All about cat breeds: classification, quantity and list of the most popular

The ancestor of all known breeds is the steppe species, which was domesticated 12 thousand years ago. Since then, the number of domestic cats has grown exponentially. In the world community, felinological organizations have been formed that group felines into breeds according to certain criteria that take into account the quality and color of the coat, body type and patterns.

Breed classification

How many species of cats are there in the world? Expert opinions on this matter are mixed. The counting is carried out by special structures that adhere to their own standards. For example, 70 species are officially registered with the WCF (World Cat Federation). The main classifications take into account four criteria:

  • silhouette. There are heavy (Siberian, Maine Coon), stocky (Manx, exotic), oriental (Siamese, Balinese) and half-female (British);
  • colors: plain, two-color, variegated and multi-colored;
  • color: long-haired, short-haired, curly, wire-haired and hairless;
  • Pattern - uniform or zonal, white, clore point (light body and dark paws), silver.

The uniqueness of color and pattern is important only when the breeder of this species is engaged in professional breeding. In other cases, the cat belongs to one breed or another depending on its body type and color.

Germany (7.75 million cats)

Monument to stray cats in Braunschweig.

Germans love their cats. This is evidenced by data on the number of cats in the country, which is estimated to be about 7.75 million individuals.

The Germans have a great love for cats and strive to surround their pets with comfort, buying them the best dry food, special premium canned food, comfortable beds and claw scratchers in the form of complex trees, and they spend a lot of money on maintaining their pets. German cats are particularly well-groomed; often on the streets of Germany you can see owners walking with their pets on a leash.

However, according to recent government reports, the number of stray cats in Germany is also rapidly increasing, and there are now millions of abandoned animals in the country.

Free-roaming of unneutered cats is the main reason for the steady increase in the stray cat population.

In 2014, the Germans estimated that stray cats caused €500,000 worth of damage to urban green spaces (including trees and flowers) in one year.

However, after a nationwide survey, the German authorities were forced to impose a ban on the destruction of stray animals and limited themselves to introducing strict restrictions on the free walking of domestic cats on the streets of the country.

The population of Germany in 2022 is about 81,200,000 people.

How many cat breeds are there?

Many felinologists ask how many elite cats there are on Earth, because every year the number of cats claiming to be a separate breed increases. There are several global organizations that list over a dozen cat species. It is impossible to determine the exact number of cat breeds in the world, since associations register applicants at different intervals. It is possible that one racial association will support a new species and another will not. There are three respected groups of organizations which include:

According to TICA, there are only 73 species of these furries in the world.

  • W.F.C. Registered in 1988, it is the most famous and has approximately 540 clubs worldwide. 74 breeds were officially recognized, including 9 new ones.
  • FIFe. Member of the World Congress of Felinologists was founded in the 1950s. There are 51 types of cats in its line.
  • TICA. The International Association was founded in 1979 in the USA. In the process of development, it received international status. There are 73 officially approved cat breeds.

When checking whether a cat breed belongs to a recognized list of felinological organizations.

There are many cats in the world, differing in structure, structure, color and coat pattern. Animal lovers have formed associations that divide cats into breeds and give each of them a specific set of traits. When the kitten is 3 months old, it is checked for defects and identified with a particular variety.

Stories of the appearance of purebred cats

Cat breeds appeared thanks to the selective work of people, but certain species arose due to gene mutations. There are also native breeds of pets, that is, those that appeared in isolated areas, they are classified as naturally formed breeds:

  • Siberian;
  • Angora;
  • Thai.

Some breeds are hybrid. They arose as a result of the mating of wild and domestic individuals. The Bengal cat is usually classified as a hybrid cat; Asian leopard wild cats and domesticated pets participated in the creation of the breed.

  • the most popular cat breeds;
  • the most beautiful cat breeds;
  • the most dangerous cats in the world.

Russian Aboriginal cats

Cats spread across the East European Plain almost simultaneously with the settlement of Slavic tribes. As soon as the Eastern Slavs had cities, cats settled in them. Some of the ancient aboriginal breeds in Rus' include the Russian Blue and Siberian cats. The development of such a science as felinology contributed to the emergence of new breeds that appealed not only to people located in the post-Soviet space, but also abroad.

In Russia, two breeds of hairless cats were bred at once - the Sphynx: Donskoy and Peterbald, and Ukrainian breeders bred another species - the Ukrainian Levkoy. In addition, there were:

  1. Skif-tay-toy-don. This breed was bred in Rostov-on-Don. The name is quite symbolic, if we consider that Scythia is the land on which the Rostov region is now located. Don is a river in the same territory. Toy is a toy that indicates the dwarfism of cats of this breed. Thai - Thai state (Thailand), cats have some similarities with the Thai breed of short-tailed pets. Later, a pair of Russian kittens ended up in an American nursery, after which the breeders came up with a new name - toybob, which translated means toy bobtail, that is, a small pet with a stubby tail.
  2. The Karelian Bobtail breed standard was first described by the St. Petersburg Commission in 1987. The short tail of the Karelian Bobtail is a dominant mutation that is passed on to generations of animals inhabiting the lands of Karelia. According to one version, the breed originates from Norwegian forest animals. Breed standards allow two subspecies – shorthaired and semi-longhaired. The tail is quite short - from 4 to 13 cm, the hair on it is longer than on the body.
  3. The Kurilian Bobtail differs from the previous breed in size. The Kurils are more massive, heavier and more muscular than the Karelians. Representatives of the Kuril breed have a curved back, while Karelians have a straight back, with a raised rear. The Kurilian Bobtail's tail is more broken and curved than its Karelian counterpart. The name Kurilian Bobtail indicates the place of origin of the breed. The Kuril Islands, Kamchatka and Sakhalin are the distribution area of ​​short-tailed pets. Pets were identified as a separate breed around the 80s of the last century. In 1995 the breed was recognized by the WCF, in 2004 by the FIFe, and in 2012 by the American TICA.
  4. The Ural Rex is a native Russian pet with curly hair. The history of the breed begins with the curly-haired pet Vaska, born in the Sverdlovsk region in 1988. Babies of this breed already at 3 months are distinguished by a semi-closed curl of hair. The waviness is clearly visible in six-month-old kittens, but the curl, characteristic specifically for Ural pets, appears in cats older than 2 years. The breed is considered rare, and its representatives are common only in the Sverdlovsk and Yekaterinburg territories. Curly-haired pets are bred not only in Russia, but also in Germany.
  5. The Neva Masquerade has blue eyes, long hair and a pointed coat, which makes it similar to the Siamese. Felinologists in Russia are breeding the Neva breed. These pets belong to the subspecies of the Siberian cat. Historical information about the breed dates back to the end of the 20th century. The breed has been officially recognized by some international organizations. The name of the breed was invented by St. Petersburg breeders. Nevskaya - by the name of the river on which St. Petersburg is located, and masquerade - by the interesting color of the fur on the face, reminiscent of a masquerade mask.
  6. The Ussuri Shorthair supposedly originates from Siberian cats accidentally crossed with wild Amur cats. Ussuri pets have not yet been recognized by major international associations. There are very few representatives of the Ussuri, which is why the breed is on the verge of extinction.

Also watch the video of where domestic cats and cats came from:

What does "thoroughbred" mean?

When a cat is said to be a purebred cat, it is said to have a pedigree, which is an official document provided by the club. The club must be a member of one of the international organizations. A pedigree cat meets a certain standard - it has generally accepted parameters (height, weight, appearance features, etc.) characteristic of this species. However, it changes from time to time.

In addition to the essential characteristics of the species that must be met, the standard describes disqualifying characteristics. This is a list of shortcomings in both appearance and health to which representatives of the breed are susceptible. The presence of disqualifying characteristics listed in the sample deprives a person of the right to engage in breeding due to the high risk of genetic inheritance of defects in subsequent generations.

Ukraine (7.5 million cats)

Ukraine has a very large cat population, about 7.5 million.

Although Ukrainian families often keep cats as pets and as protection against rodents, the country is home to a huge number of stray animals.

The treatment of stray cats in Ukraine has often been criticized by international animal protection organizations.

The country also lacks clearly defined laws,

protecting animals and their welfare, which allows large numbers of cats and dogs to be thrown onto the street without any liability on the part of unscrupulous owners.

The population of Ukraine as of March 1, 2022 was 42,371,996 people.

Monument to the cat Panteleimon in Kyiv

By what parameters are they distributed?

By coat

The second parameter for determining the breed of a cat is the color of the animal. By coat length there are long-haired (including Burmese, Siberian and Persian kittens) and short-haired (represented by Egyptian Mau, Chartreux, Russian Blue). The animal's coat can be curly (German Rex) or coarse (American Wirehair). There are hairless breeds such as the Ukrainian Lion and Bambino.

By coat color

According to the drawing

A striking feature of cats is the arrangement of spots and colored fragments on the coat. Thanks to these felinological features

  • Organizations have identified several types of templates:
  • hard (one-color wool without impurities);
  • zonal (stripes, marbled color);
  • white speckled (white fur has spots of other shades);
  • solid white;
  • color point (with darker limbs)

Characteristics of cat breeds

Each breed has its own characteristics, behavior, and habits. Of course, almost all cats can be raised and trained, gradually adapting to the rules established by humans. However, some people get used to it easier, while others require a lot of work. It depends on the character.

The most affectionate cats

Affectionate breeds of cats are very loved by their owners for their tenderness and purring; they happily greet a person from work, lie on their laps for a long time or wake them up by purring softly in the ear. Such displays of love, and sometimes even care, can be expected from the following breeds:

  • bambino;
  • British Longhair;
  • Burmese;
  • Nibelung;
  • chausie;
  • Chartreuse (Carthusian);
  • ragamuffin.

These breeds have a soft, calm character, and sometimes even phlegmatic. Even a small child can play with them without fear of getting scratched. And manifestations of aggression are completely atypical for them and rather an exception to the rule.

Bambino cat.

British blue longhair cat.

Burmese cat.

Nibelung cat.

Chausie cat.

Ragamuffin cat.

Carthusian Chartreuse cat.

Cats similar in character to dogs

Sometimes it is difficult for a family to get a dog for a number of reasons, but it is worth looking for cats with similar characters and habits. They have a proud, independent disposition, are loyal, and very affectionate. Among these, it is worth highlighting the Bengal one. In terms of the degree of love and affection for their owner, they can compete with the smartest dogs. The Tonkinese cat has the same features.

Bengal cat.

Tonkinese cat.

A Turkish Angora dog may notice. She will become a real four-legged friend. She likes to communicate with a person, play with him, even dog games, she is very talkative. They are well trained and follow commands. Usually, among all family members, they distinguish their owner, which makes them very similar to dogs.

Black and white Angora cat.

Savannah can also be a good substitute for a small dog; they like to spend a lot of time outside. Savannah is a mixture of an ordinary domestic cat and a serval, so do not forget about the complex character, which is explained by the presence of wild animal genes.

Savannah plays ball.

The most evil and harmful cat breeds

Typically, a person who wants to get a cat at home wants to see an affectionate pet purring gently on his lap. However, for some cat breeds, this behavior is the exception to the rule. It’s difficult to call them unequivocally evil. Rather, a peculiar character is taken for malice. Difficult temperament and natural harmfulness are most often observed in the following:

  • Siamese;
  • Mekong Bobtail;
  • savannah.

These cats look like cute fluffy creatures, but sometimes the aggressive habits of their distant wild ancestors awaken in them. Sometimes it is difficult for a person to cope with such animals. You should definitely not leave small children alone with them, as they may cause scratches or bites. Neighborhood with domestic rodents and birds can also end badly - the hunter’s instinct will push the animal to go after easy prey.

Top 5 smartest cat breeds

There are a variety of intelligence ratings, one of the most interesting was presented by the Animal Planet TV channel. Journalists, together with scientists, studied the mental abilities of many breeds, and based on the analysis, the smartest cats were determined.

  • Sphinx. These cats are able to sense the mood of their owner, are well trained and with effort, they can be taught even complex commands. You should not punish these pets; they have a very sensitive and vulnerable psyche and can become stressed or depressed.
  • Siamese-oriental group. This includes Balinese, Bengal, Siamese and other Southeast Asian breeds.
  • Munchkin. One of the smallest breeds, but its miniature size harmoniously merges with great mental abilities. These cats are very playful, curious, and affectionate. One of their peculiarities is the desire to hide the objects he likes in secluded places in the apartment.
  • Norwegian forest. They have large size, good character, and developed intelligence.
  • Maine Coon. The adult individual has an easy-going character, is active and very intelligent.

Such ratings are conditional in nature, since any breed has its “smart guys” and “bad students.” The mental abilities of a yard mongrel cat, whose upbringing has been given a lot of attention from an early age, can significantly exceed its eminent counterparts.

Don Sphynx kittens.

Oriental cat.

Munchkin cat.

Norwegian Forest Cat kittens. Maine Coon cats.

Which cats are the best mousecatchers?

Experts consider outbred cats to be the best hunters. This is fair, since hunting ensures their existence. Genes provide continuity of hunting instincts, as well as physical strength and endurance.

As for purebred cats, it is worth paying attention to aboriginal breeds that were formed by natural conditions, that is, without human intervention in these processes. The Kurilian Bobtail, Russian Blue, and Maine Coon are especially distinguished by their developed skills. Oriental cats, Abyssinians, Thais, and Siamese have good ability to catch mice.

Russian blue cat breed.

Abyssinian cat.

Thai cat color.

Wild cats

Currently, the majority of varieties are registered with the WCF: approximately 74, of which 9 are newly registered varieties. FIFe and TICA account for approximately 51 and 73 people respectively.

It is also impossible to determine how many cats live in the wild on Earth. Found on all continents except Antarctica. Some species are quite well adapted to their proximity to humans. Thus, there are about a million lynxes in the world. But some cat populations are dying out before our eyes, despite constant litters, and therefore it is difficult to say exactly how many cats there are on earth. This is due to human activities and environmental degradation.

  • Such data is available for endangered species.
  • lions - less than 20,000 live today;
  • cheetah - less than 15,000;
  • tiger - no more than 6 thousand;
  • Asian leopard - about 100 pieces;
  • Uns - the snow leopard with the most beautiful fur in the world - less than 100 individuals;
  • white lion, several dozen.

Japan (7.25 million cats)

Since ancient times, the Japanese have had such a loving relationship with cats that these animals have often become major characters in Japanese art and literature.

The country even has its own "Cat Island", namely Tashirojima Island (more commonly called simply Tashiro), which is actually part of Ishinomaki City (Tashirojima Island in Ishinomaki City), where cats thrive in large numbers and can often be found in boating port of the city (since fishermen share their catch with them every day).

This island also has a cat temple, Neko-jinja, where locals worship cats in the hope that they will bring good luck.

Pensioners whose average age exceeds 70 years still live on the “cat islands.” Young people left the islands long ago, moving to large cities. And on the islands cats have no enemies, since there are no dogs there at all.

Another paradise for cats in Japan is Aoshima Island, in Shikoku, where the ratio of cats to people is almost 100:15! These islands are also popular destinations for cat lovers from all over the world. And tourists try their best to feed the growing colonies of cats; many come to communicate and photograph the cats more than once.

In addition, growing cat populations thrive on the streets of Japan's cities and towns, and large numbers of Japanese people own cats as pets.

In many major Japanese cities and towns, cat salons, cat cafes (where people unable to keep cats at home enjoy interacting with animals while relaxing over a cup of coffee) and pet stores (offering a huge range of cat-themed products) abound ).

One of the most popular souvenirs and symbols of Japan are figurines of “calling cats” - Maneki-neko, which bring good luck and wealth.

Recent estimates place the total cat population in Japan at about 7.25 million.

The population of Japan as of 2022 is approximately 126,500,000.

Italy (9.5 million cats)

While Italy's beloved domestic cats enjoy plenty of perks, stray cats are not far behind. They are allowed to roam freely through the streets of the country under the admiring gaze of their two-legged admirers; Italy has a large number of shelters that do not kill wild and stray cats.

One of the most famous sanctuaries in Italy is the Torre Argentina Cat Sanctuary, located in Largo di Torre Argentina in Rome, where a large number of stray cats of different breeds take the opportunity to stop by to eat and rest before continuing their free lives.

The country also has a large number of Le Gattares - groups of female cat lovers in cities and towns across Italy who are custodians of feral and stray cat populations in their communities. They have special responsibility for feeding and caring for these animals.

The number of domestic cats in Italy is about 9.5 million.

The population of Italy in 2022 was 60,599,936 people.

Brazil – 12.5 million cats

The lack of accurate statistics does not allow us to establish the real ratio of domestic and stray cats in Brazil.

There is undoubtedly an increase in the number of pets in the country, which is clearly evident from the increase in sales of cat food - over 5 years (2007-2012) they increased by 37.6% and amounted to $869 million per year.

Apart from pets, the large number of feral and stray cats also continues to increase in Brazil every year.

Lore and legends about cats

In Egypt, cats were considered sacred to the goddess Bubastis. Its priestesses took a vow of celibacy: they spent most of their time caring for the temple's cats. This may be where the idea came from that loving cats is a sign of an old maid.

In Greece, Apollo created a lion to frighten his sister Diana, and she turned his terrible beast into a mockery, into a cat. Cats were dedicated to Diana not only when she had her real name, but also when she was called “Hecate.” The witches who worshiped Hecate always revered the cat.

The very large number of cat mummies discovered in Egypt provides ample evidence that the cat was revered on the streets of Thebes three thousand years ago. If she died a natural death, then the cat was mourned after death with many ceremonies; among others, the entire house where the death took place shaved their eyebrows. If she was killed, the killer was given to the crowd to beat to death. Cats were considered sacred during life, and when they died, they were embalmed and placed in niches in the catacombs. The Roman insult to the cat caused a revolt among the Egyptians when nothing else could excite them. Cambyses conquered Pelusis, who had previously successfully resisted all attacks, with the help of the following stratagem: - he gave each of his soldiers who took part in the attack a live cat instead of a shield, and the Egyptians, instead of harming the objects of their veneration, were defeated without inflicting not a single blow.

They say that on the island of Cyprus there was once a cape called the Cat's Cape. Here stood a monastery whose monks were forced to keep a large number of cats in order to wage war against the snakes that infested the island. At the sound of the bell, the cats would come home in droves to eat, and then give chase again. However, when the Turks captured the island, they destroyed both the cats and their home.

In the Middle Ages, animals played as prominent a role in the cult of the time as in the ancient religion of Egypt. The cat was a very important person at religious festivals. In Provence, on the feast of Corpus Christi, the most beautiful cat of the country, wrapped in swaddling clothes like a child, was exhibited in a magnificent sanctuary for the admiration of all. Every knee was bent, every hand was strewn with flowers or incense.

During the reign of Howell the Good, in 948, a law was passed in Wales that set the price for a cat, which at that time was in great short supply. Why was the cat assessed? A kitten, before it came into view, must have been worth one penny; until a guarantee was given that he had caught the mouse, twopence; after this important event. The cat was required to be perfect in her visual and hearing abilities, to be a good mouser, to have sharp claws, and to be a good mother. If, after the sale, a deficiency was discovered in any of these parts, the seller was to forfeit a third of the purchase money. If anyone steals or kills the cat that was guarding the prince's barn, the offender will lose the milking sheep with its fleece and lamb, or as much wheat as was poured onto the cat hanging by the tail, and will bury the animal to the very top of its head.

Organizations of felinologists

A very difficult question that is not easy to answer: “How many are there in the world?” First you need to figure out how a new breed appears, who can breed it, how and by whom is it registered? A purebred cat has its own pedigree, issued by the club of lovers of these animals, which is part of the professional organization of felinologists. Catteries that breed purebred cats must be registered with professional organizations.

There are a huge number of associations of felinologists in the world, and all of them, in fulfilling their duties, work at the international level. Each association has an excellent reputation and experience in breeding purebred cats. For example, there are the authoritative European association WorldCatFederation (WCF) and the American The CatFanciers' Association (CFA). Each has a list of recognized breeds, but their number is difficult to record.

China – 53 million cats

China has the third largest market for pet products (after the US and UK. Russia ranks 5th), and the number of pet cats here is truly huge - 53 million.

However, in addition to domestic cats, the population of stray and feral cats in the country is also growing rapidly, with thousands of stray cats living in Beijing alone.

This has created a huge problem in the country as stray cats are often responsible for environmental pollution, spread of viral diseases and road accidents.

Before the 2008 Olympic Games, a large number of stray cats were eliminated in China.

Most stray cats are abandoned by their owners for various reasons, such as relocation and fear of cat-borne diseases such as SARS.

Luckily for cats, China has a large number of animal welfare organizations. They are trying to protect cats from suffering painful deaths and encouraging the government to implement more humane measures to combat stray cats.

Tragically, cats continue to be brutally slaughtered for food in China, mainly in the south and Guangdong province. Cat soup is considered a special delicacy here, and more than 100,000 unfortunate animals are eaten per day in Chinese restaurants (I HATE!!!)

China's population in 2022 was approximately 1,378,000,000.

France (9.5 million cats)

France is a country where cat owners use them not only as pets (out of pure love for furry creatures), but sometimes also as a fashion accessory and a reason for communication.

I have already written in detail how the black cat Sha Noir from Théophile Steinlen’s poster became a symbol of the capital of France, and about how 50 years of French culture passed under the influence of images of cats.

The narrowest street in Paris is called "Fisherman's Cat Street" (Rue du Chat-qui-Pêche)

And in Paris, cat cafes “Cafe des Chats” are very popular.

The country has strict pet regulations and all domestic cats must be registered in a national database. Each cat must have an identification mark on itself in the form of a tattoo or microchip with information about the owner. This helps identify stray cats caught on the streets of the country.

However, despite all these measures, France still has large populations of feral and stray cats, with reports of cat attacks on people and dogs.

Today the total number of domestic cats in France is about 9.5 million animals.

The population of France in 2022 was 64,948,981.

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