Yellow diarrhea in a kitten: causes and treatment (at home in the clinic)

Diarrhea is an unpleasant and life-threatening condition. And, in general, sad! The stomach aches and sometimes hurts, the mood is at zero, delicious food causes an attack of melancholy, and the toilet becomes your best friend. It's good if this is a one-time occurrence! And if the process does not stop, intensifies, blood inclusions appear, or, conversely, water appears instead of feces, then you need to pull yourself together and consult a doctor.

Diarrhea - some information about your own bowel movements

Diarrhea is a pathological condition of the body

Normally, an adult excretes from 100 to 300 g of feces per day. It all depends on the amount of food consumed and the coarse dietary fiber in it. The frequency of bowel movements is an individual matter, but if you go to the toilet more than 3 times a day, then you have diarrhea.

If the gastrointestinal tract system operates normally, then the amount of liquid in the stool is about 60%. And nothing bothers the person. If the balance is disturbed - the liquid in the feces reaches 90% - diarrhea begins. Even diarrhea in medical practice is subject to classification. Therefore, diarrhea can be of the following types:

  1. Secretory – so-called “water diarrhea”
  2. Osmolar - frequent and copious stools with pieces of undigested food
  3. Hyperkinetic – disturbance of intestinal motility
  4. Hypokinetic – decreased intestinal motility
  5. Exudative - disorders of the intestinal lining due to the inflammatory process - ulcers, dysentery, and so on. The stools are purulent and mixed with blood.

So, why does a kitten have diarrhea?

There are a number of reasons:

  • Nutritional – with a sharp change in the usual diet, early or rapid weaning from the mother (up to 1 month), transfer from one food to another or from natural food to food and vice versa;
  • Improper feeding - unbalanced diet, excess or lack of fiber, difficult-to-digest meat and meat products containing a large amount of connective tissue, inclusion in the diet of products that cause digestive disorders (milk, dairy products, including those with high fat content - cream, sour cream;
  • Excessive feeding, as well as a long interval between feedings, especially kittens under 1 month;
  • Food poisoning from chemicals, plants, stale food;
  • Food intolerance (can cause diarrhea in kittens at any age) and allergies. Allergies in kittens are less common and can be suspected as the cause of diarrhea from 12 months, less often from 6 months of age;
  • Infectious and parasitic diseases:

— Helminthiasis (helminthic infestation) is the most common cause of diarrhea in kittens 1-3 months of age. Infection occurs not only through contact with the outside world, but also in utero and with mother's milk.

Timely deworming of mothers and babies is important. Kittens begin to be treated for helminths from 2-3 weeks of age.

— Protozoa (Giardia, Isospora, Trichomonas) are single-celled organisms that often cause diarrhea in both kittens and adult cats. Infection occurs through the fecal-oral route. More common in kittens from nurseries. Bengal, Abyssinian, Siamese, Oriental and Burmese cats are predisposed.

— Infections - viral and bacterial infections (panleukopenia, campylobacteriosis, salmonellosis, rotavirus infection, coronavirus enteritis) in small kittens are severe and often fatal. Diarrhea, as the main sign of infection, quickly leads to dehydration and death.

Lack of maternal vaccination and timely vaccination of babies increases the risk of infection

  • Other causes of diarrhea

— Stress associated with a change of place of residence, the appearance of new family members or a long absence of familiar people, transportation, the appearance of other animals, loud and sharp sounds; Foreign objects - eating strings, ropes, toys, can cause digestive problems and manifest as diarrhea.

Secretory diarrhea in more detail

The mechanism of development of this type of gastrointestinal disorder is as follows:

  • Increased movement of electrolytes into the intestinal lumen
  • Electrolytes pull water with them, and watery diarrhea begins

Reasons for the development of pathology:

  1. Infection – foodborne illnesses, cholera, staphylococcus, some strains of E. coli, bacteria of the species Yersinia enterocolitica
  2. Damage from toxic substances - arsenic, phosphorus compounds, insecticides
  3. Genetic diseases - folic acid malabsorption
  4. Some cancers - pancreatic tumors, gastrinoma, medullary thyroid cancer
  5. Taking certain laxatives - castor oil, buckthorn bark, rhubarb

With this type of diarrhea, all pathological processes are concentrated in the small intestine.


In order to prevent your pet from becoming infected with parasites, it is necessary to carry out antiparasitic treatments. For domestic cats, deworming treatment should be carried out at least 2 times a year. If the pet goes for walks and eats raw meat, then the frequency increases to 1 time every 1 - 3 months.

Annual routine vaccination can minimize the risks of contracting infectious diseases, especially in this case, protection against the feline panleukopenia virus will be important.

Cats over 7 years of age have an increased risk of developing endocrine diseases, as well as developing kidney, liver, and oncology diseases. For such animals, it is recommended to carry out an annual medical examination, blood tests, and an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Medical examination allows you to identify the problem in the early stages and begin timely treatment.

High-quality, balanced nutrition is half the success in keeping your pet healthy.

A consultation with a veterinary nutritionist will help identify errors in feeding and correct them. Eliminating the cat from stealing from the table or picking up food from the floor also reduces the risk of loose stools.

Main symptoms

Watery stool is common in children

When visiting a doctor, it is important to be honest about your symptoms. The process and result of treatment depends on this. Typical signs of secretory diarrhea:

  1. Liquid, partial, watery bowel movements – from 5 to 10 liters per day
  2. No noticeable stench
  3. Almost complete absence of signs of intoxication
  4. Pain syndrome is not observed or is mild
  5. The temperature rises slightly - to a maximum of 37.8 °C
  6. No false urge to defecate
  7. Fasting does not help stop diarrhea
  8. There are high levels of sodium chloride in the stool - the composition is similar to blood plasma
  9. There are no leukocytes or blood clots in the stool
  10. Low levels of potassium ions in the blood - because of this, the patient may experience seizures

The main reasons for the appearance of lumps on the stomach of cats

Lumps under the skin on the abdomen in cats are most often benign (mastopathy) and malignant neoplasms (cancer). The first option is characterized by enlargement of the mammary glands.

Normally, it is observed in nursing cats, in other cases it is considered a pathology. It starts with small lumps and without proper treatment can develop into cancer.

The second option is the most common and dangerous. It manifests itself as lumps on the cat’s stomach in the area of ​​the nipples. In some cases, slight lethargy of the animal is observed. After some time, these bumps grow, turn purple and bleed.

What happens during a doctor's examination

The outcome of treatment for secretory diarrhea depends on the correct diagnosis. Diagnostics is as follows:

  • Questioning the patient - the presence and nature of complaints, duration of diarrhea
  • Examination of the patient - special attention should be paid to the degree of dehydration and symptoms of hypokalemia - convulsions, muscle roll syndrome
  • Proctological examination - this will reveal tumor processes, fissures or fistulas of the anus
  • Study of stool tests - coprogram, parasite eggs, stool occult blood test, bacterial culture

After the research and diagnosis, the doctor decides whether to hospitalize the patient. With secretory diarrhea, no signs of severe intestinal infection, or mild dehydration, adult patients can be treated at home. In all other cases, including pregnant women, treatment in a hospital setting is indicated.

Mammary cancer

Lumps in the abdominal area of ​​cats in most cases are a malignant tumor. Animals older than 5–6 years are susceptible to this disease. The peak occurs between the ages of 7–10 years.


The exact cause of cancer in cats has not been established. Only the factors that provoke its development have been identified. In the first place are hormonal disorders that develop for the following reasons:

  1. Physiological processes, the first of which is puberty. This applies to changes in the cycles of estrus, pregnancy and rest.
  2. Artificial hormonal imbalance. Caused by taking hormonal pills to suppress estrus.

Important! Oriental and Siamese cats are more susceptible to cancer than others.

The development of a malignant tumor is provoked by factors such as the age of the cat, hereditary or breed predisposition, low-quality nutrition, and environmental conditions.

Tumor stages

Breast cancer is divided into four stages. According to the TNM classification, stages I and II have a favorable prognosis. Such animals live for about 5 years. And after the first operation, their complete recovery can occur. Stage III involves surgical treatment and chemotherapy.

Stage IV is characterized by the presence of metastases in internal organs. It cannot be treated surgically, only chemotherapy can be used.

Important! Even an experienced veterinarian cannot determine the life expectancy of a cat diagnosed with cancer. It depends on the stage of the disease, the animal’s immunity and the method of treatment.

Based on their shape, cancerous tumors are divided into nodular and diffuse. In the first case, surgery is performed, and in the second, treatment begins with radiation or chemotherapy, followed by surgery.

Clinical signs

Symptoms of breast cancer make themselves felt during the transition from stage III to stage IV. During this period, the pet’s condition, its appearance and skin deteriorate. Single or multiple lumps under the skin may be palpable. Then the tumor grows.

Main symptoms of breast cancer:

  • inflammation of tissue in the tumor area;
  • pain during palpation of the pet’s chest and tummy;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pronounced size of the tumor;
  • refusal of food.

Signs of a malignant tumor are similar to other pathological changes in the mammary glands. An accurate diagnosis will be made by a veterinarian based on the diagnostics performed.


A veterinarian can determine why lumps appear on a cat’s mammary glands after conducting diagnostics. And she means:

  • X-ray;
  • ultrasonography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • computed tomography;
  • histology.

Important! Inaccurate collection of a biosample for histological examination often leads to the development of metastases and tumor growth.

To determine the condition of the body, a general blood test is performed. It will show the presence of secondary infections and the degree of the inflammatory process.

Treatment methods

Most diagnosed cases require resection of tumors. This treatment involves three main stages:

  1. Removal of the tumor and part of nearby tissue.
  2. Preventing the development of metastases by resection of lymph nodes.
  3. Carrying out chemotherapy. Its action is aimed at preventing relapse in the cat and stopping the tumor process.

During surgery, it is recommended to remove the uterus along with the appendages. Such a radical solution will minimize the reappearance of the tumor and possible postoperative complications.

Prevention measures

The main preventive measure is early sterilization of the cat. The procedure is carried out before the onset of puberty and the appearance of the first heat. If you plan to get offspring from a pet, the owner must provide her with healthy, nutritious nutrition and avoid taking hormonal pills.

Treatment tactics

Diet and even fasting as a treatment for diarrhea

The choice of treatment depends on the causes of the disease:

  1. Diet is a prerequisite for recovery
  2. Detoxification measures - if the cause of diarrhea is due to the effects of medications or toxic drugs
  3. Antibiotics – if the disease is caused by bacteria
  4. Rehydration - replenishing fluid loss
  5. Drugs to restore normal intestinal motility

If, during examination, tumor neoplasms are revealed, the patient is referred to a doctor of an advising profile - an endocrinologist, oncologist-gastroenterologist. In this case, without treating the underlying disease, secretory diarrhea cannot be stopped. All medications are prescribed by the attending physician and selected individually.

The length of use of antibacterial agents depends on the severity of the disease and can last up to 2 months.

Features of diarrhea in pregnant and lactating cats

Diarrhea in pregnant cats is often caused by poor diet. A pregnant cat needs a change in diet; it requires more high-calorie food with an increased amount of protein in it. Of the ready-made diets for expectant mothers, kitten food is recommended. Such food covers all the nutritional needs of the mother cat. On the contrary, a pregnant cat does not need milk in her diet; it can weaken the stool and does not contain any nutritional value.

Before planning offspring, the owners of the cat and cat must be tested for infectious diseases, and also be treated for helminths and vaccinated. Illness during pregnancy can cause enormous harm to future offspring. Many common medications cannot be given to pregnant cats, so treating her may be difficult. If a nursing cat is poisoned by spoiled food, she can pass the toxins to the kittens through the milk. Infections and parasites will also inevitably be passed on to offspring. Therefore, monitoring a pregnant and lactating cat should be very careful; if you have any questions, you should consult a doctor.

Diet and rehydration for secretory diarrhea

Why is this type of diarrhea dangerous? This is a loss of fluid and microelements! Therefore, during treatment you will have to drink liters. Most often, just plain water is enough, but if electrolytes are lost, the doctor may prescribe special rehydration medications such as Regidron. For mild to moderate severity of the disease, the liquid is taken orally. Only 15% of cases require intravenous infusions. Indications for infusion are severe dehydration and childhood of the patient. Diet for secretory diarrhea:

  • Small meals up to 5 times a day
  • Dishes are steamed, baked or boiled. Preferably pureed
  • Everything spicy, fried, salted, smoked is prohibited
  • Food temperature – average 30–35 degrees

What can you eat if you have watery diarrhea:

  1. White breads in the form of croutons - no raisins or seasonings
  2. Vegetable soups, first courses in low-fat broth
  3. Boiled porridge - any - buckwheat, oatmeal, rice in water or diluted milk
  4. Stewed or baked vegetables without peel, boiled or baked potatoes in their jackets
  5. Boiled eggs or better as an omelet
  6. Green tea, compotes, fruit drinks without sugar, still mineral water.

Strong coffee and alcoholic drinks are completely prohibited until recovery

This is the recommended menu; all the subtleties and nuances of nutrition for secretory diarrhea are best discussed with your doctor.

How can the color of stool change during diarrhea?

Information about the color of stool and its structure will help the doctor when making a diagnosis. Types of diarrhea:

  1. Watery stools of normal color occur with a sudden change in diet, and also occur due to stress. If bowel movements occur 2-3 times, there is no reason to worry.
  2. Yellow stool indicates that food is poorly digested. Orange color of feces indicates problems with the liver or gall bladder. If yellow diarrhea occurs in a kitten not for the first time, it is advisable to diagnose the internal organs.
  3. Green liquid feces are a sign of dysbiosis and putrefactive processes in the intestines.
  4. Black diarrhea indicates internal bleeding in the upper digestive tract.
  5. White diarrhea is a sign of gallbladder dysfunction. Discolored stool indicates that little bile is being produced.
  6. Diarrhea with mucus and blood. A large amount of mucus in feces occurs with helminthiasis. Bloody inclusions in the stool appear due to inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, as well as due to damage to its walls by a foreign body. Bacterial and viral infections also cause bloody diarrhea.

Secretory diarrhea, consequences

Preparations for restoring intestinal microflora

One should not naively believe that such a violation of the mechanism of absorption and excretion of fluid and feces for the body will pass painlessly. If left untreated, the following unpleasant symptoms may develop:

  1. Dehydration due to massive fluid loss and impaired water metabolism
  2. Imbalance of electrolytes, trace elements and vitamins
  3. Hypokalemia – massive loss of potassium in feces
  4. Acidosis - disturbances in the acid-base balance, decreased pH of the body
  5. Hyponaremia – removal of sodium from the body due to fluid loss
  6. Maladsorption – loss of nutrients due to rapid transit through the stomach and intestines

Diarrhea itself is a pathological condition for the body. The consequences of an untreated disease can be worse than the underlying illness. Therefore, do not dismiss seemingly trivial diarrhea with water. This could be a sign of serious health problems. Don't self-medicate! If diarrhea lasts more than a day, you should consult a doctor. This is especially true for pregnant women and children.

Treatment in the clinic

Important! If diarrhea does not go away within 1-2 days, then you should immediately contact a veterinarian, since the kitten’s body obviously cannot cope with the pathology on its own.

A doctor can seriously help you:

  • First of all, a microscopic examination of a stool sample is carried out and cultured on nutrient media. Stool samples are taken for culture before starting antibiotics, otherwise the results of the study will be distorted.
  • In case of bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed, which are selected based on the type of microbe.
  • In case of viral infection, antiviral drugs are prescribed, which are also selected based on the strain of the virus.
  • If it turns out that the cause of diarrhea is parasitic worms, anthelmintic (anthelminthic) drugs are prescribed.
  • For diarrhea caused by poisoning, the toxin is determined and antidotes are applied (if available). There are cases when there is a suspicion of poisoning, but it is impossible to determine the toxin. Then symptomatic treatment is applied. Intoxication is relieved by intravenous administration of buffer compounds. A blood transfusion is prescribed, which can only be done in advanced veterinary clinics that have a blood bank.
  • If the animal's general condition improves, it is prescribed a light diet for 14 days, after which the kitten is gradually returned to its normal diet.

Types of subcutaneous formations and their symptoms

Name of educationType of education
Breast cancerA malignant disease. Very often the prognosis is unfavorable
Lipoma (wen)The tumor is benign and has the ability to spread
Skin formationsDepending on the type, they are divided into benign and malignant. These include papillomas, fibromas, sarcomas
Inflammatory process in the lymph nodesThe cause is inflammation of the lymph node
HerniaIt can be localized in the groin, navel, and perineum. Internal organs protrude under the skin
Inflammation of the mammary glandsPurulent process in the mammary glands
Complication after surgeryOften manifests itself in the form of a hernia. Cause of improper stitching
Skin diseasesFormation of follicles, carbuncles, purulent abscess

So, there can be many reasons why a lump appears under the skin. And this is not uncommon for cats. But the nature of such education can be very different.


If a pet develops a benign lump, there will be no changes in behavior or eating habits. The animal does not experience any painful sensations, and the formation itself is soft if you touch it.

  1. Syringoepithelioma. Appears in the abdominal area in the form of a lump. The cause of formation is a violation of the activity of the sweat glands. Does not cause pain and does not grow.
  2. Wen (lipoma). Can vary in size and is formed from fat reserves. Has no tendency to metastasize. If it begins to cause concern to the animal, it is removed through surgery.
  3. In most cases, hemangioma is a congenital disease. The place of formation is the blood vessels located under the skin.
  4. Benign formations in the prostate area in uncastrated cats that do not live a natural life are common. Adenoma is a growth in the form of nodules that can be compared in appearance to cauliflower. Localization may vary. The disease has a likelihood of degenerating into oncology.

Benign formations can pose a danger to the animal. So a “harmless” lipoma can cause lameness or suffocation in a cat. Therefore, they cannot be left without attention.


They have several alarming manifestations. Very often the skin in the place where the lump forms becomes hot. Over time, it begins to grow, and the cat begins to show signs of malaise (loose stools, nausea, fever). The appearance of ulcers and purulent discharge from the lump should be especially alarming. There are quite a few types of such tumors.


There are other types of neoplasms. These include:

  • Cysts. They are a round ball with watery contents. The boundaries of education are clear. The animal does not experience any pain. However, they can increase in size and reach larger sizes over time.
  • Inflammatory process in the paraanal glands. It appears in the form of balls located under the skin. Interferes with the activity of the excretory organs. The disease is inflammatory in nature, the animal cannot relieve itself, and the activity of the secretory glands is disrupted. Outwardly, it is easily confused with a hernia, but it can increase in size depending on the position of the animal’s body.
  • Eosinophilic granuloma. It appears as a red formation on the skin. Has a tendency to quickly spread to tissues located in the vicinity. It looks like a wet wound affected by microorganisms.
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