Purina Van for cats: Features of diets for pets of different ages

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Every owner of a purring pet tries to monitor its diet.

Both long-haired ( Neva Masquerade cat , Kurilian Bobtail , Turkish Van ) and short-haired cat breeds ( Toyger , American Shorthair , Thai and Oriental ) need a balanced diet.

If you want to learn about other popular cat breeds, we recommend that you read the article

When choosing, they are guided not only by reviews from veterinarians, but also by how the animal behaves after eating.

In particular, the choice of many owners is Purina Van cat food.

  • 2 Composition
  • 3 Pros and cons
  • 4 Specifics
  • 5 Reviews
  • 6 Conclusion

Feed overview

More than a hundred years ago, the company began producing food for domestic cats.

For normal development and well-being, an animal must receive a certain amount of nutrients and products.

It is necessary to remember that some felines have their own specific characteristics.

In particular, this is why the manufacturer produces separately Purina Van for adult cats and Purina Van for sterilized cats.

This article will tell you more about sterilization of cats.

This is what a small package of food looks like

Purina Van is a series of products that appeared relatively recently.

Despite this, she has already managed to receive flattering reviews from veterinarians and owners of various cat breeds.

In addition, you can buy it in all pet stores, and the price is quite affordable.

Purina Van food for cats is a dry diet that was developed by a scientific center for domestic cats of different age groups.

For example, products in this series for kittens not only saturate the body with all the necessary beneficial components for the growth and development of the animal, but are also more gentle for an incompletely formed organism.

Important! Kittens and adult pets should not be fed the same diet. A young body simply cannot digest “adult” food.

A distinctive feature of Purina Van food for cats is its high protein content.

It is important for cats at any age, especially if the pet is domestic.

The series includes the following types of feed:

  • for adult cats;
  • for domestic cats;
  • for kittens;
  • for pets over 11 years old;
  • for sterilized pets with beef or salmon;
  • for animals with a tendency to allergic reactions, as well as with problematic digestion;
  • to control fur and hairball formation.

Purina Van is great for long-haired breeds

You can buy food in packages of 0.2, 0.75 and 1.5 kg.

A few words about the company

Purina has been a leader in the pet food market for decades. She has already gained some popularity and trust. Therefore, some owners who are thinking about which dry dog ​​food is best choose Purina. The company produces diets for adults and juniors. All products contain the necessary nutritional and beneficial elements.

The widest range is an undeniable plus of Purina. For more than 80 years, the company has been developing and manufacturing food for four-legged animals. At the same time, it constantly works to improve the technology and composition of its products. This allows the company to maintain its image at a high level. Also read the article about Holistic dog food.


The “Van” series was specially designed in such a way that it is suitable for the complete saturation of domestic cats at all stages of life.

Manufacturers claim that in order to notice an improvement, it is enough to feed the cat with suitable food for three weeks.

At the same time, her internal processes will not just improve or normalize.

The result will be visible externally: shiny fur, activity, playfulness.

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In addition to the optimal ratio of all necessary components, Purina Van food for cats uses a special Actilea formula, which differs in the content of the following substances:

  • prebiotics: responsible for maintaining normal intestinal microflora;
  • yeast: are a natural source of vitamins and minerals, also beta-gluten and protein;
  • Antioxidants: responsible for neutralizing free radicals.


The composition of each food in the line is unique.

For example, the diet of dry food for sterilized cats Purina Van includes:

  • salmon – at least 15%;
  • wheat – 15%;
  • corn gluten;
  • dry poultry protein;
  • animal fat;
  • yeast – 1%;
  • corn;
  • dry fish protein;
  • soy flour;
  • dried beet pulp;
  • dried chicory root;
  • flavoring feed additive;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals.

In addition to the main composition, the manufacturer adds vitamins A, D, E, C, as well as taurine, iodine, manganese, iron, copper, zinc and selenium to the feed.

How much will the purchase cost?

The cost of Purina food varies widely. Therefore, a person with any income level will be able to choose a suitable option. The price depends on the composition and quality. The weight of the package also has an impact. For example, 600 grams of dry product will cost 200 rubles. But Purina Van dog food weighing 1.5 kilograms will cost about 360 rubles. The price of pauchi is 30 rubles per 100 grams.

Thus, today Purina brand dog food is quite popular. A large assortment of products allows you to choose an option taking into account the taste preferences of the animal and the financial condition of its owner. There are dry, granular, medicinal and universal mixtures. The manufacturer is constantly improving and trying to maintain its image at the proper level. However, the food of this brand cannot be called high quality. The percentage of natural meat in them is low. Therefore, experts do not recommend using such food as the main one.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main, positive aspects of the Purina Van diet line include:

  • compliance with all requirements for the production of food for pets of different ages and with different characteristics;
  • food for cats prone to allergies contains hypoallergenic products;
  • the unpleasant odor from the cat litter box is reduced;
  • the availability of diets for different ages, as well as for those cats that are sterilized;
  • You can buy it not only in pet stores, but also in regular supermarkets;
  • The price for the products of this line is affordable.

This is what I mean by lunch...

But reviews from veterinarians and pet owners are not only positive. The negative aspects include:

  • Only dry food available. Although reviews from veterinarians indicate that pets also need a wet type (canned food, jelly, stew, etc.).
  • In fact, this is an economy-class food, which means it contains most of the chemical additives.

Brit Premium

Brit Premium is a premium product line. The food has a well-balanced composition and is suitable for daily feeding. The product is manufactured in the Czech Republic, which can guarantee European quality control. The disadvantages include the presence of cheaper ingredients than in super premium food from the same company – Brit Care. Brit Premium, unlike higher grades, contains artificial colors and flavors. Also, these foods are not available in every pet store. The advantage of this line is its wide range: you can choose the right food for even the most picky pet at an affordable price.


The specificity of the Purina Van line lies not only in gradation depending on individual physiological characteristics.

These foods are suitable for large Maine Coons and Ragdolls , as well as for medium-sized Egyptian Mau and Jungle cats , as well as small Munchkins .

In addition, each diet is designed for a specific age of the pet.

If you want to find out how old your cat is by human standards, we recommend reading the article

Proper nutrition is the key to a beautiful figure and good health

Gradation by age:

  • From 30 days to 12 months - food for kittens that supports the development of all necessary functions in the body, promotes the proper formation of bone and muscle apparatus and is quickly absorbed.
  • From one to 11 years of age, three products are suitable - for adult cats with beef, regular for adult cats, for domestic cats, and food that prevents the formation of hairballs in the stomach. These diets help reduce the risk of tartar formation, prevent the occurrence of diseases of the urinary system, and strengthen bones and muscles.
  • From the age of 11, cats are recommended to eat special foods that take special care of the pet’s health. These foods contain a large amount of vitamins and mineral components, which help maintain all vital processes in the body, normalize kidney function, and also have a beneficial effect on the skeletal system, making it stronger.

Master, what is this? Eat your own vegetables!

Interesting fact! The manufacturer recommends giving cat food from 11 years of age (due to the large amount of vitamins and beneficial components) to animals during pregnancy and after childbirth .

For adult cats, it is also possible to choose products that are suitable if the pet is sterilized or has food allergies.


ProPlan is one of the most affordable premium foods in the line. The product consists of approximately half protein components, which is very important for the health and activity of the pet. The downside is that a larger percentage of the proteins contained are of plant origin (corn, soy), rather than animal. They are used for manufacturing due to the low cost of raw materials. But corn gluten and soy flour, among others, can adversely affect the condition of the animal. For example, you may be allergic to these ingredients. The advantages include the content of natural chicken meat and offal, which are healthy. The food also contains prebiotics, which is important for healthy digestion. The ProPlan series of medicinal foods is of significantly higher quality and is recommended by many veterinarians. If the pet feels well and has no health problems, then the ProPlan line can be an ideal budget option.


When you open a pack of Purina Van food for cats, your pet will certainly come running to sniff the new treat.

And what’s more, she will eat it with pleasure.

After a delicious lunch

Cat owners say that after introducing Purina food into the diet, the first thing they notice is that the amount of hair lost decreases significantly.

Moreover, the coat becomes smoother and shiny.

Thus, hair clippers and furminators less often.

Even Persian , Somali and other breeds of long-haired cats experience a significant reduction in hair loss during shedding.

Improved digestion and normalization of stool are also noted.

Others say that compared to veterinary lines, Purina Van is less useful.

It contains low-quality and unwanted components.

Here are some customer reviews:

Alexandra, Moscow: “We tried giving Murzika Van for domestic cats. In general, he eats well: there is nothing left in the bowl. If some people say that once you switch an animal to dry rations, you won’t be able to feed it anything else – this is not true. Ours still enjoys eating homemade food (porridge, soups).”

Maxim, St. Petersburg: “Our cat was constantly spitting up fur. Changed the diet. They began to give a special one against the formation of lumps from the One series. The result, of course, was not noticed immediately. But if you compare the situation now and then, the difference is noticeable. We see practically no regurgitation, and the fur itself has begun to shed less.”

Alisa, Yekaterinburg: “The cat had urolithiasis and was mainly fed an expensive line of food. But it so happened that I had to leave, and left the baby with my old parents. When the food supply ran out, they bought her Purina Van. It’s impossible to say that our Masya turned up her nose - she ate normally, but her condition worsened quite quickly. So if you have diseases, this food does not help much.”

Trust in the manufacturer

Many Russian nurseries and veterinarians do not trust domestic products, as well as companies that produce their food in local factories and according to local standards. This feature of the perception of dog diet plays into the hands of both brands: Royal Canin and ProPlan are produced outside the country or here, but using Western technologies.

Pro Plan is created by the American monopolist in the field of animal nutrition Purina, with factories located in France, Italy and Russia. And Royal Canin is made by a French company. Factories for the production of both dog and cat food are located in Poland, Russia and France. A comparison of Royal Canin and ProPlan by place of production shows that they are in equal positions. The reputation in the media and according to reviews of both companies is also approximately the same.

Arden Grange

Arden Grange is a super premium range of pet products. It is popular in European countries, as it is one of the highest quality in its class. The food does not contain artificial colors, enhancers and other chemicals that help the animal become accustomed to the food. Arden Grange consists only of natural and well-balanced ingredients, and also contains enzymes and prebiotics that promote better absorption of the product. Its quality is confirmed by European quality control and positive reviews from many veterinarians. In terms of quality, this line is close to the holistic class, which is also evidenced by the relatively high price of Arden Grange.

1st Choice

1st Choice is a super premium food made in Canada. 1st Choice has a high-quality and balanced composition. It consists of one third animal protein, which is optimal for a healthy diet. The food contains dietary poultry meat, as well as chicken eggs and fish oil, which are sources of amino acids necessary for a balanced diet. The composition contains only natural flavors that promote better pet appetite. The 1st Choice line also contains hypoallergenic food, which is recommended by experts for the treatment of allergies in pets.

NOW Natural

The top three best foods include only holistic foods. NOW Natural line of products for cats belongs to . The main ingredient of the food is natural, boneless meat. NOW Natural does not contain by-products or grains, as the latter can cause allergies. The product contains a balanced amount of vegetables and fruits with gentle processing to preserve all the beneficial substances and deliver them to the pet. Like all holistic products, NOW Natural contains prebiotics for better absorption of nutrients. Veterinarians recommend holistic food of proven quality for proper and complete nutrition. These include NOW Natural. This line is not available in all pet stores, but it can be ordered online.

How to choose the best food, what should you pay attention to when buying it?

It is necessary to read on the front side of the package for whom the product is intended - a kitten, an adult animal, an elderly animal. On the reverse side there is information about the composition and nutritional content.

Be sure to read: What kind of porridge can be given to cats and at what age? You need to find out what percentage of meat and meat ingredients in the diet, what plant components and in what quantities are contained in the feed mixture. Conscientious manufacturers indicate which biologically active substances are added and in what quantities.

They inform you about it. what preservatives and antioxidants are included in the feed mixture. You should not purchase food that has no specific information about its composition.

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