Helminthiasis is a common disease that is often diagnosed in animals, including cats that are susceptible to infection with parasites. Contrary to the popular belief that helminthiasis occurs only in street cats or pets that often walk outside, the disease also occurs in pets that have never left the house. The larvae can enter the cat's body along with poor-quality food, as a result of insufficient heat treatment; they can be brought indoors along with dirt on shoes or hands. Despite the apparent non-seriousness of the disease, helminthiasis can cause serious damage to internal organs and even cause death. In order not to bring your animal to a critical condition, it is better to find out in advance what is best to give your cat for worms, whether there are tablets to prevent worms in cats, and how to recognize that your pet is sick.

Causes of helminthiasis infection

Among the reasons why you may need anthelmintic for cats are:

  • the presence of parasites on the skin and fur (lice eaters, fleas and others);
  • the animal eats food contaminated with helminths - a good anthelmintic for cats may be needed after stale meat, low-quality fish, etc.;
  • Infection may be caused by dirty, stagnant water;
  • the problem may appear after contact with sick animals that have not undergone treatment;
  • kittens can become infected with helminths even before birth, in the womb of an infected mother.

The sooner the cause of infection is identified and eliminated, and antihelminthics for cats are prescribed, the faster the pet’s condition will improve.

Signs of helminthiasis

In the initial stage, helminth infection may be asymptomatic. Symptoms increase as the number of parasites increases; clinical manifestations depend on the type of worm, and the speed of their development depends on the age and weight of the animal.

Main symptoms:

  • diarrhea or difficulty defecating;
  • vomiting and other gastrointestinal disorders;
  • blood and mucus may be present in the stool;
  • the animal experiences itching in the anal area, which is quickly eliminated with deworming medications for cats;
  • upon closer examination, worms or white larvae can be seen on the mucous membrane under the tail;
  • if a remedy for worms for a cat is not prescribed in the near future, the pet’s belly swells and takes on a rounded shape;
  • body weight is rapidly decreasing;
  • loss of appetite;
  • the animal sheds profusely, the quality of the coat deteriorates;
  • there are breathing problems, a cough may be present;
  • the pet gets tired quickly and prefers not to get up again;
  • the mucous membrane becomes pale.

If a pregnant cat is infected with helminths, the risk of premature delivery increases. In addition, after giving birth, you will need a dewormer for kittens to prevent the condition of the newly born babies from worsening.


A broad-spectrum anthelmintic that is effective against both round and tapeworms.


The active ingredient in Febtal tablets is fenbendazole. It causes irreversible metabolic disorders in parasites, which leads to their death. The drug is used in the treatment and prevention of helminths that parasitize the intestinal tract, lungs and other systems and organs of animals. The Febtal Combo suspension contains albendazole and praziquantel. These substances affect the integrity of microtubules in the intestinal cells of helminths and disrupt energy processes, which leads to the death of parasites.

Release form. "

Febtal" is available in tablet form. One tablet is designed for 1.5 kg of body weight of an adult animal, for kittens (over three weeks of age) - 1 tablet per 3 kg of animal weight.

How to use.

The tablets are used once for adult animals, and for kittens - three days in a row in the morning.


As with other diseases, doctors recommend paying due attention to prevention. To prevent an animal from becoming infected with helminthiasis, it is necessary to give anthelmintics to cats for prophylactic purposes:

  • Animals walking outside should be given cat deworming tablets once a month;
  • For cats who eat natural food, it is recommended to take deworming drops for cats once every 30 days;
  • pets without free access to the street must be treated at least once a month;
  • Anti-worm medications for kittens can be given from 3 weeks of age.

If you are planning to breed an animal, it is recommended to carry out treatment to prevent infection of the pregnant cat and the birth of infected offspring. Elderly cats should be treated with special care; a wide range of anti-worm medications for cats are given under the supervision of a doctor, after studying blood and urine tests. As for vaccinations, medications for deworming in cats should be prescribed 10 days before the scheduled date of the veterinarian visit.

Side effects

There are pros and cons to any drug. The pros are the effectiveness of the treatment, and the cons are the consequences of taking the medicine. If the drug is selected correctly, there should be no side effects, but there are also undesirable consequences, namely:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • foam from the mouth - from the bitterness of the medicine;
  • bad breath;
  • allergic itching;
  • The animal behaves unusually and refuses to eat because it feels nauseous.

You can avoid such consequences by taking a responsible approach to treatment and choosing medications. A timely visit to the veterinarian will get your pet back on its feet in a few days and without unpleasant consequences.

Anthelmintics for cats - which ones are better?

To get a competent answer to the question of what tablets to give your cat against worms, you need to seek help from a veterinarian. To select a drug and calculate the dose, you need to take into account the pet’s age, weight and health condition. Doctors recommend purchasing a wide range of anthelmintic drugs for cats and simultaneously treating them against external ectoparasites. It is strictly forbidden to give an animal several medications at once, this can lead to an overdose. Anthelmintic for cats is available in different forms, these can be tablets, syrups, suspensions or drops.

"Alben S"

This is a complex-action drug that is designed for the treatment and prevention of helminthiases caused by round and tapeworms.


The active ingredients are albendazole and praziquantel, which provide the complex effect of Albena S. The drug is used for the treatment and prevention of a wide range of diseases caused by helminths. Albendazole and praziquantel affect most stages of the development of roundworms and tapeworms that parasitize cats.

Release form.

The drug is available in the form of flat tablets, each of which is designed for 5 kg of animal body weight. For ease of use, one dose can be divided into two. For this purpose, there is a line mark on each tablet.

Features of use. "

Alben S" is not recommended for deworming in pregnant and lactating cats, as well as in kittens under 3 months of age.

Tablets for cats from worms

The tablet form is convenient for storage and transportation, but not all animals are happy to take the entire medicine. To simplify the process, you can use an introducer, mix the tablet with food, or grind the drug into powder.

Effective tablets for cats against worms:

  • Drontal;
  • Cestal Cat;
  • Milbemax;
  • Azinox;
  • Gelmimax-4;
  • Milprazone;
  • Dirofen;
  • Dironet;
  • Febtal;
  • Celandine Antihelmintic;
  • Dehinel;
  • Alben S;
  • Helmintal T;
  • Milbemax..

"Febtal combo"

It is also a broad-spectrum anthelmintic.


The active ingredient of "Febtal-combo" is albendazole, which causes paralysis and death of parasites.

Release form.

Polymer bottle 7 or 10 ml with a dosing syringe.

How to use.

Apply once, individually, in the morning feeding with a small amount of food or administered directly into the mouth at the rate of 1 ml of suspension per 1 kg of animal weight.

Before deworming your pet, you do not need to keep it on a diet or use laxatives. And the instructions for some drugs clearly describe how to prepare a suspension from the tablet (in case the cat refuses to take the drug in its “original” form).

Broad-spectrum anthelmintic drugs for cats in the form of a paste

The paste has an ointment-like shape and a pleasant aroma; it is convenient to give it to animals, observing the correct dosage. You can give your cat DIROFEN paste from APICENNA for worms.

You can purchase anthelmintic drugs for cats from us. Look at the product descriptions, indications, contraindications and choose the one that suits your pet:


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PRAZITEL SPECIAL SUSPENSION anthelmintic for cats and kittens (10 ml)

10 ml

256 ₽

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HELMINTAL T anthelmintic for kittens and adult cats weighing up to 4 kg pack. 2 tablets (1 pack)

1 pack

279 ₽

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MILBEMAX – anthelmintic for kittens and small breed cats. 2 Elanko tablets (1 piece)

1 PC

374 ₽

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DEKHINEL anthelmintic for adult cats pack. 2 tablets KRKA (1 pack)

1 pack

302 ₽

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GELMIMAX-4 anthelmintic for kittens and adult cats pack. 2 APICENNA tablets (1 piece)

1 PC

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Veterinarian recommendations regarding the use of anthelmintics

Any drug should be administered strictly following the dosage, which depends on the cat’s body weight. Below are recommendations from veterinarians regarding the use of anthelmintics.

  • Before giving your cat an anthelmintic, you must use flea and tick drops.
  • Only healthy cats can be given anthelmintic prophylaxis.
  • It is advisable to carry out the treatment on weekends so that you can observe the condition of your four-legged friend.
  • 5 hours after the cat has received a dose of the anthelmintic, he needs to be given a small amount of activated carbon.
  • In cases of constipation, it is worth lubricating the anus area with Vaseline oil.
  • Repeated use of the anthelmintic is possible 15 days after the previous use.

Anthelmintic drops for cats

Preparations in the form of drops are used for external treatment of the animal and are used to combat external and internal parasites. Among other advantages, it should be noted that you do not have to forcibly restrain the animal to apply the drug. Effective drops for cats against worms and parasites:

  • Helmintal K Spot-On;
  • Profender.

Determine which deworming medicine for cats is suitable for your animal and will be convenient for use.

Quarterly deworming

Preventive expulsion of worms should take place 1-2 times a year for completely domestic cats. And for cats that go outside - quarterly, that is, 4 times a year, after each season.

It is hot in summer, and a comfortable habitat has been created for parasites in soil and water. In autumn, animals' immunity weakens, and the body is susceptible to rapid infection. In winter, owners can carry larvae into the house on their shoes and infect their pet. Spring is the time for the awakening of all living things, including parasites. Therefore, quarterly deworming is most effective, and veterinarians advise cat owners to carry out prevention in a convenient way that everyone chooses for themselves.

The article is of a recommendatory nature. Consult your veterinarian!

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Is it possible to prevent helminthiasis infection?

To minimize the risk of infection for your pet, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • avoid contact with infected animals;
  • carry out preventive treatment against ticks and fleas in a timely manner;
  • do not feed raw fish and meat, give preference to balanced ready-made food;
  • Give deworming medication to cats regularly as a preventive measure.

Veterinarians strongly do not recommend giving animals untested drugs or using folk remedies with unproven effectiveness.

Application technique

Kaplina withers for worms are produced in special plastic pipettes for ease of use. Before applying the substance, be sure to read the instructions, which describe in detail exactly how to do this.

It is very important to choose the right place where to drip the medicinal solution so that the cat cannot lick it off. In all annotations for such remedies for worms, they indicate “at the withers” - the place between the shoulder blades. But cats are flexible and dexterous. Reaching the withers is not particularly difficult for some individuals.

Therefore, it is recommended for cats to apply drops above the withers, namely on the scruff of the neck. This area is located in the middle between the animal's ears, about a centimeter down. The inaccessible safe zone is located almost on the cat's head.

Your pet's skin must be clean, healthy and dry. Gently parting the animal’s thick fur with your fingers or a comb, you need to squeeze a drop of solution from the pipette onto the skin. If the cat is large in size, then the medicinal liquid for worms should be applied to another point nearby. The thick, oily product should get directly onto the skin and not remain on the surface of the coat.

The site where the antiparasitic drug is applied will initially look untidy. But you can’t bathe your cat for several days. This point is separately specified in the instructions for each product.

Deworming drops are usually absorbed through the skin within a few hours. Therefore, you should not touch the animal for some time.

When there are several cats living in a house, everyone should be treated for worms. But at the same time they need to be placed in separate rooms. Otherwise, the animals will definitely lick each other, which will lead to their poisoning.

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