What is the correct way to say Purr or Purr?

It's not entirely clear why cats purr or even how they do it, but you can usually expect your favorite feline to purr when he's feeling content. Purrs are common in cats when they are petted, cuddled in a lap, or sunbathed by a window. Some cats purr simply because they enjoy it. However, cats sometimes purr when they feel bad or in pain.

Therefore, you must pay attention to your cat's mood and physical behavior to determine why she is purring. Moreover, some cats never purr their entire lives, and some cats that once purred stop purring. But why is this? Let's look at why your cat may not purr and discuss what you can do about it.

They just don't like it

Sometimes cats don't purr because they don't want to. But just because your cat isn't purring doesn't mean she's unhappy. It just means they don't want to purr. If your cat usually purrs when you pet her but doesn't purr from time to time, chances are she just won't want to purr at those times. However, if your cat stops purring altogether when you pet her, this could be another reason for the silence.

Image Credit: Paul Hanaoka, Unsplash

How to correctly “purr” or “purr”

A cat can purr

- these two expressions are considered common and are used in literary works to add color.

In accordance with the rules of the Russian language, adjectives are written as indicated above. This spelling is considered correct and does not contradict spelling and stylistic canons.


is a singular, third person form of the verb that can be used in any style of speech. Found in literary works, journalistic articles, and educational texts.

The word “purring” is more often used in colloquial, everyday speech. But it can also be found in literary works of the narrative genre. Rarely used in journalistic texts or articles.

But the phrase
“purring cats” is considered incorrect
because it contradicts stylistic norms. Not found in the literature.

The conjugation of the verb in this case does not affect its spelling; the word is written with the letter “e”.

They are sick or injured

A cat may purr to relieve stress when it is sick or injured, but more often cats will stop purring altogether until they feel better. Injury can affect your cat's ability to purr, even if she wants to. Damaged nails, dental infections, and even insect bites can cause injury. Many types of illnesses, from major infections to food poisoning, can cause a cat to stop purring.

If your cat isn't purring due to injury or illness, you may notice other signs of discomfort such as whining, vomiting, and lethargy. You can check for injuries by lightly rubbing your cat's body to see if any area is sensitive to touch. Also examine their mouth and teeth. Any signs of illness or injury associated with a lack of purring should be brought to the attention of a veterinarian immediately.

Why do cats purr, what does it mean?

Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world. And this is not surprising. Such cute, gentle and funny creatures leave few people indifferent.

Many also note another amazing quality of domestic cats, which causes a storm of emotions and has a positive effect on human well-being and health. We are talking about the purring of a cat. What it is? Why do cats purr? What other animal is capable of producing such a chirping and melodious sound? We'll figure out.

Purring is a specific rumbling sound that is produced by almost all representatives of the cat family, as well as some civets (predatory mammals). The peculiarity of a cat's purring is that it is accompanied by a noticeable vibration of the animal's body.

I wonder how cats purr? The most important organ responsible for purring is the brain:

  1. In its cortex, impulses arise that “make” the cat purr. The purring mechanism is associated with special muscles located in the cat's throat. Having received a signal from the brain, they begin to move, expanding and contracting the part of the larynx where the vocal cords are located.
  2. And the special tapping sound and vibration occur due to the presence of hyoid bones in the cat. Thus, the air passing through the larynx vibrates with each inhalation and exhalation of the feline.

Why do cats purr? Most lovers of these graceful animals are sure that a cat purrs when it feels good. Undoubtedly, the main reason why cats purr is satisfaction. If the cat is warm and cozy, he ate deliciously, he was played with, he was caressed, then purring is his gratitude to the owners. This is how he expresses his love and affection.

Why cats purr: Nur.kz

But a cat’s purring is not always associated with pleasant moments in his life. Here are some of the main reasons that provoke quiet or loud purring:

  • Stressful situations, fear, anger. Cats can express negative emotions by purring.
  • Showing a possessive attitude. If you notice that your tailed pet periodically stomps on your body with its paws and purrs at the same time, know: this is how the kitten “marks” its owner, letting him know that he is the boss in the house.
  • A way to relieve pain, to help yourself. It has been noticed that often a cat purrs not when he feels good, but quite the opposite. Scientists have found that purring helps animals reduce pain. So, cats can purr after a fight, falling from a height, during illness or during childbirth. Sometimes cats purr before they die. Perhaps this is some kind of ritual of farewell to the world.
  • A mother's way of calming kittens. A cat that has given birth is very attached to its babies in the first months. Her maternal instinct is especially pronounced during feeding. When the kittens are fed milk, the cat purrs to calm them down.
  • Rumbling as a way to communicate with others like you. Cats can not only meow loudly or hiss in response to the demands of the neighbor's cat. If cats are inclined to communicate, they do not compete and do not swear, then they can purr contentedly when communicating with each other.
  • An attempt to help the owner, alleviate his condition, cure his illness. Have you noticed how cats sit on a sore spot and begin to purr loudly? This is how they try to heal a loved one. It has also been observed that cats purr if they see another feline in pain.
  • Anticipation of something pleasant. Cats purr if, based on some signs, they understand that they are about to be fed or petted.

Why does the cat purr? Even scientists find it difficult to give a definite answer. To find out the reason, you need to observe your beloved pet.

They're just getting old

Sometimes cats lose energy as they age. Instead, they prefer to use their energy for eating and playing. Even though they don't purr, older cats can be just as happy as younger ones. They simply may not have the energy or means to show you their appreciation and happiness as they used to.

Image Credit: Sleepy Cat, Unsplash

Example sentences

The following examples of simple sentences will help you understand the topic:

  • “For some reason, lying near the stove, our cat Vaska purred louder.”
  • “When a tiger rolls on the grass, it purrs like a kitten.”
  • “It is impossible for a person to learn to purr like a cat.”

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  • “When our cat gets bored, he comes to us, rubs his legs and purrs.”

It is not difficult to write correctly if you choose a style, form and guess the stylistic meaning of the verb. Grammar problems should not be considered terribly difficult, because you can always find the answer to the question you are interested in.

What to do

There is little you can do about the lack of purring other than provide encouragement to your cat if necessary. If they don't seem normal, you should make an appointment with your veterinarian to see if anything can be done to make them feel better. They may start purring again once they feel like themselves. If your cat just doesn't want to purr, all you can do is love her and reward her with petting and cuddling. If they get old, you may just have to live with the lack of purring from now on, but you can still expect the love and attention you've always received.

How do cats purr?

However, before answering the question posed above, it is necessary to find out what the very principle of purring of any cat is. According to scientists, the whole point lies in the generation of electrical impulses that are located in the animal’s cerebral cortex. It is from there that they are transmitted through the central nervous system to the muscles, causing them to contract (by the way, they are located near the vocal cords).

The mechanism itself is located between the skull and the base of the tongue - it consists of thin hyoid bones, which begin to resonate as soon as the muscles that we wrote about just above begin to contract. All this leads to the so-called purring. It is worth noting that the sound itself comes only from the animal’s nose and mouth, but the vibration spreads throughout the body. That is why, when we press our hand to, say, a cat’s belly, we feel its rumbling. As you can see, the mechanism is very simple, if you understand it properly.

Final thoughts

Everyone loves to hear their cat purr. The sound and sensation of purring usually confirms the fact that they are happy. But just because your cat isn't purring doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong or that she's unhappy about anything. Watch for signs of trouble, but if you don't see any, chances are your cat just isn't interested. How often does your cat purr and do you notice that she doesn't purr when you expect her to? Tell us about your experience by leaving us a comment!

Posted by Christian Adams An American expat living in Metro Manila, Philippines for over a decade, Christian is a lifelong cat lover and the proud father of two rescue cats, Trixie and Chloe. Both girls used to be among the crowds of homeless people who roam the cities and countryside. Three-year-old Trixie was rescued from a litter found under a neighbor's porch, and two-year-old Chloe was brought home by Christian's young son, Henry, who discovered the crying kitten in the parking lot.

Why do they purr?

But now let's return to our question and still try to find out why cats do this?

  • First of all, the animal shows such signs and tells us that it is well-fed, healthy and happy. It's easy to check - just pet your pet. Almost immediately she will begin to make purring sounds. Or feed her boiled chicken. Or... In general, you probably know many ways to please your pet.
  • Cats that have fallen asleep often purr. For what? It's simple - in this way they show their children that everything is in order and there is no need to worry. In turn, the kittens respond to their mother in the same way - they say, everything is fine. They also purr when they suck their mother's milk - apparently, it is very tasty.
  • Veterinarians believe that with the help of such an unusual sound, a pet can maintain its physical condition in perfect order - according to some data, purring has a beneficial effect on the blood circulation process. Whether this is true or not, we cannot say.
  • However, rumbling does not always mean that everything is fine. For example, in this way a pet often shows its owner that it needs something from the latter. For example, if a cat wants to eat, but there is nothing in the bowl, then she can not only meow.
  • Having met danger face to face, the animal may begin to purr loudly, as if showing its defenselessness. In this case, you can take the cat in your arms and show her that everything is fine - so that she doesn’t get nervous again.
  • Occasionally, in this way, pets show us that they are sick. True, you are unlikely to be able to find out what exactly it is on your own, and therefore it is better to entrust this question to an experienced veterinarian.
  • Animals can also communicate with each other by purring. For example, if two males meet, the dominant one shows the weaker cat with his “song” that he will not touch him.

As you can see, our beloved pets can purr on a variety of occasions. But only an attentive cat owner, who is always ready to satisfy any whim of his pet, can understand why this happens.

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