: at night, the cat’s heartbreaking cry woke us up and we discovered a large black beetle on his back (I don’t know the name), and seven more near his food bowl! They almost went crazy with fright - they had never seen anything like them before.

When the beetles were collected and thrown out, and the floors were washed to remove their smell, then our Blackie slowly calmed down and stopped raging.

Perhaps your cat was scared of guests, there are some animals that can’t stand strangers in the house - my godmother’s cat died of a heart attack (6 years old) when there was a noisy party in the house (they had never made much noise before).

They are so gentle, so I advise you to contact your veterinarian so that he can examine the animal and give qualified recommendations.

The cat is behaving inappropriately. Signs of inappropriate behavior in cats

Kitty, you are inadequate) Suddenly the cat starts rushing around the apartment, peeling wallpaper from the walls along the way, and at night you wake up from the cat’s heart-rending screams.

How to determine what kind of insanity this is?

If a dog’s body language clearly tells us about its desires, then with a cat it’s more complicated. What could be the reasons for a cat’s strange, inappropriate and even extravagant behavior?

Why do cats act crazy?

It doesn't depend on the breed. Any cat, regardless of origin and upbringing, for some unknown reason begins to run from room to room and meow.

At the same time, its speed is comparable to a racing car on the track. The meowing projectile rushes around the apartment, looking around everywhere, and then suddenly stops abruptly.

This kind of uncivilized behavior is also called “midnight madness.” The cat becomes active, jumps on your bed, trying to get its paws onto the pillow next to your face, inviting you to play. There are several reasons for such wild and funny madness.

Ancient predator instincts

Each cat retains the primitive desire for predation caused by its ancestors. With this behavior, your cat may be demonstrating hunting tricks, fighting positions, or escape techniques.

The domestic kitty is always fed and watered; she does not need to look for food.

But the accumulated energy needs to be spent, so here you have crazy behavior.

Cat toys such as mice, pen wands and laser pointers encourage the cat to demonstrate natural abilities that are indispensable when hunting: the cat grabs, jumps and runs. The effect is enhanced if you play outside.

Night instincts

Some baleen-striped animals prefer a nocturnal lifestyle; accordingly, they are more active in the dark. If the cat is not tired during the day, expect a lot of activity at night.

Domestic cats sit idle during the day, waiting for their owner to go to work. In the evening, your cat will ask you to play with her. If her needs are not met, the unspent energy splashes out. Kittens are especially energetic.


An older cat may act strangely due to mental problems. The brains of older animals work in a different mode, causing strange behavior. Check if your cat has these.


The cat's behavior can be explained by the fact that she has fleas, and they are simply biting her! She may meow and call for help if she is hypersensitive and cannot reach the itchy bitten area.

Strange Behavior Can Be a Cry for Confidence

Cats, in some ways, can become more attached to the place they live than the people they live with, although this depends on the cat's personality and the relationship they have with their owners. Most of the time, these strange behavioral problems are the cat's way of screaming for love and confidence. If you find your cat desperately trying to pet their faces against you and everything they encounter when they settle into your new home, it is because cats have scent glands that are found on their cheek. Cats love the smell of their domains, it makes them feel secure as they mark their territory.

People sense that something is wrong with your home.

The heavy atmosphere of their home is felt not only by its owners, but also by other people. If earlier your friends loved to sit at your house over a cup of coffee, now they constantly come up with an excuse not to do this. Guests entering your home may experience a sudden deterioration in their mood or even their well-being. You and them may begin to have sudden, violent arguments and quarrels. There are cases when the evil spirits living in an apartment selectively influence people entering the house, not allowing men into it. They become very uncomfortable, and an irrational reaction of panic and a desire to leave the confines of the house as soon as possible appears. At the same time, you may have excellent relations with them in another territory. Pets sense someone's invisible presence and behave strangely. It’s as if they see someone else besides you in an empty room.

How to deal with an inadequate boss?

The worst situation is when a person values ​​a good job and career prospects, but is forced to deal with an aggressive, authoritarian boss every day. The future in the company and the well-being of the subordinate depend on this person. Therefore, the employee is forced to resort to especially careful planning of his own behavior.

How to behave with an inadequate person who has power over you? Under no circumstances should you leave things to chance. Fight against manifestations of rudeness and humiliation. Otherwise, a persistent bad mood will drive you into depression, lower your self-esteem, and harm not only your mental but also your physical well-being.

If you are a specialist and a valuable employee of the company, arrange a conversation with your boss. Try to maintain a calm tone of conversation. Express your interest in retaining your position to your manager. Hint at diligence in performing duties. Tell them that some aspects of the relationship confuse you and have a negative impact on your productivity. Ask your boss to avoid unpleasant moments that harm the achievement of useful work results.

As a last resort, form a team of like-minded people. File a complaint with higher management. If the director of the company is “on the same wavelength” with the boss, it’s probably worth simply looking for another, equivalent place of work for career development. After all, no amount of payment and possible prospects are worth constant bullying and the risk of mental trauma.

Why do cats become suddenly active?

Just five minutes ago everything was calm, and suddenly there was a hurricane. Your furry pet, with the excitement of a hunter pursuing prey, rushes to your feet, arches his back, his eyes sparkle. Or vice versa - it watches every movement and attacks you from ambush. The cute cat, who was dozing in a chair five minutes ago, has turned into a small predator.

You can try to calm a raging domestic tiger by pouring water, squawking, or clapping your hands. But with such a reaction you will most likely only spur the animal to further action. It is better to try to channel your pet's unbridled energy into a more peaceful direction.

The need for play and movement is natural. She can be satisfied by playing with her friends or toys - a ball, a paper “butterfly”, a toy mouse. If you cannot get another member of the cat family, then play with your cat yourself several times a day. And only when you feel the approaching start of “hostilities”, and on your own initiative.

And so that you don’t have to wake up from a cat attack at night, play with the “tiger cub” before going to bed. You can protect your sleep by simply closing the door, but then you may have to listen to dissatisfied meows and the noise of falling objects.

Is your pet getting ready to pounce again? There is no need to express concern. Be glad that he is healthy and energetic.

Unmotivated aggression

The most mysterious type of aggression. The cat seems to have just rubbed against your legs, purring, accepting your affection, and suddenly suddenly changes its mood and bites you. There is a very fine line when pleasure turns into irritation.

Some scientists believe that a person accidentally touches some sensitive place on the cat's body or that static electricity accumulates on the fur from your stroking.

What to do?

Notice a change in mood in time: twitching of the tail, flattened ears, restlessness. It would be good to distract the cat at this moment, for example, with a toy or treat. But if you don’t have time, you’ll have to cover the bite site with disinfectants. There is no other way out in this case.

The cat is constantly reaching for water

Many cats love water, although they do not respond to it in the same way as dogs. Cats prefer to approach water on their own terms, and don't like to cheat on them.

When it comes to drinking water, cats are more attracted to running water or dripping water from a faucet because it is a natural way for them to interact with water.

But water in a bowl is less likely to attract your cat's attention since they can't smell it or see it move. If you're worried that your cat is drinking too little due to a "less interesting" form of water, try experimenting

Give her the opportunity to “hunt” for water, “catch” it, or even better, try to get water for you on her own.

If you are concerned that your cat is drinking too little due to a “less interesting” form of water, try experimenting. Give her the opportunity to “hunt” for water, “catch” it, or even better, try to get water for you on her own.

Here are just a few aspects of your cat's strange behavior. If you notice any unusual habits in your pet, do not rush to immediately run to the veterinarian.

Think about it: maybe your cat just doesn't have enough attention, or maybe she's trying to show her natural instincts.

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The cat stares intensely into space and doesn’t blink.

This pet behavior sends chills down your spine. You yourself try to see what the cat is so interested in, but you don’t notice anything special. Then you try to distract her, call out to her, persistently call her. But she, without showing any emotions, stares intensely into the void and does not blink. What does she see there?

Psychics and mystics are sure that at this moment the animal saw a clot of subtle matter, which is most likely a spirit. Perhaps someone died in this apartment before you, and his soul comes to visit his previous home. Or is it a spirit that accidentally wandered into your place. Or maybe it was the spirits of your ancestors who came to warn you about some events. In any case, the cat sees something inaccessible to the human eye.

However, there is a rational explanation for this behavior. The cat's eye is a very sensitive organ. It's not for nothing that cats see in the dark. Your pet just noticed some insect and is trying to wait for it to start moving.

In addition, cats have very sensitive hearing. They hear over a very long distance. These sounds distinguished by a cat are inaccessible to humans. Perhaps she just heard something.

Cats have a well-developed sense of smell. In their palate there is a special Jacobson's organ, which allows the cat to sense smells at a very long distance. Perhaps the cat smelled something that interested her or heard an alarming sound and is trying to figure out what will happen next. This is what explains her frozen pose.

How to find a cat

If the animal still runs away, a search should be organized immediately. If this is a dacha or cottage community, then advertisements posted in places where almost all residents visit - near the store or the office - usually help you find a cat.

A cat that is allowed to walk outside on its own must be microchipped. Although the best option would be a collar with a tag that shows the owner's phone number and name.

You need to be especially attentive to your pet if there is a forest nearby. The cat's natural instincts will lead him there, and he will easily get lost.

If the pet is already old, then, first of all, you need to inspect all the nooks and crannies in the yard or garden - a sick animal usually does not go far, but looks for a secluded corner

It is important to remember that the cat's safety is in the hands of the owner.

The cat sleeps, and then suddenly jumps up and hides

Mystics are sure that cats can interact with otherworldly forces, are guides to the world of the dead, see and feel spirits, and communicate with brownies. The cat's quirk associated with suddenly waking up and running away is explained by the activation of the dark forces living in the apartment. An evil spirit frightened the cat, and he had to escape.

The scientific explanation is that cats, unlike humans, have much more developed senses. In her sleep, she heard a sound from the street that seemed dangerous to her. Following her instincts, the sleepy cat chose not to figure out what happened, but to run away.

The cat avoids some place in the house

Sometimes a cat stubbornly avoids a certain place in the apartment and bypasses it. For example, he refuses to jump on a sofa or chair or go to the closet. Passing by, she casts an anxious glance in that direction and turns off, changing her trajectory.

Mystics are sure that the most dangerous dark energies are concentrated in this place; the place is occupied by a spirit that constantly inhabits it, with which the cat has a hostile relationship.

From a rational point of view, this fearful behavior is explained by negative experiences associated with this place. Something scared the pet the last time he was here. Either he jumped off unsuccessfully, twisting his paw and causing himself pain, or the owner at this point scolded the cat beyond measure. Or the sharp sound scared him last time. The cat simply does not want a repetition of the dangerous situation and avoids it in every possible way.

Reasons for strange behavior

Quite often, dog owners notice serious changes in the animal’s behavior after grooming. This is especially noticeable after the first time. The dog may begin to hide from everyone, refuse food and water, and even show aggression. Sometimes he actively itches, whines or walks strangely.

All these rather disturbing symptoms are a reaction to the shortening of the coat. It is not always the master’s fault, but in most cases it is due to the characteristics of the dog itself.

Veterinarians identify three main reasons for changes in dogs’ behavior:

Embarrassment. When he finds himself without his fur coat for the first time, especially if the haircut is ultra-short, the dog feels embarrassed about himself

She realizes that she looks strange, that she has lost a very important part of her appearance, and experiences strange physical sensations. It’s as if a person hasn’t had a haircut since childhood, and then suddenly shaved almost bald.

In this state, the dog will show fear and embarrassment. Attempts to hide, not to contact friends, especially animals, refusal of food and water at first, reluctance to make close contact in the first day are quite normal and expected reactions. Give him time to get comfortable, come to his senses, leave him alone with himself for a few hours. As soon as the animal gets used to the new sensations and understands that nothing terrible has happened, its behavior will return to normal.

Irritation and minor wounds. It is thanks to them that the dog constantly itches and licks the clipped areas, because of them he walks strangely or even cannot go to the toilet normally. This happens if you shave your puppy too short for the first time, almost to zero. This is especially true for areas with delicate skin, such as the genitals, butt or ears. If you notice something similar in your animal, the main thing is not to let it lick or scratch itself, as this will only increase the discomfort. Treat the skin areas with an antiseptic and give an antihistamine and sedative. Repeat taking the products and treating your skin for several days, and everything will get better. Most animals, over time, with sufficiently frequent repetition, overcome this effect; their skin gets used to the effects of metal in the machine and no longer gives such a reaction. But if you trim no more than 2 times a year, then you will either have to experience irritation every time, or cut your hair not so short.

Types of aggression in cats

How to stop a cat from tearing up wallpaper and furniture: causes and solution to the problem

Bouts of rage do not occur suddenly: cats give several warning signals before an attack. What to do if cats are aggressive towards humans? To solve the problem, you need to find the source of inappropriate behavior.

Defensive-aggressive reactions to threat

Aggression can be of an active offensive nature. In this case, the pet takes the initiative to attack a fellow tribesman or person who is not a threat to it. The sources of such attacks include:

  • attack during gameplay - an attempt to achieve a goal at any cost;
  • intolerance towards a fellow cat - appears when meeting another cat or when trying to expel it from the territory.

Fighting for territory
Attempts to defend themselves are not always associated with fear and reflexes. This pattern is found in good-natured and affectionate cats; it occurs in response to an external stimulus:

  • accidentally pressed tail;
  • crushed paw;
  • other options for minor domestic injuries.

The pain syndrome includes a defensive reaction: the animal begins to bite and scratch. These features are worth remembering if there are small children in the house. An angry animal, not wanting to cause pain, can attack and harm the child. Aggression can also be caused by the bites of a playful cat - the second pet reacts poorly to discomfort and enters into a retaliatory fight.

Antisocial reactions

If a cat has become aggressive, this state of pets is associated with the desire to interrupt or prevent a person or fellow person from contacting them. Features of actions are associated with the past:

  • a certain color of fur on an unfamiliar cat resembles an old offender;
  • A guest who came into the house in the past accidentally stepped on a paw - when they meet, the cat will remember the pain and fear and begin to bite the offender.

Why did the cat suddenly become aggressive? Inappropriate actions are sometimes provoked by prolonged stroking or interrupted sleep. Some animals love to be petted for hours, while others run out of patience too quickly. As a result, the confused person is forced to defend himself from the angry cat.

To avoid getting into such situations, you need to carefully monitor the reaction of your furry pet: if he pinned his ears, began nervously wagging his tail, or showed concern, then it is better to leave the animal alone.

Important! To avoid unpleasant moments with attacks on strangers, you must first look at the actions of the animal. If it is worried or behaves unusually, then it is better to prevent the problem by locking the pet in the room in advance


The appearance of fits of rage between cats living in the same house occurs for the following root reasons:

when another pet appears; competition for food, a bed, the owner’s attention, a potty; long-term absence of a previously living animal in the apartment.

The intraspecific type of aggression occurs both between strangers and pets living under the same roof. Any irritation and the cats lying peacefully next to each other angrily attack each other.

The cat sits in or on a box

Cats seem to really like to sit in or on top of boxes, no matter where they are: in a warehouse, at home, in a garbage dump, in a store. The fact is that cats are constantly exploring something, and the box is one of the things that they use for these purposes, and make it their potential shelter from danger.

Constantly jumping and sliding into the box gives them the opportunity to exercise their instinct to find a safe space, similar to what happens in the wild.

Providing boxes and other similar spaces for your cat is an inexpensive way to enrich your home environment and provide an enjoyable experience for your cat.

Try not to keep toys in these areas and always ensure that the environment is safe for your pet.

When it comes to storing your pet's toys, keep in mind that retrieving them from storage should not be a difficult task for your cat.

The cat demands to open the door to the room, but does not go there herself.

It happens that a cat stubbornly meows in front of a closed door to a room, scratches the door with its claws, demanding to be let in immediately. But as soon as the door is opened, she loses interest in this room, turns away and leaves, or freezes on the threshold and does not want to enter.

People involved in the supernatural claim that cats communicate and sometimes become friends with brownies. This is how the cat looks for its friend in the rooms. Therefore, she demands to be allowed into a closed room. But as soon as she sees that there is no brownie in this room, she leaves to look for him further.

From a scientific point of view, the animal’s behavior is explained by the desire to control its territory. All cats consider themselves the owners of the apartment where they live. As the owner, they want to have unhindered access to all premises. The cat must keep everything under control, then it will be calm. Having made sure through the open door that everything is in order in the room, she does not go there as unnecessary.

There are different explanations for the eccentricities of cats. Some people believe in the psychic abilities of pets, while others explain their behavior in terms of reason. But everyone agrees on one thing - the cat is one of the most unusual pets with its own well-established set of habits.

Lies next to a sick owner

Cats are born doctors: in some amazing way they sense when their owner is feeling unwell. In such cases, they lie down next to you, take away the bad energy, and the person feels better. After this, the animals themselves may get sick, but they sacrifice themselves for the sake of their beloved owner.

It is interesting that cats sense a person’s illness, even if he himself feels well. If your pet was previously not very affectionate, and now she won’t get away with it, perhaps it’s time for you to think about your health. When an animal is constantly pressed against a specific part of the body, this indicates that the source of the disease is hiding there.

Sterilization and contraceptives - the secret code of peace and quiet

If you ask the veterinarian, what is the best way to calm down a pet that has gone on a spree?
Then he will answer that the easiest way to calm a cat that has gone on a spree is sterilization. It will save the animal owner from a lot of troubles that can arise during a cat's heat. However, the animal may have some health problems for which this procedure is not recommended. And in order to calm the rogue animal, it is necessary to take some other measures. shutterstock

Today there are many contraceptive drops and hormonal medications, but you need to be careful with them so as not to harm the health of your pet who has been on a spree. They must be given strictly following the doctor’s instructions and conditions.

In addition, we should not forget that hormonal drugs can cause various oncological diseases in animals. In particular, cancer of the uterus or mammary glands.


Never use your hands for hunting games with your cat. Prolonged stroking can cause an aggressive reaction in the animal. So pet your cat for one or two seconds and stop. If the cat wants to continue, she will let you know. But stop petting immediately as soon as you feel the animal’s body tense.

Many people think that a cat lies down on its back in front of its owner because it wants to be stroked on its belly. In fact, this is just a sign of trust, while almost all cats really don’t like it when their stomach is touched and are ready to protect this vulnerable part of the body with their teeth.

How experience affects a cat's behavior

Cats have a good memory, especially for negative situations. And a negative experience can radically change an animal, even if the breed itself is kind and affectionate. If the animal had a negative experience in life, for example, it was thrown out, beaten by the previous owners, starved, treated poorly, then this will leave a serious mark on the cat’s soul. And subsequent owners, if they decide to take such an animal for themselves, will find it difficult to tame a pet that is disappointed in people.

Note! Due to a negative experience, the animal will bite, hiss, and scratch everyone who wants to approach it. And, on the contrary, if an animal has been surrounded with love and affection since childhood, then even an aggressive breed can be as affectionate as possible not only towards its owners, but also to everyone who comes to their home, including friends. All this is because the pet has a rule in his head that people are not dangerous and love him, so there is nothing to be afraid of

All this is because the pet has a rule in his head that people are not dangerous and love him, so there is nothing to be afraid of

And, on the contrary, if an animal has been surrounded with love and affection since childhood, then even an aggressive breed can be as affectionate as possible not only towards its owners, but also to everyone who comes to their home, including friends. All this is because the pet has a rule in his head that people are not dangerous and love him, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

An abandoned cat will never forget what was done to him

Unreasonable shouting to attract attention

Particularly cunning adult individuals understand that they can attract their owners only by making loud sounds, so they can do this for absolutely no apparent reason. However, even this has its own problem, which is a lack of attention, affection (especially if the pet is often alone at home) or a lack of any nutrients.

Try to treat the pussy with your favorite treat, perhaps review its diet, caress it more often, but do not succumb to such tricks very often, because the animal will quickly understand what is what and will continue to show such unpleasant signals to attract attention to itself.

What mystical things can cats see?

Almost any cat behaves inappropriately from the point of view of its owners from time to time:

  • frozen, without looking up, he looks at one point, where there seems to be nothing suspicious;
  • suddenly jumps up, even if she was previously sleeping serenely, and runs out of the room with a hiss for no apparent reason;
  • suddenly gets scared (back like a rocker, tail like a pipe, fur standing on end);
  • stubbornly avoids a certain place (closet, sofa, corner of the room, etc.).

When a cat is scared of something, he may see something mystical

This behavior suggests that the animal is seeing something mystical:

  • Brownies and house spirits who either play with or frighten a cat living on their territory.
  • Ghosts and other entities from parallel worlds that can come for various purposes or wander in accidentally.
  • The souls of deceased people who previously lived in this house. Very often the spirit of a loving and departed owner returns to visit his pet.

Our brownie, for some reason it seems to me that we have one, can’t stand cats and drives them out in every possible way. Male cats usually behave extremely anxiously, flinch, get scared and try to run out in every possible way. Cats feel completely calm, although from time to time they also look intensely at something.

A cat can see what a person cannot see

Reasons why a cat screams at night

To solve the problem of a cat yelling at night, you first need to understand the reason for its behavior. There are some pets that can vocalize around the clock, not only at night, but also in the morning. The most common reasons for such cat behavior are:

Hormonal surges

Cats that have not undergone sterilization regularly perform nightly concerts. Moreover, cats scream from such a strong desire to have offspring, which causes them physical and mental torment. A non-castrated cat experiences the same thing; when it screams, it tells its partner that it is full of strength and desire. It is impossible to combat this phenomenon in an animal that has not undergone sterilization. All that remains is to help the pet find its other half and wait out this difficult period.

Pet disease

  • If an older cat, who seems to have survived the sterilization process, screams at night, then most likely she is tormented by some kind of disease. Often, when an old animal screams, it has diseases such as Alzheimer's or some kind of nervous disorder. This is an irreversible process, which can only be alleviated with the help of a veterinarian who has prescribed medications that can alleviate the pet’s condition at least temporarily.
  • A similar reaction can be caused by acute abdominal pain, which can be determined by palpation. A healthy animal should have a soft belly that does not cause anxiety.
  • If a previously calm cat screams restlessly, then it is quite possible that helminths are bothering him.
  • When a neutered, middle-aged cat yells, this may be a sign of urolithiasis. The pain intensifies especially after visiting the toilet, therefore, at this time the animal will behave more restlessly.
  • There are cases that after sterilization a cat screams and wants a cat. This is possible if part of the ovary was left behind during sterilization. Veterinarian consultation is required.

To attract attention

When a kitten screams at night, for no apparent reason, then perhaps he just wants to attract attention or beg for the desired treat. This tricky maneuver can be understood by treating the cat with a treat.

When the reason lies in this, then the cunning person, after achieving his goal, will calm down. However, you cannot follow his lead, otherwise he will constantly terrorize the owner. Kitty, who is constantly alone, attracts attention to herself in this way; she also wants to communicate, play, and receive the necessary dose of affection.

Sense of anxiety

Cats are able to anticipate any unpleasant event or element; there have been cases when they predicted an earthquake in a similar way.

Battle for territory

Sometimes it is not enough for cats to place marks to claim their rights to the territory; they scream to declare their rights to a certain area. This is done to warn other cats so that they do not even think about entering into competition with him. Most often, a cat has to do this when moving to a new place of residence.

If a kitten screams, then this is a manifestation of longing for its mother cat. A kitten that has just appeared in the house behaves restlessly at first. You need to calm the baby down, talk to him kindly, then he will get used to it and everything will return to normal.

Description of possible causes

If a cat behaves restlessly for a long time, then first it needs to be carefully examined for possible injuries. If no visible damage is found, then the possibility of parasites should be excluded.

It is not possible to do any more diagnostic measures at home. Especially in cases of viral infections and congenital pathologies (mainly hearts in decorative breeds). In any case, you need to keep in mind the following possible causes:


A common phenomenon even in pets that do not go outside at all.
Unfortunately, some owners are sure that if their animal does not go outside, then there is no place for it to pick up parasites. However, this is a big misconception, since worms can get to a pet through food (raw fish, meat), from the soles of shoes (the same owner can bring parasite eggs from the street), after bites of mosquitoes, sand flies, fleas, or from other animals (that visit street).

Symptoms are always different, but in most cases, owners notice that the cat is behaving strangely, its gait may change, or it will try to bite itself. If there is severe itching (and it happens often), the pet may scratch its butt on the floor or constantly lick the anus area until it becomes bald.

In severe cases, bloody diarrhea and vomiting may occur. Then it’s better not to risk it and take a stool test to identify the type of helminths. As for treatment, today there are enough drugs against worms with a wide spectrum of action (Drontal, Milbemax, Stronghold, Kanikvantel, Prazicide).

For kittens up to 6 months of age, monthly treatment is recommended. Further treatments are carried out once every 3-6 months.


Very often they cause restless behavior in cats, since the bites of these insects can be accompanied by an allergic reaction to their saliva.

Even if the pet does not go outside at all, parasites can get onto its fur from the soles of the owner’s (or his guests’) shoes, grass (the favorite treat of all cats), things (carrier, comb, etc.).

The first signs of the presence of these insects in an animal is the appearance of black specks in the fur (can be the parasites themselves or their metabolic products). Symptoms may also affect the color of the coat (it will become dull) and the skin (there will be redness in places).

If there is no large fireplace in the house, then it is very easy to remove fleas with the help of special preparations that are applied to the withers. They are effective against sexually mature individuals and their eggs. Stronghold and Frontline are considered the best today. Many veterinarians also recommend mandatory disinfection of the apartment using special means. This will help avoid relapses in the future.


It can cause a lot of discomfort to the animal, as in most cases it is accompanied by unbearable itching. Along with this, redness and peeling may appear on the skin.

The affected area often swells. This reaction can be provoked by poor nutrition (most often), insect bites (flea dermatitis), contact with chemicals (household chemicals, poisons, etc.).

In case of a severe allergic reaction, you must immediately give your pet an antihistamine (diphenhydramine, Zyrtec, Claritin). Immediate hospitalization is required in cases where there is a risk of suffocation (bites of stinging insects on the tongue, in the neck area) or the development of anaphylactic shock (reaction to medications).

A bite of an insect

During the season when stinging insects are active, when the windows into the house are almost always open, there is a risk of your pet “meeting” a wasp, bee or bumblebee. A bite from any of them can cause not only restless behavior in a cat, but also provoke a severe allergic reaction (if the bite is in the area of ​​the mouth, eyes or oral mucosa).

The owner needs to carefully examine the suspected bite site for the presence of a sting (if it is present, it must be removed without fail). In most cases, swelling subsides within a few hours, redness disappears within 1-2 days.

Separately, I would like to say about kittens whose strange behavior may be associated with infectious diseases (rhinotracheitis, herpes, calicivirus). But, along with this, other symptoms are almost always present (discharge from the nose, eyes, paroxysmal cough). Only timely vaccination will help you avoid an “encounter” with these life-threatening viruses.

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