17 animal hybrids that actually exist

Sometimes a family gets several pets at once. If this is a pair of dogs or cats, then their relationship is clear. But when a cat and a rabbit are your favorites, questions arise about how to properly arrange your home so that everyone is comfortable. The opinions of livestock farmers are divided. Some say that natural instincts will not allow these two furry pets to exist peacefully. Others argue that a rabbit and a cat can become inseparable friends.

Cat and rabbit - so different and so similar

What features of cats and rabbits need to be taken into account?

Nature dictates that cats are hunters, and hares are prey. But we should not forget that most modern breeds of cats and rabbits were bred artificially by breeders, their instincts have been partially lost.

What kind of rabbits can you keep in an apartment?

How do cats behave?

Cats catch mice as well as other rodents. They also hunt pets, such as a hamster or a decorative rat. A cat can also accept a rabbit as prey, especially if it is hungry. A well-fed animal can also show its hunting instincts, chasing the baby rabbit, scaring it or scratching it.

Mice are the main prey of cats

Not all breeds have retained the hunter's habits. Persian, British and Scottish cats prefer special food from a bowl and rarely consider a rabbit as prey. Often such pets will not even get up just to play.

In theory, cats are happy to have another pet, they have fun in the company. But we cannot discount the character of each individual animal.

What about rabbits?

Animal instinct involves rabbits avoiding danger. And, indeed, some of them hide at the sight of a cat. But decorative rabbits often show interest in cats without any fear. It is even more likely that the domestic rabbit will be the first to approach you. This can be explained by the fact that in nature they live in groups, while representatives of the cat family are most often solitary.

In the wild, rabbits live in groups

Rabbits know how to defend their territory, play and coexist peacefully with cats. Pets quickly get used to their owners, slower to other animals, they are funny and unpretentious. Lion-headed rabbits, dwarf rabbits and Viennese blue rabbits are well suited for living together in an apartment.

Variety of mixed cats

Crossbreeds of any cat breed are sometimes called designer pets. Unlike their counterparts with long pedigree lines, mestizos are able to combine various qualities of their parental genes in appearance and character.

For some, size becomes the main thing, others demonstrate primitive hunting skills, and others look like a decorative soft toy with plush fur.

A mixture of a British cat and an ordinary cat: a simple version of a half-breed mestizo

The natural ability to survive and adapt to various external factors in outbred cats is, perhaps, at the highest level. They are unpretentious, independent, have strong immunity to diseases and are quite loyal to people.

It has been noticed that outbred pets rarely strive for loneliness and really value communication. This is especially true for those animals that were brought into the home at an early age. Apparently the experience of their ancestors tells them that it is more fun and satisfying for a cat to live next to a person.

The British Shorthair is an indigenous aristocrats with an ancient history that dates back to the days of the Roman legionnaires. These cats are independent, do not like to be held and often seclude themselves.

Active games and other general entertainment raise eyebrows among the British. Why fuss and run after a ball of thread, when at this time you can calmly lie by the fireplace?

  • A medium-sized mixed-breed British cat with strong bones and a broad chest.
  • The muzzle is rounded due to the highly developed cheeks and vibrissae (whisker) zone.
  • The colors are very diverse. This breed allows more than 200 types of color combinations, so a cross between a British cat and a regular cat has almost unlimited coat color options. A mixed breed can even have an exotic Siamese color-point mask or a spectacular silver chinchilla tipping.
  • The desire for loneliness, characteristic of the British breed, is a little dulled among the mestizos. Most often, they are sociable like ordinary cats, and are quite trainable.

    This is interesting! In childhood and youth, mestizos gravitate more towards the behavior characteristic of outbred pets, and in maturity and old age they develop the prudence and sedateness inherent in the British.

    Toyger/British mix: mixed-breed toy

    A mixed-breed cat, the result of crossing a British breed with a Toyger, is almost always born with a distinct tabby pattern. It is obvious that the genes of the Bengal, who was among the ancestors of the Toyger, had their say.

    The parent breeds have a number of differences:

  • Origin. The Briton represents aboriginal centenarians, and the toyger was bred only three decades ago and has had exhibition rights only since 2007.
  • Color. The English breed allows more than 200 color options, and the selection of its partner was carried out to consolidate the “wild” striped color.
  • Size. The average well-fed British cat is radically different from the miniature decorative “tiger” with a fragile constitution.
  • The cross between the “toy tiger” and the British is not so powerful, although the pet cannot be called a decorative one. The cat is medium in size, with a proportional body, beautiful fur and a “wild” striped or spotted pattern on the coat. The contrast of the picture may be blurred, although it is present in 90% of cases.

    The character of a mestizo is not always flexible and sociable - here the stiffness and arrogance of the English breed prevailed.

    Another feature is that in the second generation, mixed-breed cats lose their individuality and produce offspring that have an external resemblance to only one of the parents.

    A mixture of Siamese and British cats: the main thing in a mestizo is the color

    Mixed-breed cats born from Siamese and British breeds almost always have a spectacular appearance. The C gene is responsible for the solid color in cats. It is he who takes part in the formation of the color point color:

  • The cscs allele is the maximum difference between the markings and the base coat of a mixed breed (Siamese variety).
  • The cbcb allele is a weakly expressed mask (called Burmese).
  • The cscb allele is a Tonkinese variant, intermediate between the first and second.
  • The Siamese color is acromelanic and depends on body temperature. The cat's body is warmer, here the effect of the gene is suppressed. And on the limbs (paws, tail, ears and muzzle) the body temperature is lower, which causes darkening of the coat. This is how the mask on the Siamese's face is formed. Although it is also characteristic of other eastern breeds, as well as mestizos with the corresponding gene.

    In British cats, the Siamese color is among the permitted ones, and therefore can be inherited without any problems. Externally, the mixed breed of British and Siamese cats is heavyset, with a wide chest. From the Asian line, such cats most often inherit a long tail and high paws.

    With such a combination of breeds, you need to pay attention to the nature of the mestizo. Both the Siamese and the British are characterized by selfishness, independence and a tendency to show aggression. So a kitten born from such parents cannot be called cute and completely harmless.

    This mestizo needs early socialization, otherwise it will be difficult for the owner to control the pet.

    Important! In most cases, the British genotype is dominant when crossing this breed with other cats. Sometimes this is expressed in the complete resemblance of the offspring to the English parent or in the presence of certain breed qualities. But almost always the mestizo receives more from the British than from the other half.

    Possible problems when keeping cats and dwarf rabbits in the same house

    Keeping a cat and a rabbit together can cause problems, even if the pets are not at odds:

    1. While playing, kittens jump on each other and on other pets. Such an unexpected attack can be a stressful situation for the rabbit. It is not uncommon for a rabbit to be diagnosed by a veterinarian as having a nervous disorder after being frightened by someone. Accidental scratches are also dangerous. The wounds do not heal for a long time, and sometimes suppuration occurs. Small scratches are difficult to notice under thick fur and can cause infectious diseases. Rabbits are particularly susceptible to eye injuries.
    2. A rabbit can injure a cat with its hind legs. These are strong limbs with sharp claws. A blow from a rabbit's hind legs can result in scratches and even fractures. It is especially dangerous for a small kitten to get hit by an adult rabbit.
    3. A rabbit imitates sexual intercourse with a cat. This behavior should not be tolerated, although it amuses many owners. The process harms the nervous system of both pets. The cat becomes shy. The rabbit is constantly in an overexcited state, becomes angry and aggressive.

    A cat can hurt a rabbit in a game

    The above consequences can be avoided if you let your pets out for a walk together only under supervision. It is also worth considering the neighborhood and choosing pets based on gender.

    IMPORTANT! In the absence of the owner, it is best for the rabbit to always remain in its cage, even if the pets get along well.

    Video - Meeting a cat and a rabbit

    Tips for choosing a mixed-breed kitten

    Since in the category of mestizos there are no clear requirements for breed qualities, when choosing a pet you should pay attention to other characteristics:

  • In a mixture of a British Shorthair and a regular cat, it is worth studying the animal's coat - the variety of colors sometimes leads to very unusual combinations and shapes. Each kitten will eventually find its owner, but not every owner wants to get a pet with an unusual color. For example, there are people who categorically do not accept black cats of any breed, while others intuitively avoid tortoiseshell coloring.
  • A mixed Siamese and British cat kitten may be born with thin “Siamese” paws. If a pet inherits a powerful body from a Briton, then it will be difficult for him to maintain a lot of weight. This may manifest itself as stiffness of movement during games. In the future, this symptom may disappear or develop into a serious problem with the musculoskeletal system.
  • An objective indicator of an animal’s good condition is its fur. If it bulges, does not lie flat, clumps into small icicles and does not shine, it means the kitten has health problems.
  • This is interesting! Mixed breeds have a low threshold for reblooming. The color tone, which is established by 3-4 months, as a rule, does not change later.

    Is it possible that a cat and a rabbit will become friends?

    The likelihood of friendship developing between pets is very high. Most often, a rabbit and a cat exist peacefully and are friends. Animals show interest in each other and play together. Animals of different sexes are less likely to be friends, as problems of an intimate nature arise. If the male is a rabbit, then the cat and cat often hide from him rather than spend time together.

    Animals show interest in each other and play together

    Decorative rabbit and cat – who wins?

    The greatest likelihood of raising friends is observed if a baby rabbit and a kitten are taken into the house at the same time. The smells of babies quickly mix, they do not compete, do not divide territory and do not quarrel. As an adult, such a cat will not hunt other small rabbits; they are relatives for him.

    Table 1. Probability of friendship between a cat and a rabbit.

    Pet's age and sizeFriendshipBehavior
    Grown-up kitten and baby rabbitUnlikelyYoung cats love to hunt, their instinct awakens. Favorite game is to catch up, catch and chew on a toy. They do the same with small animals. A cat can play a bunny to death.
    Adult rabbit and kittenUnlikelyAn adult and important rabbit considers itself the owner. He perceives a kitten, even a small one, as a stranger. If the baby approaches the rabbit, he will receive a strong blow from the hind limbs.
    Adult rabbit and catGreat chanceAdult animals are not afraid of each other, especially if they are the same size. Their relationship completely depends on the actions of the owner.

    The situations described are standard; a different development of events is possible, since each individual animal has its own temperament and developed character. There are cases when an adult cat feeds a baby rabbit along with her kittens; you always need to look at the reaction of the animals themselves.

    The cat feeds the rabbits

    Animals of different ages are not left unattended, the baby is protected from claws, teeth and paws, he will grow up, and then the pets will play together.

    Some cats have a very developed hunting instinct.

    Even pets who live together sometimes have conflicts. If adult animals fight, the outcome of the fight is difficult to predict. Both the cat and the rabbit can be the winner. Victory in a conflict between pets of different ages remains with the stronger animal.

    There won't be a fight

    Description of the breed

    Manx cats are very reminiscent of ottomans, as their head, eyes, body, and limbs are rounded. The body should not be elongated. The animals' croup resembles an orange.

    The round head is large and wide, with developed cheekbones. The ears are wide, the tips are rounded. The nose is medium in size, there are no stops, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is soft. The eyes are wide open and slanted; if this sign is not present, the cat may be disqualified. The eye color matches the coat color. If, for example, a cat has a white coat, then the shade of the eyes will be blue or red, and different colors may also be allowed.

    Manx can be short-haired and long-haired, the second group is a separate breed - Cymric, which is registered by standards. The animal's double coat has a very plush-like feel to the touch, some even compare it to that of a rabbit. The color of cats can be very diverse. The exception is the American standard, according to which Manx should not be chocolate, lilac and Siamese in color, as well as a combination of these colors with a white tint.

    There are three types of tail:

    • Rumpy: no caudal vertebrae at all. With this option, there must be a hole in place of the tail.
    • Riser: Several coccygeal vertebrae are well hidden under the hairline.
    • Stumpy refers to a small tail consisting of 1-3 hook-shaped caudal vertebrae.
    • Tailed: Regular sized tail, curled into a hook.

    The gene responsible for the short tail negatively affects the health of Manx cats and even causes serious illnesses. Therefore, kittens are more viable if the parents have different tail lengths. Questions about pedigree must be clarified with sellers.

    The weight of representatives of this breed ranges from 3.5 to 5.5 kg.

    With proper care, the animal's life expectancy is 13-15 years.

    How to make friends with pets? Recommendations

    If there is already a cat living in the house, and the owner takes another rabbit, then you should adhere to the basic recommendations for their maintenance and adaptation:

    • Determine the place where the cage with the rabbit will stand. It should be free and not part of the territory that the cat considers its own. It is best to place the rabbit enclosure not in the same room as the cat's favorite place. This way the pets don’t feel like rivals. In the cage you need to organize a secluded place for the rabbit. A cardboard box is suitable for this.
    • The baby rabbit must get used to new sounds and smells, feel at home and safe, and only then meet the cat for the first time. You can allow a cat to get acquainted with the cage of an animal that has become comfortable. It is necessary to take into account the location of the rods so that the cat cannot stick its paws through. It is good if the cage is spacious and the rabbit moves freely around it. This way the cat will get used to the restless neighborhood.
    • The next step is to introduce your pets without a cage. It is better to hold the rabbit in your hands for the first time. You can let the cat come close and let him sniff the newcomer. If the cat tries to bite or scratch the rabbit, you need to spray water on it. This measure of influence is used so that it is not clear where the water is coming from. The cat should not realize that the owner is splashing water, otherwise it will not connect this with its behavior.

    First meeting

    • You can let your pets go for a walk together only after making sure that they are not hostile. During your first walk, you need to monitor the behavior of the animals. Next time, don’t go far and keep an eye on your pets.
    • The owner should often stroke the cat and rabbit with one hand so that they have a similar smell. You can take a clean piece of cloth, run it over the rabbit's body, then over the cat's fur. Next time the procedure is repeated in reverse order.

    IMPORTANT! How quickly pets get used to each other’s presence and begin to make friends depends on the temperament of the animals and the actions of the owner. There is no need to rush into going out together. From the moment a rabbit appears in the house to the formation of friendship between animals, it can take from a couple of days to several months.

    If animals become friends, it's forever

    You won’t be able to make friends with pets if you leave them alone for a walk before final adaptation. If the cat scratches the rabbit, he will have to be scolded. Then the pet will wait for the time when the little rabbit is unattended, jump on it and scratch it. For a rabbit, this is fraught with illness and nervous breakdown. It’s good if the owner decides to trim the cat’s claws, then the rabbit will be less likely to get injured.

    The character and content of mestizos

    Although the behavior of cats is not regulated at the genetic level, the character traits that are passed on from each parent always influence the pet’s habits.

  • A mixed breed of British and Siamese should not be adopted in families with small children. There is a high probability that a child’s annoying caresses will provoke aggression. If the British half of the cat’s nature considers it necessary to leave in such a situation, then the Asian blood immediately offers to attack and prove its own superiority over the enemy.
  • A cross between a British cat and a purebred cat is a good choice for active people who prefer close contact with their pet. Such a mixed breed will be sociable, willingly support the company and play with pleasure with the owner.
  • In order not to make a mistake in choosing a mixed-breed kitten, you need to focus on the parent breeds, since the temperament of an adult cat necessarily combines their features. And the proportion in which they will develop will depend on the cat’s upbringing and the conditions of its keeping.

    Caring for mixed-breed cats is not very difficult. If we are talking about the offspring of two short-haired breeds, then hair care can be limited to weekly combing of the pet.

    Metis, like other cats, do not like water. But if you accustom your animal to water procedures from childhood, the cat will feel quite comfortable while bathing. If a mestizo has long and fluffy fur, the owner will have to carefully care for it to prevent the formation of tangles.

    How do a cat and a rabbit play?

    Pets usually have the same game - they run after each other. The roles change all the time, and both the cat and the rabbit can catch up. Watching your favorites while playing is a lot of fun. Catching up often involves obstacles, jumping on the sofa, and moving rugs. Animals can also roll on the floor, clinging together in one ball. It is important for fans of such games not to have sharp claws.


    A game of chase usually begins with a rabbit running away. A cat instinctively catches its prey, so the felines catch up first. The roles change when the rabbit reaches the wall and turns around.

    It also happens that a cat treats a rabbit as its cub and licks it. Some zoologists explain this behavior by saying that the cat does not like the smell of its friend and wants them to smell the same. Other experts consider this a manifestation of location.

    How to choose the right kitten

    Manx cats are rare breeds, and now there are no nurseries in Russia that breed them, but the prices for kittens are not very high. In the USA, a kitten with a tail costs $100, and tailless representatives of the breed cost from $200 to $400. Show class babies cost up to 1500 green. In England or Australia, kittens are a little cheaper.

    The most important thing when purchasing a baby is to find a nursery with a good reputation abroad. At the same time, remember that many nurseries do not sell kittens to foreign clients and do not agree to send their pets on planes without accompanying persons. You will either have to hire someone to fly with the kitten, or go with it yourself.

    If you want to adopt a kitten for exhibitions, seek the help of a specialist. Although it also happens that the winners are mediocre cats that have been castrated.

    It is important to pay special attention to the tail or lack thereof. Sometimes breeders specially dock the tails of kittens, passing them off as representatives of the Manx breed.

    Sharing pets

    When the animals live together, the cat can go into the rabbit's cage, and the rabbit can sleep in the cat's corner. Animals that have become friends can go to the toilet in one tray.

    Often pets try to find something edible in each other's bowls, while no one defends their possessions. You should not allow your rabbit to eat cat food; its stomach is not designed to digest this food. A cat will not find anything harmful for itself in a rabbit bowl.

    Friends sleep together

    How to care for Manx

    It is very important whether your representative is short-haired or long-haired. If your pet has short hair, it is enough to brush it once a week and wipe it with a damp towel. A long-haired cat is brushed two to three times a week, and every other day during shedding.

    It is recommended for a cat to brush its teeth once or twice a week, and to care for its ears and eyes at the same frequency. Dirty ears are cleaned with a cotton ball dipped in a vinegar solution. Cotton wool or soft cloth is also used for the eyes. In this case, each eye is wiped separately.

    It is very important to keep the litter box clean. Then the cat will be quite happy.

    Manx cats are not demanding when it comes to food. Include wet and dry food with turkey, rabbit, chicken, as well as natural food in their diet. The cat is given fresh fish.

    It is advisable to feed pets 3-4 times a day. But if this is not possible, give food at least twice a day and make sure that the cats always have clean water. It is also important to properly divide food into portions, as animals are prone to overeating.

    To determine the required amount of food, carefully monitor the size of your pet. Typically Manx eat standard portion sizes. It is quite enough for cats to eat properly and develop.

    Can animals be left alone?

    It should be remembered that a cat is not like a rabbit, they are completely different animals, therefore, in the absence of family members at home, breeders recommend breeding pets in their own houses.

    Communication between both pets should be under the control of the owner and it is undesirable to leave them alone. Animals can mate, which leads to negative psychological consequences. If a cat catches a rabbit in the owner's absence and scratches it, you should take it to the vet to avoid infection of the wound.

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