Treatment of cats with hydrogen peroxide - 3 ways to use the drug
In traumatology, a burn is understood as an acute injury to the outer shells of the body by aggressive environments: high or
Do I need to wash my cat's butt if she doesn't do it herself?
6891Administration With the advent of a small furry miracle in the house, life changes dramatically. Instead of tenderness
How to drink Duphalac - features of use in children and pregnant women
The article was checked by a practicing veterinarian. Stress, diseases, helminthic infestations, unshed hair, foreign body ingestion.
Eye drops for cats Iris: details of composition and use
Composition and action Iris Drops are antibacterial drugs. The veterinary medicinal product contains gentamicin
cat gets vaccinated
Vaccinations for cats - types of vaccinations and schedule
Why is vaccination necessary? Vaccination is a procedure in which a drug is administered with
How to use Levomekol ointment for cats and what does it help with?
Due to its versatility, the pharmaceutical drug “Levomekol” is actively used for cats. Many veterinarians give
An effective sleeping pill for cats and rules for its use
How to trim a cat's hair at home? This is a responsible event that can become
Milprazone for cats - instructions, indications and contraindications for the use of the drug (80 photos)
Posted by Zoya Ivanovna Zolotareva Date: October 25, 2018 All owners of mustachioed pets want
Dironet against worms
Features of the drug Dironet Spot-on for cats
In the article you will learn what kind of drug Dironet is for cats, its purpose, rules of use,
Putting a cat to sleep: options at home and without a veterinarian
Reasons for euthanization Do not think that euthanizing a suffering animal is a crime. No more
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