List of all cat breeds in alphabetical order

According to legend, the cat was the last animal to be domesticated by man. Self-sufficient and independent, capricious and jealous, arrogant and affectionate - all this can be said about purring pets. Despite their freedom-loving disposition, they are able to become touchingly and deeply attached to their owner, sharing their mood and leisure time.

Different breeds of cats differ in temperament, requirements for grooming and maintenance, and even in their ability to build relationships with people and other animals. These nuances must be taken into account when choosing a furry friend.

Breed catalog

Now there are many different breeds. Some were bred in ancient times, others relatively recently, some are the result of careful selection, others appeared by chance. From all the diversity, it is easier to choose a friend for the family if you know about the characteristic features and character of each subspecies.


This is an ancient breed, bred several thousand years ago. These are the animals that were depicted next to the pharaohs in ancient Egypt. Their thin, strong, lean body and long legs make them excellent jumpers. Abyssinian cats are capricious, overly curious, active and not aggressive.

Australian smoke

This is a pretty, but quite strong cat with well-developed muscles, with characteristic stripes on its paws and tail. The short fur is not tightly pressed to the body, which is why the shades can change from different angles. Australians have a sociable and friendly character; they quickly get along with children and even dogs.

Asian Tiffany

Large semi-long-haired breed with large soft paws. She is not prone to aggression and is very trusting of people.

Asian tabby

They have a specific color with small bright stripes, a triangular muzzle and soft, pleasant-to-touch fur that they got from chinchillas. These cats are easy to train, intelligent, devoted to their owners, have a great love of life and a playful disposition.

American Curl

A characteristic feature of this breed is its ears turned inside out. Curls come in a variety of colors and coat lengths. Typical representatives have short, soft fur without undercoat, but fluffy kittens can also appear in families with smooth-haired parents. These cats are easygoing and calm, and are easy to train.

American Shorthair

These are muscular, strong cats with wide paws, excellently suited for activity. They are friendly, sociable, and easy to train, which is why they appear in films and commercials more often than others.

Read more in the article about American Shorthairs.

American Wirehair

The hybrid was created by accident when breeding American Shorthairs. In this subspecies, now recognized as an independent breed, the hair does not lie down, but sticks out in dense elastic springs. Such pets are wonderful companions, although they are quite self-sufficient to spend quiet time alone.

Read more in the article about American wirehair cats here.

American Ringtail

This breed has a thin tail curled into a ring, which is why they got their name. They are very mobile, love large spaces and territories with different landscapes, they jump and hunt well. They choose one owner, but at the same time they are condescendingly friendly to everyone who enters the house.

American Bobtail

Not too large a cat with a short fluffy tail. By nature they are peaceful and self-sufficient. This breed often has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, they need specialized nutrition and careful attention to health.

Arabian Mau

The cat descended from wild and semi-wild ancestors who lived on the Arabian Peninsula. They have a spotted or spotted-striped color, a long flexible body, and well-developed muscles. Representatives of the breed love open spaces, prefer to choose hills for rest, and move a lot.

Asherah (Savannah)

This is the largest domestic cat. An adult can reach a weight of 14 kg and a height of up to 45 cm at the withers. They are a hybrid of a wild Serval and an Abyssinian cat. These are peaceful, playful animals with a bright leopard color.


Graceful and elegant cats, all parts of their body are elongated, visually the animals resemble figurines. They are devoted to their owners, very affectionate, train well and adapt to the family routine.

Read more in the article about the Balinese breed.


A cute product of selection from sphinxes and munchkins. A cat without fur with short legs and sweet folds has an easy-going character, very gentle and touching creatures.

More interesting information about the breed in the article Bambino.


Short-haired breed with noble leopard fur. The character of these cats is not the most flexible. Much remains of wild predators in them, for example, a deep guttural roar and a love of swimming. They are excellent hunters, agile and strong. They prefer to play with a partner, which can be another animal or person.


This is a Persian variety with a characteristic color point color and sky blue eyes. Cats have a truly angelic character. Burmese are a long-haired breed, so they require a lot of attention to grooming.

More interesting things are written in the article about Burmese cats.


These cats are real little panthers. Their exotic, graceful appearance is perfectly combined with a peaceful disposition, calmness and high adaptability. They easily adapt to any conditions, do not have conflicts, and are not prone to mischief and dominance.

Brazilian Shorthair

Graceful miniature cats, very agile and dexterous. A distinctive character trait is a strong emotional dependence on a person. Without proper attention, they become unbalanced, aggressive, and can spoil things when stressed.

Also read the article about Brazilian cats.

British Shorthair

The breed is gaining more and more popularity among cat owners. People love their soft, plush, noble coat, unobtrusive nature, and low maintenance. These cats are self-sufficient, curious and moderately active; they can calmly spend a lot of time alone, watching what is happening in the house from the outside.

British Longhair

Large cats with soft long and semi-long hair, strong frame. Quiet in character, with age they become somewhat lazy, do not take part in games, preferring to watch from the sidelines. Self-sufficient and unpretentious.

Read more in the article about British Longhair cats.


The breed was developed by crossing a miniature leopard with a domestic cat. A lot of her habits and physical qualities are from her wild relatives. These cats are cunning, intelligent, distrustful of people, choose one owner for themselves and take a long time to get used to the environment.


An ancient breed with a very stable psyche, long ago adapted to human society. There is almost no aggression in them; even in games they rarely use their claws and fangs. A special feature of the Burmese is the sensitivity of their smooth, soft fur to changes in temperature; it can even change shade depending on the numbers on the thermometer.

Burmilla (Australian Tiffany)

The cats were bred by crossing the Burmese breed with the Persian chinchilla. They inherited from their ancestors grace, plasticity and delightful soft fur to the touch. These are touching creatures completely unsuited to loneliness. They become attached to their owners, accompany them everywhere and know how to smile.

Read more in the article about Burmilla.

Havana brown

These are smooth-haired, graceful cats, whose color can range from milk to dark chocolate. Very sociable and sociable creatures, they love to be close to people.

Herman rex

In addition to their curly, soft coat, German rexes differ from their relatives in their muscular but clumsy body and reduced sensitivity to temperature changes. Smart, adaptive, easy to train.

Devon Rex

Representatives of this breed have a thin, mobile body, huge ears and eyes. They adore the company of their owners and are playful and curious. Communication is vital for the health of these cats; they should not be left alone for long periods of time.

Don Sphynx

Cats are hairless, elegant and graceful. They single out one owner for themselves, whom they adore, and build smooth, trusting relationships with the others.

Read more in the article about the Don sphinxes.

Egyptian Mau

Smart and curious, sociable and playful, Mau belongs to the group of the most ancient breeds. Their history goes back more than three thousand years. Since then, neither their appearance nor their character has changed practically. These are court cats that follow people everywhere.


Descendants of the Libyan wild cat, therefore their color is sandy-protective with stripes or spots. They are active, love to hide on high places and climb. They treat children and other animals evenly, but cannot stand annoying attention to themselves.

Canadian Sphynx

Representatives of hairless cats with elevated temperatures and numerous folds. Kind, inquisitive, cunning. They have incredible dignity.

More interesting things are written in the article about the Canadian sphinxes.


The breed was bred in Asia. A characteristic external feature of such cats are soulful eyes of amber or jade green. Representatives of the breed are very devoted to their owners, appreciate attention and affection, but will not tolerate other animals in the house. Korats are truly jealous and can be aggressive towards those who claim the love of their masters.

Cornish Rex

A distinctive feature of the breed is its short, curly fur, similar to astrakhan fur. Cornish are incredibly clean, friendly and affectionate, they become attached to a person and love him unconditionally.

Kurilian Bobtail

Breeders call them miniature lynxes for their wild color, small tufts on their ears, short tail and peculiar disposition. These cats choose one owner for themselves and can aggressively protect him from strangers. Self-sufficient and jealous.


A distinctive feature of the breed is the fur curled in dense rings. Throughout its life, a cat may go bald or grow again, so it needs combing and careful grooming. They are friendly, not demanding of territory, and are suitable for keeping in small apartments.


This is probably the strangest looking breed. Breeders call them werewolves, werewolves or wolf cats. The animals are missing some of the hair around the eyes, ears, belly and sides, which is why they look as if they have shed some of their fur when reincarnated. The truly huge sparkling eyes add to the eerie impression.

However, these are very affectionate cats, friendly and sociable. They are natural hunters, so it is best not to keep them with rodents, birds or reptiles.


Smooth-haired cats bred in New Zealand. Animals have a strong muscular body, good immunity and the ability to quickly adapt. The character is balanced and calm.


A special feature of the breed is its incredibly short legs. Because of this feature, they cannot be called either runners or jumpers, although they are very active and playful. By nature, they are close to indoor dogs, people-oriented, love attention and play together.

Mekong Bobtail

This is a cat with a short tail and a color similar to the Siamese. Representatives of the breed are true leaders, they are excellent at defending their borders and territory, and therefore are not suitable for families with children.

In the heat of the moment, such a cat can bite and scratch. They are independent and self-sufficient, value peace and a calm atmosphere.

Maine Coon

Very large representatives of domestic cats. Lush tails, semi-long thick fur, tufts on the ears (but not all) and large paws are characteristic natural differences. They are peaceful and calm, prefer to sit on top, jump and climb well, and are kind to children.

Read more in the article about Maine Coons.

Neva Masquerade

A very good-natured and people-oriented cat, a cross between Siberian and Thai (according to some sources, Siamese) breeds. Noble, distrustful, loving discreet attention and care.


Noble fluffy cats with blue color. Despite the abundant fur, the breed is not demanding when it comes to grooming. They are gentle, loving pets and patient with children.

Read more in the article about the Nibelungs here.

Norwegian forest

The domesticated inhabitant of the Scandinavian forests has a quite friendly disposition. She gets used to other pets and small children well, she is smart and neat. These cats are excellent hunters.


The breed was developed by breeding the Siamese cat with other representatives of Asian cats. They have a memorable appearance: an elongated muzzle and huge ears, a long muscular body. These are sensitive and emotional pets.


Cats have a protective natural color, are perfectly adapted to living with people, and love company and attention. They choose one “main” owner and take only him seriously; the rest of the family remains less significant for them.

Read more in the article about Ocicats.

Ojos Azules

The breed is distinguished by a strong build and wide-set blue eyes. The color and length of the coat can vary, with whites being identified as a separate breed.

Active and mischievous, not malicious and very curious. They are like little children - cunning, affectionate pranksters.


A wide muzzle with a short snub nose and huge eyes are a characteristic feature of Persian cats. Their fur is thick and long. By nature, cats are calm and balanced.


The breed was bred in St. Petersburg. Externally, cats resemble orientals, but are completely hairless. They are clean and devoted to their owners, love warmth and water, are very “talkative” and can be intrusive, demanding attention and affection.

Russian blue

These are miniature cats with noble blue-gray fur. They are self-sufficient and calm, do not like intrusive attention, preferring to stand aside and observe.


Calm, phlegmatic cats with a unique ability to relax all their muscles as much as possible, which makes them look like soft rag toys (hence the name). Kittens are born completely white, but as they age they acquire dark spots on their sides, face, paws and tail.

Read more in the article about ragdolls.


A semi-wild hybrid of a serval and an Abyssinian cat in the first generation is suitable for keeping only in an enclosure. All further litters become more docile and domestic, but you can never know for sure which of the descendants will have the blood of a wild ancestor.

Such animals are suitable only for experienced owners who understand the psychology and physiology of cats.


The ancient breed was developed in Thailand and has always lived in the royal court. The characteristic color is color point, that is, a dark muzzle and the tips of the paws and tail.

Willful and independent, they need competent and consistent education. They are not naturally aggressive, but can display negative traits if their space is violated or their attention becomes too intrusive.


Descendants of the inhabitants of the Siberian taiga, they have thick, long fur that protects from the cold and excellent hunting skills. Their behavior can be compared to introverted intellectuals.

They are supportive of their owners, but do not like fuss, noise and excessive attention from people.

Scottish fold

Friendly large cats with short drooping ears. It is the lop-eared individuals that are considered representatives of a pure breed. The gene for erect ears has been preserved in the breed, since they began to be bred in Scotland from representatives of the British breed.

Good-natured and curious, they become full-fledged members of the family.

Scottish Straight

In appearance and character they do not differ from Scottish fold cats. They were developed into a separate breed due to their ears sticking up.

Read more in the article about Scottish Straight cats.

Snow shu

The name of the breed is translated from English as “snow slippers.” The subspecies was created by chance when, by crossing an American cat and a Siamese color-point, kittens with white socks were born. The owner continued the selection and soon registered a new breed.

These cats are peaceful, attentive, love affection and care.


The breed is similar to the Abyssinians, but differs in thicker and longer fur. Very active and playful animals with a cheerful disposition. Sometimes the shade of the fur alternates with dark and light stripes of the down.

The more stripes, the more expensive the kitten.

Also read the article about Somali cats.

Soukok (Sokoke)

Very miniature descendants of African reed cats. They have large ears and almond-shaped eyes. They are curious, active, and love swimming. They become attached to people and do not tolerate loneliness.

More interesting information about these cats here.

Thai cat

They are often confused with the Siamese, however, they are a separate breed, distinguished by a shorter muzzle and smaller ears. They are friendly and affectionate in nature and completely trust their owners. Legends say that such cats bring good luck to the house.

Read also about the Thais here.


The perfect combination of wild appearance and friendly character. These cats are like little indoor tigers, affectionate and gentle. They play with pleasure with children and other animals, rarely release their claws, and are very careful and clean.

Turkish Angora

Most often white, less often blue or black cats with fluffy soft fur. Kind and affectionate animals, calm and child-friendly.

Read more in the article about Turkish Angora.

Turkish van

Characteristic of the breed is the “Van” color - a white body and a spotted-striped tail and muzzle. Large animals that love water, attention and affection.

Read more in the article about Turkish Vans.

Ural rex

The breed was bred in the Urals in the mid-twentieth century. Currently, selection work continues. Representatives of this feline species have semi-long, very curly fur. They are cute, playful, and kind to children.

Ukrainian Levkoy

The unusual appearance of the breed consists of short, floppy ears and the absence of hair. Hairless little cats are affectionate and friendly, get used to their owners, and love games and company.

Foreign White

White cats with a wedge-shaped elongated muzzle and large ears. The coat is short and shiny; kittens may have a spot on the head a shade slightly darker than the main color. The character is sociable and peaceful, they love outdoor games.


As a result of crossing cream Persians and American cats, exotic short-haired beauties with a flat muzzle were obtained. In character and manners they are no different from Persians; they are also inquisitive, calm and melancholic.

Japanese Bobtail

Very active and noisy miniature cats with a small, bent or curled tail. An ideal cat for a family with children. Their friendliness and playfulness make them great companions for little ones.


Murphy Maia Maverik Mavis Mavker Moorik Magami Magamay Magat Magat Magdal Magdal Magdalin Magrirus Master Maglod Maglod Magnus Magri Magi Madzhar Majant Majest Madzar Major Major Major Mazhor Mazurik Mazurik Mazurik Maels Mais Mais Maybakh Maibkh Maidan Maidi Mike Mikel Mikel Mikey Michael Maiko Miles Miles Mylison Milo Mylyk Minord Major Myron Maytas Maya Mac Mac ven Mac-Shaggy Makan Macato Macbeth Mackay Macentiro Macking Mackintosh Mackerilis Maclay Macrooni Max Maxwell Maxwood Maxi Maxik Maximelyan Maximer Maximillian Maximoto Maximum Maximus Maxine Maxine Maxlate Macus Macuh Macfred Malay Malak Malachi Mulder Maleardo Little Angel Little Gus Little Demon Little Devil Little Prince Little Heart Malygos Malik Raspberry Syrup Malcolm Malcom Maloy Malone Malorik Mals Malumulad Malfik Malfoy Malyshkin Malcolm Malori Malta Boy Malyuk Mambet Mumble-Gumble Mambo Mamon Mamr Mamris Mamro anasello Mang Mango Mangol Mangul Mongoose Tangerine Mandi Manege Mani Manik Manitas Manifig Manmarency Mannamu Manon Manon Munro Mansur Manu Manuk Manuel Manfred Manchese Manchester Manchi Mao Muppet Show Mapo Muppet Marrakesh Marat Marvel Marvin Margan Margot Marek Marel Maren Marengo Marik Mario Mariotti Maris Marikh Mark Mark Antony Markel Marker Marky Marquis Marco Marcovius Marcus Marlash Marlboro Marley Marley Marlin Marlon Marlowe Marmaduke Marmarit Marmalade Marmalade Miracle Marmon Marn Marni Marpo Mars Mars-Marsik Marsal Marcelas Marcel Marsik Marciel Martian Mart Martedy Martel Ho Marty Martik Martin Martinelli Martini Martinius Martok Martyn Marun Marcepan Marzipan Marcello Marches Marchi Marshal Marshello Masat Masahiro Masik Maskal Maskar Masquerade Mascot Mason Massat Massimo Master Masterline Masyavik Masyandze Matador Matan Matvey Matevis Mateo Materatso Matiz Matis Matisse Matley Matrix Sailor Matroskin Matteu Matuki Matumba Matur Matthew Match Mathier Mowgli Mowglis Mauser Mauri Mauro Maus Maut Mafik Mafin Mafiosi Mafor Simafor Maharaja Maharaja Maharajik Makhach Mahen Mahito Mahmud Makhno Mahony Matsik Macist Much Machete Machiko Macho Maestro Meverik Mevler Megan Megatron Bear Bear Maddison Medley Copper Groshik Medoc Medox Mezar Meser May Mei Bi Meidron Make Maynard Meirs Mace Mason Maci Mekken Mex Melvin Mello Mellow Melman Melfis Memik Memoris Memphis Men-rid -Men Mendel Mendi Menis Menor Menri Mentavor Menthol Mer Mervan Mergel Mergen Scoundrel Merigo Merc Mercury Mercury Mercutio Merlin Merlot Meron Merron Merc Merceelo Murphy Messiah Metis Matthew Meph Mephisto Methodius Mehur Mechchi Miracle Miat Mig A moment of luck Migar Migaret Miguel Midaras Midas Midge Mido Mijus Misanthrope Mizon Mikado Mikasha Mikaelli Mikay Michelangelo Micheli Michelito Miquel Michelangelo Mikes Miki Miki Mouse Mikita Mikki Mikl Miklukha Mikoyan Mikrik Mikron Mix Mixer Mixi Miku Mikutsu Mikuel Milad Miladron Milan Milan Mildon Miley Milky Way Milko Millennium Miller Milord Milosh Milt Milton Darling Mil Pops Millier Min-Min Min- Ho Minay Minato Almond Minelai Minimbus Minisifei Minx Minor Mint Minus Minhertz Min Minya Mior Mirab Mirage Mirage My Dream Miraya Miracle Mirza Mirkis Mirko Mirlan Mirlimsill Mirlit Miro Miroku Mirold Mirold Miron Mirrey Mirt Myrtic Misetto Miscusi Mr. Mr. Butch Mr. Gnomzy Mr. Dani Mister Mables Mr. Mauser Mister Snoopy Mr. Black Prince Mr. Eco Mysterio Mystiff Mithos Mitrofan Mittins Mitch Mitchell Mitcher Mitchi Mityay Myth Miffy Michael Mihai Mikhalych Mikhei Mizar Micho Micho Michel Mishka Mishki Mishko Mishutka Moby Mobron Movsar Modas Modest Mojik Moggio Mojo Modya My little heart Mozgarik Moses Mozley Moinak Moir Moyto Moishe Mocha Moxie Moldovan Molder Molcat Mall Moltane Molty Silent Bob Silent Momot Monarch Monk Mongol Mond Montmorency Monomakh Monopo Monster Mont Monte Carlo Monte Cristo Montegro Terry Montay Montague Montenegro Monterrey Montesquieu Monty Monton Mooi Mopri Pug Moptop Morgan Snout Mordash Mordwin Mordi Mordred Morello Morel Moreno Maurice Moritz Morley Morley Morling Morlock Moroz Morriarty Marty Morrigan Morris Morrison Morro Mors Morselion Morsel Morten Morty Mortimer Mortin Mortomer Morumotto Morph Morpheus Morpheo Morpheus Sailor Moskal Moskich Moteo Motild Moto-Moto Motodor Motya Moffet Mojito Mozart Gloom Obscurantist Gloomy Darkness Gloomy Devil Marble Mooji Moody Sage Man Muzgar Mu Lan Mulatto Cartoon Cartoon Mulyan Mummi-Troll Moon Mung Mundes Munk Mur Murad Muran Murat Murash Murgash Murza Musashi Muskad Muscat Muslim Monsoon Mustang Mustafa Mutak Mutan Mutant Muterg Mutron Mufaso (trans. from afr. eagle) Muftar Mukhlik Mukhtar Muccio Musketeer Musketeer Mkhnar Myrza - (translated from Kazakh - ospodin) Myoren Maggat Magic Madik Madison May Mabis Mason Mate Mack Mal Melvin Melman Mels Manny Manrose Manson Manshik Mayor of Marbelton Murdoch Maroll Marrano Murrory Mars Murphy Massey Method Maitre Matt Matty Matthew Math Mash Mulready Murad Murian Murray Muesli Myaka Butcher Ball


Maluki Mabel Maverty Mavrika Maga Magaya Maggi Magda Magdalena Magdalena Magi Magico Magic Magna Magnesia Magnolia Magnolia Tender Elegy Magomedka Magpi Magri Madame Madame Fleur De Orange Madeira Madea Madea Majesty Madina Madeleine Madeleine Madona-Emily Majena Majistina Mazda Mazola Maya Miami Maida Mayira Mike Mailana Maili Mailita Maina Mayoko Mallorca Myra Maita Mighty Maichi Maya Miami Maca Macarena Macaroshka McKenna McKee McLean Poppy Dewdrop Makosha Max Maxat Maxi Maxima Maximalina Maximilyana Macfa Malara Malaya Malena Little Little Princess Malibu Malika Malu Malyha Baby Baby Mary Malishunya Malva Malvina Malza Malka Malta Malha Baby Mamayka Ma MBA Mamzel Mammy Manana Mandarinka Manelka Manesta Mani Manik Manifik Manichka Mania Manora Manuchella Manuella Manheta Manka Manya Mara Marawi de la Fly Marana Marga Margaret Margarita Daisy summer Margot Margosha Margery Marebelda Marelika Marena Maretta Marie Mariana Mariyka Marika Marineska Mariolo Marion Mariona Marisa Marissa Marissa Marishka Marishka Maria Magdalena Maria- Antoinette Marquise Marla Marlene Marley Marlin Marlota Marmalade Marni Marno Maro Maronna Marpyata Marcela Marcelina Marcel Marcy Marcianna Marsilina Marsilyese Marta Martella Martika Martina Martini Martinka Martisha Martyusha Marula Marusya Marfa Marfusha Marfushka Marcela Marchi Marchel Marysya Maryana Marella Masagi Mask of Mascagni Massandra Masya Masyanya Mata Hari Matanga Mat and Matilda Matisa Matryoshka Matrona Matti Mauva Mauzi Maura Mafi Mafia Mafka Mahika Mahita Mahoney Masha Mayu Mayuta May Miami Meb Mavery Mega Mega Maria Megan Maggie Mega Megnes Medvedika Medea Medea Medge Medina Medusa Mei Mabilin Mabel Maege Noir Maisie Meika Meili Meira Macey Mason Meisha Mekena Mexico Mel Melagris Melagros Melady Melange Melanie Melania Melbury Melvas Melena Melessa Meli Melis Melisent Melissa Mella Melli Mellita Melody Melodica Melody Melody Blue Pearl Trifle Melsy Melfi De Lacroix Meldica Melpomene Melrose Melya Memilda Menni Menta Menfi Me Meple Meranda Meri Meri-An Meri-Jane Meribel Meridith Marilyn Merlin Merlin MONROV Merlinda Merlind Mercedes Mercy Messi Metals Metalik Metel Mati Mati Mati Dream MIBELLY MIGI MIDI MIDI MIDLE MIRA MIZANFA MIKALL MIKAELL MIKELLA MIKEL MIKKI MIREL MIRELAM MILAD MILANI MILANA MILANE MILARI MILARI MILARI MILARI MILARY MILARY MILARY MILARY MILARI Mila sweet face Mildred Milady Milady fox Milen Milena Miles Milianna Milinda Milinderina Milisa Milita Milk Milka Milki Milla Milli Milligras Millicent Milora Milochka Milpi Milva Milda Milmi Milta Miljana Milusga Mila Mimi Mimo Mimosa Mimsy Mina Minana Minara Ming Shu Mindy Minerva Mini Mini Bikini Minnie Minoel Minty Mine Mio Mioshi Mipifami Mipsy Mira Mirabella Mirabelle Mirada Miraika Mirama Mirana Miranda Miranza Mirian Mirilin Mirina Mirinda Mirissa Mirmilona Miroca Miroslava Miroslavna Mirri Mirrina Mircy Mirta Mirchi Misa Mission Mission Mystaxi Mystery Misty Mystic Mystic Mistral Mitana Mitar Mitzi Mitsi Miuchiya Mitsuki Mitsuko Michi Michelle Mia Mlada Mladasa Moana Fashion Moddi Modesta Moji Mod Lee Fashionista My Heart Mozhi Moida Moirika Moya Moka Mocha Mokona Moxie Moli Molibu ollie Molly-Little Molliona Lightning Mona Mona Lisa Mondella Mondi Monet Coin Moni Monique Monica Montmarency Monna Monokia Monroe Monta Montana Monty Monya Mopsy Morava Morgana Morgo Moreca Morella Morena Morenci Morinda Morra Morrigan Morselina Starfish Moskovia Mossi Motivation Motilda Motley Motka Motya Mokhana Hairless Loofah Moshika Moshka Mriya Mu-Mu Muggi Muza Muzilda Muzona Mulietta Multa Cartoon Mulyana Mulya Mumba Mumusha and Munti Murakami Murena Murza Murzilka Murzitta Murmuletka Muska Musya Mufasa Mufasa Muffy Mukha Mukhtarka Mucha Mushinda Mushka Mushu Myrada Mouse Myama Megan Maggie Maggie Magreta Maddie Magie Magic Magica Madgley Madie Madchen May-Bay Maybelene Magie Maisie Mailie Mailis Mape Maisie Mela Melanee Maley Malla Maloney Melsie Mam Mandy Many Mappy Mary Marilyn Maris Marilyn Merry Mercy Massey Masley

Cats who love to sit on your hands

Most people choose a pet that loves and knows how to keep company. Cats that treat a person as a creature close to them evoke tenderness and almost parental feelings. It is not surprising that affectionate, people-oriented breeds with a lack of aggression and isolation are more popular.

The most tender and attached to people are:

  • Persians and exotics. These lazy furry animals quickly get used to stroking and grooming and love to be close. These breeds are not prone to active outdoor games; they will prefer to sit on their hands or knees.
  • Ultra-smooth-haired or hairless cats. Breeds with thin, sparse hair or no fur at all have increased temperature requirements. They love warmth and will prefer a living human body to any artificial heating source. They feel safe next to their owner.
  • Siamese and Thai. These breeds have been bred for centuries in palaces and Buddhist monasteries. They have been carried in arms, placed on laps and stroked for thousands of years. It is not surprising that their descendants retained their attachment to tactile contact with humans.
  • Maine Coons, despite their impressive and menacing appearance, are very affectionate and tame cats. They love to spend time with their owners and even communicate quite loudly and often by meowing and purring.
  • The Scots are attentive to changes in the mood and health of their owners. They are the first comforters and caregivers, companions and interlocutors.

Also read the article about the most affectionate cats in the world.

Mr. Cat advises: the cutest breed

The championship in terms of touching comments on social networks and the delight of people, young and old, undoubtedly belongs to munchkins. A random mutation that gave a cat incredibly short legs spread to her offspring.

The breed got its name from the tiny people who inhabited the magical land of OZ.

In addition to its funny appearance, this breed is distinguished by its friendliness, touching affection for its owners, affection and a lively, inquisitive mind.

Nicknames in English starting with M

You can also look at dog names in English starting with M. For male puppies:

  • Malcolm - Malcolm.
  • Malone - Malone.
  • Magnus - Magnus.
  • Manny - Manny.
  • Marcel - Marseille.
  • Marco - Marco.
  • Mario - Mario.
  • Marshall - Marshall.
  • Martin - Martin.
  • Masko - Masko.
  • Maury to Meyer.
  • Mervin - Mervin.
  • Messy - Messi.
  • Mezzo - Mezzo.
  • Mikey - Mickey.
  • Miles - Miles.
  • Milo - Milo.
  • Milton - Milton.
  • Mister - Mister.
  • Moby - Moby.
  • Monty - Monty.
  • Mookie - Moki.
  • Morton - Morton.
  • Murray - Murray.

Boy Mario:

English nicknames for female puppies:

  • Machi - Machi.
  • Macho - Macho.
  • Malta - Malta.
  • Mango - Mango.
  • Maple - Maple.
  • Marcus - Marcus.
  • Martini - Martini.
  • Meadow - Meadow.
  • Meatball - Meatball.
  • Meenu - Minyu.
  • Meika - Meika.
  • Merry - Merry.
  • Mickey - Mickey.
  • Mika - Mika.
  • Mingo - Mingo.
  • Mochi - Mocha.
  • Monkey - Monkey.
  • Monroe - Monroe.
  • Muffin - Muffin.
  • Muffy - Muffy.

Girl Malta:

To conclude the selection - unisex nicknames:

  • Macro - Macro.
  • Maddox - Maddox.
  • Magic - Magic.
  • Major - Major.
  • Memphis - Memphis.
  • Mercedes - Mercedes.
  • Midas - Midas.
  • Midnight - Midnight.
  • Mighty - Mighty.
  • Mojo - Mojo,
  • Money - Maney.
  • Moroccan - Moroccan.
  • Moxie - Moxie.
  • Mauser - Mauser.
  • Mowgli - Mowgli.
  • Mozart - Mozart.
  • Mystery - Mystery.

Doggie Mauser:

Best friend for a child

For a home with small children, it is worth choosing a cat with the most docile and gentle disposition, but with a strong constitution and the ability to support active games. Pets will help your baby learn responsibility and care.

For families with children, Scottish and British, Persians and exotics, Angoras with medium-length fur, Burmese and Orientals are best suited.

For allergy sufferers, the best pet would be the Canadian Sphynx.

For younger schoolchildren and teenagers, an ideal companion and friend would be a representative of the Maine Coon breed.

Read more in the article about the best cat breeds for children.

Hypoallergenic breeds

First, you need to understand that if a person is diagnosed with an allergy to wool, then no cat is suitable for him. Even completely hairless breeds have small hairs, particles of which can provoke a strong reaction.

However, there are animals that are less capable of triggering an immune reaction to fur. These include:

  • All hairless breeds and numerous subspecies with the prefix rex. These cats have less fur. Axial hair does not often fall out and break, so it is less likely to enter the human respiratory tract.
  • Siberian cats, despite their thick fur, are least likely to provoke a reaction to it. Most allergy sufferers do not notice the usual symptoms (tearing, itching, runny nose) when coming into contact with Siberians.

Also read the great article about hypoallergenic breeds.

Fact about cats

Over millions of years, the cat family has adapted to various conditions in the wild, making them excellent hunters! But, despite thousands of years of friendship with people, they managed to retain the hunter's instinct!

Go to the sections to the left of the article, where you will learn in more detail about domestic cats and everything connected with them!!

Cat family

These are predatory animals that live on all continents of the planet except Antarctica. The smallest are domestic cats, the largest are lions and tigers. All cats, small and large, have acute hearing, sense of smell, excellent vision, incredible agility and quick reactions. Lions and tigers have enormous physical strength. A lion, for example, can break the backbone of a zebra or buffalo with a blow of its paw. A tiger can kill an animal 8 times its weight and get into a fight with a bear. There are cases where a lion or tiger dragged the carcass of a dead animal, weighing about a ton, along the ground for several miles!

Cats are odorless and prone to shedding

There is a joke that in a house where a cat lives, wool is a seasoning. In fact, a constantly shedding pet causes a lot of trouble for its owners.

To avoid constant cleaning and daily combing, it is worth getting a cat of a breed that is not particularly shaggy.

Hairless cats, Lycois and all kinds of rexes are an ideal option for owners who do not want to bother with fluff. In addition, these animals produce almost no sebum and secretions, which cause a specific “cat” smell.

Among the breeds with short fur, there are those that shed infrequently. These are Bengals, Siamese, Orientals and Abyssinians. Short-haired species, whose ancestors lived and were bred in Asia, shed little hair and have practically no smell.

Also read about cat breeds that don't shed.

Cat breeds with photos and names

Most of the known cat breeds arose as a result of the work of breeders, while some appeared completely by accident as a result of arbitrary crossing of domestic and wild animals, others trace their ancestry directly from distant predatory ancestors who inhabited a certain area.
For example, everyone’s favorite Siberian breed became known to humanity long before documentary recognition. Also, the short-haired Briton at one time caught mice in English cities until scientists paid attention to him. But still, it was as a result of the work of breeders that most of the currently known breeds appeared. Long-haired Persian cats or hairless sphinxes are the result of long and painstaking work by scientists. The work on breeding new breeds does not stop to this day, because thanks to their exotic appearance and behavioral characteristics, they are artificially successful to this day; all known cat breeds with photographs and names can be seen on the website.

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