Night Hunter: Cat food from domestic producers

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Night Hunter is cat food from domestic manufacturers, which has the most beneficial composition and positive reviews from veterinarians.

There is never too much Night Hunter food

  • 2 Composition
  • 3 Pros and cons

    3.1 Positive aspects

  • 3.2 Disadvantages
  • 4 Specifics
  • 5 Reviews
  • 6 Conclusion
  • Main features

    Holistics are classified as super premium food, but not all super premium food belongs to the holistic group.

    It is advisable to remember the main signs of quality so as not to make a mistake in the choice (sometimes manufacturers use the Holistic label, but in reality the food consists of the wrong components. Let such manipulations remain on the conscience of the manufacturers).

    What should holistic food include:

    • On American-made feed there is always a mention of AAFCO (American Association of Feed Control Inspectors).
    • The food contains only high-quality substances for your pet: natural meat, fish, rice, legumes, vitamins C, E, rosemary, as well as fruits and berries. The presence of protein is a significant difference between holistic people, and the type of meat is always indicated.
    • Analysis of holistic components should always be present in the feed; it shows the value of 4 nutrients: fat, fiber, crude protein, moisture.

    In dry food, 30% protein is the minimum, and 8% fat. The fiber content should not be less than 10%. In wet food, the indicators are slightly different: fat should not be less than 4%, fiber 3% and protein not less than 8%.

    Understanding dried meat

    The composition contains two more components that are additional sources of animal protein. These are “freeze-dried chicken and turkey” (No. 7) and “freeze-dried veal” (No. 8). The names are in quotation marks because freeze drying (as opposed to the usual, more expensive and gentle procedure) is not mentioned anywhere in English. In the original we have Dehydrated Chicken and Turkey Meat and dehydrated Beef Meat.

    Apparently, the mention of sublimates is a marketing trick, as is the replacement of the concept “beef” with “veal”, because not a word is said in the composition that this is the meat of young bulls. The food also contains hydrolyzed chicken protein - hydrolysates are usually used as flavor and aroma enhancers in finished diets.

    Guaranteed Analysis

    Reviews of the Night Hunter food for cats claim that the composition of the food is liked by animals and satisfies their needs one hundred percent. Let's study the guaranteed content of substances to find out if this is actually true:

    • Proteins: 33%;
    • Fats: 16%;
    • Ash content: 7.5%;
    • Fiber: 4.5%;
    • Water: 10%;
    • Calcium: 1%;
    • Phosphorus: 1%.

    As usual, for not very expensive feeds, indicate the carbohydrate content. And this is completely legal. But with simple mathematical addition, it turns out that carbohydrates in this food are about 25-30%

    In principle, the nutrient content is within normal limits and can provide the cat with energy. But let's analyze how each indicator is achieved.


    Chicken, fish and meat flour are listed as protein sources. That's all. That is, there is neither the meat promised in the advertisement nor any additional meat ingredients. Meat flour, like fish flour, is a product of deep processing of raw materials. Moreover, a whole fish carcass is used, as well as any parts of animals and poultry. The result is a powder that contains nothing useful except the protein itself. Often, such components are added when it is necessary to increase the protein content to the required value. In this food this is the main protein component. This is more of a disadvantage than an advantage of the food.


    Animal edible fat and soybean oil were added to the diet as lipids. Soybean oil contains many beneficial Omega-6 and Omega-9, but it is considered a cheap substitute for corn or sunflower oil, and is added to products to reduce the cost of the product.

    As for animal fats, they are a cheap and low-quality source of lipids for cats. We do not know the quality of the raw materials, so we cannot judge how purified this fat is and what impurities it contains. We also do not know what part of the carcass this product came from. Rather a minus for the diet than a positive factor.


    Judging by the fact that the second and third places in the composition are occupied by rice and corn, there really are a lot of them here. Apart from a small amount of vegetable protein, which is practically not digestible by the cat, these products do not provide any benefit. They are not digested by cats, and therefore serve only as a “cheaper” for the final product.

    Additional Ingredients

    And there’s not much to analyze here - there are only four additional nutrients - pulp, yeast and flax seeds. Chicken liver extract was used as a natural flavoring – a substance that has a strong odor that promotes the eating of food.

    Beet pulp is a source of fiber. It has no other beneficial properties and, in fact, is a waste product from beet processing.

    Yeast – maintains skin and coat in good condition, promotes proper digestion. However, the raw materials are not specified, nor is the state in which this product was added to the feed. We cannot judge the quality of this ingredient.

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    Flax seeds are a quality source of Omega-3, as well as vitamins and antioxidants. However, this component is listed almost at the end of the composition, which means there is very little of it. Although the component is good, and you can safely give it a plus!

    That's the whole lineup. You can call it premium nutrition, and only because it does not contain overt chemicals and harmful additives. So the high-class food is an advertising ploy by the manufacturer, nothing more.

    Manufacturers rating

    There is now a very large selection of super-premium food on the market from different manufacturers - how can you find out which of them makes the most healthy and high-quality food for your little four-legged friends?

    Especially for you, we have created a rating of premium and super-premium food manufacturers of different types and described the advantages of each of them.

    We selected manufacturers according to the following criteria:

    quality of food, availability of all necessary ingredients for the proper and healthy development of the kitten; what is included in this company’s product range, do they have dietary food, the availability of medicinal food series; the price of the product in the price-quality ratio was taken into account; analyzed customer reviews and their opinions about the product

    Premium class

    Dry food.

    • Pro Balance. The advantages of this food are that it is domestically produced and its price is lower than that of an imported product. The manufacturer includes the required amount of protein, the source of which is veal, as well as a complex of herbs for the kitten’s immunity.
    • Royal Canin. The brand has a wide range of sales. There are both dry and wet food, and they also produce medicinal and dietary food. The products are designed for different ages. The advantage is that a factory was opened in Russia (in general, the brand is French), but the quality did not suffer at all, but the price became affordable.
    • Hills. The production specializes in the production of two types of “drying”: the first is for feeding healthy kittens, the second is a medicinal line.

    Wet food.

    • Animonda Rafine Soupe Kitten. The composition contains all the necessary substances for the development of a kitten. Sufficient amount of nutritional supplements and vitamins. It can be introduced into the diet from two months of age. There is a lot of meat in the composition - turkey or a cocktail of meat from various birds. The cereals used are rice, rolled oats and barley.
    • Probalance Kitten 1st Diet. Protein is taken from high-quality meat - veal. The composition includes an extensive complex of phytocomponents that help improve the kitten’s immunity.
    • Royal Canin Kitten Instinctive. Its advantage over other feeds is its price is lower than its analogues. There is an option to choose food in jelly or sauce. There are specialized lines for the Persian, British Shorthair and Maine Coon breeds.

    Canned food.

    • Royal Canin Babycat Instinctive. Designed for kittens aged from one to four months. Texture – a sauce that is ideal for kittens’ first feedings due to its delicate texture.
    • Hills Science Plan Kitten. Contains a high percentage of protein, meat, grains and vegetables with a high fiber content.
    • Pro Plan Junior. For kittens aged from one month to one year. Great for sensitive digestive systems.

    Super premium class

    Manufacturers of super-premium food almost always specialize in the production of all three types of food for kittens (dry, wet, canned). Here is a rating of manufacturers who, together with you, set the goal of helping your kitten grow up healthy.

    • 1st Choice. An excellent mixture for starting dry food feeding. The composition includes 30% protein, which is taken from fresh chicken meat. Cereals included in the food include rice and oats. And, of course, it contains all the necessary phytocomponents, vitamins and minerals that contribute to the proper development of the kitten and strengthening its health.
    • Brit Care. This food in the kitten line is perfect for pregnant and lactating mother cats. The protein volume is at least 37%.
    • Innova EVO. A food that is considered one of the best food in the world. Country of origin: USA. The composition contains only natural ingredients that even humans can eat. The disadvantages include the price, which is approximately 40% higher than similar products.
    • Acana. The advantage of this food is that it contains at least 3 sources of protein - fish, meat, eggs. The composition contains the amino acids EPG and DHA, vitamin B12 and medicinal herbs. The food is practically free of carbohydrates.
    • Almo Nature. A huge advantage of the product is that 99% of the composition is meat and fish. This makes the food completely harmless to the young body and gives the pet a maximum of carbohydrates, fats and protein.
    • Orijen Cat. Made in Canada. This food contains no preservatives at all, and the quality of the products used in the composition is at the highest level. Meat contains at least 70%, the rest is fiber and grains.


    The uniqueness of Night Hunter cat food is that it is universal and can be included in the diet of almost all cats, including castrated, pregnant and postpartum animals.

    The manufacturer has provided two types of food:

    1. Dry.
    2. Wet.

    The menu that you are ready to offer your pet should depend entirely on its age and health.

    For example, for older cats, it is best to use wet food, which will help replenish the lack of fluid in the pet’s body.

    This type of food is easier to tolerate by the digestive tract and does not create discomfort for cats with problem teeth.

    Wet food:

    • The following types of food are best suited for the younger generation: chicken, lamb, rabbit, veal, beef.
    • For adult pets: lamb, tuna, chicken, heart, salmon.
    • For representatives over seven years old: salmon, lamb, heart, tuna, chicken.

    Dry cat food Night Hunter:

    For kittens. The food contains important minerals and vitamins for the development and growth of the young generation. Also in this nutrition category you can find the following components: chicken, meat, fish meal, liver extract, egg powder. Suitable even for Maine Coon babies.

    • For adult cats. This food is suitable for animals under seven years of age. It contains: seafood flour, meat, chicken fat, antioxidants. And minerals and vitamins important for health and activity.
    • For cats over 7 years old. In this case, it is best to soak the food a little, this will make it easier for the aging animal to chew the food. The food contains: various grains, liver extract, meat and chicken flour, yeast, fish oil. The food is also enriched with antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, which are very important for the health of older cats. Dry food for cats Night Hunter over 7 years of age is designed so as not to provoke cardiovascular diseases.

    Night Hunter is food for cats of the following breeds:

    • Nibelung.
    • Chinchilla.
    • Burmanskaya.
    • British.
    • Persian.
    • Exotic.
    • Angora.
    • Turkish van.
    • And other breeds, including the common yard breed.

    Feedback from veterinarians is that Night Hunter food is an economy-class food that is perfect even for very picky breeds.

    The Night Hunter brand is also produced for different breeds of dogs and has proven itself well among breeders.

    The food helps you get all the useful microelements and vitamins

    What is Friskis food for cats?

    Food for domestic cats "Friskies" is a very budget-friendly and affordable food option for pets. The distinctive bright yellow packaging, which can be purchased at any major supermarket, is popular among shoppers. This line of food for cats produces both dry food and canned food, which, combined with a very low price, determines the demand for them from pet owners.

    Friskies food can be found on the shelves of any store, even a supermarket.

    Who is the manufacturer

    The Friskies line of cat food is produced by Purina, one of the structural divisions of the Nestle corporation. The production of pet food marketed in the countries of the former Soviet Union is concentrated primarily in Russia, but some branded products are manufactured in Hungary.

    In addition to Friskies, the manufacturer Purina produces the following types of food for pets:

    • Felix;
    • Pro Plan;
    • Purina One;
    • Gourmet;
    • Darling;
    • Cat Chow.

    What class does it belong to?

    The Purina company produces cat food, occupying the most budget niche of this market. In other words, almost the entire range of products manufactured by the company is designed for consumers with the lowest income and, accordingly, is not of high quality. Thus, Friskis cat food is included in the economy class category.

    Advantages and disadvantages of Friskis food

    The advantages of Friskis cat food include:

    • Low price. Even among similar economy class brands, this food is considered one of the cheapest. The difference in price between Friskies food and premium food is colossal, and, of course, this largely determines the choice of buyers.
    • Availability. Friskies food can be purchased in any store - not only in the supermarket, but also in small retail outlets within walking distance.
    • Preservation of taste until the end of the shelf life.
    • Absence of impurities and pests (according to Roskachestvo research).

    Unfortunately, Friskies food has more disadvantages than advantages. The most significant of them include:

    • Low quality feed composition. Meat components, contained in the feed in an extremely low percentage, are production waste (skins, beaks, paws, hooves, feathers, etc.) that do not contain any nutritional value.
    • High content of cereals. The basis of Friskies food is cereals, but the manufacturer himself does not indicate which ones. Undoubtedly, cereals are very beneficial for a cat’s health, but they cannot fully serve as the basis of their diet, and with their constant consumption, animals develop problems with excess weight. In addition, grains are often the cause of allergic reactions in pets.
    • High content of artificial additives. Dyes, flavor enhancers and other additives of artificial origin used in the production process are contained in large quantities in Friskies food. This has an extremely negative impact on health and can cause the development of persistent allergies in your pet.
    • Lack of fat (the amount of fat indicated on the package does not correspond to the actual amount - research by Roskachestvo).
    • Inconsistency of the actual set of macro- and microelements with the declared one (according to Roskachestvo research).
    • Lack of arachidonic acid (contained in animal fats, the cat’s body cannot synthesize it on its own, meanwhile it ensures important life processes: suppression of inflammatory reactions, blood clotting, reproductive function, gastrointestinal function).

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    List of the most popular types of food

    You're probably wondering what type of food cat owners eat most often. We have prepared a small list for you:

    1. Night Hunter Puffins Delicious chicken.
    2. Night Hunter Assorted meats.
    3. Night Hunter Premium for kittens.
    4. Night Hunter Canned food for kittens.
    5. Night Hunter Premium for sterilized cats and neutered cats.
    6. Night Hunter Premium prevention of ICD.

    Now let's take a closer look at each of the foods presented above.

    Night Hunter Puffins Delicious Chicken

    This is a complete and balanced dry food intended for feeding adult cats. The composition is quite doubtful. The food contains poultry meat flour, edible fat, cereals, liver extract, soybean oil, as well as useful substances. Calorie content per 100 g of product is 365 kcal.

    Price: 1100 rubles per package weighing 10 kg.

    Night Hunter Cold cuts

    This is a high quality dry food for cats. Meat products are used as the main product, which is why the food is easily digestible. It has a pleasant taste, making cats eat it with pleasure. Calorie content per 100 g of product is 380 kcal.

    Price: 240 rubles per 1.5 kg package.

    Night Hunter Premium for kittens

    Dry food for feeding kittens from 2 months to 1 year. The main ingredients are meat products - chicken, meat and fish flour. The food is rich in vitamins and microelements, which guarantees the proper development of kittens. It also helps improve immunity and strengthen the bones.

    Price: 1500 rubles per package of 10 kg.

    Night Hunter Canned food for kittens

    Wet food in the form of canned food for small pets is made from selected meat, animal by-products and grains. The composition contains all the necessary nutrients and minerals, proteins, vitamins necessary for normal growth and development.

    There are two types of canned food: pieces of meat in jelly (veal and lamb, rabbit and chicken) and in sauce (chicken, beef). The meat content in the composition is not less than 20%.

    Price: 408 rubles for 24 packs of canned food weighing 100 g.

    Night Hunter Premium for spayed and neutered cats

    This is also a dry food designed specifically for pets who have been castrated or sterilized. The food is low in fat, high in protein and meets all nutritional requirements.

    The food helps maintain optimal weight, thereby softening the load on joints, bones, internal organs and muscles. The main ingredient of the food is again meat products.

    Price: 1400 rubles per 10 kg package.

    Night Hunter Premium prevention of ICD

    It is a dry food designed for the prevention of urolithiasis. This disease is very common in cats. The food contains many useful substances that strengthen the cat's immunity and increase the body's resistance to harmful environmental factors. The composition contains meal from sea fish and marine mammals, invertebrates and crustaceans.

    Price: 1700 rubles per 10 kg package.


    Andrey, Kirov: “Our cat Baron is a rather spoiled person, and therefore it is difficult to please him. We select food for him not only by price, but also by composition. Recently, Night Hunter cat food appeared in our stores, and we decided to try it, especially since we really liked the price. Of course, we initially expected a negative reaction from our pet, but everything turned out completely differently; he happily devoured the new food for him and even asked for more. Now we take this food often and combine it with more expensive food. The cat likes it, and we save money.”

    Alla, Ryazan: “We love our Musya very much, but we also remember about saving. We recently decided to buy Night Hunter cat food after reading positive reviews from veterinarians. For its price segment, the food turned out to be surprisingly decent, and Musya eats it with pleasure. Previously, she often suffered from constipation, but now we don’t notice such health problems.”

    Karina, Kazan: “Reviews from veterinarians who positively characterized the Night Hunter cat food encouraged me to buy it. It didn’t excite us much, but for its price the food is quite good, it has a wide range of flavors and a good composition. I buy it periodically and alternate it with expensive ones.”

    Oleg, Tolyatti: “We accidentally got the Night Hunter cat food for free as part of a promotion. Since then we have been taking it constantly. Our Barsik eats it with pleasure, goes to the toilet perfectly after it and feels completely healthy and happy.”

    Good digestion has a positive effect on your appearance

    Pros and cons of food

    The great abundance of pet food today makes buyers more demanding of the composition.

    Initially they pay attention to him. Night Hunter is a product that meets the requirements of modern animal owners, as evidenced by reviews. Among the advantages of the product are:

    Among the advantages of the product are:

    No harmful components; Balanced composition; Wide range of flavors; Two types - wet, dry; Affordable price; 50% protein of animal origin, which is important for the development of muscles of pets; No antibiotics, long life is guaranteed by hermetically sealed packaging; Can be used at any age. You can buy Night Hunter food at any veterinary pharmacy, pet store, specialized departments of supermarkets, or order online

    The cost of a package weighing 400 g is on average 62 rubles, for 1.5 kg of food they ask for 216 rubles, a package weighing 10 kg costs around 1250 rubles. The cost of a jar of canned food is 62 rubles

    You can buy Night Hunter food at any veterinary pharmacy, pet store, specialized departments of supermarkets, or order it online. The cost of a package weighing 400 g is on average 62 rubles, for 1.5 kg of food they ask for 216 rubles, a package weighing 10 kg costs around 1250 rubles. The cost of a jar of canned food is 62 rubles.

    As for the shortcomings, there are them too.

    1. The food contains only 50% protein; cats need 30% more for normal functioning of the body. It is necessary to compensate for this deficiency with other nutrition.
    2. Large amounts of grains increase the risk of an allergic reaction. It is necessary to introduce food gradually, and at first observe the well-being and condition of the cats.
    3. Customer reviews indicate that opening a can of wet food is very inconvenient; you have to use a special device. While competitors' products can be opened at any time, anywhere without additional devices.
    4. Meat and fish meal are not the best food for cats every day.
    5. There are too many grains in the composition - the cat is still a predator, it needs more meat.
    6. The manufacturer describes the composition of the product sparingly, vaguely, a lot of things are hushed up and not indicated. For example, “meat”, and whose it is, you have to guess.

    According to the majority, the Night Hunter is an economy class product. Minerals, vitamins are minimal, animal protein is represented by low quality raw materials - leather, skins, offal.

    Weak spots

    Dry food is not widely used. They are easy to find in Moscow and not easy in the provinces. Among the disadvantages of Night Hunter feed are the following:

    1. Lack of a positive reputation that has been built up over the years.
    2. The use of meat flour, the composition of which is unstable, and fish flour, which is often counterfeited.
    3. The use of components subjected to high-temperature drying leads to denaturation of proteins and a decrease in the digestibility of amino acids. Laboratory tests show high protein content, but its digestibility is unclear.
    4. Opaque information about the composition. The components are indicated, but in what proportion they are included in the feed mixture is unknown.

    The Pet-online store provides a wide selection of food:

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    Assortment and features of feed

    The range of Friskies food is quite wide: both dry and wet food are presented. The basic composition is almost the same for all types of products; they differ slightly in the added substances.

    Table: composition and range of Friskies feed

    Type of feedRangeMain castAdded substancesGuaranteed performanceapproximate price
    • with chicken and garden greens;
    • with salmon;
    • with meat, chicken and liver;
    • with meat and healthy vegetables;
    • with rabbit and healthy vegetables.
    • cereals;
    • processed meat products;
    • vegetable processing products;
    • vegetable protein;
    • fats and oils;
    • vegetables;
    • yeast;
    • preservatives;
    • minerals;
    • vitamins;
    • dyes;
    • antioxidants.
    • vitamin A;
    • vitamin D3;
    • iron;
    • iodine;
    • copper;
    • manganese;
    • zinc;
    • selenium.
    • protein - 30%;
    • fat - 10%;
    • raw ash - 7%;
    • crude fiber - 5.5%;
    • taurine - 0.1%.
    From 50 rubles per package weighing 350 g
    • with Chiken;
    • with salmon;
    • with rabbit and liver;
    • with a rabbit;
    • with beef;
    • with beef and carrots;
    • with beef and lamb;
    • with duck;
    • with turkey and carrots.
    • meat and its processed products;
    • cereals;
    • minerals;
    • amino acids;
    • thickeners;
    • Sahara;
    • vitamins.
    • vitamin A;
    • vitamin D3;
    • iron;
    • iodine;
    • copper;
    • manganese;
    • zinc;
    • taurine
    • humidity - 84%;
    • protein - 6.5%;
    • fat - 2.5%;
    • raw ash - 2%;
    • crude fiber - 0.1%;
    • linoleic acid - 0.4%.
    1 pouch weighing 85 grams - from 12 rubles
    For kittens
    • dry - with chicken, milk and healthy vegetables;
    • wet: with chicken;
    • with lamb.
    In dry food, the following are added to the basic composition (see “Dry food for cats”):
    • fish and its processed products;
    • milk and products of its processing.

    Composition of wet food:

    • meat and its processed products;
    • cereals;
    • fish and its processed products;
    • minerals;
    • Sahara;
    • vitamins.
    Dry food:
    • vitamin A;
    • vitamin D3;
    • vitamin E;
    • iron;
    • iodine;
    • copper;
    • manganese;
    • zinc;
    • selenium.

    Wet food:

    • iron;
    • iodine;
    • copper;
    • manganese;
    • zinc.
    Dry food:
    • protein - 35%;
    • fat - 12%; crude fiber - 2%;
    • raw ash - 8%;
    • calcium - 1.4%;
    • phosphorus - 1.3%;
    • taurine - 0.11%.

    Wet food:

    • humidity - 80%;
    • protein - 8%;
    • fat - 4.5%;
    • raw ash - 2%;
    • crude fiber - 0.1%.
    • dry - from 60 rub. per package 400 g;
    • wet - from 12 rub. for the spiders.
    Specialized dry food
    • for domestic cats (with chicken and garden grass);
    • for sterilized cats and neutered cats (with rabbit and vegetables);
    • to control hairballs (with chicken and vegetables).
    It differs from dry food for adult cats by the addition of vegetables.
    • vitamin A;
    • vitamin D3;
    • iron;
    • iodine;
    • copper;
    • manganese;
    • zinc;
    • selenium.

    Vitamin E has been added to food for sterilized cats.

    • For domestic cats - no different from dry food for adult cats.
    • For sterilized: protein - 30%;
    • fat - 8%;
    • raw ash - 7%;
    • crude fiber - 4.5%;
    • taurine - 0.09%.
    • To control hairballs:
      • protein - 30%;

      • fat - 10%;
      • raw ash - 8%;
      • crude fiber - 5.0%;
      • calcium - 1.2%;
      • phosphorus - 1.2%.
    From 70 rub. per package 300 g

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    Photo gallery: varieties of Friskies food

    The difference between Friskis and other Purina brands

    As mentioned above, “Friskies” is the most budget food among all the manufacturer’s brands. The nutritional value of other foods is higher (with the exception of Felix, which has an almost identical composition to Friskies), but their price is also high.

    How to replace "Trainer"

    Sometimes it happens that the usual food is not available in the store, or the owner does not have the opportunity to go for the right product. In such cases, it may be necessary to replace the feed. Veterinarians do not recommend replacing cat food with a product of another class (for example, it is not advisable to replace holistic food with premium food, etc.). But the owner of the animal may encounter financial difficulties, then he has to look for a more budget-friendly option. The cat may also have an intolerance to the Trainer food (due to certain components), in which case it will need to be replaced. Instead of Trainer food, you can choose a product of the following classes:

    1. Premium (Brit Premium, Organix, Science Plan, Eukanuba, Night Hunter, etc.).
    2. Super premium (1st Choice, Leonardo, Sanabelle, Monge, Savarra, Almo Nature, etc.).
    3. Holistic (Pronature Holistic, Acana, Go Natural, Now, etc.).

    Photo gallery: some feeds to replace “Trainer”

    The source of fiber in holistic foods are vegetables, fruits and berries (dried apples, carrots, etc.)

    Manufacturers of Almo Nature assure that all food is minimally processed, therefore it is as healthy as possible

    Holistic-class food does not use ingredients from vegetable protein (gluten, potato or pea protein, etc.)

    Sanabelle dry cat food is produced in Germany by Bosch Tiernahrung GmbH & Co

    Dry food and canned food for Leonardo cats are produced by Bewital petfood GmbH & Co

    Comparison table: food to replace “Trainer”

    Feed classType of feedNameFlavor optionsPackingProtein includedUnwanted ComponentsVeterinary rulersKitten foodPrice
    PremiumDry and wetBrit PremiumBeef, duck, chicken, turkey, salmon, trout100, 300 g, 1.5 kg, 8 kgUp to 40%CornThere are series for cats of different ages, sterilized and with body characteristicsKitten - for kittens up to 1 yearFrom 445 rubles (1.5 kg)
    Science Plan85 g, 300 g, 1.5 kg, 2, 10 kgFrom 660 rubles (1.5 kg)
    SuperpremiumDry1st Choice (“First Choice”)350 g, 1.5 kg, 2.72 and 5.44 kg“Healthy start” – from 2 months
    Dry and wetLeonardo ("Leonardo")duck, chicken, turkey, fish, liver, meat, shrimp, heart400 g, 2 and 7.5 kg, 17 kgUp to 65%Corn, brewer's yeast, starchThere are series for cats of different ages and with physiological characteristicsKitten (for kittens from 5 months and pregnant cats)
    DryDrySanabelle (“Sanabel”)Poultry (including ostrich), meat, fish, vegetables400 g, 2 and 10 kgAnimal protein - 32%Potato proteinThere are separate therapeutic and preventive lines for cats of different ages and breedsKitten (for kittens up to 1 year)From 944 rubles (1.5 kg)
    HolisticPronatureTurkey/cranberry, salmon/rice, duck/orange, sweet potato340 g, 2 and 2.72 kg, 5.44 and 6 kgUp to 57%There is food for cats of different ages and those living outdoors or indoorsFrom 350 rubles (0.34 kg)
    AcanaLamb, chicken, turkey, duck, ocean fish340 g, 1.8 and 5.4 kg, 11.4 kgUp to 80%There are preventative hypoallergenic foodsFrom 1400 rubles (1.8 kg)
    Dry and wetGo NaturalDuck, chicken, turkey, salmon, trout230 g, 1.82 and 3.63 kg, 7.26 and 11.35 kgFrom 48%Potatoes, peas

    Variety of wet food

    The range of wet food includes 6 types of canned food: meat in sauce, jellies, pates, pieces in soft sauces, canned food for kittens and elderly cats.

    For babies

    Food for kittens includes 5 types of canned food, packaged in doypacks weighing 0.1 kg. The moisture content is 80%, with crude protein accounting for 8.5%. The percentage of meat and offal in the feed varies from 10 to 20%.

    Most of the “children’s” line contains tocopherol and taurine. Liquid canned product with veal and turkey meat contains chopped cereals and carrots. The feed contains vitamins, minerals, and vegetable oil.

    For adult animals

    Wet food for adult pets includes several lines: products in sauces, jellies, pates, food for older cats. Low-calorie food for older animals. The series includes 4 types of canned food, differing in the main ingredient (meat or chicken). In addition, the assortment includes combined products (meat and fish).

    The brand’s pates (8 types) are distinguished by their delicate texture and excellent taste. Supplied to the market in cans weighing 0.415 kg. Enriched with vitamin and mineral complexes, they are low-calorie products.

    They provide convenient opening and come in classic and combined versions. The series includes food with beef, liver, rabbit and heart, chicken and liver, veal and lamb. In addition, the manufacturer produces assorted meats and fish.

    Liquid food with sauce is a favorite of the low-calorie line. For example, Sour cream sauce contains milk powder and yogurt. Cheese contains cheese powder. The recipe includes not only meat, but also offal.

    In addition to beef, liver, rabbit and heart, the manufacturer produces canned salmon, pike perch and tuna, as well as veal and turkey meat. The percentage of meat is 2/10 of the total volume.

    Zoogourman Meat stew, expert opinion

    It is a ready-made dish with a combination of meat, cereals, and vegetables. Of course, a cat is a predatory creature. Meat remains the main product for her. However, you can often notice how the animal gnaws cucumbers and apples with great appetite, and gobbles up porridge. The animal also needs such products. Veterinarians, together with the Zoogurman company, have developed a range of dishes that fully satisfy the needs of cats, with an optimal ratio of meat, cereals, and vegetables.

    • Beef with buckwheat. Meat and offal make up 70%, buckwheat occupies 20% of the composition, the remaining percentage comes from vegetable oil. The dish contains vitamin and mineral supplements. Jar capacity - 250 g.
    • Beef with rice. Cats are also gourmets. Some people like buckwheat, others are crazy about rice. The composition is similar to the previous product, only rice is used as cereal - 20% of the total composition.
    • Beef with vegetables. The composition consists of 70% meat and offal, 20% vegetables and grains. Added vegetable oil, vitamins, minerals.
    • Bird with rice. It is made from chicken, turkey - 70% of the composition, 20% is rice, the remaining 10% is vegetable oil, vitamin and mineral complex.

    Meat stew is a complete ready-made dish that pets and their owners like. The former enjoy a tasty, nutritious dish, while the latter save time preparing a dish for the cat. Veterinarians consider this product category an ideal option for feeding pets.

    Composition analysis

    A food that claims to be in the holistic class must have an impeccable composition. Let's look at the ingredients of Now Adult food.

    • Like all cat food from this company, it is grain-free. This sets them apart from products from other manufacturers. Even Hills and Royal Canin recommended by veterinarians always contain corn and corn starch or flour in the first place. Since cats are carnivores, they do not need grain crops at all. Moreover, their intestines are shorter than those of herbivores and are not designed to digest such food, so cats may become constipated from a large amount of grain in their food;
    • Like all Now foods, it does not contain gluten and chicken - the two foods that most often cause allergies in cats;
    • Turkey fillet comes first in this food; trout, salmon and herring fillets take the first place in Now Fish food. During production, raw meat was used, and not “dehydrated animal proteins”, as in lower-class feeds, which can mean any by-products and waste;
    • the next places are occupied by potatoes and peas, which are sources of carbohydrates, that is, energy for the animal;
    • Next comes canola oil - it is obtained from rapeseed seeds of the Canola variety. It is a source of Omega-3 and Omega-6, as well as vitamin E. A little further in the composition is coconut oil, which is valuable for the same ingredients. Moreover, it should be noted that the oils are preserved in a natural way, without the use of chemicals;
    • Also, the top five ingredients include eggs, which are highly recommended to be included in a cat’s diet. Along with meat and fish, they are a source of protein, and essential amino acids are necessary for animal health. Phosphorus, calcium and magnesium contained in eggs have a beneficial effect on joints, bones and blood vessels. This is especially useful for the growing organism of large breed cats;
    • towards the end of the composition there are vegetables and fruits, among which there are many exotic ingredients such as papaya, pineapple and grapefruit. In the wild, cats naturally do not eat these fruits. There will be no harm from these products in the composition, especially since they are contained there in minute quantities, but perhaps a certain amount of vitamins will enter the animal’s body;
    • Taurine is an amino acid that cats primarily obtain from meat. Strengthens the immune system, improves vision and coat condition, normalizes the functioning of the liver, kidneys and heart;
    • aitamines A, E, C, D-3 and group B, minerals;
    • L-Lysine is another amino acid that strengthens the immune system, musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system;
    • chicory is a source of oligosaccharides that promote the growth of beneficial microflora in the intestines;
    • dried seaweed is a source of iodine and has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland and metabolism. However, do not forget that algae can change the color of the fur. If you notice that your cat has turned brown, it is better to avoid food containing algae or liver. Although this is more relevant for breeders whose cats participate in exhibitions, owners of light-colored cats are also unlikely to like this effect;
    • Yucca Schidigera extract is added to reduce the smell of cat waste products;
    • Rosemary extract is a natural preservative.

    Meat comes first in Now adults food

    Below the composition on the package is an analysis of the ingredients.

    • proteins - 31%. Growing cats need 30% protein, adults 25–30%. An increased amount can put too much strain on the kidneys, so there is no need to strive for a high percentage of protein in the feed;
    • fats - 18%. Adult cats need approximately 15–20% fat, young cats - 20%. No longer necessary to avoid gaining excess weight.
    • Fiber - 2.5%. Cats need approximately 3% fiber in their food. Older cats and animals suffering from excess weight and constipation need higher amounts of it;
    • humidity - 10%. Don't forget that dry food's own moisture content will never be enough! A cat sitting on a drying mat should always have access to water. If your animal does not recognize liquid, then you can soak the dry food with water, obtaining some kind of canned food;
    • ash - 6.5%. When they see the word “ash”, many buyers think that the food is of poor quality, since waste is added to it. In fact, the ash content of the feed shows the content of inorganic substances in the feed, that residue that does not burn, that is, minerals;
    • phosphorus, magnesium, taurine, fatty acids, lactobacilli - all these are useful substances.

    Results of the analysis

    In addition to the main ingredients, we see beet pulp and yeast, flax seeds and liver extract. That's the whole lineup. Beetroot is a source of fiber and yeast keeps the coat in excellent condition. Flax seeds are an excellent source of Omega-3s, vitamins and antioxidants. But judging by the fact that the component is listed at the end of the list, there is very little of it in the composition. Based on this, the food can be called premium nutrition because it does not contain chemicals or harmful additives. But the fact that this is a high-class food is just an advertising ploy that the manufacturer effectively uses to increase sales.


    Night Hunter for cats is an economy-class food, although some, for some unknown reason, classify it as a premium food.

    The composition is not clear: it does not indicate what kind of meat is used in the product, and the manufacturer also seriously sins by adding meat products.

    This food should never be given to pets who suffer from allergies or have sensitive digestion. If you are not sure about the naturalness of this food, then you should consider another premium food.

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