Is it possible to wash your hair with cat flea shampoo? I'll tell you about my experience

nothing will happen, I washed it and I’m fine: D

I bought shampoo for my cat and decided to read the ingredients. It’s all natural: different herbal infusions. I compared it with mine. Damn, now I don’t know which one is better to wash with.

I tried it)) I liked it) before that I experimented with horse shampoo, but it didn’t suit me - my hair got frizzy, but after using cat shampoo, the hair is easy to comb, shiny and smooth. I will alternate with regular shampoo

Okay, that's it, I'm taking the cat's shampoo: D

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Today I washed my hair for the second time with shampoo for kittens (I just ran out of mine unexpectedly) so here it is. The hair is super: shiny, fluffy, and I didn’t even need much conditioner. and they are discolored.

So what? My puppy has professional series shampoo and conditioner for 300 rubles. And the composition there is many times better than in human shampoos.

I'm serious. If you can wash it with a horse, then what will happen if you wash it with a cat... Has anyone tried it?

You can wash your hair with horse shampoo, but not often. since horses, in principle, are not bathed often, the shampoo is not suitable for frequent use. If you wash your hair with cat shampoo, then take flea killer for long-haired cats. The hair will not become greasy and there will be no dandruff. I wash my hair once a week - that’s enough for me. for the past 3 years - I’m very pleased with the result. You need to choose individually; the same shampoo is not suitable for everyone. I’m glad that the volume of cans of cat shampoos is not large and they are not expensive - so you can experiment, it doesn’t break the bank

I'm serious. If you can wash it with a horse, what will happen if you wash it with a cat? Has anyone tried it?[/q Is it possible to wash a child’s hair with flea remedy? tell! They brought lice from the kindergarten

Is it possible to wash a child’s hair with flea treatment? Tell me! They brought lice from the kindergarten.

Soap with cat shampoo for tangles for 200 rubles - that is, it is considered expensive for cats, but for people it is the price of the mass market - so, people noticed that the hair was shiny, and on the second wash the long-standing dandruff went away, from which no advertising means I could get rid of it. I think the point is that cat shampoos are more gentle.

They will be soft and silky

I washed it and I like it

Is it possible to wash a child’s hair with flea treatment? Tell me! They brought lice from the kindergarten.

I decided to wash the children’s hair against lice with cat flea shampoo, it costs $10, and the medicine at the pharmacy costs $50, you need two bottles. To make sure that it does not harm the children, I washed myself with it first. The hair stays clean longer, smooth and silky. I I liked it. I would wash it once a week if it’s not harmful

I also washed the hair of horses and cats, just for fun. The result was not long in coming. I envy cats and dogs. Those who find it funny should try it, especially those who are going bald. In the summer I buy men’s shower gel and wash myself with it, and I’m happy. Because, Cooling agents are added to it, but women’s do not have this. Darlings, wash yourself with whatever you want, as long as you don’t walk around dirty.

I've tried so many no avail! The structure of the hair is curly and dry. It is very difficult to comb your hair after washing your hair. And, after weighing all the pros and cons, I bought horse shampoo with a clear conscience! And I don’t regret it at all! So wash calmly and don’t listen to anyone!!


Let's look at the main features of how to wash a cat at home.

How to bathe a kitten?

We'll tell you how to wash a kitten. When the kitten is a few months old, begin to accustom him to the sound of water and try to get him to go into the bath often. Run a thin stream of water from the tap and show it to the kitten while holding it in your arms. Maybe he'll see it as a new game and won't be too afraid. The noise of the water can be frightening, and the kitten will refuse to wash itself. Do not insist or hit your pet. He will be even more scared.

Shampoos for cats

If bathing your pet is necessary, you should choose the appropriate shampoo. They come in three types:

  • Regular liquid products. They vary in coat type and are sold in any pet store.
  • Dry shampoo powders. Created specifically for animals that are too afraid of water or have thick, long, long-drying hair.
  • Sprays also offer the opportunity to provide an alternative to water bathing. A special composition is applied to the pet’s fur and rubbed with a dry cloth. This is a fairly expensive method of cleaning a pet and is not yet very widespread, although it is effective.

Today, regular liquid cat shampoos are still popular. They, in turn, are divided into the following groups.

Read about how to properly wash a cat.

Caring shampoos for cats

These products also contain a weak concentration of alkali and are designed to improve the appearance of the coat and hair structure, giving it shine and silkiness, preventing excessive loss and brittleness. Most often, they also contain various vitamin supplements and fatty acids.

There are also specialized vitamin shampoos that are used with oral intake of complexes enriched with micro- and macroelements.

There are special shampoos for excessive oily hair that regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. This is ensured by the inclusion of herbal extracts, for example, from tea tree, and antibacterial complexes.

Preventive shampoos for dry hair, on the contrary, moisturize and nourish hairs due to substances similar to sebaceous secretions. The hairs seem to be sealed and become unaffected by ultraviolet radiation.

Modern industry also produces a wide range of detergents for cats of various breeds: Bengals, Britons, Maine Coons, Sphynxes. All of these shampoos have different effects on the coat and skin of pets. For example, “Graceful Sphinx,” in addition to cleansing and nourishing the skin of hairless cats, prevents the occurrence of acne, to which this type of pet is so susceptible. This occurs due to the inclusion of chamomile and other medicinal components.

For Persian cats, a composition is produced that nourishes the follicles and makes it easier to comb long and thick downy hair, preventing the formation of tangles.

Cosmetics for cats

These are not only shampoos, but also balms, tonics, and tint compositions. Most often they are used in the care of show animals to give cats a special shine before competitions.

The progressive part of humanity, however, condemns the use of tinted shampoos, as this is extremely dangerous for the health of pets.

Recommendations and reviews from veterinarians

A few simple tips:

  1. If there is no shampoo for cats, baby soap without dyes or fragrances will do.
  2. Your pet needs to be accustomed to water gradually; the kitten must reach the age of 4 months.
  3. Tar soap for fleas and lice in cats will not only cleanse the fur of parasites, but also speed up the healing of the skin. It can be used on wounds and scratches. Tar soap does not have an aggressive effect, unlike many products. After using the soap, your pet will itch a lot.
  4. Veterinarians recommend bathing pets in thick clothing and gloves, and also ask for help if the pet is angry and may resist too actively.
  5. When you first bathe an outdoor cat, first you just need to wipe the paws with a damp cloth or soak it under water. The second time you also need to wash the anus, and only then, for the third time, bathe the animal completely.

If your pet begins to behave strangely and shit everywhere, do not use physical force. This will only make things worse. To discourage your pet from a bad habit, use peaceful methods, preferably depriving him of the ability to move around the house. Lock the cat in the room, leaving him food, water and a litter box. After three to four days of isolation, the addiction will pass.

Education University: Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine. Year of graduation: 2010. Specialty: Veterinary medicine, Veterinary medicine. Experience I have experience working in a veterinary clinic for more than 7 years. Experience of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "All-Russian State Center for Quality and Standardization of Medicines for Animals and Feed"

Mr. Cat explains: is it possible to wash a cat with human shampoo?

In order to wash the cat painlessly for everyone, this should be approached responsibly, training the pet in a timely manner and preparing all the necessary means. Sometimes you don’t have “cat” shampoo on hand, and then the question arises: is it possible to wash a cat with human shampoo?

Veterinarians and breeders are categorically against the use of “human” shampoos for pet care.

They give the following arguments:

  • The hair structure of cats and humans is too different. Cats have fewer glands that secrete sweat and oil. Therefore, human shampoo contains a much higher content of surfactants, which in such quantities simply dry out the skin and fur of pets.
  • The epidermis (i.e. the upper part of the skin) of a pet is much thinner and more sensitive than that of a person.
  • The value of the acidity index also differs. A cat's pH is 4-6, a person's is from 3 to 4.5.
  • Cats have two types of hair: guard hair and down hair. There is an air cushion between them, so a cat’s coat is a whole system that needs very delicate influence (we write more about the structure of hair in cats at the end of the article, so read to the end, there is a lot of useful information there).
  • The presence in human shampoos of aromatic and often strong-smelling substances, microscopic additives for shine or tint, harmful to cats.
  • Many “human” detergent compositions contain extracts from herbs and other natural components that can cause allergic reactions in cats.

Of course, if you wash your cat with “human” shampoo once, and with all the precautions, then the harm will be minimal. The main thing is not to do this systematically; it is still better to purchase a specialized cleaning composition for your pet. After all, manufacturers develop pet shampoos taking into account the characteristics of the coat, and products for humans, when used regularly, can cause irreparable harm to the appearance and health of a cat. The wool will fade, lose its natural shine, become dull and brittle, and will mat and form tangles.

How to make your own cat shampoo?

Here is a simple and accessible recipe for cat shampoo that you can make yourself. However, be careful not to overuse vinegar as it can dry out your pet's fur and skin. So, you will need:

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  • 1 liter of warm water;
  • 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar;
  • 1/3 cup vegetable glycerin.

The last ingredient can be found in the pharmacy; now many people use it to make homemade soap. Mix everything in a deep container and pour into a jar of regular shampoo. This mixture can be stored for quite a long time at room temperature.

When a cat doesn't groom itself

Cats that are taken from their mother too young may never learn to groom themselves, but otherwise young and healthy animals usually have no problems grooming themselves. When a pet gets old, it can no longer maintain the cleanliness and shine of its coat. Arthritis makes it difficult for your cat to reach areas that she previously could easily reach. She may have gained weight, making it difficult for her to arch.

If you notice that your cat's coat looks greasy or matted, she may not be grooming herself as well as she used to. Using dry shampoo can help her, and brushing will encourage her to lick herself and will prevent the fur from matting.

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How to properly bathe a kitten

In order to gently bathe a small kitten, you should use a specialized shampoo, using baby product only as a last resort.

When bathing your baby, you need to be especially careful not to overcool the kitten, not to pour water into his ears and rub him thoroughly after washing, not to scare him or cause stress.

In the case of using specialized medicated shampoos, they are used strictly as prescribed by the veterinarian and in this case the pet is bathed according to the proposed scheme. As a rule, in this case we are talking about antiallergic drugs, since compositions for removing external parasites up to six months of life are not prescribed due to the high toxic effect of the drugs they contain on the body.

If the kitten is a show class and is planned to be presented at exhibitions and competitions in the future, then it is better to accustom the baby to bathing from an early age. Of course, you shouldn’t do this in the first or even the second month of life, but in three or four months the first procedure can be carried out.

If the kitten has recently moved to a new home, then washing should be delayed for at least two to three weeks to give it time to adapt.

It is also important to postpone bathing for at least a month after vaccinations.

It is important to carefully comb your pet before washing, since if the tangled hairs get wet, tangles are highly likely to form, which can only be removed by cutting.

If your baby begins to get stressed while combing his hair, then you should not immediately take him to the bathroom; it is advisable to give him time to calm down and tune in to a positive mood.

In addition, you can give him treats and play. Under no circumstances should you bathe a kitten immediately after a heavy feeding. You must wait at least two to three hours.

Warm water is filled into a container—a bathtub or basin—preferably at the animal’s body temperature, about 38 °C. To prevent the paws from sliding on the surface of the container, it is advisable to place a towel on the bottom. You can throw toys into the water, this will distract the kitten’s attention during the procedure. By the way, the whole thing should be done in 15 minutes. In this case, it is advisable to prepare the water for rinsing in a separate container in advance. You should douse your baby from a jug or ladle, and not frighten him with the noise of the shower.

The fur should be carefully lathered with the fingers of one hand, carefully holding the pet with the other.

To protect the ears, you can put cotton pads in them, but it is better to wash the face very carefully and last, trying to prevent water from getting into them - this is fraught with otitis media.

It is generally better not to touch the ears. If there are any problems, it is better to contact a veterinarian for cleaning, for example, wax plug. Especially if there is a suspicion of ear mites, this disease is called otodectosis and manifests itself in the formation of characteristic black dots inside the ear.

If after bathing and rubbing the kitten is clearly cold, then it is better to wrap it in a dry towel and carry it in your arms than to use a hairdryer. Firstly, the noise really frightens the baby, and secondly, hot air dries out the hair and makes it brittle.

It is advisable that the first procedure take place positively, in a playful atmosphere. After bathing and completely drying, you need to play with the baby and treat him with a treat and praise him.

Why wash your cat

Cats lick themselves very often, completely several times a day, and in between they will definitely run their tongue over their paws, tail or sides. However, in some situations, bathing your pet is inevitable:

  • Before a competition, show or exhibition. In this case, the animal owner, as a rule, has all the necessary specialized hair care products.
  • In case of heavy pollution, for example, after a long walk in the rain.
  • If substances come into contact with the fur that may be hazardous to the health of the pet.
  • With heavy shedding. This is especially true for representatives of long-haired and some semi-long-haired breeds. These pets often suffer during such periods from excessive ingestion of hairballs.
  • For medicinal purposes, in particular, when removing external parasites.

However, it must be remembered that excessive bathing can lead to disruption of the protective lubricant and, as a result, to loss of shine and health of the coat. Three to four times a year is the optimal number of procedures.

If the cat often walks, especially at the dacha in the summer, then you can simply wipe it periodically with a damp cloth, and wash only the paw pads every day.

Similar to the need for bathing, there are situations when this procedure is unacceptable:

  • If the animal has recently undergone surgery. Washing should be delayed as long as possible, even after sutures and bandages are removed.
  • The advanced age of the pet also imposes a ban on bathing. For an old cat, this is too much stress and the risk of getting sick from hypothermia.
  • You should also not bathe a pregnant or lactating cat. She doesn’t need foreign odors, additional stress or hypothermia.
  • You should postpone the procedure even in the cold season, especially if the house is not too warm or there are drafts.

What happens if you bathe a cat with simple shampoo?

As mentioned above, a cat can react extremely negatively to bathing with human shampoo. An unpleasant smell for your pet may discourage you from bathing the next time, and the consequences associated with irritated skin and faded fur will cause additional trouble for the pet owner.

If your cat shows at least one sign of irritated skin after bathing: dandruff, dryness, brittle hair, measures should be taken. First of all, contact your veterinarian for help: a specialist will advise which cosmetic products should be used to restore the coat.

It is curious that even cat products are divided into categories:

1. Daily

. Such shampoos are almost 100% herbal and should not cause irritation. The products wash away dirt and eliminate unpleasant odors.

2. Exhibition

. Cosmetics contain dyes that enhance the brightness of a cat's hair. Products are used to add shine to wool.

3. Reducing shedding

. Cosmetics are usually used in the off-season, when hair loss is intense.

4. Medical

. Such drugs are used only as prescribed by a doctor. Veterinarians advise using them to reduce skin irritation and for additional disinfection.

You may need to purchase several cat shampoos at once. So to speak, for different occasions.

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