Gina food for cats: super premium or holistic

The beloved Gina Elite cat food is manufactured in several countries, in particular in Italy and Canada. Manufacturers include exclusively natural ingredients and a minimal amount of grains in the cat food recipe, so the finished food has a high nutritional value and is highly digestible. The food from the Gina Elite line meets all the requirements and every pet, regardless of condition, breed and age, will find the most suitable one.

Review of Gina Elite cat food

Gina Elite dry cat food is produced in Canada and the UK, by GA Pet Food Partners, respectively. The official website is, it provides information about the composition, feeding standards, etc. This food is positioned as holistic, but now it cannot be classified higher than the super-premium class (and even then not all the formulas reach it).

It should be noted that Gina Elit food is manufactured to order from the Russian company, so there is no information about this brand on the official websites of the above factories. The same company imports Gina (not to be confused with Gina Elite), Wildy, X-CAT, X-DOG, Mi-Mi food.

The GA Pet Food Partners plant in the UK also produces Dukes Farm dry food sold in Beethoven.

Composition of Gina Elite food

Let's take a look at the composition of Gina Elite food using the example of the Cat Active Grain Free option (for active cats), produced in Canada. You can see it in the image (click on it to enlarge for easier reading):

On the left is a photo of the composition from the packaging, on the right is a screenshot from the official website.

The first three ingredients - turkey meat 46%, ocean fish fillet and egg - are sources of protein. Not specified, fresh or dehydrated turkey meat is used. However, given the 38% protein in the analysis and the lack of other protein-rich ingredients, it is likely that dehydrated meat is used.

Flaxseed, alfalfa, sunflower oil and fish oil are sources of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Brewer's yeast is rich in B vitamins. Sweet potatoes and peas are sources of carbohydrates. It’s really strange to see them so far down in the composition, given their location after brewer’s yeast - at most there are a couple of percent of them. And this is unlikely, because if you add up the percentages of substances from the guaranteed analysis, it turns out that there should be at least 20% carbohydrates.

Pumpkin, spinach, broccoli, peppers, dried apples, pears, carrots, bananas are primarily sources of fiber, although they also contain various beneficial substances. Cranberries and blueberries have strong antioxidant properties. Dried seaweed is rich in iodine.

Gina Elite produced in the UK - belongs to the super premium class (formulas Adult Cat Duck & Rice, Grain Free Adult Cat Salmon, Cat Sensitive) and to the premium class (formulas ADULT CAT Sterilized, KITTEN, ADULT CAT Chicken & Rice).

Rosemary and chicory root extract are antioxidants. Yucca Schidigera extract reduces the odor of excrement. There is nothing dangerous among the other ingredients; they all act as sources of various beneficial substances.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the food include:

  • the main source of protein is meat and fish;
  • grain-free composition (feed produced in Canada);
  • natural preservatives and antioxidants are used (tocophelorus, rosemary extract);
  • relatively low price (compared to many analogues).

Disadvantages of Gina Elite food:

  • feed produced in the UK contains wheat and corn;
  • not very common, sold in few pet stores.

Product composition

Gina cat food has the following forms: pouches, canned food, croquettes. The structure of Gina Elite food contains only natural ingredients that provide exceptional benefits for the cat's body. The composition of ready-made food differs slightly depending on its type. Thus, the recipe for Cat Active Grain Free, intended for active cats, contains turkey and fish meat, eggs, and they are complemented by such ingredients as:

  • vegetable oil from sunflower seeds;
  • flax seeds;
  • fish fat;
  • buffalo grass extract;
  • brewing yeast;
  • peas;
  • potato tubers.

Dried apples, pumpkin, bananas, peppers, carrots, spinach and pears are added to some types of food. These are excellent sources of fiber and a storehouse of nutrients. Cranberry berries, which have a strong antioxidant property, are also included in the Gina Elite food for cats. The rhizome of bitterweed and the extract of sea dew are endowed with the same effect. Cat diets from the manufacturer Gina, in addition to nutritional value, have undoubted benefits for the pet’s body as a whole. They delay the approach of old age, ensure the health of the urinary tract and have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.

Gina cat food contains a preservative, but it is exclusively natural, and it is a mixture of tocopherols.

Cat food Gina Elite - reviews

Despite the fact that food under the Gina Elite brand has been sold in Russia for a long time, there are not so many reviews about it. We've shared a few of the ones we found below.

Reviews from veterinarians

Customer Reviews

My cat has been using Gina Elite food for sterilized cats for a couple of years now. I always ordered 3 kg bags, they are more economical in price and need to be purchased less often. The cat ate with pleasure, there was no stomach upset, and his fur was shiny. But the cat refused to eat the food from the last bag she bought, and when she looked closely at it she saw mold! The shelf life was still half a year.

I contacted the store, apologized and offered to replace the food. I thought a little and decided to try a different brand. Now we eat Gou, it is more expensive, but there are almost no negative reviews about it, and after the mold situation I found a lot of negative reviews about Gin.

We have been feeding the entire nursery with Gina Elite dryer for two years now, there are no complaints, I recommend it to everyone. Before this, for about seven years, all cats ate Royal Canin, and everything was fine too. They changed the food only because the imported cat’s fur began to look flattering. We tried Gina Elite on the recommendation of someone from our breeders club. Within about a month, the cat's fur was restored.

The other cats were transferred to make it more convenient, otherwise it would be difficult to ensure that one did not eat food from the others. No one had any negative consequences, and in the end they stayed at Gin. In terms of price, this food is no more expensive, especially when bought in large bags.

Our cat ate Bozita for a long time, but 2 months ago, in order to save money, we switched to Gina Elite, his friends recommended it. The first Canadian-made package went well, but the second time they took it in a different English-made package. As a result, the cat became constipated and could not go to the toilet normally for a couple of days.

Advantages and disadvantages

Not only the manufacturer speaks about the advantages of this food. Veterinarians, cat owners, exhibition workers recommend this food as a balanced, healthy and high-quality nutrition for different categories of animals.

Find out more about the advantages and disadvantages of cat foods: Royal Canin, Hills, Kitekat.

About the advantages

  • High-quality natural ingredients, the percentage of which in the food is indicated on each package.
  • Enrichment with enzymes and probiotics. They stimulate the development of their own healthy intestinal microflora and improve digestion, increasing the digestibility of food.
  • The absence of irritating digestion and allergenic ingredients - flavor enhancers, dyes, preservatives, as well as wheat, corn and soy, which have existed only in a genetically modified form for the second decade.
  • An adequate protein level of 30 to 40% will keep your pet predator active without causing protein satiety.
  • Variety of release forms. You can alternately feed croquettes, canned food and pouches - your pet will be grateful to you for good nutrition.
  • Wide range for different categories of animals. You can choose food for cat babies, pregnant cats, sterilized cats and be completely confident that their nutritional needs are met.

Did you know? Domestic cats and cats use meowing exclusively to communicate with humans. They have more than a hundred other sounds in store for their relatives and other representatives of the animal kingdom, some of which we humans may not even hear.

Kitten (UK)

Recommended for feeding kittens from the moment of complementary feeding until they reach the age of 1 year, as well as pregnant and lactating cats. An easily digestible diet based on poultry meat and white fish fillet provides energy and provides all the necessary substances for the proper growth and development of the kitten. Taurine ensures heart health and visual acuity. The prebiotics included in the composition - oligosaccharides MOS and FOS - maintain the balance of beneficial intestinal microflora. It has a high taste appeal.


Poultry (18%), white fish fillet (10%), rice, corn, chicken fat, fish oil, chicken hydrolysate, fish hydrolysate, beet pulp, egg powder, flax seed, brewer's yeast.

Vitamin and mineral composition:

Vitamins A, D, E, folic acid, B vitamins, sodium selenite, calcium pantothenate, biotin, menadione metabisulfite complex (source of vitamin K), manganese oxide, potassium chloride, calcium iodate, etc.

Percentage content:

Crude Protein: 33%, Crude Fat: 20%, Crude Fiber: 2%, Moisture: 7%, Ash: 6%, Calcium: 1.3%, Phosphorus: 1.1%, Others: Vitamin A: 32,760 IU/ kg, Omega-6 fatty acids 3.67%, Omega-3 fatty acids 1.54%


Feed class

Despite the fact that Gina Elite cat food is declared as holistic, it cannot be classified as holistic. And, to be honest, it doesn’t even reach the super-premium food group. There are several reasons for this.

Holistic food is the best of all existing lines of ready-made food. Its main characteristics are:

  1. Large amount of meat.
  2. Lack of vegetable protein, allergens, artificial preservatives and dyes, flavor enhancers.
  3. There are fruits, vegetables, healthy plants.
  4. Added a good vitamin and mineral complex.

If you look at Gina Elite food on all these points, you can clearly see what the difference is. Specifically:

  • allergens are present;
  • little fiber;
  • the percentage of meat ingredients is not specified.

From this we can conclude that this line cannot belong to the group of holistic foods.

Conclusions about this food

Reviews about Gina's cat food are mostly positive, this applies to both the Elit and Denmark lines, and spiders. The composition also does not raise any complaints, so the Murlo website has no reason not to recommend Gina brand food.

Price of cat food Gina Elite

  • Dry cat food Gina Elite 0.4 kg - from 240 rubles;
  • Dry food Gina Elite for cats 1 kg - from 490 rubles;
  • Dry cat food Gina Elite 3 kg - from 1400 rubles;
  • Dry food Gina Elite for cats 15 kg - from 6100 rubles;
  • Wet food Gina (pouches) 85 g - from 70 rubles;

The indicated prices are current as of March 2022, they may differ depending on the option, store and other factors, and may also change significantly over time.


Gina Elite Adult Cat Chicken & Rice (with chicken and rice) is a complete dry food for adult animals.
Chicken meat is easily digestible, but at the same time quite nutritious. Beneficial FOS and MOS prebiotics have a beneficial effect on intestinal function and help microflora. Biotin and zinc ensure the health of the coat and skin, and make vision sharper. The food is available in packs of 1, 3 and 15 kg. Energy value: 3800 Kcal/kg.

Gina Elite Adult Cat Duck & Rice (with duck) belongs to the manufacturer's hypoallergenic line. The taurine contained in the food helps the functioning of the heart and eyes.

Chicory extract maintains normal intestinal microflora, yucca removes the unpleasant odor from cat excrement. Energy value: 3810 kcal/kg.

Gina Elite Adult Cat Sensitive (with turkey) is a formula for individuals with sensitive intestines. Fiber helps digestion and absorption of nutrients. There is a convenient packaging of 400 g. Energy value: 3880 kcal/kg.

Gina Elite Adult Cat Sterilized is an option for spayed and neutered pets. Moderately nutritious, it allows you to maintain normal muscle mass, but the cat does not gain excess fat. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids help strengthen joints, taurine is good for the eyes, and the MSM complex protects cartilage and bones. The share of crude fat is 15%, protein is 32%, calcium is 1.1%. Energy value: 3650 Kcal/kg.

Gina Elite Grain Free Adult Cat Salmon is a high protein, amino acid and unsaturated fatty acid formula. Ideal for animals with gluten allergies.

Salmon fillet is rich in vitamins and minerals. Crude fiber - 2.5%, phosphorus - 1%, protein - 32%.

Gina Elite Kitten - granules for kittens up to one year old. They can be given from the moment you start complementary feeding. This formula is also suitable for both lactating and pregnant females. Easily digestible, contains oligosaccharides MOS and FOS.

Due to the meat broth in the composition, it has a very attractive aroma for animals. Granule size: 8 mm x 2 mm.


Varieties and assortment of the line

As we have already indicated, there are 4 types of Gin food. The manufacturer produces food in 3 types: canned food, pouches and croquettes. The “Elite” line exists only in the form of croquettes, premium balanced nutrition is available in the form of pouches and croquettes, and canned food belongs to the economy class.

  1. "Gina Denmark" . Includes 3 types of food: for kittens and pregnant cats, for show cats with a high level of activity, as well as for cats that lead a normal lifestyle. All foods are perfectly balanced in composition, enriched with amino acids and probiotics, have high energy value and can serve as the only cat food, as they are holistic. Holistics are foods that are thought out down to the vitamin composition. An animal that eats only them will feel great and have a beautiful appearance. “Gina Denmark” in the form of pauchi is produced in gelled form, made from tuna and contains a minimum amount of ingredients - meat, fish, vegetables and gelling filling.
  2. "Gina Elite" . There are 11 types of nutrition, each of which has a deep specialization. Healthy pet foods are available from a variety of ingredients such as chicken, duck, turkey and salmon. There is food for sterilized adult pets, for sensitive pets, for animals prone to allergies, and a treatment formula for removing hairballs from the digestive tract. Holistic food does not contain soy, wheat, corn, dyes, preservatives - in short, everything that can harm animals.
  3. X-Cat is produced at a plant in Italy - this is the most modern enterprise in the whole of Europe. "X-Cat" is presented in the form of croquettes and canned food. There are 2 types of dry food for cats and kittens: “Gina” produces it based on chicken fillet and based on tuna fillet. Tuna pellets are larger than chicken pellets and are recommended for larger pets. They have a lower energy value than the Elite line croquettes, but they have the same natural composition and balance in amino acids. This food is not suitable for holistic people. In addition to this, you will need to give your pet vegetables, fruits, and make sure that he gets enough fat. Canned foods contain animal protein that is easily digestible once properly processed, and are sweetened with delicious additions such as tuna with papaya and salmon with broccoli. All of the listed additives, of course, are present, not in the form of flavorings, but in their natural state.
  4. Canned food "Mi-Mi" . Super premium food for different tastes. In addition to the main ingredients - tuna and poultry - the food contains additives of cheese, lobster, shrimp, lamb, white fish and crab. Thus, if your pet is capricious and does not want to try one or another type of food, you can always replace it with an analogue of a different taste. There is no need to talk about quality - “Mi-Mi” is on the same level as the super-premium food “X-Cat”.

Important! Gina adds dried seaweed,
medicinal herbs and probiotics to its products. They stimulate the immune system, helping the cat's body produce its own beneficial microflora.

Gina food for cats: super premium or holistic

Recently, super premium and holistic cat foods have become increasingly popular. Cat owners don't skimp on ordering high-quality pet food that is difficult to find in a regular pet store. One of these foods is Gina. It is hotly discussed and debated about class membership. In fact, Gina refers to 2 different foods from the same manufacturer, which belong to different classes.

Gina food for cats

Gina is a Canadian brand of high quality cat food. This food cannot be found on the shelves of regular stores; cat owners have to order it from an official distributor or in specialized places. The importer of this product is Russian (St. Petersburg), but it is produced in different countries (depending on the type of feed). These products have been sold in Russia since 1996.

Gina cat food can only be purchased at specialized sites.

A little about feed manufacturers

Dry and wet food of the Gina brand, as well as Gina Elite crickets, are produced at different factories. So “drying” from Gina Elite is produced in Canada (Spectrum Feed Services Ltd). Representatives of this company claim that this product can safely be called holistic, since the concept of Human grade (“can be eaten by a person”) is applicable to the composition of the food. Gina dry food is produced in Denmark at the Vital Petfood Group plant, founded in 1997. Vital Petfood Group is considered one of the largest companies in Scandinavia.

Gina wet food is also produced at a large high-tech plant. This enterprise (Thai Union Manufacturing Co. Ltd.) has been operating for about 40 years and is located in Thailand. Not only animal feed is produced here, but also other canned products (for example, fish and seafood). The company is distinguished by its attitude to environmental issues; therefore, international environmental standards are strictly observed in production.

Gina brand canned cat food is produced in Asia

Belonging of the food “Gina” to the class

Breeders and veterinarians conventionally divide cat food into 4 classes: economy, premium, superpremium and holistic. Products of these classes differ in composition, price and availability:

  1. Economy is the cheapest food. The main source of protein in such products are processed plant materials, and meat may be completely absent. The taste and smell of meat or fish is achieved through flavoring agents and flavor enhancers (including synthetic ones). Such foods require aggressive advertising, and they are available in every store.
  2. Premium is inexpensive food of good quality. They may contain meat (or offal), vitamins and mineral supplements, and flavorings and preservatives may be natural. Among such foods you can find products from a veterinary or preventative line, although veterinarians sometimes do not advise feeding a cat such food. Premium foods are advertised less frequently and can be purchased in pet stores.
  3. Super premium is high quality food that uses natural meat, rice, vegetables, etc. Such food has high nutritional and energy value and contains many vitamins and minerals essential for health. Super-premium products are more expensive than premium and “economy” ones, they are hardly advertised, and you can buy them in specialized stores or online platforms.
  4. Holistic is a food of the highest category. They contain environmentally friendly products (natural meat, fresh vegetables and fruits, extracts of medicinal herbs, etc.). Even humans can eat such food, since it can contain up to 100% meat. Such food can only be purchased from an official distributor, and the price is the highest.

The developers of Gina food call their products super-premium class holistic (although these classes differ from each other). Some cat owners consider Gina Elite a holistic food, but veterinarians classify both Gina and Gina Elite as super premium foods.

Video: classification of “Gina” and “Gina Elite” feeds

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

The main advantages of Gina food include the following factors:

  • wide range (there are lines for cats of different ages, a variety of tastes, etc.);
  • high quality ingredients (feed components are not frozen before use);
  • safety of consumption (meat and fish raw materials are obtained without the use of antibiotics);
  • hypoallergenic (Gin recipes contain a minimal amount of allergens);
  • the composition contains flavoring and aromatic additives of a non-synthetic nature;
  • Gina and Gina Elit food recipes contain probiotics that are useful for preventing diseases of the digestive system.
  • “Gina” food has a weaker composition than “Gina Elite”;
  • Not every pet store can order this product;
  • relatively high price.


For pets that have undergone sterilization, manufacturers have released a special line of food that will satisfy all the needs of their body.
It should be noted right away that ready-made meals under the trademarks “Gina” and “Gina Elite” belong to different categories. Gina cat food is a super-premium diet, and Gina Elite is a holistic class food. The entire line is divided according to the age and special needs of the purr. So, for sterilized cats and neutered males, manufacturers produce a special Sterilized diet, which can be either with or without corn, but both diets equally contain salmon, chicken and rice cereal. Manufacturers also took care of small pets by developing a unique Kitten nutrition formula. This food is suitable for kittens under 1 year of age, and is also recommended for pregnant and lactating cats.

The line also includes other types of food, namely:

  • Cat Complete and Adult Cat. Designed for adult cats and includes hypoallergenic products.
  • Grain Free. Produced specifically for purrs with increased activity. Contains mainly turkey meat and excludes gluten, which makes the diet completely hypoallergenic.
  • Sensitive. A diet for pets with hypersensitive digestion, as it includes easily digestible ingredients and probiotics.
  • Hairball Control. A unique ready-made food, the recipe of which promotes the removal of ingested wool from the gastrointestinal tract.

Assortment and features of Gina feed

The manufacturer offers “Gina” and “Gina Elite” food in the form of dry and wet diets.

Dry food "Gina"

Dry food "Gina" is crickets with a diameter of up to 1 cm. They are sold in dense bags weighing 1, 3 and 7.5 kg, as well as in bags of 18 kg. The cost of a kilogram package varies from 366 to 422 rubles. Crickets are produced in chicken, lamb and rabbit flavours. Now the manufacturer offers 4 main lines of this food:

  • Kitten 33 (“Kitten 33”) is suitable for kittens up to 1 year old, pregnant and lactating females;
  • Cat 33 (“Cat 33”) is suitable for cats leading an active life (for example, living in a private house with access to the outdoors or participating in exhibitions/championships);
  • Cat 30 is a complete chicken-flavored dry food for cats with normal activity levels;
  • Cat Rabbit&Rice is the lowest fat food for adult cats.

Gina food can be produced not only in bags or bags. The weight of the package may also vary. For example, previously complete food was also produced in plastic buckets. This package weighed 15 kg. The packaging material may also change: thick or foil paper, film or plastic.

Photo gallery: dry food "Gina"

Table: composition of dry food "Gina"

NameMain castAmino acidsVitamins and mineralsGuaranteed performanceEnergy value (in 1 kg)
Kitten 33Ingredients:
  • chicken and lamb meat;
  • rice, cereals, beets;
  • sea ​​fish fillet;
  • animal fats;
  • egg, brewer's yeast;
  • probiotics (Lactobacillus).
  • methionine;
  • lecithin;
  • taurine;
  • tryptophan;
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamins B1, B6, B12;
  • vitamins D3 and E;
  • vitamins K and C;
  • biotin (H);
  • vitamin PP;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • sodium.
  • protein - 33%;
  • fat - 21%, fiber - 1.5%;
  • moisture - 9%, ash - 7.5%;
  • taurine - 0.2%, magnesium - 0.09%;
  • calcium - 1.5%, phosphorus - 1.1%.
4120 kcal
Cat 33Compound:
  • protein - 33%, fat - 21%;
  • fiber - 3%, moisture - 9%;
  • ash - 7.5%, calcium - 1.4%;
  • phosphorus - 1.1%, magnesium - 0.09%;
  • taurine - 0.2%.
4050 kcal
Cat 30Ingredients:
  • chicken's meat;
  • rice, cereals, beets;
  • sea ​​fish fillet;
  • animal fats;
  • probiotics (Lactobacillus).
  • protein - 30%, fat - 15%,
  • fiber - 1.5%, moisture - 9%;
  • ash - 6%, calcium - 1.10%;
  • phosphorus - 0.90%, magnesium - 0.09%, taurine - 0.12%.
3880 kcal
Cat Rabbit&RiceIngredients:
  • chicken and rabbit meat;
  • rice, cereals, beets;
  • fats and probiotics (Lactobacillus);
  • fructooligosaccharides.
  • protein - 30%, fat - 12%;
  • fiber - 2.5%, moisture - 9%;
  • ash - 6%, calcium - 1.0%;
  • phosphorus - 0.70%, magnesium - 0.08%,
  • taurine - 0.12%.
3700 kcal

Dry food "Gina Elite"

Gina Elit crickets are distinguished by their high meat and fish content. They are produced in packages of 400 g, 1, 3, 8 and 15 kg. Suggested flavors: chicken, duck, turkey, salmon. The price for 1 kg of feed is from 510 rubles. The following lines of elite “drying” are currently produced:

  • Adult Cat Duck & Rice is a dry food with duck and rice flavor for adult, moderately active cats;
  • Grain Free Adult Cat Salmon (“Grain Free Adult Cat Salmon”) is a salmon-flavored “dry” for adults;
  • Adult Cat Chicken & Rice is a dietary food with chicken and rice flavor for adult cats;
  • Adult Cat Sterilized (“Adult Cat Sterilized”) is intended for sterilized and neutered individuals (allows weight control);
  • Cat Sensitive is a complete dry food suitable for feeding cats prone to problems with the digestive system;
  • Kitten (“Kitten”) is a “children’s” version of a complete food (allows you to control the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, contains components beneficial for the cardiovascular system and vision).

Photo gallery: dry food "Gina Elite"

Table: composition of dry food "Gina Elite"

NameMain castVitamins and mineralsGuaranteed performanceEnergy value
Duck & RiceIngredients:
  • duck meat (31%);
  • white and brown rice;
  • animal fats;
  • vegetables, broth;
  • chicory, cranberry, yucca.
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin B;
  • vitamin D;
  • vitamin E;
  • folic acid;
  • sodium selenite;
  • calcium pantothenate;
  • biotin;
  • vitamin K;
  • manganese oxide;
  • potassium chloride;
  • calcium iodate, etc.
  • protein - 30%, fat - 18%;
  • fiber - 1.5%;
  • moisture - 7.5%, ash - 8%;
  • calcium - 1.6%, phosphorus - 1.1%;
  • amino acids - 3.8%.
3810 kcal/kg
Grain Free Adult Cat SalmonIngredients:
  • salmon 60%, sweet potato (30%);
  • sunflower oil;
  • vegetables, yeast;
  • olive oil, peas;
  • asparagus.
  • protein - 32%, fat - 15.5%;
  • fiber - 2.5%;
  • moisture - 7%; ash - 7.5%;
  • calcium - 1.5%, phosphorus - 1%;
  • amino acids - 3.41%.
3680 kcal/kg
Chicken & RiceIngredients:
  • chicken (38%) and fish;
  • rice, corn, fats;
  • hydrolysates, beets;
  • egg powder, yeast;
  • cellulose, taurine;
  • methionine, MOS, FOS.
  • protein - 30%, fat - 18%;
  • fiber - 2%;
  • moisture - 7%; ash - 7.5%;
  • calcium - 1.8%, phosphorus - 1.1%, amino acids - 4.32%.
3800 kcal/kg
  • poultry (27%) and salmon;
  • cereals, hydrolysates, fats;
  • beets and glucosamine;
  • powdered eggs, alfalfa;
  • yeast, flax;
  • chondroitin sulfate, MSM.
  • protein - 32%, fat - 15%;
  • fiber - 2.5%;
  • moisture - 7%; ash - 6.5%;
  • calcium - 1.1%, phosphorus - 0.9%;
  • amino acids - 3.7%.
3650 kcal/kg
  • turkey meat (32%);
  • white and brown rice;
  • animal fats, broth;
  • vegetables, chicory, cranberries, yucca.
  • protein - 30%, fat - 20%;
  • fiber - 1.5%;
  • moisture - 7.5%, ash - 8%;
  • calcium - 1.6%, phosphorus - 0.9%;
  • amino acids - 3.8%.
3880 kcal/kg
Kitten (UK)Ingredients:
  • poultry meat (18%);
  • white fish fillet (10%);
  • cereals, fats, hydrolysates;
  • beets, egg powder;
  • flax seeds, yeast.
  • protein - 30%, fat - 18%;
  • fiber - 2%;
  • moisture - 7%; ash - 7.5%;
  • calcium - 1.8%;
  • phosphorus - 1.1%;
  • amino acids - 4.32%.
3950 kcal/kg

Wet food "Gina"

Gina canned food is a wet food whose main ingredient is tuna. The flavor options for this food are a combination of tuna with other ingredients (chicken, sardines, beef, vegetables and squid). Pouches with a volume of 85 g are sold at a price of 50 rubles per bag.

The veterinarian explained to me that even the highest quality wet food cannot be used as the main diet. The calorie content of canned food is almost 10 times lower than that of “drying”. It is also not recommended to mix Gina wet food with other brands of crickets. The ideal option is a combination of canned food and crickets of the same brand. And from my own experience, I know that you need to be especially careful with wet food. Opened jars and pouches cannot be stored for more than a day, even in the refrigerator.

Advantages and disadvantages

This diet is very beneficial for animals, as it is additionally enriched with probiotics.
Gina cat food has become very popular for a reason. Animal breeders and veterinarians highlight the following advantages of the food, due to which it ranks first in the ranking of elite cat diets:

  • High quality and natural products. The food contains no artificial preservatives, flavors or other components that have a negative effect on the cat’s digestive system.
  • As close as possible to the natural diet of four-legged pets.
  • Excellent balance of healthy ingredients, minerals and vitamins.
  • Wide range and availability of wet and dry food.
  • Variety of release forms.
  • The line includes a diet for different ages and conditions of cats.
  • Enriched with probiotics and enzymes. These substances stimulate your own healthy intestinal microflora and improve the process of food digestion.
  • Huge health benefits for purrs.

If cats regularly eat Gina food, their coat will noticeably improve: it will become shiny and shedding will decrease. It is noted that four-legged pets who eat this product have no specific odor from their mouths, no plaque on their teeth, are always in a good mood and have regular bowel movements.

The disadvantages include the relatively high price and the impossibility of purchasing at any pet store.

Brown rice, which is part of the product, makes the digestive process more difficult for pets.
In addition, many owners consider the presence of brown rice in the structure to be a disadvantage of Gina food. Although it acts as a source of fiber, the cat’s body digests and absorbs it more difficult than white rice cereal. Also on the negative side is the presence of brewer’s yeast in the recipe, to which purrs often have an allergic reaction.

What food to replace “Gina”

Foods that can replace “Gina”:

  • premium: Royal Canin, Science Plan;
  • super premium: Pronature Original, Bozita, Monge;
  • holistic: Farmina N&D (“Farmina”), Grandorf (“Grandorf”), Now (“Nau”).

Photo gallery: replacement feed

Table: replacement feed

ClassTypeNameManufacturer countryFlavorsMain castRelease formAvailability of special linesKitten foodPrice
PremiumDry and wetRoyal CaninFranceMeat, fish, turkey, chickenContent:
  • meat and fish components;
  • fats, fiber;
  • yeast, amino acids;
  • vitamins, minerals;
  • prebiotics, probiotics.
Packages of 400 g, 1.5 and 3 kg, 6 kg, pouches, jars and sachets of 85 g and 195 gThere are veterinary and preventive foods for cats of different ages and breedsMedium Junior, Pediatric Queen, Mother & BabycatUp to 500 rubles (400 g)
Science PlanContent:
  • corn and gluten;
  • meat and bone meal;
  • animal fat;
  • minerals;
  • hydrolysates;
  • flax seed.
Pouches of 85 g, bags of 350 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg and 7 or 8 kgPreventive feeds have been developed for animals of different ages (sterilized, prone to disease, etc.)Kitten and Healthy Development (suitable for pregnant and lactating cats)From 200 rubles (350 g)
SuperpremiumDryPronature OriginalCanadaChicken, lambContent:
  • meat and bone meal;
  • cereals, chicken fat;
  • beets, cranberries;
  • flavorings;
  • flax seed, yeast;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • extracts and herbs.
Packages of 340 g, 2.72 and 5.44 kg, 11.3 kgClassic Recipe (from 2 months)
Dry and wetBozitaSwedenChicken, fish, venison, beef, lobster, liver, duck, lambContent:
  • chicken, lamb;
  • beef, pork;
  • venison;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • yeast;
  • vitamins and minerals.
Tetrapacks of 190 and 370 g, bags of 400 g, 2 and 10 kgFeline KittenFrom 168 rubles (370 g)
DryMongeItalyFish, anchovies, rabbit, shrimp, liverContent:
  • liver, meat, fish;
  • vegetables fruits;
  • oils and fats;
  • minerals, yeast;
  • aloe vera, cranberry;
  • extracts of medicinal plants.
Sachets of 100 g, bags of 400 g and 1.5 kgThere is preventive food for sterilized/neutered animals and therapeutic food (for diabetes, urolithiasis, etc.)KittenFrom 950 rubles (1.5 kg)
HolisticDry and wetFarmina N&DItaly, Brazil, SerbiaChicken/pomegranate, fish/orange, boar/apple, lamb/blueberry, ocean fish, beef, rabbitContent:
  • meat, fish, animal fats;
  • vegetables, eggs;
  • vegetables, alfalfa;
  • inulin;
  • fructooligosaccharides;
  • mannanoligosaccharides;
  • pomegranate powder (0.5%);
  • fruits, greens, berries;
  • salt, yeast.
Packages of 300 g, 1.5 and 10 kg, cans of 85 and 405 gThere is preventive food for spayed/neutered cats of different agesN&D Cat Chicken & Pomegranate Kitten (for kittens, pregnant and lactating cats)From 410 rubles (300 g)
GrandorfBelgiumLamb/rice, meat/rice, white fish/potatoesContent:
  • meat or fish;
  • rice, sweet potato;
  • animal fat;
  • carrots, dietary fiber;
  • taurine, flax seeds;
  • cranberry;
  • vitamins, minerals.
Pouches of 70 g, bags of 400 g, 2 kgKittenFrom 370 rubles (400 g)
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