Hair loss on the hind legs of cats
Cat owners know that from time to time they have to pick up cat hair around the house, so...
Fleas on a cat: signs and how to deal with insects
Animals, like humans, are susceptible to various diseases, regardless of species, breed or size. Ailments
Roundworms in cats: symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease (135 photos and videos)
One of the most common health problems in cats is associated with infection by various parasites,
Ringworm (microsporia, trichophytosis) in cats and kittens
How is cat lichen treated in humans? If, through negligence or ignorance, one of the owners
Diaphragmatic hernia, hiatal hernia
Signs Diagnosis Treatment The diaphragm is the muscular partition between the chest and abdominal cavity.
What is infectious anemia in cats?
Hemobartonellosis in cats. What is it and how to deal with it?
Feline hemobartenellosis (or infectious anemia) is a blood-parasitic disease, similar in its clinical manifestations to piroplasmosis
The animal's eyes are watery: reasons
One of the cat's eyes is watering: reasons, what to do at home, medications and folk methods
Eyes are the mirror of the soul! We often say this phrase when talking about people.
A cat has a white tongue: all possible causes and their dangers
Cats always give the impression of being extremely clean animals, as they spend long periods of time in order to maintain hygiene.
examining the cat after injury for internal bleeding
Gastrointestinal bleeding in animals (general information, causes, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of sick dogs and cats)
Sterilizing a cat sometimes results in blood loss. Internal bleeding in cats is a dangerous condition.
How to identify the cause and help a cat if he cannot pee on his own
A healthy cat with satisfactory maintenance and nutrition pees 3 to 5 times per day.
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