Eye drops for cats - 5 best types for pus, infection and conjunctivitis

Almost every veterinary specialist knows that an animal’s eyes are a “mirror” by which a specialist visually determines whether a cat is sick or not. Today in medicine, many human diseases are diagnosed by the eyes (iridology). Eye diseases in our cats are quite common today. If you do not take the necessary treatment measures in a timely manner, sometimes your pet’s disease can result in loss of vision. Before talking about eye diseases, cat owners should have an idea of ​​what the eye is. A cat's eye is an organ specially adapted for the animal to perceive light waves. With the help of vision, your cat navigates the world around it, perceives the intensity of light, color, shape of objects, distance to them, as well as the movement of objects in space.

Domestic cats are more gentle creatures than their wild relatives. Of course, street cats' eyes fester just as often - this is due to their lifestyle. But when pus appears in the eyes of a pet furbaby, a caring owner will not ignore this alarm signal in any case. Each owner of his pet will strive to figure out why the cat has pus in the eyes, since this is a symptom that the cat is sick with something and will take the necessary measures to eliminate this situation.

Eye drops for cats: indications

The prescriptions for the use of various eye drops in cats are similar, so it is possible to generalize the recommendations for their use.

Anandin for cats

The medicine is prescribed in this form in the following cases:

  • infected injuries of the organs of vision (in complex treatment);
  • preparing a cat for ophthalmic surgery;
  • prevention of complications after eye surgery;
  • conjunctivitis of various natures and forms;
  • keratitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the nasolacrimal ducts.

The manifestations of many eye pathologies in cats are similar, which is why trying to self-medicate is quite dangerous. In case of severe lesions, drops are used only in complex therapy in parallel with antibiotic injections.

Common Causes

There are many reasons why a cat's eyes may fester. Let's look at the most common of them:

  • The most common disease is conjunctivitis. It can be treated very quickly, however, in no case should this process be delayed, because clear mucous discharge quickly turns purulent.
  • An injured mucous membrane can cause suppuration; as a rule, small wounds heal on their own. Large wounds caused by branches and claws must be treated.
  • Blepharitis is an eye disease that can occur due to both injury and burns from chemicals.
  • Keratitis is an inflammatory process of the cornea, which causes the eyes to water and fester.
  • A kitten's eyes may fester due to poor health and reduced immunity.
  • Due to insufficiently balanced food.
  • Kitten develops eye problems as a result of dirty nest.
  • Drafts and hypothermia in a kitten can cause purulent discharge from the eyes.
  • Chlamydia begins with the eyes watering and festering, then the cornea and mucous membrane become inflamed.
  • An allergic reaction causes swelling, suppuration, and the animal's eyes water.
  • Atopic dermatitis is usually a seasonal disease of an allergic nature.
  • Heredity. In cats with ancestors suffering from eye diseases, the likelihood of developing these diseases increases by 50%.
  • Congenital pathologies, for example, a pathologically located hair follicle, a defect in the lacrimal sac or a complete absence of the lacrimal punctum, an excessively dense lower eyelid or rolled inward, eyelashes growing in several rows. At this time, the cat's eyes first water, then pus is released. These problems are usually solved surgically.

Directions for use: how to instill eye drops into a cat

For an animal, the number of instillations per day depends on the prescribed drug, general condition and the instructions of the veterinarian.

The method by which the composition is administered is the same for all types of eye drops. Before instillation, the eyes are washed using a furatsilin solution, a special lotion or saline solution.

A drop of the composition is instilled into each eye of the cat under the lower eyelid.

Ciprovet for cats

A large dosage is not required, as the product will flow out. If the animal responds calmly to treatment, then the bottle can be presented from any side. For cautious pets who are afraid of manipulation, the drops are brought to the eye from the back of the head so that they cannot see anything and become nervous.

When treating an aggressive animal, it is advisable to perform procedures with an assistant. The cat is wrapped in a thick blanket or tucked into the sleeve of a jacket.

While one person is holding the animal, the second is burying it. If the cat categorically does not allow eye drops, you should consult a veterinarian, since there is a high probability that the pet simply cannot tolerate the prescribed drug.

Be sure to read:

Canephron for cats: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

Veterinarian recommendations

If your kitten's eyes are festering, you should contact your veterinarian for help. Treatment depends on what is causing the condition. Having found out the cause, the veterinarian prescribes the necessary treatment, which includes:

  • If your pet has swelling, then novocaine and hydrocortisone solution are used for these purposes.
  • If a cat has severe pain, then he is given a novocaine blockade, which includes an antibiotic. In this way, you can not only reduce pain in the animal, but also relieve the inflammatory process.
  • When the disease becomes acute and the pet feels pain, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed, which is preferably given by injection.
  • When the cause is a bruise or a foreign body, the pet needs to use Iris or Levomycetin drops.
  • Albucid, Bars, Neoconjunctivet drops help treat a condition where the eyes are watery.
  • Medkinos and Lacrimin are used to wash the eyes.

If there is purulent discharge from the eyes, you should consult a veterinarian; self-medication can lead to loss of vision.

What eye diseases are common in cats?

The main eye pathologies in cats are:

  • Conjunctivitis - when the disease occurs, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyelids occurs. The reasons for the development of the disease are varied - from dirt getting into the eye to infection.
  • Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea in cats that usually also affects the eyelids.
  • Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids, which may be accompanied by the formation of ulcers.
  • Cataracts are similar to this disease in humans and are treated with surgery.

Other pathologies of the visual organs in cats are rarely observed. Injuries to the eyeball more often occur in pets that have free access to the street.

Owner's first aid

Of course, when a cat has suppuration, a veterinarian’s consultation is necessary. Only after an examination can a veterinarian make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. However, the owner must also be able to provide first aid carried out at home. First of all, rinsing is necessary.

Eye wash

How can you wash your eyes?

  • Decoction of chamomile flowers.
  • Boric acid solution (2 teaspoons of medicine per half liter of warm boiled water).
  • 0.02% solution of furatsilin.

Rinsing is best done together, one person should hold the animal and the other should carry out the procedure, this is necessary so as not to damage the pet’s eyes.

How to wash?

The basic rule: the solution must be warm, you cannot use it hot so that the animal does not get burned. A cotton pad, previously twisted into a tourniquet, is dipped into the medicine, which is then squeezed onto the cat’s diseased organ. You need to wash until all the pus is removed. After each wash, the cotton pads should be changed; it is best if the tourniquet is disposable.

You cannot use dry cotton wool, as it can further injure the eye. You should not replace a cotton pad with cotton swabs. Of course, they are more convenient to use, but the sticks pick up a small amount of solution. After you have finished rinsing, you need to put 1% Tetracycline ointment behind the eyelid.

We use ointment

How to apply ointment correctly?

Before applying the ointment, it must be warmed in your hands; there is no need to make investments with a cold composition:

  • One person holds the cat tightly, lying on his side.
  • The other, meanwhile, carefully pulls back the animal's lower eyelid.
  • Use a special spatula to apply ointment to the lower eyelid.
  • Then you need to close the eye and distribute the ointment with light massaging movements.

We use drops

What drops can be used to bury a cat?

In order to treat a cat, you can use different drops, for example, Levomycetin, Sodium Sulfacyl, Diamond Eyes drops.

How to carry out the procedure correctly?

  • The cat needs to be laid on its side, and in such a way that the eyeball is directed upward.
  • In order to administer the drops, you need to hold your pet firmly so that it does not get injured.
  • Drop the medicine, after which the cat will blink vigorously, and the medicine will be distributed in the eyeball.
  • Then blot the area with a napkin.

Review of popular drugs

Your cat's eye medication must be prescribed by a veterinarian. The owner can independently provide first aid to the animal. To do this, you should rinse your pet's eyes and instill medicine to relieve inflammation, swelling and pain.

Let's look at the most popular eye medications for animals:

  • Tsiprolet . The drug contains the active substance ciprofloxacin, which has a local bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. The medicine is effective for diseases caused by infections and microorganisms - staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, chlamydia. The product is used as a prophylaxis before and after surgery in animals. Tsiprolet drops are given to cats in the initial stages of the disease in the dosage of 1 drop 3-4 times a day. For persistent purulent and mucous discharge, the dose of the drug is increased. These eye drops for kittens are acceptable without risk.
  • Levomycetin . It is a well-known antibiotic drug used for humans and animals. The antibiotic is harmful to bacteria resistant to penicillin and its derivatives. Levomycetin drops for cats treat veterinary eye diseases in animals - conjunctivitis, blepharitis and keratitis. The antibiotic needs a moist environment, so it has a therapeutic effect on the cornea, iris and vitreous body; the substance does not penetrate into the lens. The product is prescribed to pets to prevent complications after operations and serious illnesses.
  • Diamond eyes . This medicine contains chlorhexidine and taurine. The drug is effective against inflammatory processes on the conjunctiva and degenerative changes in the retina. Drops can be used to prevent cataracts. The dosage of the medicine is designed for different treatment periods: if you instill 1 drop per day once, the course will last 45 days, if you instill 2 drops, then you should be treated for 20 days, and if you use 3, then the treatment period can be reduced to 10 days. For prevention, instill 1 drop twice a day for 20 days, after 10-14 days the course is repeated.
  • Bars . This is a drug with extensive antibacterial effects, used for conjunctivitis, keratitis and blepharitis. The medicine contains two main ingredients - chloramphenicol and furatsilin. Bars drops are sold in a dropper bottle format, so they are convenient to use. Often used for pets for prophylactic purposes. Each eye is wiped with a cotton pad soaked in a medicinal solution, and then 1 drop is instilled. Treatment will require a dosage of 1 or 2 drops 3-4 times a day, the minimum course is 2 weeks.
  • Iris . Iris drops treat conjunctivitis of the eye in the acute and chronic stages, blepharitis, stye, septic ulcers on the cornea. The basic antibacterial substance of the drug is gentamicin sulfate. It eliminates infections of the outer part of the eye, is used for injuries, wounds and mechanical damage to the eyeball, as well as for damage to tissues close to the eye. Eye drops for conjunctivitis for cats are sold in a dropper bottle, which is convenient to use and store.

The drug Tsiprovet is an analogue of the drug Tsiprolet, they contain one active substance and a single pharmacological effect. Ciprovet drops are used for cats and dogs against harmful single-celled microorganisms that parasitize the mucous membranes of animals, including the eyes.


In order to keep your cat’s eyes healthy, it is necessary to follow preventive measures:

  1. First of all, while walking, you need to avoid injury. If your pet has received minor wounds, it is necessary to treat them as quickly as possible.
  2. A small kitten needs daily rinsing; for this you can use plain boiled water or a herbal decoction.
  3. Timely vaccinations will help keep your cat healthy and protect him from infectious diseases and colds.
  4. Regular use of anthelmintic drugs will help avoid infection with parasites and prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction to the products of their excretion.
  5. Scratching wounds located near the eyelids should not be allowed, as this can lead to suppuration of the eye. It is better to trim the hair growing near the organ of vision a little, especially for long-haired breeds.

In other words, this is caring care from the owner, timely preventive vaccinations, and regular medical examinations. If you promptly treat small wounds received while walking, you can avoid health problems, the symptoms of which may be purulent discharge from the eyes.

Rinse the cat's eyes: useful tips

If a kitten's eye is swollen and festering, rinsing should be done carefully, having first taken care of your safety. During the procedure, the pet will be nervous and struggle, so it should be well secured (or use the help of a second person who will hold the animal). The best option is to swaddle the cat with a towel or diaper so that only the head remains outside. Please also adhere to the following recommendations .

  • Rinse each eye with solution from a separate container.
  • Twist the cotton wool into a tight rope, dip it in a warm broth (medicinal solution), and squeeze it onto the animal’s festering eye.
  • When the pet's eyes are completely cleared of purulent discharge, apply tetracycline ointment (1%) under the cat's eyelid. To do this, pull back the animal’s lower eyelid and, using a special spatula, place the composition on its inner surface. Then close your cat's eye completely and massage it lightly. This will help the product to be distributed evenly. To further enhance the effect of using the ointment, preheat the tube with it in your hands. But if the cat is very nervous, then you should not apply the ointment under the eyelid (this can lead to injury to the organ of vision).

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