How to understand that a cat is asking for a cat: signs and manifestations

When choosing a pet, many people want to get a cat rather than a cat, associating this with the fact that there are fewer problems with a cat during puberty. There is also no need to further accommodate the born kittens. It is not difficult to understand that a cat is asking for a cat, since a male animal shows this very clearly. Not many people know that a cat can show a desire to mate all year round, and not just in the spring. It is worth remembering that once you show readiness to procreate, the cat cannot be re-educated.

Features of puberty

In cats, puberty occurs 7-8 months after birth. Due to the individual characteristics of each animal, the weather can change in one direction or another, so puberty in cats may occur a little later or a little earlier than expected.

In cats

During sexual activity, cats' bodies do not produce blood, so determining the beginning of this period is not always easy.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the behavior of the animal, and also from time to time check the mucous membrane of the genital organs, which will swell as soon as the hunt begins. In domestic cats, activity lasts about 5 days. The intervals between estrus can last from 15 days to a month.

Note! Descendants of cats that used to leave marks during sexual hunts will also do the same.

If fertilization occurs at the end of estrus, all its manifestations will disappear in the next 2 days. The cat's next heat will only be after 3 months, except in situations where the cat loses kittens during childbirth.

What does it depend on

There are a number of factors that can speed up or slow down the process of a kitten becoming a sexually mature individual.

Cats and cats mature faster for the following reasons:

  • Race. It has long been noted that kittens of oriental breeds (Siamese, Thai, Sphynx) enter puberty earlier.
  • Body type. Fragile animals always grow up earlier.
  • Season. If a cat is from 4 to 6 months old in the spring-summer period, it becomes quite mature sexually.
  • Conditions of detention. Pets that receive proper nutrition and care tend to mature earlier than their cousins.
  • Wednesday. Cats and cats kept in special nurseries, surrounded by individuals of both sexes, mature earlier than solitary animals living in city apartments.
  • Genetic predisposition. If the mother's pregnancy occurs early, there is a high probability that this feature is inherited.

There are other factors that slow down age-related changes:

  • Nutrition. If an animal constantly overeats, it will stay longer during childhood and adolescence.
  • Race. Long-haired cats and cats (Persian, British, Maine Coon) mature later than short-haired brothers and sisters.

Don't rule out inheritance here.

Cat behavior

A fluffy and fluffy creature, the cat is a true symbol of homeliness.

We choose a kitten to suit your taste: large or miniature, smooth or fluffy - there are dozens of cat breeds.

They all look different. What unites them is that, having matured, cats invariably fight for freedom in search of love. This is especially noticeable in the spring. During heat, cats become different from themselves: they make guttural calls, call loudly to the cat, adopt typical mating positions, and roll around on the ground.

It is necessary to understand that this behavior is natural for pets during sexual activity and indicates the completion of the process of puberty in a young cat.

Below you will learn about puberty in cats, when a cat goes into heat for the first time, and how to make this period more comfortable for you and your pet.

Factors influencing puberty

Cats and cats reach sexual maturity at different ages. Sexual maturity in cats occurs later than in male cats, maturing with the first estrus, which begins at 5-6 months. But the timing of puberty can vary.

This depends on certain factors:

  1. Belonging to the breed. Representatives of the eastern races: Siamese, Thai, Oriental, Burmese and St. Petersburg sphinxes are classified as precocious.
  2. Skeletal structure. Slender, gracefully built cats and female cats enter sexual maturity earlier than their powerful counterparts.
  3. Seasons. Kittens born in winter or spring enter sexual maturity in spring or summer, while later litters delay their maturation.
  4. Conditions of detention. Compliance with the regime and quality of feeding, as well as comfort and convenience, accelerates the growth of the pet.
  5. Habitat characteristics. Surrounded by adults (in a nursery or pack), young cats mature earlier than their comrades in city apartments.
  6. Genetic predisposition.

If overfed and overweight, puberty in cats is delayed and can occur in one and a half to two years.

How to Deal With Your Kitten's Adolescence

When your kitten turns one year old, he will enter the teenage phase. Just like with people, this can be a difficult time for parents. Teenage cats will howl, constantly throw, scratch and try to get their way.

The once adorable kitten will become sassy and difficult to deal with. But before you give up, there is always a workaround for such situations.

The kitten becoming a cat will have a burst of energy. They will try to explore everything, especially nature. To make this stage more tolerable, I recommend doing the following:

  • Consider spaying/neutering . A cat can be spayed even before it turns one year old. So instead of waiting for your kitten to become stubborn, it's best to have her spayed or neutered to curb the harmful effects of sexual activity. Remember that females in the heat of love scream and make noises, while males often run off in search of a female.
  • Learn to channel your cat's energy . Most cats are born balls of energy. Instead of trying to limit your cat's activities, you can channel that energy into less destructive habits. Invest in a post-it note, cat tree, puzzles, and other interactive toys to keep your kitty occupied.
  • Be firm with the rules . Teenage cats will try to test your limits. If your kitten uses your skin as a toy, make sure there are consequences for it. This could be a spray of water or a game over. Use safe and non-violent methods to discipline your pet. Thanks to this, he will not become neurotic and alienated.


Males and female cats react differently to puberty. The females go into heat and become very tender and affectionate. He creeps up to you, looks into your eyes, meows loudly, raising his tail. It rubs against various objects and rolls on the ground.

Swollen gonads and discharge from them cause pain. He may scream loudly when he approaches the tray and even refuse to eat.

The cat constantly licks itself, mainly at night, and screams pitifully to its partner. The mating season lasts from 5 to 8 days.

If fertilization does not occur in all breeds, including British cats, symptoms and all signs may reappear every month.

During the mating season, animals often participate in all garden fights.

When cats begin to walk, as hunters should, they become aggressive and arrogant.

Instinctively feeling control over the situation, they invite the female to mate. You can tell about a belligerent mood by damaged furniture, torn wallpaper, and the stinking smell that a cat uses to mark its territory. Some men become lethargic, apathetic, without appetite and frequent visits to the toilet.

Regulation of sexual estrus

If the cat is purebred and the owner plans to get offspring from such a cat in the future, then it is recommended to breed him with cats that have a good pedigree. In some cases, breeders advise buying a female that has previously been sterilized (ligation of appendages). The cat will be ready to mate, but in this case there will be no offspring. It will be easier for the cat to cope with his natural instincts, finding an outlet for energy.

Another method that allows you to calm a cat during the mating season is the use of special hormonal drugs. All contraceptives are designed to artificially suppress an animal's desire to mate. In addition, when taking hormonal substances, signs of sexual desire decrease.

Note! The dosage and timing of taking hormonal drops or tablets should be prescribed exclusively by a veterinarian after prior consultation.

Medications for regulating sexual desire can be of plant or hormonal origin. Hormonal drops are widely used in home practice, giving an easy and quick effect, but not long-lasting. A large number of cat lovers believe that the use of oral contraceptives for cats in the form of drops or tablets is much more humane than sterilization or castration.

There is an opinion that this is a safer method of regulating sexual desire. Veterinary experts and scientists say that tablets and drops are a time bomb. A one-time use of a hormonal drug once a year (for example, in the spring) will not harm the body.

Systematic, constant use of drops can cause serious disorders in the animal’s body, including death. This is due to the fact that contraceptives for cats contain a dose of a hormonal substance that blocks the production of physiological hormones.

When does puberty occur and when can a cat become pregnant?

The onset of maturation in cats and cats is determined by the animal's changed behavior. In females, this process is called estrus and is cyclical. After the onset of heat, the pet can become pregnant and subsequently give birth to kittens.

How does a cat's behavior change with the onset of puberty?

  • There are outbreaks of unreasonable aggression towards people or other animals;
  • Cats mark their territory with urine marking and increased scratching on furniture and walls;
  • Urine acquires a pronounced odor, which is difficult to eliminate completely;
  • The animal strives to leave the house to find a female and expand its territory;
  • Cat competitors are, first of all, uncastrated cats. In some cases, a cat's aggression is directed toward neutered males and females;

When does a cat become an adult?

In recent years, cats' ages have been revised to provide a clearer and more accurate assessment of their physical health. Currently, cats are considered seniors when they reach 11 years of age. Meanwhile, 12 to 14 years old are older cats. If your cat managed to live more than 14 years, she would be called a super-old lady.

From a kitten, your cat will become an adult and then a senior citizen. It's very similar to human life, albeit at a faster pace.

The first two years of your cat's life are equivalent to about 24 human years. After that, each cat year is equal to four human years.

As your cat ages, she will become less active due to pain associated with aging. Older cats will also have a reduced ability to taste and smell food, so they will appear to be picky. Your cat's nutritional needs will also change depending on its health.

At what age does puberty occur?

People who have had pets for a long time can pinpoint when a cat starts walking. The age at which puberty begins is different for each animal.

This depends on the following factors:

  • race;
  • inheritance;
  • healthy conditions;
  • feed quality;
  • conditions of detention.

On average, this period is 7-10 months. At what age do Scottish cats begin to walk?

Scots, Burmese, Sphinxes and some other races mature very early. Consequently, they may begin to show interest in the opposite sex at 4-5 months.

Frequency of the first heat

How often do cats want to mate with the opposite sex? If the cat was not allowed to visit the cat during the period of the first desire, then the next heat may occur immediately after the end of the previous one.

After all, the essence of estrus is the possibility of mating, the result of which should be the fertilization of the animal. This is the law of nature. If the body does not receive a result, it will persistently seek it.

For a cat, the waiting process is certainly very tiring. If the owner wants to have offspring, the animal must have the opportunity to fulfill its intended purpose.

If you refuse to give birth to kittens, it is better to contact a veterinarian, get advice and have your pet sterilized.

Selection of a partner

Not every cat will have a cat for a walk. Therefore, choosing a partner is an important point that should be given maximum attention. In addition, you need to pay attention to the color of the animal. If the owners are going to breed babies for sale, then they should look for a cat based on the shade so that they get what they want.

So, white British people cannot be mixed together, because the offspring may turn out to be deaf. When you want to breed a tabby, it is better that the partner is blue or black. At the same time, brown or chocolate shade is not an option at all. If the cat is light cream or black, then you can choose a cat of the same color.

When choosing a male, you should also pay attention to his health and appearance. Strong cats are the guarantee that babies will be born healthy and strong. When mating with a British cat for the first time, you need to choose an experienced animal. Otherwise, both she and he will start hissing at each other and fighting. If the cat is more courageous, then she may not even drive the male into a corner and not let him out until she is taken away. Therefore, special attention is paid to this nuance.

First heat (estrus)

Factors influencing the onset of the first heatRationale
Breed affiliationLarge long-haired breeds (Maine Coon, Ragdoll, Siberian cat, Neva Masquerade, Norwegian Forest) mature much later than other breeds. Their first heat can begin at 9-16 months. If the pet belongs to light-boned breeds (Siamese, Oriental), then the first heat may occur at 4-5 months. Popular Scottish and British cat breeds mature in 8-12 months
GeneticsIf the females mature early in the sex of the pet, then the likelihood of an early start to the first heat increases
Pet birth seasonIf a cat was born in the spring months, then her first heat will come earlier than an animal born in the fall
Animal sizesIndividuals with excess weight and strong bones tend to mature later than animals with optimal weight. Puberty in emaciated and physically underdeveloped females occurs much later than in cats of normal weight
LightingWhen cats begin to walk, they are affected by the light conditions in the room. Living in a dark place reduces and suppresses the activity of sex hormones, and sexual heat begins much later
Food and living conditionsA nutritious diet, balanced in essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals, contributes to the normal development of the reproductive system. Domestic cats mature later than street cats

Due to the fact that estrus is a very individual process, it is impossible to determine exactly what time a cat's first estrus begins.

But knowing what breed the pet belongs to, genetic predisposition, time of year of birth and other factors, you can approximately determine the age of the first heat. The average cat matures in 7 to 9 months.

How do you know how big a kitten will grow?

Cat owners often ask how big their kittens will grow. This is a common problem for those who have adopted their cats. Although it may be difficult to tell, a veterinarian can help paint a better picture.

In most cats, body growth slows down after six months and reaches its full size after a year. However, large breeds such as Ragdolls and Maine Coons will continue to grow after the first 12 months of life.

To give you an idea of ​​how big your kitten will grow, most cats will weigh twice their original size by the time they reach four months. If your cat is a big kitten, she will likely be larger than usual. The size formula will be:

Your kitten's weight at 16 weeks x 2 = adult/full size weight.

This calculation will give you at least a margin of error of plus or minus 10% of your cat's total weight.

Medication methods

The effects of spaying and neutering are irreversible, so these operations are only performed if the animals are not intended for breeding. In other cases, it is recommended to use drugs to control sexual activity.

To regulate the sexual behavior of cats, use:

  • means of correcting behavior during the hunt for sex;
  • means preventing sexual intercourse.

All these drugs are divided into 2 groups: natural and chemical hormonal agents. The dosage of the drug should be strictly observed; it is better to give the drug 2 minutes before feeding or an hour after, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions.

Before giving your pet this or that drug, be sure to show the cat to a veterinarian to find out its health status and predict possible side effects.

Duration of estrus and its course

The duration of estrus (estrus) in cats is highly individual, on average it lasts from 5 to 7 days.

The process is natural, physiological and does not require human intervention; the only thing you can do is observe the nature and duration of sexual intercourse.

A cycle disruption may indicate a serious illness and require urgent examination and consultation with a veterinarian.

Long periods are typical for multi-family cats, as well as for animals with thyroid problems or underdeveloped ovaries. Prolonged estrus (estrus) may indicate ovarian pathology (inflammation, cysts, tumors).

Signs that a cat is asking for a cat

The owner of a mustachioed pet can distinguish the onset of puberty by the behavior of the animal. Cats completely change their behavior.

Key Features:

  • Territorial markings: Mature males begin to leave specific markings on their homes. These could be walls, doors, portals, furniture.
  • With the help of marks, the cat makes it clear to rivals that this is its territory, and also attracts other females to mate.
  • Changes in behavior: cats during puberty begin to show obvious aggression towards their owners, as well as towards other animals. Aggression during the hunting season is a serious threat for owners, as the cat can scratch and even bite the bra. It should be remembered that the animal becomes practically uncontrollable and it is impossible to change its behavior when using educational measures.
  • Screaming - with its voice the cat tries to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Telephone calls can be heard both day and night, for several hours at a time. You also cannot correct a cat's behavior with punishment.
  • The desire to leave the house and run outside. Under the influence of hormones and the instinct of procreation, the cat will try to run out of the house by any available means: a window or a door.

The manifestation of sexual desire is also determined by the frequent urge to urinate, enlargement of the genital organs and specific discharge from the penis. When hunting, a cat, like a cat, loses the desire to eat. Also, when searching for a female, cats’ instinct of self-preservation is dulled.

Note! One sign that a cat wants a cat is a fake bed. At this time, the male begins to imitate sexual movements performed during intercourse. For these purposes, you can use the teacher's hands or soft toys.

When to expect your first heat

The most common answer to this question is 7 months. This period is typical for many breeds; the British feline is no exception. Indeed, on average, within the specified period, a cat goes through puberty and begins to want to go for walks. However, not all so simple.

If a British pet was purchased, among other things, for the purpose of breeding, it is recommended to wait some more time. A cat can get pregnant after partying at 7 months, but the body is not fully adapted to bearing offspring at this time.

IMPORTANT: Therefore, the first heat, which can be considered the beginning of sexual activity, should be considered the one that begins at the age of one year.

It should also be noted that 7 months is an approximate date. Often this is when the animal feels the first urge to go for a walk. However, the cat's body is as individual as the human body. You can meet ladies who mature both a little earlier and a little later.

It happens that if a British or any other male lives nearby, the young lady matures earlier. There is also an observation that in individuals born in the spring, estrus may begin somewhat later than in those born in the summer-autumn. Different temperaments also sometimes take their toll: an active British pet can mature faster than a melancholic one.

How to relieve symptoms of estrus

Not a single cat owner, even the most patient one, can like the fact that both day and night his pet, who has entered reproductive age, howls, bites, is too active and aggressive. At such moments, the question arises of what to do with a cat whose antics they can no longer tolerate.

The easiest way to solve the problem is to arrange a “date” for Tail with a suitable kitten.

It should be borne in mind that in order to knit, you need to choose the most suitable time. Peak sexual activity in animals that are old enough to reproduce occurs between February and March.

It is at this time that it is most convenient to have offspring, guided by the simplest logic. In the coming summer months there will be no problems with feeding the babies, the puppies do not need to be protected from the cold, and by the first severe frost they will have already entered adulthood.

This trail is suitable for owners of purebred animals and those whose cats, having entered adulthood, walk alone and live in the yard of a private house. In a city apartment, an animal without a pedigree on a spree is unlikely to become a noticeable and desirable gentleman. In this case, you need to consider other ways to solve the problem.

At what months does a cat become sexually mature?

British cat at 11 months is completely ready to reproduce

If the cat is healthy, vaccinated calmly, the first estrus will occur no earlier than after 11 months. If your cat is active, she may come into heat a little earlier.

There are cases when at 4 months a cat is already ready to mate, but this is not normal, but the appearance of the first heat at the age of a year or more is also unacceptable. For a purebred cat, you need to decide in advance who will be his partner. A show cat is prohibited from raising a child with a fever to satisfy her pet.

Infancy and childhood

The first period in kittens lasts several weeks. They are born blind and deaf. The film protecting the cats' ears disappears within the first week, and the eyes open within ten days. Milk teeth erupt at 3-4 weeks.

At one month of age, kittens are already actively running around the house and showing curiosity. They do it like one and a half year old children.

Kittens develop at a rapid pace; at two months their age is comparable to five years of a child’s life. The fluffy little ball already eats on its own, knows how to communicate with its brothers and people, and begins to care for its fur without its mother. He already knows where his household members are and where strangers are, and relieves himself in the litter box.

If we draw a parallel with the rate of development of cats and children, then in a week the former mature as much as children do in several months. Therefore, it is important to instill in kittens good manners in a short time and accustom them to certain rules of behavior in the house.

What to do if you plan to get offspring from a female?

Owners of purebred cats often keep females for the purpose of producing offspring, both for sale and for their own pleasure. Therefore, they need to know exactly when it is time to inseminate the female. To do this, you need to be able to accurately determine the time of the onset of estrus in a female.

Animal breeders who do not have sufficient experience in identifying signs of estrus in cats are advised to search on specialized sites dedicated to cat care for photos and videos demonstrating the behavior of the female during the heat period.

Attention! If you want to have offspring from a female, you must remember that the optimal time for insemination is the first and second days after the start of the heat period.

To obtain offspring, it is necessary to be able to accurately determine the time of the onset of estrus in a female.

The female and male should meet 2–3 times, with the interval between matings being 12–14 hours. If all these requirements are met, the chance of having offspring increases several times.

Owners of purebred cats should remember that cats reach sexual maturity at the age of 4 to 6 months, however, early pregnancy is undesirable for the animal, since the animal has not yet reached full physiological maturity during this period and your body is still developing. Full physiological maturity of the female occurs a year after birth.

When to think about mating

Most owners of four-legged cats do not know when to breed a British cat. People are afraid of making mistakes, so they delay the process.

Characteristic signs of a cat are:

  1. Loud and constant shouting. This is how the pet tries to call the cat to her.
  2. Constantly rolling on the floor and licking your genitals.
  3. A sharp change in mood - the animal can either be too affectionate, or, on the contrary, show unreasonable aggression.
  4. While stroking, the pet arches and raises its tail. In this way she shows that she is ready to meet the cat.

For a cat, things are a little different:

  1. Animals begin to actively mark all corners in the house. Attempts to scold the cat do not lead to anything good; he tries even more actively to show what he needs.
  2. The cat rubs against sharp objects or those that interest him. Often people observe some kind of friction, body movements are directed towards the thing that the pet is interested in.
  3. Pets change dramatically. Some people do not recognize cats as their four-legged companions.

Important! There is no need to try to calm or scold the animals at this moment. Instincts that are higher than everything “awaken” in them.

If the pet is already ready, then it can happen to someone; if offspring are not included in the plans of the owners, then it is more humane to perform sterilization so as not to torture either yourself or the pet.

Frequency of estrus

As a rule, an animal's estrus ends with the onset of pregnancy. The gestation period lasts from 2 to 2.5 months. At this time the animal does not leak. They begin after the birth of kittens, 3-3.5 months. If the cubs are stillborn, estrus begins earlier.

If the cat does not become pregnant, the intervals between estrus range from 1 to 3 weeks. In some animals they begin earlier, in others later.

When cats go into heat and how long it will last depends on several factors:

  • physiological characteristics;
  • seasons (sexual activity in cats increases with the onset of spring);
  • features of living conditions;
  • breed (it occurs more often in Siamese and Persian individuals than in Scottish pets or representatives of the British breed).

When does a cat calm down?

Cats will become adults when they are one year old. However, it will only be after 14 months that she will begin to calm down. Kittens and young cats are playful, but the teenage phase will make them restless and adventurous.

However, some cats take longer to soften their kitten personality. Some breeds do not mature until they are two years old. However, this depends on the breed of your cat, as some remain energetic throughout most of their young life.

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Unlike dogs, cats do not calm down because most felines are naturally energetic. This is their trait, and it will disappear only when the cat reaches an older age. However, some cats are more adventurous than others, regardless of age.

Stages of the reproductive cycle

Before asking the question: how long does a cat’s heat last, you need to understand the process itself.

Conventionally, the sexual cycle can be divided into four phases, each of which has its own duration:

  • proestrus - a preparatory stage, lasts from 1 to 3 days, is manifested by swelling of the external genitalia and slight transparent discharge from the vaginal loop, sexual arousal at this stage is practically absent;
  • estrus - direct heat (sexual desire), maximum sexual arousal, lasts from five to six days and, in the absence of mating, can last up to ten days;
  • metaestrus: signs of arousal are reduced to zero, the cat is aggressive towards the male, duration is from 1 to 3 days;
  • anestrus is a resting stage, its duration directly depends on whether ovulation has occurred or not: in the first case, the duration will be 6 weeks, in the second - one week.

Important: do not confuse ovulation and fertilization. Ovulation is the maturation of an egg, fertilization is the union of male and female reproductive cells with the subsequent formation of an embryo.

Thus, it turns out that on average a cat’s sexual cycle can last from two weeks to one and a half months.

The frequency of heat development in cats depends only on the individual characteristics and specific conditions of its occurrence, so it is problematic to predict this moment in advance.

By the way, ovulation in these animals is a reflex process. This happens only a day and a half after intercourse. If there was no sexual intercourse, then the maturation of the egg in the follicles will not occur.

During pregnancy and feeding the young, the animal is frigid. After giving birth, the cat begins to bask about a month after the end of lactation.

How does mating work?

Having noticed that the cat has changed in behavior, you need to observe it for a couple more days, and then you can take it to the cat. This is usually done 3-4 days after the start of the party. It is better for the cat owner to prepare in advance the room where the animals will live for these couple of days. First, a cat is brought into the room, which must get used to it a little, and only after that can a male be introduced. If the male representative does not show interest in the lady, you should wait a little.

Some breeders recommend raising the cat's tail and holding the cat up to it so that he can smell the scent. If the cat is indifferent to its partner, there is no need to rush; perhaps it has not yet gotten used to it. There are times when animals begin to fight and hiss at each other. Having noticed active aggression, it is necessary to stop everything.

Inexperienced pets may not understand what to do and may grab incorrectly. If this is the case, then you can give the cat a little encouragement and help him (but inactively) in carrying out this process. The fact that everything went well is evidenced by the cat’s screaming, its rolling on the floor, as well as its active licking of its genitals. When a cat hides or hides in a corner, this is a sign that the male did not please her in some way. In this case, it is also not recommended to “insist” and it is better to take the pet home.

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