They Don't Need a Halloween Costume: The World's Scariest Animals

What will you learn from the article?
  1. Breeds of the most terrible cats - TOP-15
  2. Canadian Sphynx
  3. Peterbald
  4. Ukrainian Levkoy
  5. Elf
  6. Devon rex
  7. Cornish Rex
  8. Don Sphynx
  9. Likoy
  10. Minskin
  11. Bambino
  12. Munchkin
  13. Oriental cat
  14. Laperm
  15. Cymric
  16. Exotic

The scarier the more fashionable - this statement is true for many things around us. One of these are scary cat breeds, the ever-growing popularity of which is surprising.

When we say scary cats, we don't mean those that are dangerous, but those that look unsightly, weird or ugly. What breeds are the scariest? What's unusual about them? Why do people choose such pets? Let's talk about this in our material.

Canadian Sphynx

The most terrible breed of cats with a wrinkled body, which from the outside appears completely bald and devoid of fur. Sphynxes are at the forefront of ratings of scary and ugly cats. They are often compared to aliens. A naked body is the first, but not the only sign of “abnormality.” Add to this a strange body structure, sweaty wrinkled skin, a saggy tummy, a long rat tail, overly large ears, and the picture comes together.

In fact, these cats have a barely noticeable thin layer of hair on their bodies, similar to peach fuzz. They are cute, affectionate and cheerful pets who are devoted to their owners. The habits of these pets resemble those of a dog. Cats are smart, playful, and easily learn various tricks.


Kittens with a “Martian” appearance can be bought in Russia for 15,000 – 80,000 rubles; in Ukraine for 2700 – 9500 UAH.

Author's comment

If your dream is a pot-bellied, bald, wrinkled cat who constantly chews something and often sweats, then choose the Canadian Sphynx!

It may be interesting: Cat breeds for allergy sufferers.

Strange and unusual

Representatives of a breed called Laperm are called strange and even scary cats. The first kitten of this unusual breed was born in Dallas in the early 80s of the last century. Therefore, this breed can also be considered relatively young. A characteristic feature of cats is their unusual fur. It seems that the pet received a not entirely successful perm. Many cats look unkempt and a little strange because of such an unusual coat. Therefore, pets of this breed are often included in the rating of ugly cats.

Devon Rex - cats of this breed are also called elves by many. And all because they have unusual and large ears, reminiscent of the ears of fairy-tale creatures. Cats of this breed have other distinctive features. For example, this is an unusual cheekbone muzzle and special fur. The fur of these cats is very soft, delicate and slightly wavy. These cats are distinguished by their sociability and friendliness. They love affection, active and active games.


Another representative of the cat family, which can hardly be called “handsome”. Rather, he looks scary. Pointed ears, a long narrow head, huge almond-shaped eyes, webbed feet, an angular, wrinkled, hairless body - this is a description of the Petersburg Sphynx breed, which is also called the Peterbald.

The world is full of fans of cats with an exterior of controversial beauty. Owners adore cats for their affection for people. Peterbalds are active, very smart, inquisitive cats. They are loving and peaceful. Get along with all family members and other pets.

What is the price

In Russian nurseries, naked folded kittens are offered for 18,000 - 60,000 rubles; in Ukraine – 6,000 – 16,000 UAH.

Author's comment

Original cats, with their webbed paws, easily turn door handles and can hold objects in their paws like human beings.

Chinese Crested Dog

The Chinese Crested Dog is perhaps the record holder. From 2008 to 2018, they themselves or their mixed breeds became winners in the nomination for the title of the ugliest dog in the world 5 times. Many compare these pets to hyenas. The Chinese Crested has virtually no hair; only isolated areas on the head, paws and tail are preserved. The lush mane and huge ears give the pets a funny look. Although they have an unusual appearance, it would be hard to call well-groomed Chinese Crested dogs ugly. However, with lack of attention, breeding mistakes and injuries, they can really look scary.

There is also a long-haired variety of the breed, but it is less popular

Ukrainian Levkoy

The rating of cats a la Frankenstein continues with another hairless cat. This experimental breed combines the incongruous: the floppy ears of the Scottish Fold and the hairless body of the Don Sphynx. Surprisingly, the work to create a cat with such an appearance was deliberate. This feline Frankenstein is not an accidental mistake of nature, but the work of human hands.

“Terrible on the face, kind on the inside” - this is about the Levkoy. They are active, loving, and constantly crave human attention. You won’t have time to sit down in your favorite chair, and your cat will already be curled up on your lap.


In Russian nurseries - from 10,000 to 25,000 rubles; in Ukrainian – 2,500 – 5,500 UAH.

Author's comment

Fans of “bald folds” need to save their pets from the cold in winter and from open sunlight in summer.

It will be interesting: the top 15 popular cat breeds.


A cat with such a name simply cannot have a familiar appearance. This strange breed is the result of crossing a Sphynx and an American Curl. Hairless, heavily wrinkled cats with large curved ears resemble characters from science fiction films. This is a cross between Dobby from the Harry Potter series and Master Yoda from Star Wars.

We must pay tribute to the owners of these unusual pets. They have to make sure that the cats do not get cold in the draft and do not burn in the heat. In addition, constantly sweating, sticky elves require regular skin care. And going out into the world with such pets is already a small feat.

What is the price

In Russia – 20,000 – 50,000 rubles; in Ukraine – 5,000 – 21,000 UAH.

Author's comment

If you want a pet that resembles an alien mummy, get an elf cat.

How to care?

Flat-faced cats need proper care. Let's look at how to take care of these cute pets.

  • Take care of your cats eyes. There is no need to constantly wash your eyes with water, especially if you have a Persian cat. It is better not to use cotton wool for processing - its lint can get into your eyes. When carrying out the procedure, use a paper napkin or cloth. They are moistened with a weak solution of boric acid or special drops, and then the cat’s eyes are cleaned, you can use the “Optic-gel” product.
  • Give cats dry food to prevent the accumulation of plaque and tartar on the teeth. You can buy a chew toy. Brush your pet's teeth with a special paste at least once a month. Use a special brush purchased at a pet store.
  • Check the ears of flat-faced cats regularly. Clean your ears with cotton swabs at least once a month. As soon as your pet's ears become dirty, they should be cleaned immediately.
  • Take care of the normal condition of the animal's claws. Buy or make a scratching post. Trim your nails once a month using a nail clipper. Cut off the excess part evenly and capture no more than 2 mm.
  • Brush long-haired pets every day, bathe cats. If the coat is long, then this should be done once every 8-12 weeks.
  • Feed your pet high-quality natural food or premium and super-premium food. You cannot feed salted, smoked, fried, fatty, sweet foods, as well as cheap economy-class food.

See below about the characteristics of exotics.

Devon rex

Hairless breeds took all the top positions in this ranking. Devon Rex is an exception! He has fur! A cat with a unique exterior resembles an alien. So he doesn’t look like the usual cute earthly cats. The thin body is covered with a suede curly fur coat. The awkward neck is completed by a tiny head with huge ears. And the expression of his elven face cannot be confused with anyone else.

In life, these pets are incredibly playful; cats occupy all the owner’s free time. As befits real space aliens, Devon Rexes are attracted by heights. Animals seek out and occupy the highest point in the room. It could also be the owner’s shoulders, if one is not found. Cats of this breed are extremely smart, easily learn commands, and perform tricks like a dog. The only command that Devons do not accept is “No!” when it comes to food.

What is the price

Kittens in Russia are offered for 25,000 – 75,000 rubles; in Ukraine – for 5,000 – 17,000 UAH.

Author's comment

These alien cats do not know moderation when it comes to food, often behave as if they have not eaten for a week, and do not disdain food from the human table.


It’s not for nothing that Stern Albert is called “the angriest cat on the Internet.” His look seems to say: “Don’t come closer, otherwise it will be worse.” The breed of the animal is Selkirk Rex; it has wavy fur, which creates the impression of negligence and even unkemptness. By the way, thanks to her the cat got his nickname. The owners named it in honor of Albert Einstein. It’s worth mentioning separately about the expression of the animal’s muzzle; it shows the cat’s contemptuous attitude towards the whole world. Surprisingly, even when Albert is in a pleasant mood, his facial expression does not change. In 2015, this brutal macho became a new Internet star.

Cornish Rex

The cats resemble sphinxes, but unlike them, the body of representatives of this breed, which continues the “scary cats” rating, is covered with undercoat. Agree that a little fur is better than a naked body. Even if this “astrakhan” fur looks like it was cut to pieces with dull children’s scissors. The picture is completed by long thin legs, huge ears and the complex character of a tomboy.

Cornish Rexes are considered obsessive pets. Not only do cats prevent their owners from taking a step, but they also accompany every step with a loud “Meow!” Animals are very talkative; they have their own sound for every action. Smart pets are better than other cat breeds in learning to walk on a harness, follow commands, and surprise with tricks.


In Russia – 15,000 – 45,000 rubles; 4,000 – 16,000 UAH.

Author's comment

The glands in cats' toes cause their paws to smell like "blue cheese."

The most famous breeds

The list of criteria on the basis of which one can evaluate the intelligence of representatives of the cat family is long and extensive. The assessments are subjective, but many owners of purebred animals agree that the top smartest cat breeds include:

  • Norwegian forest;
  • Maine Coon;
  • Bengali;
  • Abyssinian;
  • Siamese;
  • Thai;
  • sphinx;
  • Siberian longhair;
  • British Fold;
  • Russian blue.

The first mention of Siberian long-haired cats was found in the 16th century, when they were called Bukhara cats.

Maine Coon

The Maine Coon is a large breed developed in the 19th century. in America. Cats can weigh up to 18 kg and have long hair and a thick, bushy tail.

Bengal cat

Bengals have a characteristic spotted color and shiny coat. The breed was bred in 1961 in America by breeders who sought to obtain a pet with the color of a wild animal.

Bengals are similar in appearance to leopards: a head with a massive chin, short ears and a muzzle structure like those of large cats. These are muscular animals with a spotted or striped color.

Siamese and Thai

The Siamese cat has a characteristic color: its face and limbs are dark in color, and its back and chest are light. This is one of the oldest breeds that appeared in Thailand in the 19th century.

The Thai breed was bred in Buddhist monasteries. Cats are similar in appearance to Siamese, especially in color. The difference between them is that the Siamese does not have a bridge of the nose, while the Thai breed has a clearly defined bridge. Thais have more proportional and rounded ears, and their heads, unlike Siamese, are round.

Representatives of the Abyssinian breed

The Abyssinian breed was developed at the end of the 19th century. in Britain. Among other breeds, it stands out for its special grace and recognizable appearance. It is a miniature, muscular cat with large ears on a small, wedge-shaped head. The coat has a ticked color - beautiful smooth play of color, when dark and light stripes alternate on each hair.

British fold

Purebred Britons have straight ears, and in order to get a fold-eared kitten, Britons are crossed with Scots. The breed was developed in the 1960s. in Britain. British Folds are kind, sweet and smart. Unusual ears require special attention; it is recommended to check your pet's ears every 2 weeks and, if necessary, clean them.

All types of sphinxes

The top ten smartest cats include Sphynx cats. Hairless cats originated in ancient Egypt and were the favorite pets of the pharaohs. Modern Sphynxes were bred recently, about 50 years ago, in Canada.

There are 3 breeds of Sphynx: Canadian, St. Petersburg and Don.

Don Sphynxes are the largest representatives of the breed. The Petersburg breed was developed by crossing with the Oriental, they are covered with a thin layer of wool.

It is difficult to say which cat breed is the smartest, but there is a version that it is the Canadian Sphynx. The intelligence of a Canadian, with proper upbringing, reaches the level of a 4-year-old child. These cats can count, talk to their owners, and answer questions by meowing. Sphinxes are sensitive to the health of their owners, patient and caring.

Norwegian forest

The Norwegian forest cat appeared in Norway in the 16th century. Another name for the breed is the forest cat, due to the fact that the breed is adapted to survive in forests. The peculiarity of the Norwegians is the ability to go down with their heads down. Norwegian cats are curious, affectionate, they love children and can take care of them as if they were their own kittens.

Russian blue

Although the Russian Blue was developed in Great Britain, the breed's roots are Russian. Russian Blues are the most aristocratic of domestic cats.

Other famous breeds of smart cats

  1. Munchkins are short-legged cats. They love to play, appreciate care and affection, and are bored alone.
  2. Orientals who feel well the emotions of their owners and strive to be understood.
  3. Somali cats are intelligent and charismatic. These are born hunters who know how to survive in difficult natural conditions.
  4. American Shorthair. These are flexible, artistic animals. Representatives of this breed are often featured in films and advertisements.

Don Sphynx

Common people often confuse this breed with the Canadian Sphynx breed. They are similar, which is why both were included in our rating. The completely naked body is covered with wrinkled skin, because of this the expression of the muzzle looks like an old man. The bald, thin tail, curving like a wave, resembles a rat's. A smooth belly is compared to a pork belly. He's still a "freak"!

Yes, an ugly cat looks scary, but this is a deceptive impression. Don Sphynxes are friendly, inquisitive, intelligent pets. The animals get along well with people and other pets.

What is the price

In Russian nurseries - 15,000 - 40,000 rubles; in Ukraine – 3,500 – 30,000 UAH.

Author's comment

Want a pet that looks like an otherworldly creature? The Don Sphynx will make your dream come true.


Another breed of scary cats is the Lykoi. You won't find any handsome guys among the representatives of this family! The cats live up to the name. Werewolf - this is how the name of this breed is translated. Pets look terrifying and shocking at first sight. The exterior of the Lykoi resembles an explosive mixture of a wolf, a bat and a yard cat. Black and gray fur of varying lengths looks sloppy due to bald spots all over the cat's body.

Despite its ugly appearance, the breed is expensive and popular. Lykoi are loyal pets that can defend their owner just as well as dogs. Cats are friendly, love to be the center of attention, and are easy to care for.

What is the price

In Russia – 30,000 – 80,000 rubles; in Ukraine – 26,000 – 60,000 UAH.

Author's comment

If you want people to ask: “What is your cat’s illness?”, get a Lykoya kitten. You will be able to proudly answer: “My cat is not sick, this is a new fashionable breed!”

The ugliest cats in the world: a selection of shocking photos

Cats have won the sympathy of humans since ancient times and continue to hold their position to this day.
However, it cannot be said that this happened solely because of the external charm of furry pets. The ugliest cats in the world in the photo will make many people horrified. The folds of skin on the head of Sphynx cats can easily be mistaken for an exposed brain.

A pet named Wilfred is often called the scariest cat, but this does not stop him from being popular on Instagram.

This famous cat's name is Agli. He lives in a US veterinary clinic in New Hampshire and is a local attraction.

Lykoy cats are slightly reminiscent of werewolves in appearance.

Despite its unusual appearance, this cat is surrounded by care and attention.

Congenital physical defects did not push the owners away from their pet.

For such a haircut, a hairdresser can be deprived of his license. As well as the photographer.

Another informal member of the cat kingdom is clearly dissatisfied with his new image.

The cat looked in the mirror and the desire to drink appeared.

This cat is clearly far from graceful.

A bad angle can greatly ruin a photo.

This cat is perfect for starring in horror films without makeup.

Another case confirming that cats can be loved not only for their appearance.

This pet certainly has a demonic look.

This cat is beautiful, but only when dry.

No matter what, it's not all about looks, and most of these cats have loving homes. Therefore, “Don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy” is a truth that is true not only for people.

Cats have won the sympathy of humans since ancient times and continue to hold their position to this day. However, it cannot be said that this happened solely because of the external charm of furry pets. The ugliest cats in the world in the photo will make many people horrified. The folds of skin on the head of Sphynx cats can easily be mistaken for an exposed brain. Pet […]

The folds of skin on the head of Sphynx cats can easily be mistaken for an exposed brain.

A pet named Wilfred is often called the scariest cat, but this does not stop him from being popular on Instagram.

This famous cat's name is Agli. He lives in a US veterinary clinic in New Hampshire and is a local attraction.

Lykoy cats are slightly reminiscent of werewolves in appearance.

Despite its unusual appearance, this cat is surrounded by care and attention.

Congenital physical defects did not push the owners away from their pet.

For such a haircut, a hairdresser can be deprived of his license. As well as the photographer.

Another informal member of the cat kingdom is clearly dissatisfied with his new image.

The cat looked in the mirror and the desire to drink appeared.

This cat is clearly far from graceful.

A bad angle can greatly ruin a photo.

This cat is perfect for starring in horror films without makeup.

Another case confirming that cats can be loved not only for their appearance.

This pet certainly has a demonic look.

This cat is beautiful, but only when dry.

No matter what, it's not all about looks, and most of these cats have loving homes. Therefore, “Don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy” is a truth that is true not only for people.


A strange breed of cats is not a mistake of nature, but the work of human hands. This is the fruit of crossing two breeds: Munchkin and Sphynx. The cats' hairless bodies, inherited from sphinxes, have fur points. Short paws, inherited from munchkins, are covered with fur. Because of this, cats resemble hobbits from fantasy works. From the outside, the animals may resemble an otter with a thin long tail.

Rare pets with an ugly appearance have an affectionate character, quickly become attached to a person, and love company. Cats quickly adapt to changes in the situation; Minskins are happy where the owner is happy. How nice it is to stroke them! Warm, soft body that feels like cashmere.


There are no nurseries of this breed in Russia and Ukraine. In foreign nurseries, the cost of kittens varies from 500 to 2000 dollars.

Author's comment

If you manage to get a rare kitten, do not leave your pet alone. Take it with you everywhere. Without an owner, the animal will get sick from melancholy.


The Minskin and Bambino breeds are an example of how crossing two identical breeds can produce different results. A sphinx and a munchkin participated in the creation of the designer hybrid. The results were different, but equally terrible. Nude body, oily wrinkled skin, tiny legs.

Strange pets require careful care. Their body must be constantly wiped with a damp sponge to avoid finding greasy stains on furniture upholstery and clothing. Pets do not tolerate heat and cold well, they need to be protected from direct sunlight. Until old age, bambinos remain agile, curious kittens. They are playful and want to be aware of all everyday problems.

What is the price

In Russian nurseries - 25,000 - 100,000 rubles; in Ukrainian – 10,000 – 70,000 UAH.

Author's comment

In some countries, breeding cats of this experimental breed is prohibited.


Of course, it was impossible not to include in the rating the progenitor of the Minskin and Bambino breeds. It is difficult to call a Munchkin a scary cat; this breed is more suited to the definition of an unusual, strange cat. These are absolutely cute pets with a familiar feline appearance. If it weren't for their short legs, they would be no different from ordinary domestic cats.

Cats of this breed, whose development is based on a genetic defect, have a controversial attitude in the world. Not all felinologists believe that it is permissible to breed deformed cats on purpose. Nevertheless, half-cats have enough fans. Munchkins are affectionate and playful pets by nature.


In Russia – 20,000 – 70,000 rubles; in Ukraine – 10,000 – 40,000 UAH.

Author's comment

If you want a dachshund, but can’t decide who you like more: cats or dogs, get a munchkin.

Features, pros and cons

There are a great many different breeds of cats, and each of them has its own individual characteristics that distinguish them from other subspecies. This non-standard structure of the animal skull is otherwise called brachycephalic. This is not the design of nature, but the work of man - cats and cats with similar features were bred artificially. In fact, this design of the animal’s muzzle is not normal.

Simply put, it is a kind of pathology. But today animals with such a structure are not treated as defective. On the contrary, charming owners of flattened faces are incredibly popular and loved by many people. Representatives of several well-known breeds have a flattened muzzle.

It is worth understanding what the main pros and cons of cats with flat faces are. Let's start with the good - let's look at the positive aspects.

  • The main advantage that is noticed about such pets is their original and very interesting appearance. Even in our time, when it is difficult to surprise anyone with cats of various breeds, animals with a brachycephalic skull attract a lot of attention.
  • The jaws of such pets are stronger than those of representatives of breeds with a classic muzzle structure.
  • The lion's share of cats with a similar structure have a very affectionate, friendly character. They are sociable, unobtrusive and behave absolutely calmly in everyday life. These are the qualities that many people look for in pets.

Now let’s look at what are the shortcomings of these unusual pets.

  • For such cats, it is necessary to select not ordinary, but special dishes from which they can drink and eat comfortably, without unnecessary interference.
  • The non-standard shape of the skull of these pets becomes an inevitable cause of noisy sleep, snoring and snorting. Some people really don’t like these features of animal behavior and cause irritation.
  • Cats with a flattened face are distinguished by having shortened tear ducts and a non-specific nose shape. These factors lead to the fact that such pets, experiencing severe stress, may suffer from severe discharge. Similar problems can arise if the cat has been in the cold.
  • Some species of animals with a similar skull structure cannot eat on their own, regardless of the selected food and its consistency. Such animals should be treated like small children - spoon-fed. Not every person agrees to this, so you need to think several times whether you are ready to acquire such a fluffy fidget.
  • The peculiarities of thermoregulation in these animals are such that they cannot tolerate the influence of low temperatures.
  • Due to the nasal discharge described above, such cats very often suffer from various types of infectious diseases. In addition, they are prone to allergic reactions.

From all of the above, we can conclude that such cats have more disadvantages than advantages. Although, many of the disadvantages of such animals are better called their features.

Oriental cat

The Oriental is a short-haired breed of cat with an elongated, bony body, a long neck, an awkward wedge-shaped head, fanned ears, and a thin long tail. It looks strange, but elegant. Not all cat lovers find the breed beautiful.

Animals with high intelligence and developed intuition quickly make you fall in love with their devotion and love. Orientals consider the owner to be a supreme being who must be served faithfully. In exchange for affection, they expect generosity, respect and affection from a person in return.

What is the price

In Russian nurseries - 25,000 - 50,000 rubles; in Ukrainian – 10,000 – 20,000 UAH.

Author's comment

Fans of anorexic supermodels find charm and charm in the Oriental Shorthair cat.


A cat with an unusual exterior is included in the list of scary breeds due to its unkempt fur. The main distinguishing feature of the Laperm is its curly coat. The fur of this fur coat resembles an unsuccessful perm done by an inexperienced artist.

On the cat's body there is straight, glossy fur, long elastic curls in the shape of a spiral, short curls and matted hair. The tail is huge, fluffy in shape, reminiscent of a squirrel.

Among cat lovers, lapermas have gained popularity because of their sociability and gentle nature. Cats are inquisitive, affectionate and loving. They love to sit on the laps and hands of their owner and love to purr.


In Russian nurseries - 35,000 - 50,000 rubles; There are no nurseries of this breed in Ukraine.

Author's comment

The breed is for those connoisseurs who will not spare a lot of money for a faded fur coat with scuffs from a fashionable designer boutique.


According to legend, Cymric cats lost their tails when they jumped into Noah's Ark at the last minute. The absence of a tail, partial or complete, is the main distinguishing feature of the breed. But this is not the only reason why the Cymrik made it into our TOP “The most terrible cat breeds”. The animals have a strong, stocky body, powerful hind legs that are longer than the front legs.

Kymriks are hunter cats. They are very inquisitive, agile and can climb to the highest places in the house. This causes discomfort to cat owners; they complain that cats take things from the highest shelves.

What is the price

There are no nurseries of this breed in Russia and Ukraine. In the USA, such kittens are sold at prices ranging from $350 to $1,500.

Author's comment

If your dream is a stocky, powerful cat that looks like a sumo wrestler constantly, the Cymrik will be the perfect choice!

Examples of cats with scary eyes

Fear in humans is caused not only by the lack of fur in the animal, but also by the expressive, shocking look. The expression of the muzzle can be different: from perplexed, dull, intoxicated to warningly angry, harboring resentment, hatred.

Big cats - examples of names of the largest animal breeds

A glassy gaze can be found at the Lykoi. The Oriental is endowed with an indifferent, absent expression of the muzzle. The Sphinx, the owner of an angry, hateful expression, greets the Maine Coon man with contentment.

Important! You should not bring your face close to the cat's face. The animal is a predator and can bite or scratch a person or injure a child.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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