How do British kittens differ from ordinary ones: appearance, character traits and other parameters

I will take a British blue kitten for breeding, with pedigree documents. I'm looking for a kitten in Moscow, inexpensive. The headlines of electronic platforms and thematic forums are full of similar announcements. There are many who want to bring home a little friend, a new family member, just like the furry Briton will be. It is important to choose the right British Shorthair kitten. The British cattery will help you identify the plush animal by gender and color. How to buy, where, what signs of kittens you need to focus on: practicing breeders will help.

How much does a British Fold cost?

On average, the price varies from 5 to 45 thousand rubles. Babies of popular and rare breeds are more expensive, but even within this niche prices vary significantly (from several hundred to tens of thousands of rubles). A pet from abroad can be even more expensive.

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How to choose the right one

The great demand for British kittens is explained by the peculiarities of the breed: beautiful appearance, aristocratic habits and excellent health of furry pets. What eye color British cats have depends on their coat color. All kittens are blue and gray. The true shade of the iris is noticeable by 4 months and is finally formed by 1 year of life.

What kind of eyes do British cats have: the main option is copper, golden. Shades available:

White coat colorColor pointSilver and golden shaded
blueblueemerald green
goldless often - blue

The nursery employee will offer the buyer documents for the baby and tell the buyer in detail about the specific animal. What aspects are noted when choosing a Briton:

  • activity, up to a year old babies are especially active and playful, a conscientious breeder will not offer a sick animal. But the baby’s behavior will tell a lot about his condition;
  • weight, well-fed, healthy pet must correspond to the age categories of this breed;
  • a healthy pet does not have shortness of breath;
  • the type of animal matches the breed standard.

They look at how clear the eyes of British cats are - a cheerful animal with “iron” health. Dull - in a sick individual.

What to pay attention to

A representative of any felinological club or factory station will explain how to distinguish a British kitten from a simple ordinary pet. Characteristic features of plush animals:

  • fur to the touch: elastic, springy;
  • the presence of an even, dense undercoat;
  • symmetrical head and body shapes,
  • small ears and large round eyes, slightly upturned nose;
  • strong muscular body, powerful legs,
  • even, without pronounced spots, color.

In nurseries, most often it is possible to see the mother of the kittens: the animal should not be aggressive. From photographs of the kittens' parents, you can determine whether the animals match the given breed.

Gender and age

Being a true Briton is not a cheap pleasure. How much do British kittens cost: depends on age and gender. The price of a descendant of titled parents reaches 35-50 thousand rubles. Younger animals are sold at a higher price. Average price from 2 to 10 thousand.

Purebred kittens of the British breed, with a pedigree, vaccinated and trained, cost 25-35 thousand rubles. Babies older than 5 months fall in price: they can be purchased for 10-15 thousand. A six-month-old baby will cost around 2-3 thousand.

They offer to take British girls cheaper, boys are always more expensive. How to determine the sex of a British kitten: instructions. It is easy to find out whether a cat is in front of us by anatomical characteristics. Under the boy's tail, a little further from the anus, there is an area where the genitals are visible, along the edges of the swelling - the testicles. In cats, this area forms just below the tail; Naturally, there are no testicles.

Don't look for cheap options in nurseries. The final price consists of the following costs:

  1. Purchasing: for some breeds you have to go abroad, buying a baby plus the cost of housing, food, travel.
  2. Maintenance and care of pets.
  3. Nutrition: in nurseries, more attention is paid to the composition of feed and vitamin and mineral complexes. Not only the health and growth of animals, but also the condition of the pet’s coat depends on the quality of food.
  4. Participation in exhibitions.
  5. Medical support for animals.
  6. Knitting.
  7. Vaccination.

Why don't the British like to sit on their hands?

There is a version that the British, whose blood is in the Scottish family, were originally palace cats and were specially selected so that they did not like to sit on hands and served only as interior decoration. The British idolize cats, allow them to do everything, do not limit their freedom, and love cats who know their worth.

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Scots and their differences

Scottish cats are the favorites of many. This breed is distinguished by division into two directions:

Based on the first type, it is really difficult to determine what the difference is between a British cat and a Scottish one. Their coat color is largely the same, for the most part. The shape of the muzzle is also similar.

The differences between a Scottish cat and a British cat are as follows:

    The Scots have a different body structure: animals of this breed have a more refined skeletal structure, are less squat and not so stocky and big-boned; the muzzle remains flattened, but longer than that of the British; jowls are less pronounced; there are no dimples on the bridge of the nose, what makes them different from the British; the Scottish cat breed has a thinner, longer tail; The difference between British cats and Scottish cats is also in the shape of their paws: in the former they are shorter, thicker, more massive, and in the latter they are slender; there is also a difference in the shape of the head: the Scots have a well-defined chin, and the shape of the skull itself resembles that of a pig; There is also a difference in the shape of the ears (if we are talking about the Sconish Fold) - the most remarkable thing. Let us remind you that only Scots can have lop ears, but aristocrats cannot boast of such a detail of appearance - their ears are always pointed.

A little about the breed

Shorthair British kittens have a plush feel due to their dense, soft coat with a thick undercoat. Varieties of the British breed are distinguished by hair length. During the selection, many experiments were carried out, the most successful result was the emergence of a long-haired British breed.

The description of the breed consists of describing the body of the British as strong and muscular. The limbs are quite short. The structure of the auricle allows only the straight-eared variety. The ears are small and widely spaced.

The eyes are round, wide open, more often found in orange, but depending on the color of the coat, the eyes are found in emerald, lavender, and gold. The blue coats of animals receive great attention; this is a color in which gray and blue are present. The owner determines the pros and cons of each color independently, choosing a pet according to his taste.


Although many people get purebred cats for the hobby, the time comes when the pet grows up and the need for mating arises. If mating involves the further sale of kittens, then this issue should be approached with all responsibility so that the offspring retain all the characteristics of the British Fold cat breed. The prices of small fluffy balls with hanging ears on the market are not the same, they range from 6 to 20 thousand rubles.

Puberty of cats of the fold breed occurs when they are 7-8 months old. It can be identified by characteristic signs: the animal’s behavior changes, it will sometimes become aggressive, begins to leave marks and tries to use soft things for its needs. However, experts do not recommend mating until the animal reaches one year of age.

The male can cover a cat at any time of the year, but the peak of activity usually occurs in the spring months, when the concentration of sperm is especially high. To get the ideal offspring, you need to choose the right partner. To do this, it is best to contact a club that breeds a breed such as the British Fold cat. Mating is carried out only with animals that have straight, erect ears. If both partners have pinned ears, the offspring are guaranteed to have congenital defects in the paws, spine, and others.

Only healthy animals are allowed for mating, without signs of illness, cough, discharge from the eyes or ears, etc. All necessary vaccinations must be completed.

The British Fold cat does not cause much trouble in keeping, and if you care for it according to all the rules, the animal will be healthy, playful and will bring a lot of positive emotions to its owners.

Prohibited Products

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To properly prepare a diet, you should know the list of prohibited foods, which will help not harm your pet. The use of the following products is strictly prohibited:

  • fresh meat;
  • pork is a too fatty product, rich in pathogens;
  • river fish, as it contains small bones that can injure;
  • milk;
  • onions, potatoes and herbs – contain substances toxic to cats;
  • confectionery;
  • salted, smoked products;
  • dry food, canned food, preserves from Whiskas, KiteKat, Friskies, as they contain cheap products that turn into carcinogens when processed.

These foods should not be fed to Britons as it will immediately affect their health and can lead to obesity and bacterial contamination. You should not feed your pets human food. Salted or smoked ingredients will cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

History of origin

Scottish cat

The ancestor was the cat Susie, who appeared in 1960 on a farm in Scotland. After the owners noticed the unusual feature of their pet, it was decided to cross it with a British breed cat. The offspring turned out to be the same fold-eared as the mother.

However, not everything is as smooth as it seemed. It took a long time for the new breed to gain recognition from professionals. The thing is that the lop ear gene was negative. It caused diseases of the musculoskeletal system in animals and indirectly caused their death, as it had a detrimental effect on cartilage tissue. Therefore, in 1971, breeding of the breed was banned.

After the fold cat came to America, scientists began to study it. They turned their attention precisely to this gene, which gives the animal an unusual feature. After research, geneticists came to the conclusion that negative consequences occur when two lop-eared individuals are crossed. Troubles can be avoided if one of the pair has straight ears. In this case, the gene will not cause any disorders in the body.

After all the research, in 1976 the Scots again received the right to life.

British cat

It is considered one of the oldest. Because she has been accompanying the residents of England for a long time. Some believe that the cat came to these lands along with the Roman conquerors. Others believe that the animals previously lived in French monasteries and protected cellars from rats and mice. Then, together with the sailors, they got to where they continued to live until the hour of their confession.

No one was specifically involved in breeding the British. However, everything changed at the end of the 19th century. Then English breeders and researchers paid attention to cats. They selected only the best representatives and began breeding the breed. However, British Shorthair cats were only recognized in the 1980s.

Your kitten is spayed, neutered

Sterilization and castration are not the same procedure. During sterilization, the ovaries are removed and the uterus is left behind. There is a risk of developing cancer and inflammatory diseases. Therefore, it is advisable to do castration: completely remove the reproductive organs. Some cat owners believe that they should let their cat enjoy motherhood at least once.

Veterinarians say no need. The sores will only increase after pregnancy. If you are not going to breed cats: you need to castrate the animal. After castration, cats become calmer and are not tormented by mood swings. The price for castration varies from 1550 rubles. The procedure will relieve the cat of prostatitis and adenoma.

An injectable drug for a cat against sexual desire costs the same as a sterilization procedure. How much does it cost to vaccinate British kittens: prices range from 1100 to 1300 per injection.

British kittens are bought for different purposes. People just want to get a pet into their family: they pay attention to the health of the pet. Owners purchase a cat for a breeding career; for this purpose, nurseries will select a suitable option.

British classes

Breeders use conditional classification to determine the qualitative characteristics and subsequent functional activity of pets.

Pet class kittens fully comply with the recognized breed standard. Babies have no shortcomings or have some, but not significant ones: irregularly shaped ears, insufficiently thick undercoat. There are no signs by which the baby can be classified as a defective version. Kittens are sold subject to sterilization. Usually not used for breeding careers. The cost of such British kittens is lower than others: from 13 thousand to 32 thousand.

Show class favorites are the undoubted standard of the breed. Representatives of the category most often remain in nurseries and are used in competitions and exhibitions. The price of animals is maximum. Purchasing a pet from this group is considered a great success. Price from 40-60 thousand and above.

Breeding class is the main backbone of the breed. Healthy pets with good pedigree take part in exhibitions and are allowed for breeding. The price is average. They are usually classified as cats. Cats are classified as Pet. Pets cost: from 30 thousand.


How much a British shorthair cat costs and what color options breeders offer can be found on the websites of clubs and nurseries. Average price of animals: 25-30 thousand.


Cats of this species are the owners of the long hair gene, which is indicated in the advertisement from experienced breeders. Price from 25 to 95 thousand.

Using dry food for feeding

If the owner of a British cat decides to feed his cat dry food, then he must understand that it is important to choose its composition and manufacturer. First of all, preference should be given to Premium class food. It is also important that the four-legged family member likes him

The British are very picky when it comes to food. Therefore, there is no point in buying large packages of food, even if it is the best on the pet store counter. To begin with, you should select several varieties in economical packages and see what your cat likes.

It is also important that the four-legged family member likes him. The British are very picky when it comes to food.

Therefore, there is no point in buying large packages of food, even if it is the best on the pet store counter. To begin with, you should select several varieties in economical packages and see what the cat likes.

Also, when choosing the right type of dry food, it is important that it is available for sale, that is, you do not need to look for it in different stores in the city. Once the food has been selected, it is not recommended to change it to other varieties. The cat’s body gets used to one food, and it is very difficult for a cat to adapt to another type of feeding.

If a domestic cat eats dry food, it is important to ensure that there is always a container of clean and fresh water near the bowl.

The cat’s body gets used to one food, and it is very difficult for a cat to adapt to another type of feeding.

If a domestic cat eats dry food, it is important to ensure that there is always a container of clean and fresh water near the bowl.

Adaptation to a new home

The first few days the kitten may behave restlessly.
It usually takes at least 3 days to acclimatize to an unfamiliar environment, sometimes more. At this time, the kitten behaves restlessly, constantly cries, and may refuse food. In order for adaptation to be successful, the new resident is not disturbed and allowed to get comfortable. All that is needed from a person is to prepare the conditions for a full-fledged existence: put a bowl, a toilet, determine a place to sleep.

All hard-to-reach and potentially dangerous corners of the apartment are protected by any convenient method. If the baby is hiding, then there is no need to get him out by force, scaring him even more - sooner or later he will come out into the open world on his own.

Conduct a conversation with children, if there are any, that you cannot pester the kitten, squeeze it endlessly, and even more so drag it by the tail and torture it in every possible way.

When communicating with a kitten, do not raise your voice, use a gentle intonation, do not make sudden movements, play whenever possible and distract your pet from sad thoughts.

After some time, the adapted tenant will begin a tour of the house, at which point it’s time to think about his safety.

Is it possible to identify a Briton by his behavior?

The character of a British cat is also a serious marker of the species in question. It begins to manifest itself in childhood, and over time acquires all the required features:

  • autonomy and independence;
  • desire to be alone;
  • habit of sleeping a lot;
  • tolerates long absence of the owner from the house without any problems.

All basic character parameters can be adjusted only in childhood, but you should not expect that the British dog will become sociable, affectionate and strive for constant communication with the owner.

In the early period, ground rules for living together are laid down and red lines for unacceptable behavior are drawn. If everything is left to chance, the kitten will eventually turn into an aggressive cat that will bite, scratch and make its own rules in the house.

Breeders' advice

Breeders who value their reputation, love their work and their British cats are not indifferent to the future fate of the graduates of their catteries.

Therefore, breeders are always ready to help new kitten owners with advice and action.

  • The first days in a new home are the most difficult for a baby. In order for him to get used to it faster and not experience much discomfort, you need to give him maximum attention: talk to him more often, play with him, just be near him.
  • As a rule, British kittens have already mastered the litter tray perfectly by the time they are released. The owner’s task is to show the baby where this important item is and ensure its constant cleanliness: fresh litter of the usual brand or a tray that is always washed after each visit if an adsorbent is not used.
  • Even before the kitten arrives, you need to decide on its nutrition system, whether it will be ready-made or natural food. To avoid problems with your pet’s digestion, you should always adhere to the chosen type of feeding. The recommended commercial food for British kittens should be at least premium.
  • Although the British have excellent self-grooming skills, we should not forget about such hygienic activities as cleaning ears, teeth, trimming nails, and bathing.
  • Timely vaccinations and preventive veterinary examinations are required throughout the animal’s life. Changes in well-being and behavior - refusal to eat, lethargy, apathy, dull eyes - are a reason for an unscheduled visit to the veterinarian. Attempting to treat a sick pet on your own can cost him his life.

And no less important than all these manifestations of care are the relationships with the pet, which need to be built from the moment it appears in the owner’s life. British cats are noble, self-respecting animals that do not tolerate indifference or rudeness . But they will return a hundredfold to a person’s sincere affection and love.

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At what age is the difference exactly visible?

At 3-5 months it is already possible with a high degree of confidence to find a set of signs that allow you to determine the external differences between British and ordinary kittens.

  1. Purebred animals are always heavier and more massive than their street counterparts.
  2. The British breed's body type is of the cobby type (stocky, compact, round, with low paws, a short, strong neck and a powerful tail base). Their mongrel opponents, as a rule, are light-boned and of average physical build.
  3. By six months, British kittens are already “puffing out their cheeks.” The muzzle becomes even more rounded, and boys may additionally have a wide lower jaw.
  4. The eyes and fur are approaching the stage of final formation. The hair is short, very thick, and does not adhere to the body.

At the age of 6 months, it is almost impossible to mistake a British kitten for a representative of the street population. An ordinary cat lover may not know the name of the breed, but he will unmistakably guess which of the teenagers belongs to the purebred group and which continues the line of outbred “nobles”.

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