10 interesting facts about cats that you had no idea about

Currently, there are more than 600 million domestic cats in the world - that is, almost every 12th person has this animal. Russia, Turkey, Canada, America, Saudi Arabia and almost all of Western Europe are the places on the planet where, according to statistics, these pets are preferred over all others.

Do you like cats? If not yet (some consider these animals to be too independent and even capricious for real “friendship” with a person), maybe you just don’t know enough about them?

We will try to correct this shortcoming and offer you the most interesting and little-known facts about cats!

Interesting facts about cats' sense organs

  1. The nose print is similar to fingerprints in humans, that is, it is individual for each animal. By the way, the sense of smell of the most ordinary cat is almost 14 times sharper than that of a human. Sometimes they can sniff with their mouth slightly open. In this case, a “Jacobson tube” is used, which is located on the upper palate behind the teeth. Using its nose, a cat can recognize the temperature of food so as not to get burned when feeding.
  2. Their hearing is very sensitive, sharp, and subtle. In the wild, this is the main tool for successful hunting. They can recognize the widest sound range. The main difference in the structure of a cat's ears is their ability to turn in the right direction in order to better catch the sounds made by potential prey.
  3. Particularly noteworthy is their vision, as they have very high light sensitivity, which makes it possible to navigate well in the dark. Most cats are nocturnal. Their excellent vision is a necessity for catching prey.
  4. There is an opinion that they see the world around them in black and white. This is wrong! They are able to distinguish between six color ranges and the best color is gray.
  5. Another feature of the eye structure is congenital farsightedness. A pet may sometimes not notice objects that are close to it, but it can perfectly see a sparrow on the roof of a neighboring house.
  6. The tongue and teeth are also sensory organs. The cat has 30 permanent teeth, but they cannot chew due to the structure of the jaw. They are unable to move, thereby chewing it. With the help of the tongue, food is captured, especially liquid food, thus scooping it up.
  7. The entire tongue of the animal is covered with special papillae, slightly curved backwards. If a cat takes a thread into its mouth, it will not be able to spit it back out.
  8. Why does a cat need a mustache is one of the main questions of many owners. On average, a cat has 12 whiskers on each side of its face. Scientifically, they are called vibrissae. They are necessary for touch. In addition to the muzzle, they are found on the paws, eyebrows, and chin. Sometimes they fall out and new ones soon grow in their place.

You won't have to deal with "surprises" on the floor.

Cats use the litter box. This well-known fact is often overlooked. With a cat, you won’t have to worry about walking and you won’t have to replace the carpet you just bought with a new one. In this regard, cats are even better than babies; you don’t have to constantly monitor them and they won’t cry around the clock. Thank you, thank you, thank you, tray.

Interesting facts about black cats

The scariest facts about cats are associated with black pets. They are especially often endowed with mystical skills, connections with otherworldly forces, and the ability to cause problems. These are, of course, nothing more than myths. There is even an international black cat day – November 17th. There are other beliefs:

  • ancient people gave them the ability to transform into other animals and even people;
  • black pets have unusual pupils, reminiscent of lunar phases, which is why they were attributed magical properties;
  • owners of black cats could be accused of witchcraft - it was believed that they got these animals to contact dark forces and perform rituals.

It is important to understand that all these “facts” are associated with mysticism, which means they cannot be taken seriously. Regardless of the color of the coat, any cat will become a devoted pet, a source of home comfort, affection, and tenderness.


They naturally need to scratch with their claws. And yes, this irritates the owners, especially if they scratch the wallpaper or expensive furniture. However, scratching plays an important role in the life of the animal. Firstly, it helps the animal sharpen its claws, and secondly, it stretches the muscles of the back and shoulders, which do not stretch during normal stretching.

Fact #6

Surely any cat owner has encountered a situation where the pet insistently demands to open all the doors in the apartment or house. Moreover, this does not mean at all that he wants to enter there.

In most cases, the fluffy is completely satisfied with the very fact of opening, without even bothering to glance at the seemingly treasured next room.

It's all about the predatory nature of cats. They don’t need the next room at all, and they demand to open the door to it in order to completely control their own territory (yes, if you don’t already know, your apartment belongs to your cat, and certainly not to you). Behind a closed door all sorts of dangers and unknowns can lurk, and with its opening there is an excellent opportunity to look in there (if you suddenly want to), find out everything, or even escape.

Cats can turn their ears one hundred and eighty degrees.

Cats have amazingly acute hearing, which is provided to them by their anatomical structure. In addition, the cat can turn its ears one hundred and eighty degrees to listen to sounds coming from behind. In order to move the ears, the cat's body has more than thirty different muscles. All this allows them to not only move their ears with an impressive range, but also move them in different directions individually. In addition, cats hear better than dogs. They perfectly determine the source of sound. Cats understand when you address them. Even if your cat pretends not to notice you, in fact she hears everything perfectly well and understands that you are addressing her.

Facts about why people love cats

  1. Feline specialists have found that the structure of the furry brain is similar to the structure of the human brain. The same parts, which are located in the same parts of the brain, are responsible for emotions. This may explain why these animals and humans interact well with each other.
  2. The cat is loved for its grace, beauty, elegance. Any action is performed plastically, smoothly. Just watching her move brings aesthetic pleasure to many owners and also lifts their spirits.
  3. One of the main reasons why people love these little predators is their fur. It's very nice to stroke them when you come home from work. Tactile contact between a person and an animal can relax, calm, relieve stress, or generally put the owner in a friendly mood.
  4. Many owners are confident that a cat can relieve pain when ailments occur. They intuitively feel this and are located on the head of a person who experiences relief. There is no scientific evidence for this phenomenon. One can only assume that pleasant tactile contact with a pet distracts from unpleasant sensations.

Feline communication

It has long been known that cats can communicate not only with their brothers, but also with other animals and humans. They do this with the help of movements, facial expressions, sounds and chemical signals. A person can not perceive all the signals with which cats transmit information.

Animals most often communicate with each other using sounds. Cats have fairly developed vocal cords. Therefore, they can emit signals that vary in tone, volume and intonation.

By analyzing the vocal signals of cats, you can understand what emotions they are experiencing at the moment and what they want to communicate. For example, pets most often express dissatisfaction using a low tone, and demonstrate a good mood using a high tone. Cats prefer to communicate with kittens using special sounds that humans cannot hear.

In addition to voice, animals use body language, facial expressions and smells to communicate. Chemical signals most often mean that cats mark their territory. For people, such marks say little, but other animals can read quite a lot of information. For example, they recognize the age of a cat and its behavioral characteristics by smell. For humans, the movements and facial expressions of a pet are more understandable.

By observing just one glance of a cat, you can get information about its mood and emotions. Half-closed eyelids most often indicate her relaxed state, especially if this is accompanied by purring. Large bulging eyes signal that the pet is interested in the object of observation or that something is bothering him.

It is best to pay attention to all the signals that the cat gives at once. Communication can involve not only the eyes and vocal cords, but also the tail, ears, whiskers, limbs, and the entire body as a whole.

Each pet may have its own sets of signs to convey certain emotions. With frequent, regular communication with the animal, over time they become clear to the loving owner.

Unusual information

Although it seems like domestic cats have been studied for a long time and everything is known about them, they never cease to amaze. Over time, more and more funny and interesting facts about animals appear, and scientists continue to study felines. Not long ago it was discovered that cats, unlike people, can drink salt water from the seas. This is due to the special structure of the kidneys, thanks to which they can filter liquid.

The cat's ear can perceive ultrasonic signals. Thus, it can be assumed that they can hear the sounds made by rodents and dolphins. Domestic cats can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h when running. However, most often the speed does not exceed 14 km/h.

Cats do not have receptors that allow them to sense sweet taste. The pet will not taste either sugar or any of its substitutes. The physiological feature is due to the lifestyle of cats. In their natural habitat, predators do not feed on fruits and berries, so the ability to recognize sweet tastes is absent as unnecessary.

The cat's body is able to digest milk only at an early age. It is not recommended to give this product to adults, as serious health problems may arise. Domestic cats are also sensitive to food temperature. Food should be at room temperature, but not cold or hot. Humans and cats have much more in common than might seem at first glance.

For 10 more interesting facts about cats and cats, watch the video below.


A person has only 2 eyelids: upper and lower. Cats have three of them. The third eyelid is called the nictitating membrane. This is a thin light film in the corner of the eye. It plays an important role in protecting the eyes. It removes debris and distributes moisture evenly throughout the eye so it doesn't dry out.

Also, the third eyelid protects their eyes from tall grass or when hunting.

Interesting facts about cats 2nd grade.

Cats dream on the window They yawn so sweetly, without words they understand everything, They hold our souls in their soft paws And they know how to listen like no one else,

And quietly climbing onto your knees. They purr tenderly, pitying us. When you are sad or lonely, pet the cat, God’s healer.

Copyright: Valentina Dostigaeva New

1. The most ancient representatives of the cat family existed more than 50 million years ago.2. Cats can turn their ears 180 degrees. They achieve this thanks to the special structure of the organ. Each ear consists of 32 muscles, twelve of which animals use very actively.3. A cat’s heart beats faster than a human’s: up to 140 beats per minute.4. Cats' favorite activity, purring, occurs about one and a half thousand times per minute.5. Cats live on average 15-17 years. It is believed that by the age of three this animal reaches twenty-one in our opinion, and a ten-year-old cat is already elderly.

6. Everyone knows that cats love the smell of valerian. Have you heard that these animals are not indifferent to garlic, coffee, vinegar, grapes and onions? Unfortunately, these products are harmful to our pets. So keep them away.7. Aspirin is deadly for cats.8. Interesting facts about cats also apply to babies. For example, the first two months of a kitten’s life are decisive for their entire subsequent life.9. If the kitten was born in a large family, with a lot of people, then it will easily adapt to a change in environment.10. Kittens get self-confidence and friendliness from their dad.

11. Cats like food at room temperature, not from the refrigerator.12. If you have several cats in your home, feed them from separate bowls. This is because these animals are predators and competitors by nature.13. Your pet doesn't have to be a vegetarian

It is meat that contains a substance important for its health - arginine (amino acid). 14. Cats love to live clean

Therefore, never place a food bowl or litter box near their sleeping area. These animals follow this rule even in the wild.15. Cats require their own territory, ten times larger than for cats.

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16. Cats cannot tolerate closed spaces and stale air. Therefore, always ventilate your home and do not close the interior doors.17. When cats lick their fur, they also comb it. After all, their tongue has hooks and combs that are convenient for this activity.18. Cats have a unique imprint that is not repeated between two individuals. This is a nose print.19. Cats sleep a third of the time during the day. Oh, a third of the remaining time they take care of themselves.20. Cats are unique animals. They perceive odors 14 times better than humans and can hear sounds at a frequency of 60 kHz. For comparison: people - 20 kHz, dogs - 40 kHz.

21.Cats make up to a hundred different sounds. And, for example, dogs - up to ten.22. Cats have a hard time seeing small objects, such as a piece of treat right under their nose. The best distance for their vision is from 75 centimeters to six meters.23. Cats perceive all information about the world around them with the help of their whiskers. There are about a dozen of them on each side. Each of which begins with vibris (the base of the whiskers), on which a large number of nerve endings are collected. Therefore, if a cat's whiskers are trimmed, it will not be able to hunt and will be unsure.24. You've probably noticed that cats love to rub against humans. She does this not at all out of love for her owner. In this way, cats eliminate the smell of others from the glands that are located at the base of the tail and in the area between the eyes and ears.25. Cats are famous home healers. According to scientists, it is enough to stroke your pet to lower blood pressure and calm down. Therefore, in a house where cats live, stress is easier to bear, and the family becomes more harmonious and friendly.

Waking up in the morning they yawn so sweetly,

Without further ado, they understand everything!

Relationships between cats and other animals

Despite the fact that the cat is famous for its independence, it gets along well with other inhabitants of the house.

Everyone knows the saying “they live like a cat and a dog,” but very often domestic cats and dogs become best friends.

Both cats and dogs have very flexible behavior; they are able to adapt to any neighbor. The basis for the misunderstanding that arises between these animals is not natural hostility, but rather a “language barrier.” For example, a raised front paw in dogs is an invitation to play, while in cats a similar gesture signifies the intention to strike. A dog lying on its back shows that it is ready to completely submit, while a cat, taking a similar position, on the contrary, is ready to defend itself to the last.

Despite the completely different “language” in which cats and dogs communicate, they are able to make friends. Animals raised in the same house often play together, understanding each other perfectly. If a cat and a dog meet as adults, then each of them will adhere to neutrality.

A cat and a dog can become friends

From personal experience. When my cat was brought home as a small kitten, I already had a teenage dog of a small breed and playful character. Less than a week had passed since my two favorites organized a real “criminal group”, helping each other in various pranks

Most often, the cat climbed onto the table and threw various treats to the dog, in return the dog diverted the owners’ attention to itself when its “accomplice” was punished for theft

Cats also skillfully build social relationships with other pets.

If a kitten has settled in a house where a pet rat already lives, then he will not perceive it as potential prey, but may well make friends with a new neighbor. The same thing happens between domestic cats and rabbits, although the barn cat can be dangerous to baby rabbits.

There are situations when pets do not touch each other only because of the strict prohibition of the owners, but as soon as the owner leaves them alone, one of them begins to try to catch the other.

Interesting facts about cats. 50 interesting facts about cats.

The world is divided into two categories - dog lovers and cat lovers. The latter can be adored because they are touching, smart and look great. But this is not the end of the reasons why you should get a cat. The most interesting facts, after which you will definitely miss your furry purring friend.

1. cats are usually right-handed, and cats are left-handed.2. Among cat owners there are 17% more people with an academic degree.3. cats cannot taste sweets.4. men who have cats are considered happier in love.5. A cat's brain is similar to a human's. The same areas are responsible for emotions in cats as in humans.6. cats rub against people to mark them as their territory.7. Excessive love for cats is called ailurophilia.8. Cats with their owners reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack by a third.9. In general, cats have a lower social IQ than dogs, but can solve more complex cognitive tasks when they are interested.10. Cats are often lactose intolerant, so stop giving them milk!11. In cartoons they lie: it’s better not to feed cats raw fish.12. Isaac Newton is credited with inventing the cat door. 13. The purring of a cat can be a way of self-healing, and at the same time a sign of nervousness, as well as contentment.14. There is a connection between a domestic cat's purring and faster bone and muscle recovery. The frequency at which a domestic cat purrs is the speed at which the muscles and bones repair themselves.15. cats sleep about 70% of their lives.16. cats make about 100 different sounds. Dogs are only 10. 17. The length of the largest cat is 1.2319 meters.18. cats can change their meow to manipulate humans. They often imitate a child's voice when they need food, for example.19. In cats, more than 20 muscles are responsible for ear movement.20. There are now over 500 million domestic cats living in the world. The most "cat" country is Australia: there are 9 cats per 10 people.21. oldest video

with cats, was filmed in 1894.22. approximately 1/3 of cat owners believe that their pets can read their minds.23. A cat named Dusty has set a record for the number of offspring. During her life she gave birth to 420 kittens.24. Adult cats have 30 teeth. Kittens have 26 temporary ones, which fall out by 6 months. 25. For 15 years, the mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, was a cat named Stubbs.26. another ran for mayor of Mexico City in 2013.27. Abraham Lincoln kept four cats in his white house. 28. In the original Italian version of Cinderella, the good fairy godmother was a cat. 29. In Scotland, there is a memorial tower in honor of a cat named Towser, who caught almost 30 thousand mice in his life. 30. In the Middle Ages, cats were associated with black magic, and on St. John's Day people throughout Europe burned them at the stake.31. in many parts of Europe and North America a black cat is considered a bad omen, but in Britain and Australia it signifies good luck.32. The surface of a cat's nose is as unique as a human's fingerprint. 33. Only if a cat leaves her poop uncovered is it a sign of aggression, so you know that she is not afraid of you. 34. A cat usually has five toes on its front paws and four on its back paws, unless it is multi-fingered.35. multi-fingered cats are sometimes called "Hemingway's Cats" due to the author's great love for them.36. cats lick themselves to stop smelling like humans. 37. One legend claims that cats were created when the lion on Noah's Ark sneezed and two kittens came out of the sneeze.38. in ancient Egypt, when a domestic cat died, family members shaved its eyebrows and mourned it.39. cats use their whiskers to find out whether they can squeeze through or not.40. cats only sweat through their paw pads.41. A domestic cat runs faster than Usain Bolt. 42. Cats recognize your voice, but choose to ignore it. 43. A cat cannot climb a tree upside down due to the structure of its claws. In order to get down from the tree, she needs to retreat, walking backwards.44. A cat's vision is both better and worse than a human's. Cats see well in the dark, but cannot distinguish colors.45. cats are able to travel great distances to get home. 46. ​​The largest known litter contained 19 kittens, of which 15 survived.47. That's what the Egyptians called cats - Mau. 48. There are cats in the world that survived a fall from a height of 230 meters. 49. cats store a thousand times more information than an iPad. 50. they are really cool creatures.

All domestic cats are descended from the same species

Recent studies have shown that domestic cats are descendants of one common species. It is amazing that all the different breeds originated from one thing - from the domesticated cat, which began to live with humans twelve thousand years ago. For people who were engaged in agriculture, cats turned out to be good helpers in controlling rodent populations. The most famous fact from history is the Egyptians' love for cats. The Egyptians depicted some gods in cat form, and sometimes mummified real cats in order to remain with their pets in the afterlife.

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Top 10 interesting facts about cats

1. Everyone knows that before eating, the cat carefully sniffs the food before starting the meal. You might think that this is the most fastidious creature in the world, but in reality everything is much simpler. The animal, by smelling the food, determines the composition and temperature in order to avoid poisoning and burns.

2. Cats sleep more than 16 hours a day, for which they are considered very lazy animals. The greatest activity occurs at night, like any predator.

3. Cats have long ceased to be ordinary pets. They have become a symbol of home. In Japan, for example, there is a custom of placing cat figurines in front of the house. In Russia, from time immemorial, the cat is the first to be allowed through the threshold into a new house.

4. In 1811, the cat helped his owner, pharmacist and chemist Bernard Cartois, discover iodine. Very frightened by something, the cat jumped off the table and knocked over the bottles with reagents. One of the bottles contained a suspension of algae, and the other contained sulfuric acid. The reaction from mixing liquids became the discovery of a new element - iodine.

5. The cat has almost perfect vision. Pupils glowing in complete darkness are an indicator of increased hypersensitivity to light. A person needs six times more light to begin to discern the outlines of objects in the dark. The cat can easily navigate in the darkest room.

6. Scientists hypothesized that cats have healing powers, but after some time, these scientific assumptions were refuted. However, the fact remains that the animal is applied to a person’s sore spot due to increased temperature

A person can only pay attention to the behavior of the pet and understand what and where is wrong in the body. But a well-proven scientific discovery is that owners live longer than those who do not love and do not keep fluffy animals at home.

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7. The contented purring of a cat is undoubtedly considered a sign of satiety and contentment. However, this is not always the case. An animal may purr when it is afraid of something or in pain.

8. Cats are capable of walking great distances. There are many known cases when he traveled distances of more than a thousand kilometers, for example, behind his owner, who went far away and did not take the pet with him. Such feline feats indicate that this animal has great endurance.

9. Cats have a keen sense of smell. Thanks to this quality, during the First World War, a special unit was formed, consisting of cats capable of smelling toxic gases.

10. There are many beliefs and legends associated with the black animal. For some reason, it is believed that a black cat appearing on the road portends trouble. But few people know that for some peoples this is precisely a symbol of prosperity and good luck.

Cats in legends and traditions

Cats in Ancient Egypt

The inhabitants of the land of the pharaohs revered cats as sacred animals. The supreme sun god Ra took on the feline form, and the goddess of love and joy Bastet was depicted as a woman with the head of a lioness or cat.

The Scandinavians also considered cats to be divine beings who accompanied the leader of the Valkyries, Freya. But the Japanese viewed these animals as malicious creatures with the abilities of vampires. At the same time, the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun believed that cats bring good luck to sailors. Only wealthy people could afford to keep a domestic animal.

The Slavs revered Bayun, the eternal companion of the wise god of arts Veles. The furry creature had a magical voice that could plunge travelers into eternal sleep. However, those who managed to catch the wonderful cat received iron health as a reward.

Fact #3

A cat's meow is not “conversation” at all. In addition to body language and gaze, cats communicate with their fellow cats using a number of other sounds - purring, rumbling, grumbling, squeaking, snorting, howling, hissing and even whistling and “chirping”. Moreover, cats pronounce each of these sounds with dozens of intonations (dogs, for example, have an order of magnitude fewer of these), giving them, accordingly, a different meaning.

Adult cats use a short, loud and sonorous “meow” with a rising (“questioning”) intonation only when they are in pain and when addressing kittens, when they are trying to attract their attention. Well, with a person, for the same purpose - they say, “what do you need,” or “look at me and do this and that!”

Cats can make over ninety different sounds.

Most people think that cats can only meow. In fact, this animal is capable of making almost a hundred different sounds. This is far from just the squeaking of kittens and the meowing of adult cats. In addition, it has been proven that cats meow only in the presence of a person. Interestingly, scientists have not been able to determine how cats manage to purr. A rhythmic purr comes from a cat's throat, but how exactly they manage to make such a sound remains unknown. Have you ever felt like your cat was talking to you? Perhaps this is true. It is known that cats can imitate the sounds characteristic of human babies in order to attract the attention of the owner. However, this fact does not change the fact that cats are not distinguished by the intelligence that allows them to develop their own language. One way or another, you are still smarter than your cat.

Fact #8

A cat’s “whiskers” are not whiskers at all, but special tactile vibrissae hairs. They are located not only at the end of the muzzle, but also above the eyes and under the chin. And their analogues, smaller hairs that perform the same function, are also found on the animal’s body on the tail, on the inside and back of the limbs, on the pads of the paws, on the tips of the ears and in the ears themselves!

Vibrissae are a cat’s “space navigation system”; with their help, it orients itself in the world around it. It is a known fact that in cats with visual impairment these hairs are much longer and thicker than those in healthy animals - nature, as it were, compensates for the lack of one sense organ with the superiority of another.


The human body has 206 bones, while cats have 230. Additional bones in the spine and tail give these animals better flexibility. Also, due to the specific structure of the bones, they can easily pass through narrow spaces. In particular, this is caused by the absence of a collarbone and a small rib cage.

Features of the fall

Since ancient times, people have been interested in the unusual feature of cats when they fall. The amazing thing about this process is that the animals always land on all 4 paws. To understand the essence of such a mysterious phenomenon, serious research was carried out.

It was found that the ability to land on their feet when falling appears in kittens at the age of 3-4 weeks. The skill is finally formed at 6–7 weeks from birth.

In order for an animal to make a complete 180° flip in the air, the height of the fall must be at least 30 cm. The developed vestibular apparatus, which is located in the inner ear, is mainly responsible for the amazing landing abilities. In addition, cats have a reflex to spread their limbs to the sides when falling.

However, reflex paw spreading may not work if the height of the fall is too great, as the animal may experience shock. If a cat falls from a small height, it may be injured because it will not have time to regroup. As for the speed of fall, regardless of the height, it will not be more than 100 km/h.

It was found that when falling, the regrouping technique for all cats is almost identical. Animals pull their forelimbs closer to themselves, and straighten their hind limbs. Then the cat quickly changes the position of its body, while its front and back parts deviate in different directions. After which the forelimbs are extended, and the hind limbs are tucked closer to the body.

The back and front of the body rotate and take the desired position for landing. It is believed that the tail helps cats feel balance and take the desired position. However, representatives of tailless breeds are just as good at landing on their feet as their tailed counterparts.

Why is a cat better than a dog?

  • Firstly, because the former are much better at distinguishing between different odors. This fact is well known, as evidenced by the “Cat Corps” created in the British Army during the First World War. The furry “soldiers” involved in this corps accurately identified the presence of toxic gases in the air and immediately reported it. In addition, cats were also used to detect gas leaks on submarines, where they were always kept near the appropriate instruments.
  • Secondly, cats are excellent rescuers. One day, the inhabitants of Malaysia were in serious danger in the form of mice that had bred in huge numbers. Various poisons and traps were used against rodents, but these measures did not bring any positive results. The cats dealt with the problem very quickly, and in a somewhat unusual way: the animals were sent to the disaster zone on small airplanes, from which they parachuted to the ground a little later. This story added to the list of the funniest facts about cats, but at the same time glorified these animals.
  • Thirdly, cats are excellent guards and cope with this mission in some cases much better than dogs. For example, in London they are used as security guards in post offices - cats protect parcels from rodents.

A small cat can seriously compete with large dogs

Record-breaking cats

  1. A cat named Himmy, who lives in Australia, was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the heaviest cat in the world. Himmy's weight was 21 kg, the cat lived only 10 years.
  2. American Creme Puff died in 2005, 3 days after his 38th birthday.
  3. The length of the animals' whiskers is 7 cm. However, the cat Missy from Finland set a record by growing a 19-cm whisker.
  4. A 5-year-old Maine Coon named Stewie set a record: he became the longest cat in the world. The length of its body was 123 cm, and its tail - 42 cm. This is almost twice the length of the average animal.
  5. Record small breed - Munchkin. The length of the paws of these cats is almost three times shorter than the length of the paw of a regular cat. Fiz Gel is recognized as the smallest cat in the world. She is often mistaken for a kitten, because the baby's height is only 15 cm. Despite her short legs, Fiz Gel is as agile and quick as an ordinary cat.


How long a domestic cat will live is influenced by the conditions in which it lives. For example, cats that live exclusively in houses or apartments, with no access to the outdoors, typically live about 12-20 years. Cats that live indoors and outdoors or exclusively outdoors, on average, do not live longer than 3-10 years.

Interesting facts about cats for children. Interesting facts about cat behavior

  1. Do you know why cats love to lie on paper sheets? The fact is that the paper is very warm and soft, so cats happily fall asleep on it. Knowing this fact, organize the best vacation spot for your favorite “fluffy”.
  2. As soon as the window opens, the cat is right there. This is due to their crazy love for fresh air, so take care of frequent ventilation of the room, as well as walking your pets.
  3. Did you know that cats' meows are only meant for human ears? Pets don't communicate with each other like that.
  4. Despite the high body temperature and “fur coat,” the animal does not sweat. If a cat is placed in a stressful situation, only its paws will sweat.
  5. If the tip of a cat's tail trembles when it sees you, the animal is truly devoted to you. Have you noticed that a cat waves its tail while in thought? For example, if he wants to go out for a walk and it's rainy outside, his tail will slowly sway. As soon as the animal decides, its tail will assume a calm position.
  6. Cats can smell scents using their upper palate. Animals have a “Jacobson tube” behind their front teeth, and in order to focus on a specific smell, the animal raises its upper lip and sharply inhales air.
  7. Did you know that cats don't just lick themselves because they love cleanliness? Often, animals begin a washing ritual if they cannot solve some situation. In order not to show aggression, they begin to actively wash themselves. Perfect solution. In any unclear situation - lick yourself!
  8. Magnificent “balancers”. When a cat begins to fall, its inner ear, which monitors balance, helps make a soft landing.
  9. People with hearts will be able to live longer if they get a cat. When a person pets an animal, its heart rate decreases, as does its blood pressure. If you don't want to get sick, get a cat!
  10. For children, this fact about cats will be very interesting: there is a legend that a cat cures any disease. Of course this is not true. However, the animals really feel that the owner is in pain and lie down in this very place. The effect of cat warmth on the painful point is accompanied by a decrease in painful sensations.

A person can sit cross-legged without harming the pet

Of course, this fact is not at all scientific, but it is also important. When you cross your legs on the sofa, you create a great place for furry. And as you know, spending time together has a great effect on relationships. A cat on your lap perfectly dispels the feeling of loneliness. A person without a cat is more susceptible to depression and feelings of loneliness. So here's another reason to get a cat.

Interesting facts about cats - video


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The first cat litter was invented in 1947

Before 1947, sand was usually used as a filler. Inventor Edward Lowe suggested using a clay-based mixture. At first, people did not want to buy the new product, but soon it became so popular that the name of the first type - “Kitty litter” - began to be used to refer to litter from all manufacturers. The inventor became the founder of a large company producing cat litter.

Interesting facts about cats

1. Cats vs dogs. They defeat dogs, at least by their numbers. According to experts, about 30% of the population keeps cats. By the way, families can often have not one, but two or more cats.

2. Another interesting fact about cats is that furry cats are no less prone to obesity than humans. Globally, 54% of cats are obese. This is neither more nor less - fifty million fat animals. Veterinarians cite low physical activity as the cause of excess weight in animals. A pet weighing 10 kg needs 180-200 calories per day. There are twice as many of them in a bowl of regular dry food.

3. One of the amazing facts about cats is that a cat’s memory lasts no more than 10 minutes. The environment and obstacles that cats encountered along the way linger in their minds for a short time. At the same time, cute animals can easily find their way home, despite the vast distances. Scientists believe that cat cells are magnetized and work like a compass.

4. An incredible fact about cats is that furry pets can control the mind of their owner. Yes, they can manipulate people. Surely everyone has noticed how difficult it is to ignore the purring of a cat and avoid its caresses

The cat demands attention. Even parasites that live on the skin of a pet can control a person

It's simple: the microbe Toxoplasma gondii is considered the “guru” of brain control. If a person becomes infected with Toxoplasma gondii, they become more insecure and feel constant anxiety. Scientists have no evidence that this is the action of the microbe Toxoplasma gondii, however, in most cases of infection in humans, the above symptoms are observed.

5. Global warming contributes to an increase in the birth rate of cats. The decrease in cold season is reflected in the duration of the mating season for furry birds. Of course, there is nothing good about this. This means that more homeless animals will appear on the streets of your and my city, since people will not be able to find homes for all the kittens.

6. Treatment cats. They have a positive effect on a person’s health and well-being. Four-legged friends simply “smell” where the owner’s sore spot is. How are cats treated? They gently massage him with their paws, purr and warm him with warmth. Fuzzies take away sick energy. Regular communication with cats will help get rid of headaches, insomnia, osteochondrosis, and colds.

6. Cats at home can become completely lazy. Their nature contributes to this. Cats sleep about 18 hours every day, that's 2/3 of the day. The life of cats is a dream for chronic workaholics who have forgotten the last time they got enough sleep.

7. Cats need to brush their teeth to maintain them. However, your pet doesn't need a toothbrush. Cats brush their teeth when they eat meat.

8. Cats are not recommended to live in some countries, so as not to be eaten. For example, in Asia, more than four million cats are eaten during the year. People don’t mind eating cat meat in China either.

9. We have all heard the sacramental phrase: “A cat has 9 lives.” Why is that? Supernatural agility and speed - these qualities of a cat are familiar to us. The animal defies death virtually every day. One of the most interesting features of cats is their ability to survive falls from great heights. This is not given to a person. As a rule, a person cannot survive a fall from a height higher than three floors. The cat uses several “tricks” at once. Thanks to the internal gyroscope, she easily lands on all fours. Distributing the force of the impact, the cat's legs spring. In addition, cats are relatively light animals; they have a lower maximum fall speed than humans.

10. Cats can make up to hundreds of different sounds. For comparison, dogs manage to reproduce no more than 10 sounds. But the purring of a cat is a mystery. Scientists are still arguing about where a cat’s “purr” is located. Although there is an assumption that the sound does not occur in the throat, but in the cat’s cardiovascular system. Don’t think that a purring cat is a contented animal. Deep and strong purring may be caused by pain. Here you need to know your pet well in order to recognize its “speech”.

You can see interesting information about cats that were not included in our article below.

Milk is bad for cats

Many cats cannot digest lactose. Therefore, contrary to popular belief, feeding cats milk is not very good. Surprisingly, in all cartoons cats are crazy about milk. In real life, it harms their digestive system. Milk is only necessary for kittens. But even in this case, formula or mother’s milk is much healthier for them than cow’s milk. It is best to let your cat drink plain, clean water.

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Mystical facts about cats

There are several beliefs that have a mystical nature with these animals. The most popular of them:

  1. He is the patron and protector of his home. It is generally accepted that the darker the color of the coat, the more negative energy it attracts. If an animal behaves in an unusual way, it means that it has diverted something bad from its owners.
  2. Able to transform negative energy into positive. By bringing home stress or a bad mood, the cat relieves it, giving back good luck and a good mood in the family.
  3. These pets can communicate with dark forces, spirits, and demons. Many are confident in their friendship with the brownies.
  4. Able to predict the future.
  5. They absorb or ward off damage and the evil eye, protecting their owner from various possible consequences of this.
  6. There is also a widespread myth that if a cat sees a person for the first time and goes to him, allowing herself to be stroked, then this person or guest has good intentions and does not pose a threat to either the animal or the person.

Some beliefs are related to the fact that sometimes a cat sprays sparks. This occurs due to the accumulation of a static charge on it. When there is warm, dry air in the room and the fur is in constant contact with synthetic fabrics, the cat can “spark.” These are the main reasons why a cat becomes electrified.


We all know that they love to hide in small places, especially boxes. But what causes this strange behavior? Scientists have several assumptions about this. The first is that they feel more protected in confined spaces, such as boxes. Second, when an animal sleeps in a small box, it retains more heat than if it slept outside or in a large room.

Fact #10

In the United States, animals who have performed heroic deeds for the benefit of people or other animals are awarded the Scarlett Award for Animal Heroism. And it was named after the homeless Brooklyn cat Scarlett, who in the spring of 1996, during a big fire, being already severely burned and almost blind, returned several times to the burning building to take out all her kittens and, having pulled them all out, lost consciousness.

The heroic mother cat and her litter were rescued by local firefighters and taken to a veterinary clinic, and the story attracted extensive media attention not only in America but also abroad. Scarlett was later awarded for her bravery by the British Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and she and her kittens quickly found loving homes.

Cats are wonderful pets, capable of loving their owner and household members just as much as dogs. Maybe they just show it less violently and emotionally, but they are undoubtedly capable of becoming attached to a person and responding with kindness and affection to respectful treatment, and how! How do you feel about cats?

How cats show that they love you - 11 “I love you” in cat language Funny photos and notes for those who are partial to mustachioed pets.

Cats are like people

Just imagine. Cats of all shapes, sizes (big and small, skinny and fat, short-haired and long-haired) and colors. Although, of course, all cats, like people, have different temperaments and characters. Some people are lazy and do nothing but watch TV around the clock. And some are ready to run for 20 hours a day. Some people genuinely enjoy spending time with people and can be very sociable, but there are also introverts who have little or no need for attention. See what I mean? They are like people.

Fact #9

If you think that absolutely all cats “go crazy” from valerian, you are mistaken - some animals completely ignore its smell, while others find it very unpleasant. And for good reason, by the way - consuming the root of the valerian plant (“cat grass”), from which the medicine is produced, can cause real poisoning in your pet.

But still, the majority of domestic animals and their large wild relatives actually react to this drug very violently, sometimes even aggressively. And all because the source plant contains the substance actinidin, the smell of which is almost similar to one of the components of pheromones contained in cat urine, as a result of which the stimulating effect of valerian changes the hormonal and emotional background of the animal.

In a similar way, but due to a different component, nepetalactone, catnip extract (“catnip”) also acts on representatives of the cat family.


They spend 30 to 50% of their active time grooming themselves. This behavior serves several purposes: washes help them remove strong odors that could attract predators, help stimulate blood flow, and help distribute oils evenly throughout their coat to keep them dry and warm.

Also, the animal's saliva contains enzymes that serve as a natural antibiotic for wounds, allowing them to heal faster.

Can be very jealous

This statement especially applies to the Siamese cat breed. They are very distrustful of strangers and can begin to behave unpredictably if they decide that you are devoting too little time to them. You should also not have other animals. Characteristic cats can turn out to be real warriors and repel a competitor on their territory. If a child appears in the family, acquaintance with the animal should take place gradually and under the supervision of adults.

Cats love to kill

Scientists have proven that only in 28% of successful hunts do cats eat their prey. The rest of the murders are committed not from hunger, but for the sake of pleasure. Sometimes the prey serves as a trophy, which is proudly presented to the owner. For example, Jungle cats are born hunters. They even catch fish for their own pleasure, completely immersing themselves under water. Their hunting instincts are so strong that having chosen a victim, they can wait for hours for the right moment to attack.

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