White animals have always been distinguished by their external nobility, especially for representatives of the cat tribe. Such
What is a “milk step” and where does it come from? Moving the front paws, accompanied by purring, more often
When people bite their nails, it is usually considered nervousness or just a bad habit. At worst
Every “cat breeder” with more or less experience knows that these animals are rare clean animals. And therefore
Cats are very graceful and flexible animals. Their ability to deftly overcome even very high
Situations arise when animals end up on the street due to their excessive curiosity or instincts. Then
Cats and cats, like people, sometimes experience tremors - trembling of the whole
Veterinarians believe that baby food for cats is beneficial if it does not contain
At first glance, a Thai cat can be confused with a Siamese “sister” - due to its similar color.
This article describes what ailurophilia is. There are many different attachments in the world that