How to accustom a kitten to your hands: reasons for fear and methods of training
Coat color A mongrel cat has many coat colors. There is no such variety of colors among all
Jaguarundi is an unusual representative of the cat family from the puma genus: Details + Video
Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia (animals) Phylum: Chordata (chordates) Class: Mammalia (mammals) Order: Carnivora (carnivores)
How to start breeding cats and become a successful breeder, where to start a kitten breeding business?
How to start breeding cats and become a successful breeder, where to start a kitten breeding business?
How to combine your love for cats with making a profit? You can start breeding them. To breed
Reed cats
Jungle cat - the history of the origin of the breed, what it looks like in the photo, where it lives and what it eats
Description and origin of the species The first scientist who caught and described the jungle cat was a German
2000+ coolest nicknames for Kurilian Bobtail cats for boys and girls
Every day, many families get small pets from the cat family of a wide variety of breeds. AND
Mating British cats - rules for successful mating
In order for the mating of a British cat with a British cat to be successful, it is important to follow certain rules. IN
Scottish fold
10929Administration A Scottish Fold kitten at 3 months old is quite independent and adapts well to new things.
Long-haired cats. How to care for the fur so that your pet remains beautiful
Save article: Before purchasing a long-haired cat, remember that similar breeds, such as Persian and Angora,
indoor toilet in the shape of a house
Tray for Maine Coon - choosing a closed toilet-house and filler
9856Administration Maine Coons are cats of impressive size and this fact leaves a certain imprint on the conditions
Mystical England is the homeland of the Devon Rex.
Devon Rex cats: information and characteristics
Arrival at a new home It is best to plan the arrival of your little Devon Rex closer to the weekend,
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