Cats and coffee: 10 best “cat cafes” in the world from St. Petersburg to Tokyo

Owners of cats very often call them members of their family and treat them like their children: they bathe them, put them to bed, buy them toys and clothes. Animals also eat from the table of their owners, who share their favorite dishes with them, pampering them, so to speak.

And cats indulge their owners in this; as soon as they come into the kitchen, the cat is right there, looking with pitiful eyes and meowing. How can he not throw something? It seems like there is nothing bad. Few people at this moment think about what they should not feed their cat, but not everything is good for pets.

Should I give my cat a treat?

Some foods are especially pleasant to the human taste buds. If they are tasty for the owner, then he thinks that the cat will like them too. When an animal does not want to eat certain foods, the owner develops this eating habit in him. But there is something you should not feed cats and kittens. People's favorite treats for their pets can be dangerous. People can eat something that is tasty, but not at all healthy; an animal usually does not eat such foods, but it is dependent on its owner and eats what is poured into its bowl.

Smells to avoid

We have already found out that cats have a completely different sense of smell. It is stronger and more sensitive. In addition, cats have more irritable mucous membranes, which can cause unpleasant consequences - burns . And if all the smells listed above simply scare cats away, then there are those that can harm their fragile health. You should not use such smells to scare them away, because it is much easier to buy tangerines than to then spend large sums on a veterinarian.

Dirty tray

Smells are repellent.
But this is not always useful. If you don’t want to scare your cat away from her litter box, which you have worked so hard to get used to, you should always clean it thoroughly. These clean animals will simply never go near a dirty tray. But they can easily find another place for themselves - in slippers, in a corner or under the bed.

And it will be difficult to wean from this, even with constant punishment - the cat will simply look for another place for its business.


The smell of strong alcohol or alcohol irritates your cat's nose. And over time, it generally dulls the sensitivity of the receptors, which is why the animal’s sense of smell will significantly deteriorate. If you do not want this, as well as irritation of your pet’s nervous system, it is better not to try to scare off the cat with the smell of cognac. And especially not to poke it under her nose for the sake of interest.

Household chemicals

Sensitivity has both pros and cons. Of the minuses, for example, you can notice that the permissible concentration of harmful substances for a cat is much lower than for a person.

If you do not want to harm your pet, you should not use:

  • acetone;
  • colognes;
  • perfume;
  • soap;
  • deodorants;
  • bleach;
  • and other strong-smelling harmful substances.

Chocolate is not a treat for cats

Even an adult can eat a couple of pieces of chocolate a day so as not to harm his health, and no more. And a cat that eats what it catches in the wild would never get chocolate. The product contains theobromine and caffeine - these substances stimulate the nervous and cardiovascular systems. This delicious chocolate can cause vomiting, abnormal heart rhythms, extreme thirst, anxiety, seizures, high fever and death. All this happens because intoxication begins in the body, and the cat cannot always cope with it.

So why?

How is it that this myth still exists? Well, for the same reason why Kopi Luwak made it into the movies in the first place.

This is a ready-made headline for the yellow press. It’s too funny not to chat about at the water cooler at work or share on your favorite social network.

In some ways, it's not much different from the stories of Einstein and ostriches.

How can we put an end to this stupid idea? First, you can go ahead and share this story on your social networks. Some people might be upset by this news, but if it's necessary to save animals and improve the quality of coffee tourism in Indonesia, I'll get through it somehow.

about the author

Hi, I'm Asser Christensen from Denmark, founder and editor of THE COFFEE CHRONICLER. For as long as I can remember, I have always been crazy about coffee. Today I am a licensed Q-grader and professional coffee writer.

The cat is a real man

Some men zealously defend the rights of cats living in their family. As if this concerns their personal freedom. They are categorically against having a cat castrated, and also believe that there is nothing wrong with a cat drinking. And they even like to show their friends how the cat consumes the alcohol offered to him. At the same time, there is not even a thought that the animal could be poisoned by the drink offered to it. Meanwhile, cats are extremely sensitive to alcohol, their coordination is impaired, they lose orientation and fall into a stupor. From the outside it may look funny, but it causes irreparable harm to the animal.

Mister Cat recommends: rating and catalog of cat cafes

There are several cat cafes in Moscow. Among them:

NameAddressCost and discounts (in rubles)
Cats and peoplest. Gilyarovskogo, 17, Prospekt Mira metro station. The first hour is 400, the second and third are 200, discounts for children under 10 years old.
Cat shopst. Maroseyka, 10/1, Kitay-Gorod metro station. Depends on the time of visit and varies from 4 per minute of visit in the morning to 8 in the evening.
Kotomania Cats &Relux Clubst. Pokrovka, 20/1с1, Chistye Prudy metro station. The cost of services is per minute. Adults 5 rubles per minute, children 10, the second hour is free for children.
Cotissimost. Novaya Basmannaya, 31, building 1, Baumanskaya metro station. The first hour is 400, the second and third are 250, discounts for children under 10 years old.
Paws and Tailsst. Bolshaya Serpukhovskaya, 50/2с1. The first hour is 400, the second and subsequent hours are 4 rubles per 1 minute.
Cats – Raccoonsst. Viktorenko, 3, metro Airport. Hour – 420, 1 minute – 7 rubles.

All cafes provide free wi-fi, the ability to bring your own coffee, board games and cat yoga classes. Almost everyone has official websites and pages on social networks.

A cat laps milk from a saucer and then suffers from diarrhea

If you don’t know what you can’t feed a fold-eared cat, then you will be surprised that these purebred pets, like many non-pedigreed ones, should not be given milk. Pedigree animals are much more likely to suffer from intestinal disorders and disorders of the intestinal tract. Any animal can be lactose intolerant, and a cat with sensitive digestion may suffer from diarrhea. Although until a certain time the animal can drink milk without any complications.

Cats can be given fermented milk products: cottage cheese and kefir, but not all animals like them. Cream and sour cream should be removed from the diet. If the animal tolerates lactose well, then once a week a small amount of cow's milk at room temperature is acceptable.

You shouldn’t give yoghurts and curds, they contain a lot of additives that are unnecessary for the cat’s body.

Experience of other countries

In European countries, cat cafes are set up like the St. Petersburg “Republic of Cats”. Only the number of pets varies, which rarely reaches 20 individuals.

In Asian countries, most cat cafes do not welcome visitors with children; in Kyoto, Japan, children under 13 years old are not allowed in, and they are not allowed to feed animals or photograph them.

In addition, in Japanese and Taiwanese establishments, the main thing is not the customers, but the cats. That's their real home. Cat cafes are distinguished by both their menu and the purebred beauties that come there from the street.

Healthy vegetables and fruits

Fruits and vegetables are good for people, only if they are grown at home and not treated with chemicals. And some of them should not be given to animals at all. Avocado, which is beneficial for women, is contraindicated for cats, as are cherries, garlic, grapes, apricots, mushrooms, onions and raisins.

There are still some vegetables that do not cause disruption to the digestive organs - these are zucchini, carrots and broccoli. You can also give some green beans. But all this needs to be boiled; it is not only difficult for animals to eat them raw, but also to digest them. What should you not feed a pregnant cat? Everything is the same as for a non-pregnant woman, because if she starts having digestive problems and has to be treated, the medications may have a bad effect on the kittens she is carrying.

What are they for and what can you do?

Technological advances sometimes make it so impossible for us to have warm interactions that such establishments provide the perfect opportunity to reconnect with some of the world's friendliest and most playful animals. Visitors get pleasure not from food, but from communication; they have the opportunity to feed, caress and play with pets that do not divide people into young and old, men and women. They also allow you to see with your own eyes that contact with cats is healing, relaxing and no one can replace this friend.

Another feature of the cat cafe is that you can come in a large group, especially with children, and take part in outdoor games, themed evenings and various master classes that take place in the cafeteria and are organized on certain days.

For example, the owners of Moscow cat cafes often invite breeders to present a new hybrid species. As a rule, such events attract a large audience.

Fans of both original selfies and professional photo sessions will also find it interesting and cozy here.

In turn, cats in the cat cafe are taken from shelters, treated, dewormed and vaccinated, and they are waiting for their owners and want to find a new home and a loving family.

Meat diet

It is obvious that in the wild, cats eat mainly meat that they obtain for themselves. Let's figure out what you can't feed British and regular cats? Just raw meat. What is sold on the market is the meat of animals pumped with antibiotics and hormones. 70% of the product is contaminated with helminths; the meat contains pathogens that are dangerous to health; they can be active even after weeks of freezing.

A cat can even be poisoned by a mouse that it caught itself, because it might have eaten the poison. Before giving meat to pets, it must be boiled. You can give rabbit, chicken, beef and sometimes game. The diet must include offal, but not liver. Raw liver causes diarrhea, while boiled liver, on the contrary, makes defecation difficult.

The meat needs to be cut into large pieces and boiled for up to 10 minutes; if you cook for a very long time, the value of the product will decrease.

The origin of coffee is from cat litter

To understand how Kopi Luwak achieved its popularity, we need to look a little at history. Back in the 1600s, the coffee market was completely different from what we see today. One of the main habitats was the Dutch East Indies, a group of islands now known as Indonesia.

Indonesia was one of the first countries, other than Ethiopia and Yemen, where coffee was grown on a large scale, and at some point the island of Java became almost synonymous with coffee in Europe.

But by 1830, the Dutch had adopted a series of strict rules governing agricultural relations in the colony. The ban on harvesting coffee for personal use among local farmers who were already accustomed to drinking coffee was unexpected.

Somehow, these caffeine-deprived wage workers discovered that a small cat-like animal—the palm marten, also known as the luwak—was eating coffee berries and passing the seeds through its intestines without digesting them.

The workers were not fools, and the Dutch never prohibited collecting manure.

It wasn't long before locals began harvesting, roasting and brewing coffee beans from the feces so they could satisfy their caffeine cravings.

Fish is a delicious delicacy

People simply need to eat fish, but cats in the wild don’t eat it at all; they have nowhere to get it. Fish contains a lot of protein and minerals. If there is a lot of it in a cat’s diet, he will suffer from urolithiasis. If desired, you can give fish once a week in small quantities and only boiled. You need to take sea fish without entrails and bones. There are a lot of helminths in river fish, and there is a high probability that the animal will become infected with them.

If you don’t know what to feed Scottish cats, then it’s better to stick to dry food. Manufacturers from different companies prepare balanced dry food specifically for these breeds. They have everything you need and daily requirements are calculated. If the animal is “natural”, then it is unlikely that the owners will be able to make the animal’s diet balanced.

Smoked meats and pickles

Sometimes animals happily eat canned tomatoes and cucumbers. This does not mean that they are safe for them, it only indicates that the cat is missing something.

Owners, out of habit, can sweep all the remains of their meal into the cat's bowl, but the animal is not allowed any smoked, fried, or canned food. Sausages are also not suitable for them. All the food that people prepare for themselves includes spices and salt, but cats do not need this. This is not a complete list of what you should not feed your cat.

Natural feeding for cats

Since ancient times, it has been customary for a person to have some kind of pet in his home, be it a dog, a cat, a songbird or an ordinary parrot, which was born here and has never seen the homeland of its ancestors in its life. Most often, a cat becomes a pet. In addition to the fact that she can rid the house of mice, sometimes her presence also provides purely aesthetic pleasure. Agree, the whole pleasant sensation arises when your fingers stroke this delicate fur, and in response the cat makes a purring noise, reminiscent of a small motor. However, in addition to simple stroking and the process of ensuring safety in the house from various kinds of rodents, there is an equally pressing question: what is this pet feed. Natural feeding of cats - this article is devoted to this topic. The most important questions will be given below, followed by the answers. Questions are asked by ordinary users, but the answers are given by real specialists for whom caring for cats is a calling.

Can a cat eat porridge?

It is not recommended for your pet to eat various cereals. The cat is a born predator; the metabolism of proteins and fats dominates in its body, but the enzyme that serves to break down carbohydrates is absent. In other words, cereals (even with milk) will pass through the animal’s body and interfere with the absorption of other, more valuable food. Moreover, cereal foods can cause intestinal upset. Many may wonder about the grains in the stomach of an ordinary mouse, but the answer can be that not all mice eat grains alone, and the contents of its stomach are fermented (by no means in a boiled state) and are far from the full amount of nutrition. In addition, you should not compare a cat and a mouse.

Should you cook food for your cat?

No, you shouldn't cook food. The pet's diet should consist of raw foods. Even if the meat has undergone a very small degree of cooking, it will be significantly depleted of useful elements, and the cooked protein will not be easily absorbed by the cat’s body. Even boiled or fried fish bones can cause acquired intestinal obstruction in an animal, and therefore this is completely useless.

Should you serve meat with bones or pre-clean it?

Bones of any size have a positive effect on your pet's body. After all, they are rich in calcium, which can also be useful for a cat during the development of its skeleton. In addition, small bones can be used for cleaning teeth and training jaws. The neck, back or even the head of a small bird are suitable for this role. Small birds (for example, quail) can be fed to your cat whole. She will decide for herself what to eat and what to leave. The bones of a larger bird (for example, turkey) are literally too much for a cat to handle. Tubular bones, or bones that have already been exposed to high temperatures, should not be given to cats.

Are the head and neck of a bird suitable for pet food?

Suitable, and the bones do not have to be removed first. The neck of a bird contains collagen and calcium, and in quite large quantities. And the bird's brain tissue and eyes are available to the cat when it eats its head. When eating bird brain, the pet's body is able to receive large amounts of not only phosphorus, but also vitamins and even some useful amino acids. And the eyes of a bird are liquid cartilage containing a large amount of collagen. Nature provides for the cat’s prey to be eaten whole; the hunter will crush the bones himself during the chewing process, so that the possibility of the pet being injured by small bones is excluded in principle. A bird that is not too large can be served whole to the animal as food. In special cases, for example, if the size of the bird is already approaching relatively large ones, you can chop them into smaller components.

Should you give your cat meat in pieces or in minced form?

To avoid harmful changes in the functioning of the stomach and intestines, you should give your cat meat only in pieces. Nature has provided the ability for a cat to tear off pieces of its prey, chew them with its teeth and then swallow it. The very aggressive effect of the gastrointestinal tract on consumed food makes it possible to completely digest it. If the meat is prepared for the cat in a minced state, this will radically change the correct process of digestion of food, i.e. nutrients will not be properly absorbed. It is better to cut the food you plan to serve into pieces (in small pieces of 2x2 cm), and give the whole head and neck to the animal; the pet will figure it out on its own.

Which cat food is considered better: mix or mono?

Mono-nutrition is the natural feeding of a cat , i.e. the animal receives the products it needs in a certain sequence. Even if you feed her the same type of meat, it will not be a complete meal for her. A mix is ​​a mixture of several types of meat, in which pieces of different meat are thoroughly mixed. Both types of feeding deserve to be applicable, and the pet owner can easily choose the feeding method, depending on what he personally prefers to cook and what the pet likes best. A characteristic positive feature of mono-feeding is the very pleasant process of watching a predator tearing off convenient parts from a whole piece, since this is more consistent with the eating process provided by nature. A positive feature of the mix will be the fact that the pet is sure that during eating it takes in everything it needs for its own development.

What type of meat is best for cats?

To fully understand what kind of diet a cat needs, you should imagine its natural diet. After all, the basis of its diet will always be small rodents or not too large birds. Sometimes it is quite possible to have lizards or frogs in the daily diet. The basis of the cat's diet should be someone's meat (optimally, it should be with bones). In addition, this also includes various internal organs that are by-products: heart, kidneys, liver, stomachs, lungs, etc. In terms of the permissibility of various meat dishes, the cat is generally omnivorous. She can eat not only poultry, beef or pork, but even lamb and rabbit. The main factor should be that this meat product is not too fatty and is classified as red meat. For example, food for Abyssinian cats

excludes the use of chicken breast, it is not very suitable for a cat, because... will be of extremely poor nutritional value for her. At the same time, you should also carefully feed your pet meat from representatives of wild fauna, since it is often infested with various parasites.

Why does a cat need vegetables in its diet?

The answer to this question is obvious. The main component of any vegetable is fiber, which can provide significant assistance to the peristalsis of the cat's intestines. You can add vegetables to your food, but in limited quantities. With the help of vegetables, a good variety is achieved in the usual diet of an animal that has a tendency to gain excess weight. The most preferred ones for cats are zucchini, carrots and pumpkin. It is also quite possible that cauliflower or cucumbers are often present in your pet’s food, although this entirely depends on the animal’s taste preferences. White cabbage, or almost all types of legumes, can have a negative impact on its digestion - they have a detrimental effect on the cat’s intestinal microflora and increase the level of gas formation in the intestines. Beets should be added to your cat's diet with caution. And it is definitely not recommended to add vegetables containing starch, for example, potatoes, as well as spicy vegetables to cat food: onions, garlic, radishes, hot peppers - all of them can cause anemia in a cat. Vegetables allowed for consumption should be added to meat food only in raw and chopped form. Or you can warm them up slightly by adding just a few drops of vegetable oil, preferably olive oil.

How to start the process of feeding a kitten?

It should be remembered that a kitten can eat everything the same as an adult, starting from the age of 3 weeks, even if they have not yet finished feeding with milk. In wild conditions, the mother brings food to the offspring and does nothing else to help the younger generation, except that she can help them “free the food from the cover.” Additionally, it will not grind the meat by chewing it. The kitten will be curious about what its mother is eating, and therefore will approach her feeder, trying to try the food there. You definitely shouldn't force feed a kitten.

How much food does an adult animal and a kitten need per day?

For an adult animal, food in a volume of approximately 3-5% of its body weight will be sufficient. A growing kitten requires at least 10% of its total body mass. Depending on the breed, the amount of feeding will be determined. The less fur a cat has, the more food it needs as a percentage. It is worth remembering that a cat will not eat food beyond what it needs to live. So the amount of food she eats will completely depend on what breed she is, how old she is and what her daily activity is. So usually the selection of food is carried out by the owner in an experimental manner.

How often should you feed your pet?

It is usually enough to provide your cat with a bowl of food twice a day, morning and evening. She simply does not need more frequent feeding.

Where is taurine found?

This amino acid is found in red meat and offal in sufficient quantities for any cat and is an extremely valuable food.

Is it necessary to add some beneficial additives to a cat's food?

If a cat eats exclusively food containing only meat and bone mass, good additions to this food would be products made from sour milk, hard cheese, olive oil and sesame seeds that have not been refined, quail eggs and cottage cheese.

Are there any benefits from offal and what are they?

Heart – contains protein and taurine. The most valuable for your pet will be the heart of a turkey or a pig. Beef heart is too heavy to digest; chicken heart is too fatty. In general, it can account for up to 40% of the total food volume.

Liver - contains vitamin A and some amino acids, but also serves to relax the stool. To avoid excessive consumption of vitamin A, it is better to limit the addition to food to a maximum of 5%, and optimally, serve this offal with other types of meat.

The stomach of a bird contains a fair amount of protein, various vitamins and elements that contribute to the normal microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. The optimal content in the total volume of food offered is up to 40%; it is better not to exaggerate the content. Beef or lamb stomach, on the one hand, is useful for the digestion process, because... promotes healthy intestinal microflora, but on the other hand, it is too fatty and too high in calories, so it should be added to the cat’s food in very limited quantities.

The spine (neck, back) and head of the bird are the elements that contain the maximum amount of calcium, include some other microelements useful for the cat, and also serve as a good means for cleaning teeth and good training for the animal’s jaws.

Pork knuckle (or other chicken cartilage) is a complete source of collagen and serves as a good material for building a skeleton, although the nutritional value is not very high.

Lung - can be considered exclusively as a good source of cartilage tissue, as a result of which it is especially useful during active growth, but it contains too much phosphorus and has practically no nutritional value, and therefore can only be a minor addition to the main diet.

Kidneys are a good source of protein, but at the same time they have a specific odor and are a filtering organ, and therefore are not very suitable for mono-feeding.

A not very useful organ, which is the spleen, has too few calories, contains too much phosphorus and not enough calcium, and can cause stool upset; a small part of this organ eaten by a cat will not lead to illness, and it will also not provide any benefit.

The udder, an organ that has too much fat content and does not contain too many calories, can be used exclusively as a minor addition to the main diet.

Can a cat eat pork?

Almost eliminating the elements of lard from the served piece. In addition, pork is characterized by extremely high fat content, which is why it is capable of having too severe an effect on the liver and other internal organs. Serving it lean is quite possible, but it is better to serve it along with other types of meat.

How to avoid infection with worms?

There is no need to assume that if the cat does not consume raw meat as food, the parasites will be deprived of a springboard for harmful effects. After all, helminths can easily be found on the floor, on furniture, on woolen items; in other words, they can be brought in from outside on a person’s clothing. One way or another, it is necessary to purchase food only in those places where veterinary specialists and the sanitary and epidemiological inspection service take strict measures during inspection. Those. Purchasing is possible only in those companies where checking for the existence of parasites is mandatory. Products purchased in an unknown place, literally “on the next bench”, which have not passed the appropriate veterinary control, can be a clear threat to the life and health of not only the pet, but, equally, its owner. In any case, the purchased meat should be thoroughly frozen, and it is better if this procedure lasts more than 1 day. You should not forget about the need for preventive treatment of the animal and forget about personal hygiene.

Should purchased food be frozen?

It is imperative that no one in the family is exposed to the threat of parasites. Products will definitely not need to be frozen additionally if there is information that they have already been frozen for the required period of time.

How often should your pet be dewormed?

It is necessary to immediately understand that meat or offal in a raw state are not sources in which parasites inoculate and multiply. After all, the ways in which you can become infected depend on many reasons. Among such factors, we can highlight the existence of a free range of the animal, the presence of ways for it to independently hunt for mice and birds during the day, even the area in which the family and the pet live and the situation in it associated with possible infection. Therefore, preventive deworming should be carried out regularly, without paying attention to what exactly the cat eats. A specialist in the field of parasitology strongly advises that prophylaxis of the animal be carried out at least once every six months, however, the actual prophylaxis regimen, the agent that assists in the process of treating the animal and the required amount of the product in each specific case are determined solely by the veterinarian. You should not refer to your own experience and knowledge; it is better to enlist the qualified support of a specialist.

How to correctly calculate the volume and content of food?

To correctly independently calculate a cat’s diet, it is recommended to simply imagine for a second how it hunts in the wild. Small rodents and field mice are the main food for the hunter. Moreover, the hunter usually eats the caught food without freeing the meat from the bones found in it. If you make some minor calculations, the bone structure of a mouse carcass is 9% of its total body weight, by-products (which are rodent organs) are another 10-15%, and the remaining percentage comes from its muscle mass, which is a protein source. The cat's daily food should be prepared in a similar way - the bone structure of the food supplied will be 10% of the total volume, the remaining 90% will be the main food, offal and additives. It is not recommended to assume that only meat (be it pork, turkey or beef) can replace a caught rodent, because the heart is also a muscle, and the bird’s stomach and other offal contain the required amount of much-needed protein. At the same time, it is by no means recommended to forget about the specific ability of a particular product to affect the body (for example, an excess of some food can lead to an upset stomach).

Is it possible to use fish to feed your pet and what kind?

It’s worth saying right away that fish, especially its fatty subspecies, serves as food for your pet, containing a variety of vitamins, minerals, and Omega acids. Vitamins and minerals in this case will be groups A, B and D, as well as phosphorus. In particular, the amount of phosphorus provided to the cat must be taken into account, since if there is too much phosphorus, this will entail negative consequences. If we compare fish and meat in terms of fat content, we can state that fish is a much fattier product. Although it cannot be called a completely natural food for a cat, it can be given to her as food. And although many believe that a pet is capable of picking up parasites into its body during the feeding process by eating raw fish, in fact, this is not true. As evidence, it can be taken into account that the fish, which were raised in a special nursery, were initially treated to prevent the appearance of parasites in it. In addition, different types of fish should be differentiated based on their susceptibility to parasites. Tuna, mackerel and sturgeon are least susceptible to infection by parasites, trout, salmon and pollock - to an average degree. River fish, especially cyprinids or herring, are particularly susceptible to parasite infection. In order to prevent the spread of parasites, purchased or caught fish can (and should) be subjected to freezing. The lower the temperature during freezing, the less time it will take to kill the parasites.

- at -25o C - within 72 hours any parasites in the fish are guaranteed to be destroyed;

- at a higher temperature (-18o C) - getting rid of parasites will occur in a week;

Freezing will in no way affect the content of Omega acids in the product. It is worth noting that many types of fish contain a special enzyme, thiaminase. It is capable of influencing vitamin B1, both at the stage of its content in food and after it enters the stomach. Fish belonging to the cod family can provoke the manifestation of iron deficiency anemia. In any case, it is necessary to conclude that fish should not be the basis of a pet’s diet, but can be used exclusively as a useful supplement to it in a limited amount.

What is day old chick and how should it be given to a cat?

Day-old chicks are a product rejected by a poultry farm if this enterprise specializes in the production of eggs. Rejected products are not even plucked, but simply frozen and sold. The yolk remains in the chicken, as do its liver and heart. A chick at one day old does not even have bones, only soft cartilage. Many elements of the periodic table, mainly metals, are contained in large quantities in these cartilages. Lipids, various vitamins, and lecithin are found in the yolk. It contains vitamin D, which, along with phosphorus, helps calcium in its absorption in the body. They will not be the basis of your pet’s daily food, because... will not be able to supply the body with the required proteins, fats and vitamins. So this product, along with by-products, can only be added to the main food. Of course, only trusted companies that supply their products and have positive reviews should be trusted to purchase this product. Of course, you can safely include such an additive in your pet’s diet in the required quantity (from 1 chicken per week to 1 chicken per day), if it is noticeable that it eats such food with pleasure.

Is it safe for a cat to eat turkey, rabbit, lamb and chicken at the same time?

All kinds of meat base and all sorts of offal can be used in preparing food for a pet. It just has to be red meat and, at the same time, it shouldn’t be high in fat. Meat cut from the thigh of a turkey or chicken would be a great option. But chicken breast, which many people love, is the worst option. Too fatty lamb meat is much better used only as an additive when preparing the mix. But lamb trachea will play a special role in food for pets, because it consists entirely of cartilage tissue. In any case, meat with small veins, cartilage and minor traces of blood can provide much greater benefits to the animal. So we can conclude that any meat will be a good option for a cat. The only indicator you should pay attention to when preparing food for your cat is how many calories a particular food contains. Such information can be found on the Internet at any time.

Does your pet need any additional vitamins?

Provided that its diet is compiled correctly and taking into account all the useful tips given, and does not consist of, for example, minced meat, boneless, the pet will receive everything it needs from its food. Only if, for one reason or another, his food does not contain the necessary products, he should be additionally supplied with vitamins.

What should you do when your cat begins to eat poorly or refuses food?

If a cat has no appetite, this is one of the clearest indicators that all is not well with her health. It is best in this situation to immediately contact a veterinarian. A pet without health problems will always appetizingly gobble up on both cheeks what is served to him in the required quantity. If he refuses to eat any product and turns away from the bowl, you can replace this food with some other similar product or mix other elements into the original portion, from which he had never refused before. For the purpose of attractiveness (attracting attention), a few drops of cod liver oil will improve the food composition. And liver mixed with yogurt or ground dried lung will add attractiveness to the food offered. Selecting an attractive element should be done by trial and error, the main thing is that it belongs to those products that can provide undoubted benefits to the cat.

Will there be negative consequences if my pet eats a non-meat treat?

Many pets prefer to eat food that cannot bring them the slightest benefit. If, of course, a cat eats a piece of potato, nothing negative will happen to its health. Sometimes it is even recommended to treat her with similar food (in small quantities and not the most harmful). If a pet eats a certain amount of food that is not recommended for it, serious consequences for its well-being may occur. In such situations, even death cannot be ruled out. So, if such “poisoning” occurs, it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist.

For what reasons can feeding cats naturally affect their thirst and cause them to drink less?

It should be said that the moisture content of natural food is usually four-fifths of the total volume. This volume of fluid is quite sufficient for the cat to allow its body to function without disruption. In addition, high-quality prevention of various pet diseases (for example, its genitourinary system) is to eat food containing a high natural level of moisture. Plain water should always be freely available to the animal, even if its volume does not decrease too actively. There is no need to be afraid of this, since this is an absolutely natural state of affairs.

Does your pet's natural diet negatively affect its excretory system? Otherwise, why doesn’t she go to the litter box so actively?

In general, this is not considered a deviation from the norm. If it is clear during a defecation that the appearance of the feces is normal and there is no putrefactive odor, this means that the food eaten by the cat has been remarkably digested. If the stool is too light in color and too hard to the touch, it may mean that your cat is eating too much bone. Well, if the tray remains clean for a long time, this may mean that the pet is constipated for some reason. Then it is better to add vegetables and ordinary kefir to his food. Typically, a cat should walk at least once a day. Sometimes this happens less often: once every 2-3 days. If, after a period of time, the cat still does not show any desire to go to the toilet, then it is highly likely that she will have to deal with constipation.

Pasta lovers

Sometimes cats are noticed to have an exorbitant love for pasta and other flour products: rolls, fresh bread and other provocateurs of constipation, colitis and obesity. What should you not feed a sterilized cat? Exactly these products. Neutered animals are more prone to obesity due to hormonal imbalance. Manufacturers make food specifically for them with weight control, they have fewer calories. If you want to keep your animal on natural food, then it is better to make your choice in favor of cereals. Buckwheat and rice are ideal for this; you need to add meat to your diet.

Difficult to digest are: millet, semolina, corn grits and rolled oats.

Crunchy treats

If your cat likes to crunch, then it is better to buy her treats at pet stores. Heads, tails and paws are not only useless food, but also dangerous. Such products injure the intestines and lead to obstruction.

There are also modern delicacies in the form of chips and crackers. The manufacturer selects flavors and flavor enhancers so skillfully that even an intelligent creature, a cat, cannot resist eating it. Don't know what you shouldn't feed your cat? Know: chips and crackers! They contain so much chemistry that the liver and pancreas may simply not be able to cope with them.

Nuts, which people love so much, cannot be digested in the animal’s intestines; among other things, they can cause severe allergies, swelling and respiratory arrest. Special treats are sold for animals in the form of dried entrails and vein bones.

How and how much to feed a cat

With a natural diet, kittens are fed 5-6 times a day. The requirements for products are the same as for adult animals. Small kittens digest milk, but it is better to give them either special ready-made milk formulas (sold in pet stores) or whole goat milk.

Adult cats are fed 2-3 times a day. Do not try to please the animal by treating it with delicacies. This will cause the cat to become capricious.

If you have multiple cats in your home, keep in mind that the amount of food offered should not exceed the total daily calorie requirements for all cats. Otherwise, your cat or cats may become overweight, increasing the risk of developing health problems.

What to pamper your pets with?

It is customary for people to treat each other with sweets, treat children, give them in bags as gratitude, and treat themselves to sweets when they are in a bad mood. These stereotypes are also transferred to animals. If you want to treat your pet with something, then this delicacy comes to mind. Some animals are completely indifferent to all such sweets, but there are also sweet tooths. What should you not feed your cat? That's right - sweets! Animals also suffer from diabetes, and such treats lead to disruption of the digestive tract and diseases of the internal organs.

All this is an extra burden on the liver. Fruits are also high in sugar, and raisins and grapes even cause intoxication. What should you not feed Scottish cats? All these harmful products. They are harmful to both purebred and outbred animals.

If you still want to please your pets, then go to the pet store, you will find a lot of treats, cookies and other treats that your cat will certainly like.

Manufacturers offer treats for kittens, for adult animals, for aging individuals and separately for purebred animals. Why invent something that experts have already come up with long ago. Cats are not such gourmets as people; they eat to live, and do not live to eat.

List of foods prohibited for cats

tubular bones provoke suffocation, cause injuries to the oral cavity, larynx and gastrointestinal mucosa
fatty meats (pork, lamb) leads to indigestion and excess weight gain
animal fat in large quantities leads to inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis
veins lead to intestinal obstruction
sausages cause digestive disorders and also cause diseases of the urinary system
canned fish interfere with liver function due to the preservatives they contain
raw egg, especially white increases the risk of developing salmonellosis, and raw protein interferes with the absorption of vitamin B, which has a bad effect on the health of the animal’s skin and coat
mushrooms toxic and difficult to digest foods
eggplant may cause nervous system failure
garlic, onion, hot pepper in raw and cooked form, irritate the gastrointestinal tract and lead to the development of anemia
rhubarb and sorrel when cooked it leads to diarrhea, when raw it leads to kidney failure
citrus provoke vomiting
avocado the pit and skin cause poisoning and lead to breathing problems
grapes, raisins cause vomiting and kidney problems
nuts cause digestive system disorders, and some species are extremely toxic
coffee leads to rapid heartbeat, muscle tremors, overexcitation of the nervous system, cardiac arrest
alcoholic drinks lead to nervous system damage and seizures
chocolate contains theobromine, which causes tachycardia, seizures and liver disease
baked goods, sweets causes food poisoning, provokes the development of diabetes, worsens the condition of teeth
sweeteners and products containing them are toxic substances that cause vomiting, diarrhea, hypoglycemia, and disrupt liver function
salt and salinity cause electrolyte imbalance, poisoning, vomiting, convulsions

As for kittens, baby food is added to the above list. Its composition does not meet the needs of a small animal. Pet stores sell cat milk replacer for kittens. It is selected according to age criteria. The mixtures contain the entire range of nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for the growth and development of small pets.

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