The cat trembles after bathing: list of reasons; MURKOTICS

When a cat suddenly starts to tremble, it alarms and sometimes even frightens the owners. This phenomenon is called tremor, it is caused by involuntary contraction of one or all muscle groups. There are physiological and pathological reasons for its occurrence, which can only be accurately determined by a veterinary specialist. But in order to provide timely help to the pet, the owner must know the reasons why the cat is trembling.

Joyful emotions

Tremor in cats is sometimes a symptom of great joy.
For example, an animal missed its owner for a long time, being alone at home, and when it lies on his lap, it trembles. Separately, it is worth considering cases when the pet begins to shake in its sleep. Most likely, he is dreaming of some fascinating or emotional plot. To stop the trembling, simply wake up the animal. Another manifestation of trembling is sexual arousal. A mature animal, during a period suitable for reproduction, can become so overexcited that it manifests itself in the form of a tremor. Such emotional stress is very high, so it is worth giving the animal to satisfy its sexual instinct. If you do not plan to breed cats, you need to subject it to the procedure of castration or sterilization. You should not use special drugs to extinguish instincts, as they can provoke the development of serious and even fatal problems.

Sterilization is a very important stage in the life of every cat and, of course, its owners. At this time, your pet needs to be given as much attention and care as possible. Most often, the operation goes away without a trace and within a couple of days the pet returns to a full life. However, there are exceptions and the cat behaves strangely, to put it mildly... Increased body temperature, rapid breathing, inflammation of the suture - these are not all the symptoms of the unfavorable condition of the cat after the sterilization procedure. There is another one that very often scares cat owners. What does such a symptom as trembling indicate and whether it is necessary to sound the alarm, we will discuss further.

How to treat tremors and seizures in cats?

When trying to figure out how to cure tremors in a cat, the animal owner often acts by analogy with human diseases. This is the wrong way, because... The organisms of cats and humans are structured differently. Sometimes the owner, without realizing this, begins self-treatment. At the same time, he wastes time: the effect of therapy is not achieved, the signs of the disease are sometimes erased, but the disease itself progresses.

You need to understand that tremor in a cat can be treated only after the cause is determined. Without examination, laboratory and instrumental studies, an accurate diagnosis cannot be made.

Further prognosis depends on the type of pathology. Sometimes a course of vitamins is enough to completely restore the conduction of nerve impulses. However, the disease often cannot be treated. Each specific case requires separate consideration.


The cat's paws are shaking

Trembling paws means a lack of calcium in the body. To cure your cat, start giving him vitamin complexes with microelements. Typically, such courses last 10 days.

Kidney diseases can also cause trembling in the paws. In this case, give the cat the drug “Cat Erwin”. This medicine is made from natural ingredients and is absolutely harmless to animals. It will relieve inflammation and have a diuretic effect.

Trembling limbs can be a symptom of a serious illness, for example, rhinotracheitis. In this case, you need to contact a veterinarian.

But it is better not to self-medicate, but to immediately contact a veterinarian.

Strange behavior of a pet is always alarming. For example, a cat is trembling for no apparent reason .

An attentive owner will always notice if something is wrong with his pet.
In fact, trembling in cats
is not always a sign of illness and is not entirely without cause.

Very often the cat trembles all over

from overexcitement. The impetus for such excitement can be a game, hunting or sexual instincts - a bird outside the window, a potential partner or enemy, the desire to deftly catch a toy - and now the animal’s muscles cramp from pent-up tension.

If the cat's paws are shaking

in a dream - an uncomfortable position, excitement in a dream, however, if the same symptom is constantly present, we can talk about neurological causes.
The cat is shaking as if he is cold
- this can actually happen if the animal is cold - for example, after bathing.
For no apparent reason, the cat hid under the sofa and is trembling
. Probably something scared him in your absence, or it was the result of a blow, a bruise - an unsuccessful jump from a cabinet, for example.

Before drawing any conclusions, you need to observe your pet - at what moments does the cat tremble?

what is the tremor interval, intensity, how the animal tolerates it. The noticed symptoms will be the starting point for the doctor when making a diagnosis if the cat’s trembling is caused by a disease.

Why is the kitten trembling?!

Young kitten trembling

(if we exclude health pathologies) during puberty, a male cat during estrus and rutting.
In this case, it is better to sterilize the animal that is not intended for breeding. To understand why a kitten is trembling
, you need to observe him, finding out the cause-and-effect relationship of the tremor.

The reason why the cat is shaking,

There may be vitamin deficiency, often a deficiency of B vitamins. It is replenished with nutritional supplements or injections.
But not everything is so rosy. Tremor in cats can be a symptom of an underlying disease. Diseases that cause trembling in cats

  • weakness, pain;
  • TBI or its consequences;
  • genetic developmental defects (vestibular apparatus disorders, cerebellar anomalies, etc.);
  • neurological causes (degenerative and neuromuscular pathologies);
  • problems with metabolic processes in the body;
  • spinal injuries (possibly hidden, compression);
  • poisoning in a cat;
  • overheating (heat stroke), etc.

In order not to further injure a frightened or sick animal, it is worth inviting a specialist to your home. Examination, simple tests, necessary primary care - this is what can be done at home.

Sterilization is a very important stage in the life of every cat and, of course, its owners. At this time, your pet needs to be given as much attention and care as possible. Most often, the operation goes away without a trace and within a couple of days the pet returns to a full life. However, there are exceptions and the cat behaves strangely, to put it mildly... Increased body temperature, rapid breathing, inflammation of the suture - these are not all the symptoms of the unfavorable condition of the cat after the sterilization procedure. There is another one that very often scares cat owners. What does such a symptom as trembling indicate and whether it is necessary to sound the alarm, we will discuss further.

Is it possible to dry a cat with a hairdryer after bathing and how to do it correctly?

An important step to maintain the beautiful appearance and health of the animal is drying the cat after the bathing procedure. It is a misconception that you cannot blow dry a cat. Wet wool in cold and drafts contributes to hypothermia, which ultimately leads to infectious diseases that make pets vulnerable. If from a young age the pet is accustomed to the noise from the operation of the device and a large air flow, then this procedure will save you from colds and the coat will become shiny and soft.

Good boy

11 months ago

Drying stages

  1. Wipe the cat. After taking water procedures, it is recommended to wrap the animal in a warm cloth and quickly wipe the fur, then the cat shakes off the water on its own. Next, it is recommended to take a new dry towel and wrap it around your pet. It should be of such a size that the pet can fit completely inside it.
  2. Let the cat go to a warm room. Before the washing procedure itself, it is recommended to think through and prepare a place where a wet cat can warm up and lick itself. You need to take your pet to a warm room and let it out.
  3. Combing. The next step is to comb the kittens' fur with a comb or brush. This will make the fur fluff up and dry faster.
  4. Blow dry. You should turn on the device and hold it near the cat so that he gets used to the noise when working. After that, adjust the average air flow, the temperature comfortable for the animal’s skin and point it at the pet. He may begin to break free; to do this, you need to carefully hold him by the paws or withers. After a few minutes, the cat itself realizes that the hair dryer is a source of heat and will calm down. It is important not to point the device at the ears and muzzle, so as not to cause discomfort. It is recommended to continue brushing the coat while drying. It is necessary to scratch the cat with the growth of hairs and against them in order to dry the undercoat.
  5. Praise the cat. An important point in the entire process. Thus, the animal will develop a reflex that the procedure of taking a bath and drying it with a hairdryer ends with pleasant moments, affection and tenderness from its owner. In subsequent times, these processes will be easier and faster for the owner and pet.

Rules for drying a cat with a hairdryer

The entire drying period can be divided into several stages:

  1. First you need to lightly dry the animal from above with a powerful stream of air.
  2. At a lower power of the hairdryer, using a comb, you should thoroughly dry the entire body of the animal against the hair, slightly pulling out the fur.
  3. The cat should be dried starting from the hind legs, when the animal lies on its back. All movements should be smooth and slow enough so as not to frighten the pet. You can hire someone to help you pet the animal.

If you are not lazy and spend a little time preparing your cat for bathing and then drying the fur with a hairdryer, then the whole procedure will be painless for both the animal and its owner.

Cat VS Bandage

We decided to sterilize the cat.

After abdominal surgery, Pukhlya was dressed in a fashionable bandage.

But the life of that bandage was marked out for a day, because the cat gnawed at its flaps, and therefore was taken to the doctor and put on a new, no less fashionable one.

But this bandage did not survive until spring, because the cat used it up too.

After which a strong-willed decision was made, as a result of which Pukhlya acquired a third bandage and a satellite dish on her head.

The plate was subsequently edited to a sane size (the visor on top was later also cut off)

Show in full 5 1 year ago

How to properly blow dry a cat?

To prevent your cat from experiencing any discomfort while blow-drying, you need to do it correctly:

  1. After bathing your cat, you need to turn on the hair dryer and leave it next to her. This trick will help her get used to the noise.
  2. While the cat gets used to the sound of the hair dryer, dry its fur with a towel.
  3. Organize an atmosphere for your cat in which she will be as comfortable as possible. The ideal option would be to take your pet in your arms or lay it on your lap, or sit the animal on a mat.
  4. To make the hair comb better, you can use special products that are sold in pet stores, veterinary pharmacies and veterinary clinics.
  5. You can begin the drying process. The main thing to remember is that it is unacceptable to direct a direct flow of air from the hair dryer into the cat’s nose. This action is perceived by the cat as a threat, so it will try to escape.

Pathological causes

Paws tremble most often when the cat’s body is infected with the herpes virus or when loryngotrocheitis develops. The main symptoms of such pathologies, in addition to the fact that the cat’s hind legs are trembling, are


  • nasal discharge;
  • cough;
  • temperature increase;
  • lethargy.

Trembling in the paws may also occur due to advanced helminthiasis or cystitis. In such a situation, paw trembling is aimed at relieving discomfort in the abdominal cavity. Treatment for the appearance of pathological tremors should be carried out urgently. Postponing it for days, and moreover, for a month, is unacceptable, as this may pose a threat to the life of the pet. The help of a veterinarian will be necessary.

An attentive owner of a mustachioed, striped, and perhaps completely hairless meowing pet (we are talking about) will definitely notice the changes that are happening to his animal. But how to react to them? Should you always bother your veterinarian? Or perhaps the symptoms that frighten us are not some kind of terrible pathology?

Today we invite you to talk about why a cat or cat may tremble, what diseases such trembling can be a symptom of, and how to help an animal in this situation


You can decide what to do if a kitten or adult cat is trembling only after determining the causes of the tremor. In most cases, it is impossible to do this yourself at home. However, you need to carefully monitor the animal’s behavior in order to answer the following questions for your veterinarian:

  • frequency of repetitions and duration of attacks during the day;
  • the presence of accompanying symptoms;
  • events preceding the onset of tremor;
  • dates of the last deworming and vaccination.

It is also necessary to remember whether the cat was bitten by a tick during the year.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the following studies may be prescribed:

  • general and clinical blood test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • fecal analysis for the presence of helminths;
  • radiography of the head, spine, chest and abdominal cavity;
  • MRI or CT scan of the brain;
  • myelography – to detect spinal tumors and intervertebral disc pathologies;
  • electromyography.

A cerebrospinal fluid tap may be taken to confirm encephalitis.

The cat's paws are shaking

Trembling paws means a lack of calcium in the body. To cure your cat, start giving him vitamin complexes with microelements. Typically, such courses last 10 days.

Kidney diseases can also cause trembling in the paws. In this case, give the cat the drug “Cat Erwin”. This medicine is made from natural ingredients and is absolutely harmless to animals. It will relieve inflammation and have a diuretic effect.

Trembling limbs can be a symptom of a serious illness, for example, rhinotracheitis. In this case, you need to contact a veterinarian.

But it is better not to self-medicate, but to immediately contact a veterinarian.

The cat is shaking - a complete list of reasons from the veterinarian

Owners sometimes observe a kitten or adult cat trembling. If this happens rarely, it is not a cause for concern. The owners blame everything on chance or cold. However, some pathologies that first appear as tremors later cause seizures in the cat, and this can end sadly. In addition, there are diseases with such symptoms that are dangerous to humans. Therefore, trembling in cats cannot be ignored - you should immediately contact a veterinarian. And the MURKOTIKI website will tell you about the possible causes of the symptom.

Causes of pathological trembling

The reasons that lead to trembling in an animal are numerous.

These are both external factors (toxic substances) and internal diseases.

Trembling limbs

Trembling in the limbs of a pet can be caused by a herpes virus infection or rhinotracheitis of the animal. The main symptoms of this disease are purulent discharge from the nose and eyes, cough, vomiting, and fever.

Trembling of the limbs can be caused by worms or cystitis; by shaking the limbs, the cat tries to reduce itching or pain when helminths are active or the discomfort that arises during urination.

Head shaking

Quite a few reasons can lead to systematic or periodic twitching of an animal’s head. Frequent twitching may be a sign of otodectosis or ear scabies. In addition to twitching, you can observe how the animal often scratches the affected ear, literally plunging its paw into the ear canal and injuring the tissue. At the same time, the cat may meow pitifully.

Systematic head twitching can be a sign of otitis media, while the cat’s ear hurts and she won’t let it be touched. Or it may be evidence of the formation of sulfur plugs.

Head twitching may indicate liver failure, acute disruption of the respiratory system and even the kidneys. If the functioning of internal organs is disrupted, the disease occurs with a characteristic clinical picture of a particular disorder. Tremor appears already at the stage of organ failure.

Encephalitis, the use of certain medications, vestibulopathy, cerebellar pathologies, and traumatic brain injuries can cause tremors and even seizures.

Trembling croup and generalized tremor

Lesions of the spine (compression fractures, tumors, deformation of intervertebral discs, spinal stenosis) can lead to weakness of the lower extremities and trembling when the animal tries to stand on its feet. With further development of the disease, paralysis occurs.

Weakness as a result of illness or pain can lead to trembling of the animal's limbs or general trembling. For example, a swallowed sharp object, damaging the stomach or intestines, can cause the animal to meow pitifully, arch its back and tremble.

Neuromuscular diseases, degenerative neurological pathologies, myelin deficiency, metabolic pathologies and even poisoning by toxins (for example, organophosphates) can cause severe tremors throughout the animal's body.


Physiological tremor in cats does not require medical intervention. To eliminate it, it is enough to minimize stress factors, provide the animal with comfortable living conditions and a nutritious, balanced diet.

If there are regular bouts of trembling, the animal must be shown to a veterinarian.

Important! You cannot independently relieve attacks of tremor in cats using sedatives or antispasmodics intended for humans. This can provoke complications or blur the clinical picture of the disease, which will significantly complicate the diagnosis.

Treatment of pathological tremor in cats consists of eliminating the cause of its occurrence. It can be expressed in the prescription of sedatives and anthelmintic drugs. In the presence of infectious processes, antimicrobial and symptomatic therapy is carried out. In the case of neoplasms or serious pathologies of the nervous or musculoskeletal system, surgical intervention is prescribed.

If the owner notices nervous twitching of the body in his cat, he needs to undergo a full course of examination at the clinic. This will help to identify the pathology in a timely manner and begin appropriate treatment. If the tremors are a consequence of poor nutrition or care, the veterinarian will point out the shortcomings and make adjustments that will help avoid the appearance of tremors in the future.

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Associated symptoms

The red cat is trembling, why?

Let's take a closer look.

Subclinical form of panleukopenia

In the subclinical form of panleukopenia, the cat develops lethargy and fever.

  • The subclinical form of panleukopenia often does not manifest itself with pronounced symptoms, so timely diagnosis is especially important.
  • The latent period of this disease lasts about ten days, then lethargy and fever appear.
  • The cat refuses food and water and is very thirsty.
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, and bloating are possible.

Hidden period of rhinotracheitis

Apathy and loss of appetite appear in a cat with rhinotracheitis.

  • The first signs are apathy, loss of appetite, and fever.
  • Serum nasal and eye discharge.
  • Over time, they turn into purulent mucous discharge and increased salivation.
  • Ulcers develop on the tongue, and parenchymal keratitis occurs.

Calcivirus infection

Calcivirus infection can be expressed by discharge from the eyes.

  • In healthy and strong animals, it can occur in a latent form and manifest itself only as a slight tremor.
  • However, when it develops into a chronic stage, it causes irreparable harm to the pet’s body.
  • It can be expressed by slight discharge from the nose and eyes, lameness, apathy, and lethargy.
  • A slight fluctuation in the body’s protective function and the disease becomes acute.
  • The danger is the rapid course of the acute form and the development of secondary pathologies.

In this case, an unfavorable and cautious prognosis is made.

Puberty of a cat

One of the reasons for trembling is puberty in a cat.

If this is a young animal, such a condition causes unreasonable fear and, as a result, stress.

Central nervous system disorders

With meningitis, depression will be present.

  1. With meningitis, depression, low blood pressure, and fever will be present. Severe, continuous vomiting may occur.
  2. Symptoms of myelitis may not appear immediately.
  3. The initial stage is characterized by constant attacks of anxiety.
  4. Then severe pain, aggression, and loss of coordination with partial paralysis occur.
  5. The animal is constantly trembling, there is hyperthermia, difficulty urinating and defecating.
  6. Neurosis manifests itself in the inappropriate behavior of an animal.
  7. This may be an unreasonable fear of familiar things and events - feeding, one’s own habitat, the owner.
  8. Fear of closed spaces or litter boxes.
  9. Aggressive behavior gives way to complete apathy.
  10. Prolonged licking of the fur until it is wet.

After bathing, the cat became lethargic - reasons

Bathing is stressful for a cat. It is no wonder that some people get sick after this procedure. By the way, even before and after vaccinations, it is for this reason that it is not recommended to bathe your pet. You can often hear complaints from cat owners that after bathing the pet has become lethargic, sleeps all the time, and does not eat well. This condition needs to be monitored in order to take timely measures. The reasons for this behavior may be the following.


Tired while fighting

The reason why a cat is lethargic after a bath can be painfully commonplace. While swimming, she kicked, scratched and bit, spending the last of her strength to save herself. It is possible that this exhausted her greatly. Now the pet needs rest. Give him a quiet place where no one will disturb him. Just be sure to dry him off before letting your cat sleep.


Was the cat injured or swallowed water while bathing? If he is injured, he may be lethargic, refuse to eat, and lie down all the time. Examine it, remember, was there such a situation? The damage can also be internal, so if you clearly remember that an injury occurred, even though it is not visible, contact the veterinarian.

Got a cold

One of the most common reasons for a cat to be lethargic after a bath is a cold. If you were not careful and the water was cool, or the cat was not dried after bathing, he could get hypothermia and get sick. Most likely, in this case, lethargy will also be accompanied by a runny nose, coughing, sneezing, and fever. However, it may also appear as the only symptom.

Under stress

As they say, in any unclear situation, go to bed. Often, due to stress, cats willingly follow this advice. The pet definitely needs to take a nap for an hour or two or three to restore its emotional state. Of course, he will do this only after he has licked himself thoroughly. Do not interfere with the animal's recovery. But sleep is allowed only after drying and in a place without drafts!

Allergy to shampoo

How long have you been using the shampoo you used to bathe your cat? If not, then the animal may have an allergy. It may include lethargy, itching, sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, and possibly even vomiting and diarrhea.

Bathing with flea shampoo

If you bathe your cat with anti-flea shampoo and get lethargy as a result, this may be a symptom of poisoning with an insectoacaricidal agent. In this case, delay in contacting a veterinarian may cost your pet’s life.

When should you contact a veterinarian?

If lethargy does not go away after a few hours, this is a reason to observe the animal. Touch his nose, is it hot? Pay attention to whether the cat is sneezing or coughing? Is he eating well? A state of lethargy after swimming for 24 hours is normal for especially impressionable people. If it lasts longer, go to the vet.

You should also immediately contact a veterinarian if there are significant symptoms - vomiting, diarrhea, loss of consciousness, breathing problems. Or if you know that the cat was injured.

When cats can shake

After all, the most important thing in this situation is to be able to understand the reasons for the appearance of this symptom.

It is also important to understand at what point you should seek help. Advice!


Observe your pet, do not leave her alone and monitor all changes occurring in her condition. If everything is in order, then after a while the trembling will pass.


Cats are very warm-blooded animals and the optimal room temperature for them is about 20 degrees. All cats tremble even after the usual, not to mention any temperature changes.

As you know, body temperature decreases during sleep. The same thing happens while under anesthesia, that is, the cat may simply freeze, which will provoke trembling.


The blanket is in the way

Some animals do not perceive any foreign objects on their bodies. One of these (foreign to the animal) things is the one that is worn after the sterilization procedure.

By trembling, the animal may try to remove the blanket and thereby relieve itself of discomfort.


In this case, you can try to wait until the cat calms down or consult a veterinarian about removing the blanket for a short period of time

If the doctor approves this step, then it is important to ensure that the cat does not dirty or lick it in any way. At this time, you need to keep an eye on your pet.

As you already understand, short-term trembling that goes away over time is not dangerous. However, if the cat is shaking for a long time, then this sign signals problems


Trembling a day after surgery is a sure sign that there are some problems. Perhaps the symptom is caused by a fever, which was provoked by an inflammatory process that began in the body.

If the matter is really inflammation, then the following symptoms will indicate this:

  • suture swelling;
  • discharge of ichor, pus from the wound;
  • the appearance of vomiting;
  • apathy and indifference of the animal.

If trembling is accompanied by any of the above symptoms, you should definitely visit a veterinarian. Only after an examination will he be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Lack of vitamins

Convulsions and tremors can be caused by a lack of vitamins in the body, namely magnesium, calcium or vitamin B. Usually, improvements occur after the missing vitamins are added to the pet’s diet. The required course is about 10 days.


Veterinarians advise adding brewer's yeast to your pet's diet in order to provide her with the necessary amount of vitamin B. Consult your doctor about this step.

If this phenomenon occurs quite often, it is necessary to determine the room temperature. If the room temperature is not comfortable for the pet, measures should be taken to provide warmth to the pet. The measure consists of raising the room temperature or providing the animal with warm bedding and eliminating drafts.

It is necessary to provide cats with warm bedding.

The cat hides its nose if it is cold.

The cat is afraid

Another answer to the question why a cat shakes after a bath may be that he is experiencing stress. In some cats, the state of stress reaches the point where their legs even give out, while others’ hearts begin to ache. Against this background, trembling is a fairly harmless condition. However, it needs to be eliminated as quickly as possible.

To calm your cat after bathing, you should not leave him alone. Instead, hold it in your hands, talk gently, stroke it, and of course, be sure to dry it at this time, combining business with pleasure.

It may seem to you that after the hatred that the cat showed towards you in the bathroom, there is no need to do all this and it is better, on the contrary, to leave it alone. In some cases this is indeed true. But most often in the bathroom, cats show aggression only in relation to the situation itself, and the owner is indirectly affected by aggression, because he does not allow him to escape. Afterwards the cat calms down, although not immediately. But even if the cat wants to be alone, you have no choice: in any case, you need to dry him first and then leave him alone.

The cat is shaking

It is absolutely impossible to notice the appearance of tremors in a pet. Sometimes you can’t see it (small tremors), but if you just touch the cat’s body with your hand, it will be felt.

Trembling can also be severe, with it the limbs usually begin to twitch intensely, this is very noticeable in hairless breeds of cats, as well as smooth-haired ones. It is impossible to confuse such a symptom with others (for example, with a cramp). Many owners, seeing that their beloved cat is trembling like a leaf, immediately, without finding out all the reasons, fall into a state of panic.

There is no need to panic, but this case should not be overlooked either. Before going to the nearest veterinary clinic, having previously placed the cat in a carrier, you should read the relevant information about tremors in cats, which can be found on many forums on the Internet.

How to bathe a cat that is afraid of water

Bathing a pet who is terrified of getting its coat wet must be approached with all responsibility. Half the success is careful preparation for this difficult process.

Preparing for the bathing procedure

Preparing for swimming contains the following algorithm of actions:

  1. To make sure that the cat is healthy, you need to measure its temperature (the normal temperature of an adult animal is 37.7–39.4°).
  2. Brush your pet and remove tangles to prevent large amounts of hair from getting into the stomach after licking.

  3. Trim her nails using special scissors or nippers.

  4. For particularly aggressive animals, you need to purchase a special mesh bag with a lock around the neck or a harness with a suction cup.

  5. Remove everything unnecessary from the bathroom and provide bright lighting and check for drafts in the room.
  6. To prevent water from getting into the ears, wear a special bathing cap on your pet. Cotton swabs will also work.
  7. To make the cat feel confident and not slip, place a mat or a special towel on the bottom of the bath.

  8. Pour water at a temperature of 37 -40° into the bath. The water should reach the animal's belly.
  9. To keep your cat from worrying, you can take her favorite toy with you.

If your cat is terrified of a large bath and the noise of a running shower, it is better to fill two plastic buckets halfway with water. In one of them, dilute concentrated shampoo at the rate of 50–100 ml per ten-liter bucket, and the second will be used to rinse the pet. Small kittens can be washed in the dishwasher sink. You should not use shampoo intended for humans to bathe your cat. The reason lies in the different acid-base balance. Moreover, there is no need to wash the animal with soap, even baby soap. Consequences of using soap:

  • risk of allergies,
  • dry animal skin,
  • hard wool,
  • dandruff,
  • dermatitis as a reaction to alkali and fragrances.

It is better not to skimp on the animal and buy detergents in specialized stores or veterinary hospitals.

Before swimming, you should wear long sleeves. It’s not bad if there is an assistant nearby - one holds the scruff of the neck, the other washes it. If your pet is aggressive, before taking water treatments, it is a good idea to stick special anti-scratch plastic caps on its claws.

Items needed for bathing a cat

  • water thermometer (if you don’t have one, you can measure the water temperature with your elbow),
  • several dry towels or sheets,
  • degreasing shampoo and conditioner (texturizer shampoo if the cat is being prepared for an exhibition),
  • massage mitten or sponge for washing the animal,
  • a ladle or mug for watering, in case the cat is afraid of the sound of the shower,
  • silent hair dryer,
  • peroxide, brilliant green and cotton pads in case the cat scratches the owner.

The process of bathing a cat

When bathing a pet, you should not be nervous, as the owner’s mood is transmitted to the animal. You need to talk to your cat in a calm, friendly tone. If the animal is comfortable standing with only two paws in the water, you should turn its muzzle to the back wall of the bath. In this case, the animal will have no escape route. The bathing procedure should not be delayed - it is better to wash the cat as quickly as possible, but thoroughly and carefully.

Felinologists advise using catnip to calm the animal while taking water procedures. This herb is sold in all pet stores. Its smell will attract your pet and also help create a favorable, relaxing atmosphere. On the contrary, you should not give sedatives to the animal. They do more harm than good because they have a negative effect on the cat's cardiovascular system.

Step-by-step instructions for bathing your pet:

  1. Place the cat in the water and thoroughly wet the animal’s coat, starting from the neck. If the animal resists, you need to fix it by taking it by the withers and lightly pressing it.

  2. Apply shampoo to the cat's wet fur and begin to wash it in circular motions using a massage mitten (if the shampoo is too thick, it must first be diluted with water).
  3. Thoroughly rinse the shampoo from your pet's fur. Rinse the fur until all the foam that has formed has disappeared.
  4. Apply conditioner to the animal's body.
  5. Rinse off the conditioner thoroughly until the fur squeaks.
  6. Let the water drain a little.
  7. Dry your pet with a towel. Wrap the cat up and hold it for a while. Replace the wet towel with a dry one and do this several times.
  8. Complete the procedure with a hairdryer. The comb and hair dryer should be directed in the same direction.

Video: how to train a cat to bathe in the bathtub

Some advice from veterinarians:

  1. Rinse shampoo and conditioner especially thoroughly. Detergents can be toxic to animals.
  2. If your cat gets dirty with paint, you can try to lubricate the area with vegetable oil, massage the fur, and then blot it with napkins.
  3. If you don’t have a special cap or cotton balls on hand when washing your pet, you just need to cover your pet’s ears with your hand. And also be sure to make sure that water does not get into your eyes and nose.
  4. When removing ectoparasites using a special product, you should first soap your neck. If this is not done, insects will run onto the cat's head and face.
  5. If the purr does not want to be dried with a hairdryer and constantly runs away, you need to give it the opportunity to dry on its own.
  6. If an animal's fur can be cleaned using wet wipes for pets, it is better to use them.
  7. Your cat should not be bathed until two hours after feeding.
  8. You cannot turn on the water in the tap or the shower at full power. The noise of high pressure affects the pet like the roar of a huge beast.
  9. If the room is cold, or the pet has very thick and long hair, and he does not allow himself to be dried with a hairdryer, you can put the cat in a basket and place it near a household heater until it dries completely.
  10. When bathing in the bathtub, you need to place a partition across so that the pet can jump onto it as soon as it feels discomfort.
  11. If the cat has withstood the water procedures with dignity, it should be rewarded with its favorite treat.

Our current cat had to be bathed for the first time as a small two-month-old kitten. A team of hired workers was doing cosmetic repairs in my mother’s room. Cecilia rushed into this room as if there was a Sesame cave there. Naturally, we didn’t let her there. Once, after losing Tsilya, we found her in my mother’s room, all smeared with yellow water-based paint. Frightened that the cat would lick the paint, my grandmother and I grabbed Tsilya in our arms and dragged her into the bath to wash. Everything, of course, was done wrong. We quickly filled a basin with water and pushed our pussy into it. Tsilya howled with a wild guttural cry and began to struggle. I tightly squeezed her front paws, with which the cat was clinging to the side of the bathtub, and the grandmother was soaping the cat with shampoo. Tsilya screamed wildly, but stood still. Having lost my vigilance, I loosened my grip, but in vain. Tsilya quickly snatched her paw and with a sharp claw cut my hand until it bled. Grandma crossed herself and quickly began to wash the paint off our poor thing. Cecilia screamed, wailed and cursed us in her cat language with all kinds of swear words. My grandmother and I, like two experienced exorcists, performed a ritual over our purr. Finally, the hastily washed Tsilya was safely wrapped in a dry towel. I took the trembling cat out of the bathroom and took it to dry with a hairdryer. Tsilya howled again, stood on her hind legs and began to fight with the hairdryer. Finally, having bitten me again, our angry little beast broke free and ran off to lick himself under the bed. After some time, Tsilya crawled out of the shelter, almost dry, but all tousled. And I smeared the battle wounds with peroxide, remembering a phrase from a children’s poem: “Dad treats children more simply: he puts them in a string bag and rinses them in the bath...”. Then Tsilya took full revenge on Fen - she threw it off the shelf, smashing it to pieces. Now our baby washes herself quite tolerably, she grumbles and purrs, but stands still. Maybe mine is right, or maybe Cecilia has matured.

Main reasons

Fear or extreme fright

A common reason why a cat shakes with small tremors. The animal shudders nervously, shakes its tail, and breathes rapidly due to the release of adrenaline, the fear hormone, into the blood. Due to tension, a tremor develops, which goes away as soon as the animal calms down.

If your pet is cold

Sometimes trembling in a cat occurs as a reaction of the body to hypothermia. When an animal is cold, it trembles in different ways, for example, small. In this case, it is impossible to visually notice the trembling, but if you put your hand on the body, you can feel how it vibrates. If a cat's chills are noticeable to the naked eye, then the cat is trembling violently. Often this condition is observed after washing the fur, when the animal’s body and head are wet, it actively shakes them, but cannot warm up because the room is not warm enough. Hypothermia often occurs when a cat walks outside for a long time in winter in severe frosts. Once inside the house, the pet winces, its muscles tremble, its legs and tail shake.

Stormy emotions

Trembling in an animal occurs at the moment of fright, while the cat arches its back and shakes its tail.

During overexcitation, you can also notice that the cat is trembling all over its body. This reaction can occur to both negative and positive emotions. If an animal senses danger, adrenaline, the fear hormone, enters its blood. When walking, the cat shakes its tail, its back is arched; if its nerves are at the limit, you can notice how the eye twitches.

Many owners note that a pet’s tremor occurs during games, affection, or a long-awaited meeting with the owner. If the kitten trembles after eating, this is also normal. Experts explain this phenomenon by the fact that when an animal eats its favorite food, many muscle groups contract due to positive emotions, which is why trembling appears.

Hormonal surges

Heat is a common reason why a female cat or tom will shiver. The cat's sexual desire is so strong that the animal during this period becomes unlike itself. It constantly yells, does not eat, follows on the heels of its owner, shakes its paws, tail, and shifts its hind legs. From overexcitation there is a tremor of the head and back, chills can bother you even in your sleep. If the owner does not plan to breed offspring, it is better to save the four-legged friend from such suffering by castrating or sterilizing him.

Trembling when a cat sleeps

Therefore, if cats sleep, involuntarily jerking their legs, head, tail, this is considered the norm, because at this moment the animal experiences certain emotions that contribute to the contraction of muscle tissue. But when the pet wakes up, everything goes away. Sometimes support is required from the owner so that the cat can calm down and forget about the nightmare.


Trembling can be a symptom of a dangerous disease in which the animal is bothered by tremors and chills. If a kitten or an adult cat constantly experiences trembling throughout the body, the following diseases may be occurring in the body:

  • Rhinotracheitis. An infectious pathology that affects the eyes and respiratory organs, and if treatment is not timely, the musculoskeletal system is involved in the pathological process. The animal's temperature rises, the kitten is vomiting due to severe intoxication, and is also worried about tremors and fever.
  • Helminthiasis. They often cause a cat's hind legs to shake.
  • Renal dysfunction. A dangerous pathology that negatively affects the functioning of internal organs and systems. If your pet is trembling even when lying down, and there are problems with urination, it is better not to hesitate to visit a doctor.
  • Epilepsy. A serious and dangerous disease that can begin to bother the animal as early as 2-3 months. During an attack, the pet is unconscious. Due to involuntary muscle contractions, the cat shakes its tail and head, its paw may tremble, its eyes become glassy, ​​and the animal is completely disoriented.
  • Exhaustion of the body. This condition is often observed due to poor nutrition, after a serious illness, or after surgery. A lack of vitamins causes the cat to tremble, so if such a symptom is bothersome, the owner should review the diet and give the pet additional vitamin supplements.

What treatment is prescribed?

After making a diagnosis, the veterinarian will tell you what to do next and prescribe an individual treatment regimen. Tremor that occurs for physiological reasons does not require special treatment. The animal should be protected from stress factors and ensure that it is less nervous and worried. To prevent your cat from suffering from tremors and hormonal surges during the period of estrus, you should take care of finding a partner in advance, and if breeding offspring is not included in your plans, then it is recommended to undergo sterilization surgery.

In addition to basic treatment, it is important to include vitamin supplements in your pet’s diet that will help strengthen the immune system.

If the root cause of tremors is any internal pathology, a comprehensive treatment regimen is prescribed to get rid of the original source of the problem. In addition to taking medications, the owner should take care of the nutrition of his four-legged friend. After all, if a cat eats low-quality food, this also negatively affects its health and causes tremors. If there are problems with the kidneys and organs of the urinary system, experts advise switching the cat to holistic food. In addition, after consulting with a veterinarian, it is useful to periodically give your pet special vitamin and mineral supplements that support the immune system and increase the body’s resistance to the effects of negative external factors.

This is interesting: How to accustom a cat to your hands?

When to contact a veterinarian

If you have consistently analyzed each of the reasons described above, and, in your opinion, this is not why your cat is trembling, you should hurry up with a visit to the veterinarian. After all, there are a number of not so harmless reasons that can cause trembling in a cat. These include helminths, skin diseases, parasites on the skin, and lack of vitamins (especially calcium and vitamin B). Often, after examining the animal, which includes general tests, a visual examination, and if the veterinarian deems it necessary, an ultrasound scan of the internal organs, it will be possible to establish that the cause of the trembling is diseased kidneys (read more about urolithiasis in cats). At the same time, animal owners often notice that with the appearance of attacks of characteristic trembling, the animal’s behavior changes and it becomes aggressive.

Trembling as a symptom of illness

The likelihood of such a serious and dangerous disease as rhinotracheitis should not be discounted. The disease can affect both a kitten and an adult cat, regardless of the breed, and in addition to attacks of characteristic trembling, damage to the respiratory system and eyes can be observed (about eye diseases in cats).

In order not to miss any dangerous disease, you need to show your pet to a veterinarian. It’s better that your worst fears are not confirmed than that later you will regret the lost time...

Video about cats

Today we talked about the possible causes of tremors in cats. We hope that our publication will help you be more attentive to the health of your pets, and if such an incomprehensible symptom occurs, you will not be confused, but will know how to behave correctly.

Have you ever watched your cat tremble? How often do you take your animal to the vet? Share with us your stories, experiences and, of course, photos of your pets on the pages of our VKontakte group - My Pets.

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How to stop kittens when they shake?

If you have a kitten that you feel is shaking a lot, is very lethargic and is unable to move, it is highly recommended that you speak to your local veterinarian.

In cases such as hypothermia and hypoglycemia, your veterinarian may recommend fluids and glucose therapy given intravenously or subcutaneously. This is necessary so that the kitten does not go into shock.

In cases such as hyperthermia, where the fever causes shivering, your veterinarian may simply perform a full physical examination and review the kitten's recent vaccination and medication history. To diagnose the root cause.

For kittens that are simply scared and anxious, the best way to stop shaking and shaking is to help them feel safe and give them time. Try to keep the kitten in a quiet room where he will be comfortable.

Situations that do not cause concern

Tremor is not always the cause of the disease. There are a number of reasons when this phenomenon does not cause much concern.



The most common factor that causes trembling in an animal's body is cold. No one is immune from hypothermia - and cats are no exception. If she is cold, she can tremble in different ways: large (this can be seen with the naked eye) or small (it is easy to notice the trembling by placing your palm on the pet’s body).

Emotional excitement

The cause of your pet's periodic trembling can be certain emotional states. For example, severe fear, discomfort from the appearance of strangers in the house, aggression. The tremor in this case is explained by the tension engulfing the cat. The animal is like a stretched string that is about to snap, and this is why it begins to tremble.

Not only negative emotions can cause this condition. A cat experiencing bliss may also tremble periodically. Many owners notice that when they return from work in the evening and a bored cat rushes towards them, rubs against their legs and purrs contentedly, it literally shakes with joy. This is fine. You should not leave your pet alone for a long time if she is experiencing separation so hard.

Sex hormones

A very common reason for a cat to tremble is hormonal storms. They shock the animal's body when it needs mating. During such periods, the male frantically marks everything around him, screams heart-rendingly, demanding a bride, and suffers from a tremor that covers his entire body - from the ears to the tip of the tail.


The same goes for cats. During estrus, they also often tremble. It is better not to allow the animal to suffer in such a way. If kittens are not in your plans, sterilize your pet or at least buy pills that reduce libido.

"Sleepy" tremor

Sometimes owners notice that the cat trembles when it lies with its eyes closed. The tremor in this case is not constant. Rather, we can talk about periodic shuddering of the body or its individual parts (for example, paws).

There's no need to worry. If there are no other symptoms, such trembling only indicates that the animal is as relaxed as possible and receives true pleasure from rest. True, sometimes a cat trembles from a nightmare in which, for example, a huge dog is chasing it, or a coveted sausage has been taken away. It's not scary. The animal will wake up and everything will be fine. In extreme cases, you can wake him up.

Trembling as a warning sign

There are many different pathologies in which a cat trembles. The most common:

  • Kidney dysfunction often becomes a provoking factor for tremors in a cat. They require mandatory medical intervention, otherwise the animal may develop chronic pathologies (for example, urolithiasis).
  • Rhinotracheitis is a disease of the musculoskeletal system. It usually causes the limbs to twitch. If left untreated, it can be fatal.
  • Epilepsy is a fairly serious disease that requires the help of a veterinarian. The cat's body trembles slightly in front of him. In addition, there are symptoms such as “glassy” eyes, increased salivation, as well as decreased appetite and apathy. If left untreated, your cat may become paralyzed.
  • Parasite infestation is one of the most common causes of trembling in cats. Diseases in this group include, for example, toxoplasmosis and flea infestation. If the animal periodically jerks its head, most likely it is being pestered by ear mites.
  • Otitis media or ear plugs also cause head twitching.
  • Exhaustion of the body. If a cat is shaking with small tremors, she is not active, indifferent to games and other entertainment, perhaps she lacks nutrients, vitamins or beneficial microelements. A deficiency of B vitamins and calcium has a particularly detrimental effect on a pet’s health. Reviewing your diet can solve the problem. With normal nutrition, the cat will stop trembling.

In search of an answer to the question of why a cat trembles like a leaf, you should analyze all the factors and take a closer look at the pet. Are there other symptoms and, if so, what are they? Is the animal’s emotional state stable? does it want to “walk”; trembling occurs when the pet is sleeping or awake; etc.

All this is of great importance. If time passes and the situation does not normalize or there are accompanying alarming signs, the cat should be shown to a specialist as soon as possible.

Previous Question and answer 4 reasons why a kitten is breathing heavily - what to do Next Question and answer Why is the kitten trembling and shaking

Reasons why a cat may tremble

Non-pathological underlying causes of strange muscle contractions are not dangerous and can be easily prevented by eliminating predisposing factors.

Joy and positive emotions

There are several reasons why a cat trembles:

  • reaction to a favorite treat;
  • excitement during games;
  • interest in birds or insects seen through the window;
  • joy at the sight of the owner or a new toy.

Domestic cat

In these cases, the deviation is temporary and goes away on its own after a short period.

The blanket is in the way

Some pets hate any foreign things placed on them.

Cat in a blanket

Foreign blankets include blankets that are put on after surgery. By contracting muscles, the cat tries to get rid of discomfort.

The cat is frozen

Comfortable temperature conditions for furry pets include the following indicators:

  • for newborn babies - 31 degrees and above;
  • for older kittens - 24 degrees.

Wide open windows, lack of heating, and drafts cause the cat to tremble, trying to warm up. Secondary symptoms of hypothermia include drowsiness, apathy, decreased heart rate, breathing and temperature.

Important! In the summer heat, your cat may experience chills after swimming. In a light breeze it can freeze.

Fatigue after exercise

Prolonged physical activity, chasing a butterfly or a bird leads to a problem. The deviation resembles the reaction of the human body to excessive physical activity: voluntary contractions of the leg muscles after running. After rest, the symptoms disappear.

Important! If, after a full sleep, the pet continues to tremble, then a visit to a veterinarian is necessary.

The animal got scared

If a cat is shaking with small tremors, she meows continuously, tries to hide in a secluded place, behind the sofa, and the hair on the back of her neck stands on end, then she is simply scared.

Fear is provoked both by the arrival of strangers and by a working vacuum cleaner or mixer.

Sexual arousal

At the peak of hormone production, cats shake, make loud noises, and rub against their legs or furniture.

It is easy to recognize sexual arousal: males begin to actively mark their territory, females experience swelling in the genital area.

Puberty of a cat

Why does a cat shake after 5 months: one of the root causes includes growing up and puberty. In young animals, the unusual condition causes unreasonable fear and stress.

Why does a healthy animal tremble?

The causes of cat tremors are divided into physiological and pathological. Unlike the latter, the former are not dangerous to the health of the animal and do not require any special measures. These include emotional overexcitation, chills as a result of hypothermia, craving for the opposite sex during sexual intercourse, and eating after fasting.

Excitement (joy, fear, etc.)

If your pet is shaking slightly, he may be experiencing strong emotions. They can be both positive (joy) and negative (fear). Anything can cause an emotional outburst in a four-legged pet: a meeting with the owner after a long separation, a car ride, veterinary manipulations, a sharp sound, screaming, quarrels in the family, the appearance of a new animal or child in the house, etc.

Usually the cat’s emotional state normalizes on its own. However, in severe cases, it may be necessary to use sedative veterinary medications, which are recommended to be previously agreed upon with a veterinarian.

Chills as the body's reaction to hypothermia

If an adult cat or kitten is shaking, it is most likely just cold. It’s one thing when a pet is shaking because it’s very cold, but it’s quite another when the animal is hypothermic. In the first case, it is enough to warm the cat and observe its body temperature for some time. In the second, it may be necessary to warm up the four-legged pet from the inside using warm enemas, intravenous administration of heated solutions, steam inhalation, as well as the use of drugs that enhance and support cardiac activity.

You can understand that a cat is trembling slightly because he is cold by the following signs:

  • cool skin;
  • sleeping on a radiator - a frozen pet constantly lies near heating devices;
  • dry nose;
  • the desire to crawl under a blanket or warm blanket, while the cat sleeps with its head covered with its paws or hidden under the blanket.

Sexual arousal

During sexual heat, male cats' behavior changes. An animal experiencing sexual arousal often becomes aggressive, leaves marks all over the house, makes loud sounds to attract partners, and trembles all over its body. To calm your pet, you can give him a sedative based on natural ingredients (mint, plantain, motherwort), or a hormonal drug in the form of tablets, drops or suspension (for example, Gestrenol, Stop-intim, Sex Control). .

When using anti-sex drugs that contain hormones, it must be taken into account that violation of the instructions for their use can lead to disruption of the hormonal status of the animal, which can lead to the development of ovarian cysts, glandular hyperplasia and uterine cancer, hydro- and pyometra, diabetes, immune diseases systems.

If symptoms of sexual arousal cause significant inconvenience to the cat's owner and he does not intend to get offspring from her, it is better to castrate the animal.

Eating after fasting

A cat can go hungry for a variety of reasons. Starvation can be caused by a serious illness, an upcoming test or surgery, or the owner leaving him without food for an unexpected long absence from home. A very hungry kitten or adult animal pounces on food, eats greedily and trembles as it does so.

There is no need to give your pet a lot of food at once. Overeating will negatively affect his well-being and digestion. Quickly swallowed food may simply not have time to be digested, and the four-legged pet will begin to vomit and have diarrhea. After a long fast, the animal should be fed frequently and in small portions.

what to do if the cat is trembling after being washed

the cats washed about 30 minutes ago. He doesn’t seem to be sick, he’s trembling, what should he do if he’s trembling?

Cats have a layer of air in their fur that helps them regulate their body temperature. When wet, the fur loses this layer, and the cat gets very cold. It is not recommended to wash cats unless necessary; they do an excellent job of cleaning their fur themselves. A wet cat needs to be dried with a hairdryer immediately, because it can get sick.

Do you have nothing else to do or what?))) ) there is no need to wash the cat! after that he quickly freezes - so he trembles! and the structure of a cat’s fur is such that after washing he cannot warm up for a very long time, he may even get sick, God forbid! cats are washed only in exceptional cases - if they have fleas or are very dirty, otherwise - they take care of themselves and maintain their hygiene) don’t mock the cat like that again!

Why the hell did you wash? I wish you a cat toy. PLN is not enough. A cat's fur is like a temperature regulator - he himself knows what to do when he is hot or cold... you offended your cat and scared him greatly

Don't touch him anymore. . The cat is stressed because of your washing!

It's cold for the poor thing! Dry or blow dry!

Either it's cold or he's afraid. In both versions, wrap it in a towel and hold it close to you)

You have nothing better to do than wash the cats! he's cold

100% - either cold or stressed. wrap it in a towel; when you feel that it has become very saturated with water, change it to a dry one so as not to get sick. keep it in a dry towel for about half an hour, then release it into a warm room, without a draft, or even better, put it on the bed and let it lick itself. and that's it). We have such jokes all the time, but the doctor told us to wash ourselves once a month - we have long hair and hair))

wrap it in a thick towel and press it to your chest until it warms up

My cat does the same thing, although that’s why we rarely wash it, so there’s nothing you can do about it, just cover it in a towel

Description of trembling

The scientific term tremor is used to define shaking. Tremors are defined as rapid and rhythmic movements that are caused by muscle contractions. Trembling can be classified according to several criteria:

  • in terms of speed, shaking can be fast and slow;
  • by localization, tremor of the animal’s head, limbs, croup and generalized tremor are distinguished;
  • By severity, it is customary to distinguish between mild tremor, which does not interfere with the animal’s eating, drinking and leading an active lifestyle, and severe, in which case independent movement and eating are difficult for the cat.

The shaking may occur when you are at rest (resting tremor) and disappear when you move or try to make a precise movement. Limbs may tremble when the animal tries to hold them in a certain position.

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