Siamese kittens: everything future owners need to know

Siamese kittens are cute and curious, like all babies. But these little blue-eyed lumps have a trait that from an early age distinguishes them from kittens of all other breeds: from birth it is a personality. If you are planning to get a Siamese kitten, try to find out as much as possible about it. This will greatly facilitate communication, education and care for him.

Description of the breed

Siamese cats are amazingly sophisticated creatures. Medium in size, flexible and graceful, they are distinguished by well-developed muscles and harmonious build.

The breed standard stipulates a head shape in the form of an equilateral triangle, large, elongated ears, slanted eyes, an elongated body, slender, dry limbs with collected paws in the shape of an oval and a thin flexible tail.

The Siamese's coat is short, soft, silky and lies close to the body. A contrast in the basic tone and markings is required, and the color of the fur on the face, ears, paws and tail must match. The back and sides should be slightly darker than the neck, chest and stomach.

Both the absence of points and weak contrast are considered unacceptable. Animals with knots and creases in the tail are also culled. This sign indicates degeneration due to inbreeding.

Eye color is supposed to be blue. Greenish tints are considered a deviation from the standard.

Health and nutrition

Eating is also not a problem. It is advisable to switch your pet to super-premium quality dry food after breastfeeding. They contain all the necessary vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

If natural nutrition is organized, then it must be properly balanced and always with the addition of special preparations containing taurine and vitamins.

Two hereditary defects plague this breed—squint and knots or kinks in the tail. They are caused by the same gene that provides bright sapphire eye color. Calcivirosis is also a disease that this breed is prone to. It is necessary to prevent your pet from hypothermia and vaccinate it on time. Sometimes there is a defect in the development of the middle ear - it manifests itself in impaired coordination of movement.

Due to their labile temperament, they are prone to psychogenic diseases, which often lead to alopecia, since the animal is constantly licking itself.

For timely detection and prevention of diseases it is necessary:

  • Deworm your pet regularly, at least once every three months.
  • Promptly treat for external parasites.
  • Vaccinate against rabies and viral infections annually.
  • Periodically visit a veterinarian to identify hereditary diseases and prevent them.

The average lifespan of a Siamese is fifteen years.


The character of Siamese cats is often characterized by stubbornness and selfishness. This does not mean at all that they cannot become a devoted friend to a person. Just the opposite! Animals of this breed become very attached to their owner and literally run after him, reminiscent of small dogs in this way. And yet, for a Siamese, an owner is, first of all, a source of all kinds of benefits, and only then a friend and protector.

If there is only one cat in the house and everyone around her does nothing but caress her, admiring her intelligence and beauty, everything goes fine. But as soon as a competitor appears, be it a kitten or a puppy, the life of a new family member can turn into hell! There are often cases when you have to part with him in order to maintain peace and tranquility. There are exceptions if an older cat is introduced to a baby. Usually she calmly accepts him and subsequently friendship develops between the animals.


In addition to external beauty, which, like clothes, we are used to meeting this or that breed of cat, the Siamese breed also has a strong character. And not everyone will like this character. Few people like it when some cat dares to demand respectful treatment, biting and grabbing with its claws those who do not understand this. The Siamese cat is, first of all, a Personality. And, like any Personality, she is not going to tolerate a bad attitude towards herself.

It was a glorious hunt and tasty prey.
But if you accept this and try to establish friendly relations with this Person, you will get a true friend who will be able to convey all his love to you. But he will have to be taken into account, just like with any friend, even a human one. Isn’t that what we expect from friendship?

Newborn kittens

Siamese cat kittens are born completely white, only their nose and paw pads are pink. Darkening of the coat can begin from two weeks of age, and one or another color is determined by the temperature in the room where the kitten is. In a very warm room, the main coat color will be milky white or cream, and the color of the markings will be chocolate. The cooler the apartment, the darker the color will be. Siamese kittens that are born and live outside (those that are trained to be mousecatchers in a barn or goat stall) after the first moult become dark brown, and their point color is almost black. The final color of a Siamese kitten is established only by ten months.

Appearance of fluffy long-haired Siamese

It is impossible not to recognize long-haired Siamese cats. They are distinguished not only by their physique, but also by their color. The light body contrasts perfectly with the dark tail, paws, muzzle and ears. In addition, expressive almond-shaped blue eyes add additional zest.

Important! The slanted shape of the eyes indicates that the animals are excellent hunters.

Several years ago, slanting was considered a sign of an excellent breed, but today preference is given to animals with straight eyes. Some breeders specifically stopped breeding cross-eyed quadrupeds in order to keep only pets with beautiful eyes.

Siamese boast a long and slender body. Their muzzle is as pointed as their ears. The neck is no different from the body; it is thin and long. The tail gives the breed away; it is slightly larger than that of other cats, and sometimes even kinked. This is a feature of the breed that many people know about, but which not everyone likes.

The color of animal fur fascinates many. Dark stockings on the paws attract attention, as does the dark muzzle. Breeders know that kittens look different after birth. Most lumps are born pure white, only some have dark spots on the muzzle and tips of the ears. The fur coat darkens after a few days or weeks. Some people think it's the pigment, but it's not. The shade of the coat directly depends on body temperature; where it is colder, the hair is lighter.

Important! In childhood, it is not so easy to distinguish a Siamese from another breed; the hair becomes long much later, so it is better to buy kittens in trusted places.

Choosing a kitten

Cat or cat?

Having decided to purchase a Siamese kitten, the future owner often does not know who to choose: a cat or a cat. At two to three months, all kittens are equally charming. But childhood does not last long, and when the pet grows up, its belonging to one gender or another will appear before the owner in all its glory.

Most owners of Siamese cats believe that the males of this breed are much more beautiful than the females. One cannot but agree with this opinion. The Siamese cat has a more impressive size; its body proportions are slightly different than those of females: the body is shorter and the head is larger. Some people believe that keeping a male is not particularly difficult, unlike a female. At least you won’t have to think about where to place the kittens.

However, this is not even the point. The problem of cat marks and unwanted offspring can be solved by castration or sterilization. What will stay with an animal forever is its character.

The Siamese cat feels like a sovereign master in the apartment. He perceives the owners as servants who must fulfill his every whim. He is curious, active, loves to poke his nose everywhere, especially where he is not allowed. Often irritable and aggressive.

Cats of this breed have a much calmer, affectionate character. They become very attached to a person (most often this is the owner), and vigorously show their love and devotion. And the cleanliness of Siamese dogs is legendary!

Although there are no rules without exceptions.

Choice depending on color

After you have decided on the gender of your future pet, you need to decide what color you like.

Most often, when people think of a Siamese kitten, they think of the classic sealpoint: cream coat, dark markings and beautiful blue eyes. The image is truly captivating, but this color is by no means the only one. Bluepoint (snow-white coat color with blue-gray markings), redpoint (white background color and apricot or red markings), lilacpoint (silver coat with lilac-pink markings)… It’s easy to get confused! But there are other colors: chocolate point (an ivory coat with very dark, almost black markings), cinnamon point (ivory and brownish points), caramel point (an absolutely amazing, indescribable shade of coat with gray-pink points), tabbypoint (lovely solid-colored cats with striped markings), tortiepoint (a fantastic combination of calm background color and spotted points).

The eye color of Siamese cats depends on the color of the coat: the darker and more saturated the color of the animal, the brighter and deeper the blue will be.

There is an opinion (though not yet confirmed by anything other than the words of the owners) that cats of different colors have different personalities. For example, it is believed that the temperament of bluepoints is much softer and more pleasant than that of sealpoints or chocolate points.

Origin history and interesting facts

There are different versions of the origin of the Siamese breed. According to legend, many thousands of years ago a male monkey fell in love with a proud lioness. The bond between the animals resulted in the cat, which exhibits the grace of a lioness but the habits of a monkey.

As for realistic hypotheses, scientists are of the opinion that the first representatives of the breed appeared in Thailand, in an area called Siam. Local people considered cats to have a sacred meaning, so they were kept by monks and royal families. Animals were protected by law, which prohibited their export to other countries.

Only in the 19th century. The Siamese ended up in Europe. Having charmed the inhabitants of the continent with their unusual appearance and impressed Queen Victoria, they quickly gained popularity and began to be sold in different countries.

The breed is full of interesting stories and facts. Exotic individuals are distinguished by a graceful gait that resembles the running of an Arabian horse.

Having long limbs, a kitten can easily open a chest of drawers or a door, climb into a bag and unbutton a coat pocket.

Another interesting fact tells us that for Alexander Alekhine his cat was considered a talisman. The chess player took his favorite with him to all competitions, and even while participating in an international match in Zurich, he left the hall to pet the cat.

Despite their high decorative properties and gracefulness, Siamese are excellent at catching mice and have a hunting instinct.

Care and maintenance

Features of caring for a kitten aged 1 month The kitten you want to buy should be at least two, and preferably three to four months old. At this age, kittens completely switch to normal food, are practically independent of their mother, are curious and very sociable. The baby will willingly make friends with you and the rest of the family.

If you get a kitten that is at least a month old, difficulties cannot be avoided. Such kids have great difficulty making contact. If there are small children in the family, it is advisable to completely protect the kitten from their attention. Absolutely everything scares him: large (as much as two meters!) distances, loud sounds, an unexpectedly chirping sparrow... The first days he can sit in the sofa or the pocket of an old bag, secretly getting out of there to grab a piece of food or go to the toilet. One person must take care of such a baby. You should not force him out of hiding and poke his muzzle into the food if he resists. The best thing you can do is leave him alone and quietly observe. Let your baby get comfortable. Only when the kitten stops hiding at every rustle can you begin to introduce him to the whole family.

Nutrition for Siamese cats

It is best to feed your pet premium ready-made factory food. You need to pay attention to the composition, it must be balanced, with vitamins and minerals. It is better to use two types of food - dry and wet, but always from the same company.

The diet should also include: lean meats and fermented milk products. You should not give fresh milk to your pet as it can cause intestinal upset. Pork is also prohibited.

Hygiene procedures

Caring for little Siamese is surprisingly easy. Their short coat, devoid of even a hint of undercoat, looks great without any water treatments. It is enough to rub it with a special mitten, and from 4 months - with a soft brush.

Carefully monitor the condition of your pet's ears and eyes. Wipe them daily with a damp cotton pad. If you find the slightest sign of discharge, immediately show the kitten to a doctor. Any disease in children is much more severe than in adult animals, so the sooner treatment is started, the better.


Over the past hundred years, graceful natives of Siam have spread throughout the world, and many varieties of the breed have been bred with very different characteristics. Therefore, it is often difficult to distinguish purebred cats from mudbloods. And precisely because of this, you should not purchase Siamese pussies from dubious markets. The likelihood of becoming a victim of manipulation by scammers is too high.

To purchase a kitten, you should only contact legal nurseries. But there the price of a Siamese cat is usually not cheap. The most affordable for the purses of the intended owners may be pet-class pets, which sometimes cost from 3 thousand rubles and slightly more.

Such kittens are usually taken into the home by people purely for the soul, without the desire to show off the purity of their breed, take their pet to exhibitions, or receive titles and prizes. But the price of a kitten of a higher breeding class already reaches 15 thousand rubles. At the same time, impeccable show-class examples, ready to become the pride of their owner, are valued at 25 thousand rubles and more.

What to name a Siamese kitten

It is unlikely that anyone would think of calling a Siamese aristocrat Barsik or Murzik. Meanwhile, these sonorous nicknames perfectly demonstrate the principle by which you need to choose a name: a distinct, sonorous beginning and the absence of hissing sounds. If you can’t do without hissing sounds, let these sounds be in the middle of the name.

Let's try to come up with a beautiful, euphonious name for the pet.

If it's a boy, you can name him:

  • Athos;
  • Basil;
  • Bertie;
  • Leslie;
  • Nelson;
  • Nestor;
  • Maurice;
  • Solomon;
  • Tyson;
  • Everett.

If: you have a cat:

  • Alice;
  • Anfisa
  • Bertha;
  • Beatrix;
  • Ophelia;
  • Saji;
  • Sona;
  • Sookie
  • Tess;
  • Ulsi.

Where can I buy

You can buy a Siamese kitten in Moscow from one of the nurseries:

  1. "Sharess-Ori" (cattery of Oriental and Siamese cats);
  2. "Salambo" (oriental and Siamese cattery);
  3. "Marsiori" (oriental cattery).

You can choose the baby you like among the ads on Avito or use. Of course, in this case it will be difficult to find a purebred kitten with a pedigree, although there are exceptions - for example, if the owners move to another country and cannot take their pet with them, it will be very important for them that it ends up in good hands.

If it is not the pedigree that is important to you, but the point color, this is a good choice. But you must be prepared for the fact that the kitten you choose is only half Siamese. As he grows up, he may become aggressive, and you will have to make a lot of effort to correct his character.

Peculiarities of behavior of the Siamese cat breed

These animals are easy to train and learn quickly. They can learn to perform simple tricks. They have a very loud voice. The animal's developed intelligence allows it to demand what it wants by blackmailing its owner. The cat knows how to manipulate people by sucking up.

With proper upbringing of a purebred pet, he will get along well in the family, get along with children, and will not cause mischief. If children squeeze the animal, it may scratch it. Those who keep a Siamese cat talk about it as a vindictive and vindictive animal.

But if you love and educate him, the cat will reciprocate and will be obedient. It is a good mouser and is also aggressive towards dogs. It is not recommended to leave the animal alone for a long time. Otherwise, his character will deteriorate.

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